The Master of Elves

Chapter 319 He just left like this? !

Chapter 319 He...just left like this? !

"Kodak, it would be great if the round land shark could twist and wag its tail like you. Maybe it could twist and perform a dragon dance."

“Kah da kah da!”

Kodak duck stretched out his little paws to cover his cheeks shyly.

The trick of wagging the tail...

Specific effects will only occur in specific environments.

Rather than wagging its tail, it's more of a "taunt" from the duck.

The ultra-long-distance taunting effect makes the opponent helpless and furious.

If Xiaoshasha learns...

It seems to be quite suitable for use when facing electric elves. If faced with elves of other attributes, it can easily become like Gyarados and get beaten up.

"Gengar, are Roundland Shark and Yukila still behaving well now that they are in another dimension?"

Yang Kaibai asked in the direction of the shadow behind him.

The two smart purple rabbit ears sticking out from the shadow indicate that Gengar is in a good mood now. It seems that there is nothing serious in the different dimension.


Gengar made an "OK" gesture.

Little elves like Roundland Shark and Yukira are quite capable of sleeping.

Especially now that the temperature in the Thunder Cishan Secret Realm is relatively low, the Round Land Shark basically maintains a sleeping state except for normal activity times.

It doesn’t count when you are playing. If you really play, no matter how cold the weather is, it may not be able to stop the playful temperament of the round land shark.

Gengar lit up a weak flash, making the extra-dimensional space he was in a little brighter.

Yang Kaibai lowered his head and looked at the direction of Geng Gui's belly in the different dimension.

"Kah da kah da."

Yang Kaibai and Kodak were lying next to the crib looking at the sleepy cubs, and Yukila and Yukila were sleeping peacefully in Gengar's other-dimensional space.

Yukila hugged the dark red ore like a small pillow. The small head and the big head of the round land shark were close together, sleeping close to each other. The outside world seemed to have no impact on them.


The duck's beak opened wide and grinned.

This "timid" Yukila is cared for and accompanied by a round land shark, and it seems that he doesn't have to worry about being "eaten".

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Roundland Shark brought back Yukila, and Little Shark also took care of the young "green-headed gopher" responsibly along the way...

"Gengar, let's be more careful and keep going. Pay attention to safety!"


Gengar's ears moved left and right, and while he nodded, he disappeared into the shadows again.

The ghost hands flying on both sides also entered the "invisible" mode at this time, as if they were integrated with the surrounding forest environment, and quietly continued their investigation.

"Kudaya, let's keep going!"

“Kah da kah da!”

Bringing Yukila along means that Yang Kaibai has a little more responsibility on his shoulders.

In this wild primeval forest, this responsibility is also somewhat heavy.

Kodak looked at Yuanlu Shark and Yukila who were resting peacefully in Gengar's different dimension space, and felt the same as Yang Kaibai - he couldn't let other people disturb Yuanlu Shark and Yukila's rest.

YaYa raised his little paws and hugged his head.

Be even more careful on the road behind.

"Vialita, a reachable duck trainer was found in the northwest."

"Lawson, what do you mean, a duck trainer? A human being?"

"That should be the case. He is the only one. The owl we sent... only found him. By the way, there is also a duck."

"A person dares to walk in the Thunder Forest alone. His courage is not ordinary. Although it is not the season for elf hunters to be active, but alone..."

"Vialita, could he be the trainer sent by those elf hunters to fish?"

"Let's ask Uncle Frey. Uncle Frey said that when facing any strangers in public secret areas, you need to stay alert enough, no matter how many people there are... even if it's just an ordinary-looking person. As a trainer, he may also have unknown strength and trump cards.”

Two young trainers, a man and a woman from Australia, were outside a temporary wooden house. On the empty ground outside the wooden house, there were still traces of black charcoal left by the campfire.

