The Master of Elves

Chapter 116 Ghost’s nightmare! !

"Guigui? Who is it? I don't know you!"

"Koda, do you see the red cross at the back? Just press it. I'm still building the tent. Just help me operate it!"

Kodak Duck first put down the package of Master Meow cream puffs he was holding in his little paws, washed his paws in the nearby stream, dried them and wiped them on his belly. He held the phone in his two little paws and went to find Yang Kaibai. .

Yang Kaibai, who was busy, glanced casually.

People nearby can add friends.

Why, this is the Jianfeng Thirteen Falls private waterfall special training venue. It is a scenic spot and a wilderness. It is true that there is a wireless network here, but to say that there are people here...

People nearby, where are people nearby?

It's late at night, and all the tourists in the scenic area have gone home. At this time, the security personnel of the scenic area are basically in the buildings near the gate of the scenic area.

Brother Li Wang?

Yang Kaibai shook his head. If it was Brother Li Wang, there would be notes.


Humph, at first glance, it’s just a lie!

Did Yang Kai download the "National Anti-Fraud Center APP" in vain in his memory?

"Koda Duck, you just have to deal with it, don't worry about it, just refuse it!"

"Keda? Keda, keda!"

Kodak duck blinked, and immediately listened to the trainer Yang Kaibai's words, and clicked his little paw on the red fork.

Rejected duck!

"Huh? Kodak, is there anything else?"

Yang Kaibai noticed that Koda Duck was holding a mobile phone on his little paws, his eyes were darting around, his tail was swaying, and he looked a little twitchy, as if...

Want to play on your phone?

Yang Kaibai immediately rejected the idea.

This is definitely not what Kodak Duck was thinking about.

After just a second, Yang Kaibai suddenly thought of the aggrieved expression on Ke Ke Ya's face when he was deleting things in Ke Ke Ya's shopping cart this morning...

"Want to visit the Elf Alliance Supermarket on your mobile phone?" Yang Kaibai couldn't help but smile.

"Ke da! Gua Gua... Gua!"

Kodak Duck didn't expect that his trainer Yang Kaibai would immediately guess what he was thinking. Kodak Duck, who looked a little nervous, suddenly shook his little paws in a panic.

No duck! No duck!

All right……

Such a duck...

Kodak Duck handed the phone in the direction of Yang Kaibai while eating his little claws.

If you have superpowers, you won't fall down.

Yang Kaibai looked at Kodakya's expression, "I obviously want to use my mobile phone to visit the Elf Alliance Supermarket, but I'm too embarrassed to ask for it." He couldn't help but put down the work he was busy doing with the camping tent.

"You can go shopping, you can also add it to the shopping cart, but if you want to buy it, you will definitely not buy it in the near future. After you finish eating the snacks you bought today, you can buy new snacks then. It is mainly because it is not convenient to carry so many snacks in the wild. …”

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodak nodded obediently.

Yaya understands!

"The phone does not have a password, Kodakya, have you seen the official logo of this red and white Poké Ball? This is the Poké League's mobile APP. After clicking in, find the mall... supermarket... and snacks inside."

Yang Kaibai gave a demonstration to Kodakya.

In the past, when buying snacks, I usually swiped my student card at the canteen or paid with cash in small shops outside. Only when I went to large shopping malls on weekends, I would scan the QR code with my mobile phone to pay.

Who carries so much cash with them when they go out now?

The basic unit for purchasing elf resources is now tens of thousands. The daily pocket money of tens or hundreds is simply not enough.

Oh, by the way, Yang Kaibai suddenly remembered that he still had a thousand yuan in his pocket...

do not mind the details!

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodak Duck saw more snacks than the supermarket in the morning, and his eyes were almost sucked in by the mobile phone!


If YaYa could open a supermarket, it would have to do so many tricks!

"Okay, Kodakya, you can take your time and explore by yourself! I'll continue to make the camping tent!"

Yang Kaibai looked at the duck holding the phone in its two little paws and running back to the tree, as if he saw himself when he got a mobile phone from his parents to play games when he was a child...

Kodakya is such a little kid who won’t grow up!

He shook his head and kept going!

You still have to prepare your camping tent as soon as possible, set it up early, take a shower and go to bed early.

Kodak Duck continued to sit back next to Master Meow's Cream Puff, and began to happily browse the Elf Alliance online shopping mall...

