The Master of Elves

Chapter 115 Guigui asks to add you as a friend. Do you agree?

"The secret learning machine flash in the Pokémon game... is quite useful in the real world of elves. Panda, we can also learn it and master a skill necessary for the journey."


Yang Kaibai was holding a shopping bag in one hand, which was filled with snacks from Kodak Duck. In the other hand, he was holding a flashlight borrowed from the scenic area service office, illuminating the road in the woods ahead.

Kodak Duck took advantage of the situation and raised a little paw.

On the small paw, the water attribute energy condensed into a crystal water ball. With the injection of super energy attribute energy, the water ball began to shine with a mysterious light.


Kodak Duck showed the light source condensed on its little paws to the trainer Yang Kaibai.

Is this a flash duck?

Yang Kaibai saw the crystal light ball condensed by the Kodak Duck and couldn't help but smile: "The Kodak Duck, although it emits light, it can actually illuminate... only a little bit. The real flash technique can illuminate The space all around lights up.”

how to say.

The crystal ball of light condensed on the duck's paw is somewhat like the cosmic spirit ball found by Star-Lord. If it is in the dark, the light of the crystal ball has a very mysterious visual effect.

But as for the actual lighting effect...

The flashlight is still useful.

The duck scratched the back of its head with its other little paw.

Light up the space around you…

That is a future matter.

Now, trainer Yang Kaibai already has a flashlight in his hand, which can illuminate the road ahead for him and Kodak Duck...

Ducky just needs to follow!

The duck's eyes curled up into a smile.


The little paw of the duck is holding the crystal ball of light, switching to the other little paw to look into the woods, and then switching back again, alternating left and right, so happy!

Yang Kaibai lowered his head and looked at Kodakya playing with the crystal ball of light, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

A fool can be as happy as a duck...

Sometimes it's just inexplicably simple.


"Kuda Duck, let's have fun along the way, but we must also pay attention to the movements in the woods. Night is not day, and we still have to be careful if wild elves appear." Yang Kaibai reminded.


Koda Duck patted his chest with his little paws that were not holding up the crystal ball of light.

Keep your head up and your chest high!

There are ducks and ducks here, don’t worry!

The superpower fluctuations in the crystal light ball are used to sense the situation in the nearby woods!

Yang Kaibai nodded.

The woods around the Jianfeng Thirteen Waterfalls Private Waterfall Training Site are not deep in the forest. Although the strength of wild elves is not very strong, the scariest thing about wild elves is that they usually live in groups in the wild.

One or two is fine, but if dozens or even hundreds of them suddenly appear, if a dense group of wild elves with green eyes appear in the woods at night... I ask you if you are afraid!

Yang Kaibai's main concern is not the swarms of wild elves, but the "methods" of that criminal elf during the night.

It's very smart.

It will take advantage of all factors that are beneficial to itself, such as the natural environment, such as the wild elves living in the Thirteen Peaks Falls...

This is its home ground.

Coupled with the lingering atmosphere of the night environment...

Yang Kaibai felt that it would definitely appear from the woods tonight!

"The best case scenario is that Duck can arrest him on the spot!"

"In a slightly worse situation, the true identity of the criminal elf is revealed, and it escapes."

"After the last time the wild elf gang committed a crime, if my acting skills are too poor and the thousand yuan in my pocket is easily stolen... it will make the criminal elf suspicious!"

"If the Duck was not arrested on the spot, under this premise, the better situation... is that the criminal elf almost succeeded, or the criminal elf had already succeeded, but accidentally fell while being chased by the Duck. A few banknotes..."

Yang Kaibai has already gone through the script in his mind.

No matter whether the money is stolen tonight or not, Yang Kaibai believes that with Kodak around, he can at least know the true face of the criminal elf!

bring it on!

I, Yang Kaibai... am ready!

Almost 40 minutes later.

Yang Kaibai stared blankly at the exit of the woods leading to the private waterfall training venue.

On the ground at the exit of the woods, the moonlight cast a clear silver glow.