Soon, in this relatively simple-looking wooden house, a burly man with a body similar to a ring bear walked out slowly with his head lowered. He was dressed a bit slovenly. Under his thick and messy hair, he had a pair of deep His eyes and thick beard extend to his ears, making him look like a "savage" who has lived in the forest for decades.

"Oh, two dear children, what did you talk about? I was in the room and I didn't seem to hear what you said clearly..." Miner Frey stretched out his little finger and yawned while picking his ears. , there was a bit of curiosity in his tired eyes.

"Uncle Frey, someone is here, someone!" Vialetta quickly talked about what Lawson had just discovered.

Lawson also quickly added: "Uncle Frey is a man, and he is a duck trainer!"

Miner Frey paused while picking his ear with his little finger, and his rough smoker's voice couldn't help but cough and laugh: "It's a good time to come here. Let me tell you what you think. I met a duck in such a forest. What kind of person would he be as a trainer?”

Vialita was the first to say: "Uncle Frey, you said that in the Thunder Forest... it is not suitable for acting alone, right? Kodak, Kodak, and elves like this can help trainers in the forest. Isn’t it a little too small?”

Lawson also analyzed: "Water elves can ensure that trainers have clean water sources in the forest, but the Kodak has not evolved into a Gotha Duck! Is the Kodak Duck really reliable?"

Miner Frey took out an enamel cup from the window of the wooden house, added a few pieces of dried tree fruits and coarse tea leaves into it, poured some hot water from the hot water kettle, and brewed tea leisurely.

"Lawson, when you observed the duck with a telescope, did you see the reaction of the duck? Did the duck walk slowly, or did it run around in a panic as if it was stimulated? ?" Miner Frey sat down on his homemade bench.

He has been digging in the secret realm of Thunder Ci Mountain for more than ten years and has met all kinds of trainers. There are some things that can only be seen through accumulated experience.

Vialita and Lawson are both outstanding young trainers in Australia. Their elders asked miner Frey to take care of these two young people who lack adventure experience in the wild environment during the recent period.

Here in the Thunder Forest...

Miner Frey has accumulated a lot of fame in the past ten years.

"No, Kodak is not in a panic. He holds his head when walking." Lawson said repeatedly.


At the same time, the sound of the nighthawk came from not far away in the woods.

This means that the trainer and the duck that Lawson discovered before are not far from the location of the cabin where they are.

Miner Frey breathed out the steaming cup in his hand and took a sip of hot tea: "If it is a young trainer, you two can talk to him. I am here, so don't worry too much and don't cause trouble. Not afraid of trouble either.”

"I know, thank you Uncle Frey!" Vialita couldn't help but look excited.

In this primitive forest that may have unknown dangers, Uncle Frey is in charge. She and Lawson are safe. Even if they encounter a larger team of elf hunters, those elf hunters hear the name "Miner Frey" and It will also give Vialita and Lawson some face.

That duck trainer...

What is his situation?

A person comes to the deep hinterland of the Thunder Forest, what is his background?

Isn't he afraid of being alone?

"The cry of the nighthawk can reach the duck. We may have come to someone else's surveillance area."

After Yang Kaibai heard the call of the nighthawk in the woods, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the trees near here, Yang Kaibai did not see any wild flying elves. Even wild elves such as spiny tail worms, green caterpillars, and even Rattata and gophers, which should be common, did not move here.

This shows that there is a high possibility that there are human trainers living nearby.

Coupled with the owl's "Someone is coming"...

Then there must be someone here.

The owl probably never imagined that he would meet a human trainer who could understand its language in a place like this...

Not only was it given in vain, but it was also completely exposed.

Fortunately, Yang Kaibai and Ke Keya were just passing by. They had to pass here to go to Thunder Lake.

“Kah da kah da!”

One of Kodak's little paws pointed at a small wooden house in front of him, and he waved it up and down quickly.

There is something going on in the direction Yaya is pointing at!

