The Master of Elves

Chapter 320 Go home and be happy!

"Stand-in ghost, there is an electrical field in front of you. Avoid going around and pay attention to the ground. You can reach the duck. Pay attention to protect yourself. If the electrical power in the environment is unbearable, first hide in Gengar's other-dimensional space for a while! "


In this forest environment where the electrical power is gradually increasing, the duck tightly closed its beak, holding its head and melon seeds, trying to endure the discomfort caused by the surrounding environment, and at the same time released its super power to combine itself, trainer Yang Kaibai, and the stand-in. Gui Gui protects.

The closer you get to Thunder Lake, the electrical power of the surrounding environment becomes obviously stronger and stronger.

"Those two trainers from Australia should have come here to experience life in the primeval forests. They are probably people with backgrounds, otherwise miner Frey wouldn't have taken them."

Yang Kaibai had a change of thought.

Before coming to Leiming Lake, Wu Yuhan told him that if he wanted to experience mining, Yang Kaibai could go directly to the person in charge of the Hanhai Technology Group in the Leiming Cishan Secret Realm. If it was in a public secret realm area, he could also find some well-known miners. Yes, as long as the money is in place, mining, like Miner Frey, they are all professionals.

However, when it comes to key stone crushing, Yang Kaibai must be cautious.

When the world in front of him suddenly opened up and there were no trees blocking it, Yang Kaibai realized that they had arrived at their destination.

"Finally arrived at Thunder Lake..."

After the substitute Guigui safely sent Yang Kaibai and Kodakya to the ground, he turned into a plume of purple-black smoke and returned to Yang Kaibai's shadow.

At the same time, Gengar in the shadow slowly poked out half of his head, revealing his own eyes, which were about as tall as a duck.



Geng Gui's ears were slightly flattened into airplane ears. The thundering lake in front of him obviously made Gui Gui look shocked.

The water of Thunder Lake is as clear as a mirror, as if all the filth has been purified by electrical power, and you can see through it at a glance.

There seems to be a clear boundary between the bright lake water and the misty dark clouds in the sky. However, the thunder grid flashing like dragons and snakes shuttled through the dark clouds, and the falling lightning actually blasted into the water of the thundering lake one after another. .

What is incredible is that even though the scene in the Thunder Lake is like a thunder purgatory, all the lightning from the sky is absorbed into the Thunder Lake.

Every time a dazzling lightning falls, the mirror-like water in the thundering lake will flash with thunderous light at the bottom of the lake. The thundercloud world in the secret realm of Thunder Cishan seems to reappear in the water world at the bottom of the lake.

"Yes, yes."

Kodakya hugged his head tightly.

The thunder and lightning that kept falling from the sky made YaYa's whole body feel a little bit hairy.

The scene in front of me, to Yaya...

It's like hell!

"In this thundering seems like there is some kind of electrical beast sleeping..."

The first time Yang Kaibai saw the Thunder Lake, he thought of the Mirror Lake with the mysterious crystal that resurrected Zapdos in the Pokémon animation.

The power of thunder in the sky is constantly injected into the Thunder Lake, and the water in the Thunder Lake can provide charging effects for the elves with electric attributes. More importantly...

The entire lake is full of electrical energy. Such a mysterious lake makes it difficult for Yang Kaibai not to think of electrical beasts.

"Gyarados, please take it easy. This thundering lake is not your gravel road with electrical power. Think about one hundred thousand volts, then think about the thunder palm, think about it, and then think about the feeling of being hit by thunder. .”

Yang Kaibai felt the vibration of the Gyarados Poké Ball in his pocket.

This guy is dishonest.

It's itchy again.

Everything has a degree.

The slate-roasted Gyarados can also control the heat, but in such a thundering lake, Yang Kaibai is worried that the Gyarados will be cooked directly by electrocution as soon as he enters...

This huge thundering lake cannot even accommodate a single Carp King.

"In the exploration of Thunder Lake, the Elf Alliance in China organizes scientific research teams to explore and study every year. Everyone believes that there is a mysterious unknown space or unknown mysterious elves in the center of Thunder Lake, but after all, there is no evidence to prove it. …”

"Electric kings or electric gym leaders from various countries and regions are all helpless about the mystery of Thunder Lake and have no clue."