The sound of the waterfall was still clear and loud at night. When the rapids and splashing water in the upper reaches flowed through the stream area in front of Yang Kaibai's field of vision, the speed slowed down a lot, but the water flow was still rapid.


Kodak scratched the back of his head in confusion.

Trainer Yang Kaibai...why don't you just keep walking?

We will emerge from the woods soon, and after a few more steps, we will reach the place where we camped before!

to places...

Duck and duck can eat delicious snacks!

The silence speaks.

The silent Yang Kaibai suddenly said: "Something's wrong!"

Kodak opened his eyes wide.

What, what's wrong?

There wasn't any strange movement around the woods.

Although there may be some sounds of walking grass, they like to go in groups to the lower reaches of the stream at night, where the water flow is gentle and suitable for them to drink water and replenish their moisture without worrying about being washed away by the rapid water flow.

Of course, there are also some scattered movements...

But it's not for trainers Yang Kaibai and Kodakya.

It's just a normal situation, nothing is wrong!

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but doubt: "Did I make a wrong judgment? But... it shouldn't be!"

The weather.

Night falls, night time.

Convenient location.

The inaccessible woods of the Thirteen Falls Scenic Area are a familiar forest spot for criminal elves.


The wild elves in the woods may be the "eyes" of criminal elves.

The right time, right place, right people, all on the side of the criminal elf.

Yang Kaibai even wanted to give a command: If we don’t take action now, when will we wait?

Never expected that!

Along the way, nothing happened.

Yang Kaibai had even arranged the script, just waiting for the criminal elf to steal the thousand yuan in his pocket.

But what?

Why doesn't this criminal elf follow his script?

Such a good opportunity...

Is it just wasted like this? !

"Kah! Kah! Kah!"

The light of the elf ball beside Yang Kaibai flickered.

Carp King jumped out happily.

Hearing the familiar and rushing sound of water, King Magikarp could no longer hold back his emotions that he wanted to "vent"!

Today’s elf battle…

It didn't even hit!

It’s over before I can even enjoy it!

Magikarp must vent his inner anger!

The self-disciplined Carp King began to exercise its self-discipline again.

The sudden movement caused by Carp King made Yang Kaibai, whose thoughts were a little confused, gradually come back to his senses.

Misstep, misstep!

"It's so tolerable. It doesn't even give a try to such a good opportunity! He is indeed a criminal elf with extraordinary wisdom!" Yang Kaibai took a deep breath. Not only did he not feel discouraged, but he was even more eager to try.

What a criminal elf who doesn't play by the rules!

Yang Kaibai really admired it this time!

This also strengthened Yang Kaibai's idea - he must catch this criminal elf who amazed him!

"Huh - Kodakya, you need to eat some snacks and rest while I put up the camping tent again."

Yang Kaibai put a whole shopping bag of snacks under the tree.

He was sweating all over today, so Yang Kaibai took off the short sleeves of his soaked top first.

Later, let Kodak duck light up the water gun and take a cold bath.

The mobile phone and Poke Ball in the pocket were placed next to Kodak Duck, letting Kodak Duck help look at them first.


The Kodak Duck smacked its mouth while squinting its eyes and sucking the sweet cream and puff crumbs on its little paws.

When eating Chef Meow Cream Puffs, Kodak’s favorite part is eating claws.

Very happy, very satisfied.

Eating snacks without eating claws is soulless!

Ding dong——


One of the duck's little paws is holding the packaging bag of Master Meow's cream puffs, and the other one is sucking the sweet cream in the duck's mouth. The duck's movements paused for a moment, and his eyes couldn't help but fall to the side. The screen suddenly lights up after receiving a message.

The duck blinked.

He leaned forward slightly doubtfully.

After ordering snacks on his mobile phone in the morning, Kodakya became a little more curious about technological products like mobile phones.

In the past, snacks were mostly bought with cash, or by scanning QR codes with mobile phones in shopping malls...

It's different this time.

Use your mobile phone to order snacks in the morning, and the snacks will be delivered by Big Mouth Ou Delivery in the afternoon...

Opened a window for YaYa!

Chat account messages - nearby people.

"Gui Gui requested to add you as a friend. Do you agree?"

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