"Wooden house? I remember that in the information about the Thunder Magnetic Mountain Secret Realm that Old Wu gave seems to have mentioned some people who live in the Thunder Forest all year round, who can be regarded as neutral trainers in the public secret realm area, but who could they be? Woolen cloth?"

Although Yang Kaibai knew that some trainers shown in the information belonged to the "neutral camp", he also knew in his heart that in the public secret area, the so-called neutrality only meant that there was no appearance that could affect their interests.

Kira's existence is obviously likely to become a trigger.

Even if you avoid the wooden houses here, there will be more "wooden houses" in other directions.

With Gengar here, there is no need to worry about whether Round Shark and Yukila will be exposed.

Just move forward boldly!

Not long after walking, Yang Kaibai and Ke Ke Ya saw two trainers from foreign areas, a man and a woman, near the wooden house. Their eyes were always staring in the direction of Yang Kai Bai and Ke Ke Ya, and they seemed to be interested in Yang Kai Bai and Ke Ke Ya. The arrival was not a surprise.

"A trainer from the Chinese region?"


Vialetta and Lawson unanimously revealed Yang Kaibai's identity.

Black hair, dark eyes, yellow skin.

Very easy to identify.

Yang Kaibai noticed that the two trainers looked very young, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Two young foreign trainers, at least not elf hunters.

"Well, who are you two trainers from the Chinese region?" Yang Kaibai did not walk forward directly, but maintained a relatively safe distance between them, and greeted them with a sunny and kind smile.

"We are from Australia!" Vialita and Lawson looked at each other and said in unison with a tacit understanding.

A trainer from Australia?


Yang Kaibai thought of a person in the information given by Lao Wu.

"Trainers in Australia... may I ask, is this the cabin of miner Frey?"

"Oh? Hahahahaha... the little guy from China actually knows my name?"

Some rough laughter came from the back of the cabin.

Miner Frey thought that the communication between the young people had nothing to do with him, but he never expected that this young trainer from the Chinese region who came to the wooden house unexpectedly guessed that this wooden house was related to his miner Frey.

Miner Frey was very happy now.

Fame, this is fame!

Yang Kaibai was even stunned for a moment when he saw "Hagrid" Frey coming out from behind the wooden house.

"It seems that I traveled through the real world of elves, not the world of Harry Potter..."

He couldn't help complaining in his heart, so Yang Kaibai quickly shook his head.

Although miner Frey looks like a ring bear, he is obviously much smaller than "Hagrid" in the Harry Potter world. He has been mining in Thunder Magnetic Mountain for more than ten years and is also an old gold miner. .

Speaking of gold miners…

Miner Frey is indeed somewhat similar to the old man in the mini-game Gold Miner.

"I did some research before coming to Thunder Lake. Frey, a miner from Australia, is very famous in Thunder Forest."

Miner Frey laughed heartily: "Yes, yes, this season is indeed a good time to visit Thunder Lake."

At this time, Vialita looked curiously at Koda Duck, who was holding his head blankly, and then looked at Yang Kaibai and asked: "Trainer from the Huaxia region, what is your name? If you come to the Thunder Ci Mountain Secret Realm to see the Thunder Lake , Aren’t you afraid?”

Yang Kaibai didn't expect that this female trainer from Australia would ask him if he was afraid...

"Yang Kaibai. As for whether you are scared or not, I feel that with my elf companions around, I won't feel scared."

Yang Kaibai didn't think about using any strange vest this time.

The most amazing duck trainer, Yang Kaibai!

"Yang, Kai, Bai?" Lawson repeated Yang Kaibai's name word by word, and then introduced himself, "My name is Lawson, um - this is my owl, you should have heard it before over its cry."

"Hello!" The owl raised its right wing in greeting like a salute.

Yang Kaibai nodded: "Hearing its cry, I can probably guess that there is a trainer nearby. At first, I thought it would be an elf hunter from the Thunder Forest, but after seeing the wooden house, I relaxed a little. Come down a little bit."