There are really a lot of snacks!

At the same time, at the entrance of a cave in the Jianfeng Thirteen Waterfalls Scenic Area.

A long-tailed monster was working hard behind with a flashlight, sending light in the direction of Boss Ghost.

Feeling a little tired, switch to another long-tailed monster hand.

Under the light of the flashlight, Horn Bud used its bud-like hands and feet to help Boss Guisi operate the phone screen.

"Silicon hiss?!"

Guisi was waiting for the other party's agreement with a smile.

This is a friend request sent from a domineering ghost...

Who dares not to agree? !

"Zi-Zi it!"

Trumpet Ya's two young hands couldn't help but tremble.

Yes...the other party refused!

Rejected the friend request through Guigui!

"Silicon hiss!"

Be bold!

Guisi's eyes were instantly separated from his body, and he looked so angry that he almost wanted to get into the phone screen and follow the Internet to start a fight!

The figure of a yellow-skinned duck suddenly flashed in Guisi's mind...

Mischief Plan, Third Edition, Article 1.

Not easy to mess with! Can't afford to mess with a duck!

That duck with super powers is the biggest obstacle to Guisi's prank plan!


The steady ghost didn't rush into the woods tonight to carry out his prank and steal money plan.

As long as the yellow-skinned duck is there, it is basically impossible for Ghost to succeed!

Because it...can't beat that yellow-skinned duck.

It wants to report that cunning human trainer for cheating!

Bring a yellow-skinned duck with super powers as a bodyguard...

So mean and spicy!

After the gang crime plan arranged by Guisi failed a few days ago, he also used the mobile phone in front of him to check on the Internet the question "Does Duck Duck have super powers?"...

I also asked in the website forum.

It’s okay to lie to people, but actually lie to ghosts!

Is there any humanity left?


It’s best not to trust any strangers on the Internet!

Guisi seemed to have forgotten what he was doing.

However, Guisi has something to say about this.

It is a ghost elf!

It's not human!

What it said... was all lies!

Ghost is very angry now!

The purple smoke surging around it like a flame could not help but "burn" even more vigorously.

The long-tailed monster behind Guisi didn't dare to move his hand, and his posture holding the flashlight was even more stable.

The trumpet bud is what I'm most afraid of now. It's obviously a trumpet bud, but it has a tendency to turn into a nonsense tree...

“Silicon hiss!!”

How dare he refuse me!

That person actually dared to reject his ghostly friend application!

Did you know that this is the first chat account friend application it has ever made to a human?

Do you know... how much harm this does to a poor little ghost!


If Guis hadn't been replaying that scene in his mind - a yellow-skinned duck, its two eyes emitted ghost-like light blue superpower light, and almost instantly controlled the trumpet bud and the monkey monster at the same time...

Guisi is ready to come to your door now!

It wants that abominable human trainer Yang Kaibai to know...

Who has the final say on these Thirteen Peaks Waterfalls!

"Silicon hiss!"

Guisi's two angry eyes returned to his original form, which meant that his anger was somewhat gone.

Its plan...

Everything needs to add the micro-premises of the human trainer Yang Kaibai's friend.

Why did it always pass when adding friends before?

Friend's nickname: Xiaoqueque.

Large-billed birds in the Huangjiang Natural Forest next door.

Friend's nickname: Xiaohuahua.

A giant flower in the woods deep in the Thirteen Peaks Waterfall.

Friend's nickname: Little Yaoyao.

The dream monster in the dark area of ​​a certain forest in the Thirteen Peaks Waterfall.

Friend's nickname: King of Fools.

A gorilla, a big fool, only knows how to eat and sleep every day.

If it weren't for the Thirteen Peaks Waterfalls, there are fruit trees everywhere in the mountains and plains, and it wouldn't be a surprise for people to starve to death.

Guisi seemed to have discovered something.

But planning still has to go ahead.

Since there are yellow-skinned ducks offline and it's hard for ghosts to attack, let's switch to online!

As long as you bypass that yellow-skinned duck and move online, it means that the biggest obstacle is no longer an obstacle!


It’s also necessary to keep pace with the times!

You have to use your brain, don't be like the fool king who is a brainless elf who likes to be reckless!

Guisi was secretly thinking...

If only it had the strength of the Fool King, otherwise, would it still be afraid of a yellow-skinned duck?