Yang Kaibai couldn't help but shook his head and sighed slightly.

Human trainers still have a long way to go to explore the real world of elves.

The era of super evolution has not even begun yet.

However, this era has slowly opened its eyes to the future.

Because of Yang Kaibai, he came.

"Keda? Keda!"

Kodak Duck carefully tried to find a foothold on the ground to step on, but found that the large and small stones on the ground were all glowing with a faint golden light.

There is a very open gravel beach on the shore of Thunder Lake, but there is no place for ducks to stay.

YaYa clenched his fists and summoned his courage, but in this terrible environment, KodakYa had to raise his arms high towards the trainer Yang Kaibai.

Want to hug the duck!

Yang Kaibai couldn't help laughing when he saw Kodak ducking helplessly for a hug.

Who is not a baby yet?

Yang Kaibai remembered that when he took the Kodak Duck to see the scenery at the Thirteen Peaks Waterfall, he met a trainer of the Longlong Stone. That trainer could hold the Small Fist Stone before, but after the Small Fist Stone evolved into the Longlong Stone, the trainer I can't hold it anymore.

At that time, Kodakya also showed off to Longlongshi that he could be carried away by trainer Yang Kaibai.

But later, the trainer of the Rumble Stone hired a strange force from the scenic spot to help carry the Rumble Stone.

At this time, Yang Kaibai once again held Kodakya against his right shoulder. Kodakya twisted his body slightly and found a comfortable position.

Sit tight. Sit tight.

Geng Gui looked at Yang Kaibai's movement of hugging the Kodak Duck. Originally, it only showed a pair of eyes, but the raised corners of its mouth even opened to the corners of its eyes.

If there weren't two cuties in another dimension that Gengar wanted to hug and take care of, Gengar would have just come out and picked up Yang Kaibai and walked on this road.

Trainer Yang Kai hugs Kodak for nothing, and Gengar hugs Yang Kai for free.

The pose is very reasonable.


With most of Gengar's head exposed, his flat ears like airplane ears stood up immediately as if he heard something.

"I saw someone."


Yang Kaibai and Kodakya also immediately spotted several uniformly dressed human trainers emerging from the woods in the distance.

"It's an elf hunter!"

Yang Kaibai, Kodakya, and Geng Gui saw Ruan Jinbing and his group of five people at a corner of the shore of Thunder Lake. This team of elf hunters from South Vietnam also saw Yang Kaibai arriving in the Thunder Lake area in the distance.

"Boss Ruan, there is a passerby."

Tao Zheng, the elf hunter, sniffed his nose and looked at the direction of the lonely Kodak duck trainer with vigilant eyes.

Elf hunter Dawa grinned: "Boss Ruan, what do you mean, there is a lone duck trainer. Do you want to tease or scare him?"

Li Kaifen, the only female elf hunter in this team, spat: "Stop causing trouble."

The last elf hunter, Jin Siya, shook his head from side to side: "You idiot Dawa, you don't even know how many people are still staring at Thunder Lake."

Dawa cursed and said: "Big Gold Tooth, you are the only one who is smart, right? How many elf hunters are keeping an eye on the Thunder Lake now? There is no oil and water to fish for this season, so it is better to find a place to dig ore to recover blood. One fall If you are a single trainer, ask him if he has any valuable elves. Isn’t it normal to grab a few elves in a public secret area?”

Jin Siya showed a ferocious expression in the direction of Dawa, with a golden tiger tooth that was very conspicuous: "You still don't believe me that you are a fool? This is the hinterland of the public secret area. Boss Ruan has said it so many times. , a lone wolf who won’t provoke others if he can.”

"That's right! You turned a deaf ear to Boss Ruan's words, right? This is already deep in the public secret area of ​​Thunder Cishan Secret Realm. You have never encountered a severe beating." Tao Zheng's tone was quite flattering.

"Beat him severely? Tao Zheng, do you think that duck trainer can kill my team with a duck?" Dawa gritted his teeth and looked at Tao Zheng, the most arrogant bastard in the team.

Tao Zheng smiled and made a gesture of invitation: "Why don't you try it and you'll know?"