"Hahaha..." Vialita couldn't help laughing, "My name is Vialita. Well, you are so worried about meeting an elf hunter... why do you want to go to Thunder Lake alone?"

Yang Kaibai simply explained: "I still have to take a look at the Thunder Lake in the Thunder Cishan Secret Realm to enrich my experience as a trainer. Of course, safety must be the first priority in public secret realm areas."

Lawson was speechless and said: "You dare to wander into the Thunder Forest with a Kodak Duck. Can this be called safety first?"

The miner Frey on the side smiled and stretched out his big hand to pat Lawson on the shoulder: "Boy, I told you, don't look at the trainer's elves by their appearance. Take a look at their shadows, and then pay attention. A duck-like situation.”

"Although we are in a forest and the electrical power in the environment is not very strong, we are very close to the Thunder Lake. A water-type elf can reach the duck. In such an environment, there is no elf ball. Do you still think this duck is ordinary to avoid the power of electricity?"

After hearing Uncle Frey's words, Vialita and Lawson realized that the problem was not simple - what they saw in their eyes were all appearances that could be seen with the naked eye.

But what about behind the scenes?

In the Forest of Thunder, are there any water elves?

A walking duck is already quite scary!

"Shadow... ghost elf! What kind of ghost elf is it? Ghost Stone, Gengar, Dream Demon or something..." Lawson stared at Yang Kaibai's back, but with his current eyesight and experience, he could not judge at all. I don't know what kind of spirit is hidden in Yang Kaibai's shadow.

"It's amazing!" After listening to Uncle Frey's explanation, Vialetta realized that she seemed to have too little understanding of the young trainer from the Chinese region in front of her.

A normal trainer...

If you don't have any strength and trump cards, will you come to the Thunder Forest alone?

"It's not too late now. If we walk for another twenty minutes or more slowly, we can walk out of the Thunder Forest and see the Thunder Lake." Miner Frey pointed in the direction of the Thunder Lake.

"Thanks, Miner Frey!"

"Uncle Frey, Vialetta and I will also go to Thunder Lake again and come back later!"

"Okay, be careful on the road, go ahead, go ahead!"

Miner Frey waved his hand.

Lawson finally met a trainer like Yang Kaibai who was walking alone in the Thunder Forest. He couldn't help but become more interested and wanted to go to the Thunder Lake with him.

Yang Kaibai could only sigh in his heart.

Lawson and Vialetta are also going to Thunder Lake.

This is not good news for Yang Kaibai.

After all, Yang Kaibai would rather meet the elf hunter himself.

At least as long as Yang Kaibai doesn't provoke the elf hunters at will, he will pretend that nothing happened, and the elf hunters in this season will not keep an eye on him.

Aren't these two people afraid that Yang Kaibai is a bad guy?

"Impossible, Yang Kaibai, you have conquered an elf like Kodakya, you must be a good person!"

"That's right!"

Yang Kaibai probably knows what kind of situation these two trainers are like.

They are probably young people who have not experienced the beatings of society.

Didn't Miner Frey teach them the natural laws of the primeval forest?

"Vialita, Lawson. I still have to make something clear to you. It will be very dangerous for you two to follow me. You two are not strong enough as trainers."

"If it were in a safe place, I would be happy to invite you to chat like friends and see the beautiful lake scenery, but this is obviously not a good place."

"It's a pleasure to meet you two Australian trainers in the Thunder Forest, but at this moment, I'm sorry, I still prefer to go alone, Gengar, Kodak, let's go!"

Yang Kaibai stopped.

Precisely because of the possible danger, Yang Kaibai could not let Vialetta and Lawson, two weak trainers, participate.

By the time Vialetta and Lawson reacted, the substitute Guigui who appeared from the shadow space had already taken Yang Kaibai and Kodak away from here.

"He... just left like this?!"

I'm asking for votes every day~I haven't been able to update very much recently, so it's not easy to write.

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