Guisi signaled Trumpet Ya to continue and add friends!

Guigui today...

I don’t believe it yet!

It was wondering if it should change the black selfie avatar, although it felt that this all-black avatar suited it quite well...

"Zizz it!"

Trumpet Ya nodded repeatedly and began to operate without complaint.


Kodak Duck was happily browsing the supermarket of the Elf Alliance Mall with his mobile phone. While opening the high-definition pictures of snacks with his little paws, he accidentally zoomed in on them.

Although there are many functions that Duck can’t understand, but...

It's easy to learn after just using it a few times.

It's easier than learning new moves!


Kodak: (﹃`)

Although Ducky can't eat it, just looking at the pictures above, there are so many snacks that he hasn't had the chance to taste... Ducky has already started drooling!

Across the screen, Kodak can imagine that fragrant taste!

This is the simple joy of duckling!


Just because you can’t eat it now doesn’t mean you won’t be able to eat it later.

This is an expectation for the future!

Suddenly, another chat account adding friend message appeared from the top of the screen.

Guigui requested to add you as a friend. Do you agree?

Kodak Duck was about to turn his little paws over the snack page... and accidentally clicked on "Agree"!

The change in the interface made Kodakya suddenly stunned.

Before I could react, another new message appeared.

Guigui has requested a video call with you. Do you agree?

Saw this message.

Kodak immediately became angry!

The little paw that was originally about to slide the screen immediately clenched it tightly.

An angry energy formed into a ball in the little claws, and at the same time, it was crushed by the Kodak Duck!

Damn duck!

Who is such a hateful duck!

How dare you disturb Yaya while he's shopping in the supermarket!

I have clearly rejected it before!

Now it's here again!

The Kodak Duck is like a pop-up window that pops up when a computer user accidentally clicks on a rogue software. If he accidentally clicks on it, a series of chain reactions will appear that people cannot react to...

So annoying!

Jumping in anger!

The duck's two eyes suddenly stood up at this moment!

Anger and superpowers came to him instantly.

In the depths of Kodakya's light blue eyes, there is an unknown flame burning faintly!

The duck's little paw immediately pressed on "agree"!

Thirteen waterfalls on peaks, at the entrance of a certain cave.

When Ghost saw the "plain water" passing through his ghost friend, he was excited to start implementing the "Prank - Late Night Nightmare Plan".

First add friends, and then use the video call function to make it... become spooky and terrifying under the night!

In this way, the atmosphere of the night is quite right!

Give human trainers nightmares...

This is also one of the favorite pranks of ghost elves!

It affects Yang Kaibai's sleep and consumes Yang Kaibai's usual attention. In this way, nightmares will lead to a series of consequences...

Plans to steal money for Ghost's subsequent pranks will be easier to implement!

This is just an appetizer prepared by Ghost!


When the ferocious-looking Guisi was ready to scare the human trainer Yang Kaibai, the next second the video was connected, Guisi was instantly confused.

Because in the video...

What appeared was not human trainer Yang Kaibai at all!


An angry Kodak with light blue eyes glowing! !

“Silicon hiss!!!”

Outside the entrance of the cave, Horn Ya looked at the ghost boss in front of the phone screen in bewilderment as he immediately ran away into the cave. The purple smoke separated from the black body wall, and his two eyes and mouths escaped separately, and, The two long-tailed monster hands holding flashlights seemed to turn into sculptures instantly...

One of them was even a little scared.


Since the speaker bud made a special position for Boss Guisi, from its perspective, it was impossible to see what was happening on the phone screen until...

It moved its position and glanced at the phone screen.

Just took a look at it...

Trumpet Bud froze in place.

A familiar feeling... spread all over my body instantly!

Yes...that's it!

Trumpet Bud's ultimate nightmare - the reachable duck who has super powers and can use telekinesis! !

Even through the phone screen, Horn Bud saw the light blue glowing eyes of Kodak, and it felt like its whole body was controlled instantly...

I want to run away, but my legs are weak.

It was as if it was petrified in place.

“Silicon hiss!!!”

Deep in the cave, Guisi was in shock.

Mischief Plan, Third Edition, Article 2.

Never believe that the subject of the video is a human being, just in case...

Is the other party a yellow-skinned duck? !

Asking for votes every day~

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