At this time, Ruan Jinbing, the leader of the elf hunter team, narrowed his eyes. Under his words, the other four elf hunters closed their mouths at the same time.

calm down.

"Just keep an eye on it. Coming to Thunder Lake alone... I'm quite brave, but I don't know what the trainer's strength is."

"We will wait another week. If there is no big movement here in Thunder Lake, we will prepare to go home. We still caught a lot of wild elves this year, and the harvest is not that bad."

"It's a pity that no elf hunter has captured Shakira and Yukila this year... The situation this year is a bit bleak."

"Last year, an elf hunter from Russia and the Soviet Union captured a Shakira, and the year before last, an elf hunter from the United States captured Yukila..."

"There are at least seven or eight teams of elf hunters in the Thunder Forest. There is no need to find a lone wolf. There are so many pairs of eyes watching here. If the rules are broken, there will be fewer people coming to the Thunder Lake in the future. "

Ruan Jinbing glanced at Dawa behind him.

"If you want to go to the Elf Battle with him, I don't object. You should save some energy and look around the Thunder Lake. Just in case, if the goddess of luck comes and Yukila appears, you won't have to do it for the rest of your life. I’m worried.”

In Yang Kaibai's perception, he could vaguely feel the hostility coming from the team of elf hunters in the distance.

At the same time, there is still a bit of a palpitating sense of crisis.

These senses of crisis come from all directions, not just from the team of elf hunters that Yang Kaibai is currently seeing.

The danger is hidden in some places that Yang Kaibai cannot see.


Gengar, who was in Yang Kaibai's shadow, noticed some small situations in his own extra-dimensional space.

Yukira wakes up from sleep...

He was mumbling something in a daze.

"Give by...Give by. Give by!"

go home.

go home.

In the mountain area near Thunder Lake, there seems to be a voice that can call Yukira's inner soul, calling Yukira back home!

"Click? Click, click!"

The round land shark, which is also sleeping, has one big eye and one small eye with its sleepy eyes open.

The little short hand rubbed his eyes, and after the round land shark became more awake, he looked at the little Yukila who was leaning against him and looking a little "emo".

What happened?

“Give, give, give.”

Yukila held the dark red ore given to her by the Round Land Shark in her arms, and her expression seemed a little lost for a moment.

It heard the call from the bottom of its heart.

A place close to home.

It’s the call of home!

Yukila kept digging all the way from the ground to the surface, hoping to see the vast and bright world on the ground. At the same time, it was also looking for a way home.

Although I was young and ignorant, and was not very familiar with digging holes before, I took a lot of winding and long roads, and even got a little lost, but as I approached the direction of my home, Yukila could hear myself The call of the inner world——

Yukila, it is also a child of Mother Earth.

The Thunder Lakes area is home to Kira.


The round land shark blinked.

The short hand holding the quilt touched Yukira's head.

After healing with medicine and a good sleep, Yukira's head no longer hurts much.

Yukira is homesick...

Roundland Shark comforted Yukila while gently touching it.

Round land sharks sometimes miss home.

It has a very good bloodwing wyvern father and biting land shark mother.

Both parents hope that it can grow up quickly with the human trainer Yang Kaibai.

"You, you give."

Yukira stretched out a small hand to rub her cheek.

It actually...

I haven't really returned home yet.

When it breaks out of its shell and is born from the ground, it digs holes and eats soil along the way. It needs to eat up all the soil and open the way to the ground before it can see its parents.

But it seems to have lost its way.

"Click, click, click!"

Roundland Shark continued to comfort Yukila like a big sister.

Since I heard the call of home...

That Yuanlu Shark can send Yukira home!

Do not be sad! do not be sad!

go home……

You have to be happy!

go home……

Just be happy!

"You give."

Yukira raised his head and looked at the round land shark. Yukira, who was crying, nodded somewhat vigorously.

This is Yukira... coming home for the first time!

Go home, go home happily!

Yukira wiped the corners of his eyes and gradually became serious and yearning.

"You give-"

On the ground of Thunder Lake, two elves appeared from the ground, running hand in hand in the direction of the mountains.

The calm thundering lake seemed to be shaken by thousands of thunder!

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