The Marvelous Dragon Balls

Chapter 374: The earth is ours

A digression that must be said-almost all creatures have the instinct to benefit and avoid harm, and heroes are great because they have the courage to resist such instincts, knowing that there are tigers, and they tend to be tigers Mountain trip.

The same reasoning actually applies to journalists. A reporter who is not afraid of death is not necessarily great, but a great reporter must be a fearless one ...

For example, at the terrible moment when the stars invaded the earth, the guys who dared to come forward and take close shots ...

There is an old saying, "How bold a man is, how productive the land is." Regardless of the ideal or the unconscious, for the time being, in this special case alone, it can be called crazy courage, and indeed it has obtained an extremely rich harvest.

A superhero suddenly descends from the sky, and it is a great thing to find a door to be interviewed, which is not something that will happen every day.

That's right, in this severe situation, the superhero who is still not working here is because of Saint ...

"Which TV station are you on? Is this live?"

The golden boy in front of me said that the young reporter who gave his life to the future almost threw the camera, and the chicken nodded like a peck of rice: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, live broadcast Live broadcast. "

You are faked by Peter Parker ... By the way, what about Peter?

Because Sainte was associated with his own spider by another space-time reporter version of Spider-Man, and the scene he missed was that the Iron Man was not as far away as the apostate beauty team. "Until the battlefield," this reason, put the poor Peter Parker on the cold bench ...

As for the story of "Little Spider is not a good obedient child", that is the last thing, let alone mention it.

Back to the topic, because of the golden figure of Sainte, he quickly appeared on the large screen of Times Square through the camera lens carried by the young reporter. He cleared his throat and broadcasted the radio in New York and even the world. "Good citizens in New York, I need your help."

"From behind me, you can see that an alien army called 'Kirita' is invading the planet under our feet."

"In the eyes of these aliens, the earth is just a backward, low-level civilization, and they can do whatever they want and what they want."

"Is it really?"

In Sante who throws this rhetorical question into the camera lens, apparently just laying the groundwork, then clenched his fists and waved his arms: "Let's tell them together !!!"

Because of the words of Saint, every corner of New York, with the words "no" coming out of people or screaming or shouting, these individual seemingly insignificant echoes, converging in the air and converging together Afterwards, it finally condensed into a loud shout-"!!!"

Yin Shengte, who had heard the crowd's shouts, was “burned” by himself, very rare, showing a warm side in front of the camera: "I am asking here, when you see, When I raised my hands high, I ask you to raise your hands as well and meditate in your heart-I lend you my strength. "

"I'm here also promising to gather all of us together, and we will let these **** aliens know that they can't be wanton on earth, they don't want to do whatever they want on earth !!!"

"Because! The earth is ours !!!"

"Ur !!!!!!"

"Ur !!!!!!"

"Ur !!!!!!"

Compared with the previous "No" word, because of the "our" slogan thrown by Saint, it is undoubtedly more loved. Until he repeatedly puts his hands down in front of the camera, people have continued to do so. Continually, he spit out the repetitive frenzied growl in his mouth.

"right now!"

After receiving the support that was totally beyond expectation, Yin Shengte immediately raised his arms and put on a "strength bomb" hand-up gesture, and raised the air into the air while flying: "" As we promised! Give me strength! "


On the other side, time goes back a few minutes ago.

Following the "police always comes one step late" rule, because Santana ’s big move to turn the tide will end, SHIELD ’s main fighter group arrived late to the scene, coincidentally, the Cheritas A massive comeback.

Compared to the first wave of tentative attacks before, this time, the Cheritas not only sent more manned vehicles, more war beasts, but also the escort-class space warships surrounding the flagship. Quietly watching, two of them were slowly out of the formation, one after the other straight to the portal.

"It seems that Incentre really hurt them ..."

Phil Coulson, who has restored his sense of humor, is obviously in a different mood than he was before: "If I guessed right, he is now ready to go 'grumbling', we just need to give him enough Just the right time. "

"It's a 'bomb of energy'."

Melinda May expressionlessly corrected Coleson's pronunciation, while manipulating the Kun-style fighter jet descended, and headed straight for the top of the Stark Building.

On the fan-shaped platform next to the top of the building, the black widow who was still entangled with Shiv and realized the approach of the friendly fighter, immediately thought of the end of the angel, and hurriedly issued a warning on the communication channel: May, keep your distance, Clint is hiding ... be careful !!! "

It was a cold arrow that belonged to the eagle eye, and it came again as expected, soaring in the wind to draw a beautiful arc in the air, turning around to the back of the Kun-style fighter to hide in the dead corner of sight. The tricky angle hits the deadly key accurately.

With a fierce tremor, the left engine of the Kun fighter suddenly flared a blaze of fire, seeing that it had been completely reimbursed. Thanks to Melinda May, the ace driver, his right hand quickly cut off the right hand. The propulsive force of the side engine barely maintained the balance of the fighter plane and escaped the desperation of the car's total runaway.

"Colson! Hold on!"

When it ’s big or small, it ’s obviously impossible for a Kun-style fighter to be small and small like a angel, landing on a fan-shaped platform, and circling all the way to the Stark Building. Da May's only choice.

At this moment, a red and blue figure suddenly appeared in the cabin of the fighter plane that was empty. Climbing all the way up against the cabin wall in a way that completely violated human dynamics, Like a four-legged reptile, the whole person was hung upside down on the top of the cabin, and then the multifunctional sunroof was pushed open, putting in a strong whistling airflow.

"Peter ?!"

"Rry !!!"

Wen Sheng looked back at Coulson, who just stared at the name of the stowaway, and grabbed the little spider that sneaked up before the fighter took off. Do not return to throw a sentence "sorry".

Like Peter Parker, Coulson, who climbed up against the mansion bowl, had no time to take care of himself, but had to use a very helpless tone ~ ~ informed in the communication channel: " Captain, Peter is here, and he's heading for you now. "

"……Roger that."

This is the end, and Captain America obviously has no way to forcibly expel this "intruder". Moreover, he really needs a helper now. The first time the spider crawled up, he immediately gave it to him. He had a relatively safe mission: "id! Go over there and find Eagle Eye."

Although he is an orphan, there are actually many "spiders" who have n’t had time to shoot their **** to the US team. The busy Iron Man on the top of the building also took the time to hungry him: "id, we discussed this, keep you Distance, just catch 'Legolas'. "(The elven prince in the ring, the one-time nickname of Hawkeye.)

"E, Lord Captain ..."

"E, r Stark ..."

At this time when the spiders were weak and promised one after another, Iron Man "Wow!" Sighed and said in a very strange tone: "Hey, did you watch the news?" The novel took Dragon Ball to the diffuse Wei Latest Chapter Chapter 374 3 The Earth is our URL: https: //

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