548. Before the Exam (2)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Xu Qianxia took Xiao Jinting and Xu Muan to Meteorite Shop, where there were a dozen second-grade alchemists instead of five. They would take an exam, and the top five high scorers would be Shang Jin’s assistants.

The second-grade alchemists put on guard against each other. When Xiao Jinting entered the fall where the alchemists gathered, he sensed waves of hostility.

It was difficult for the alchemists in the Immortal World to make any advancement. The alchemists came not for the pay but for some knowledge that they could learn from assisting Shang Jin.

A plump cultivator came over. He was fair and chubby with sharp eyes.

His clothes were decorated with Immortal Crystal, and there was a pattern of a cauldron, the symbol of alchemists.

Xiao Jinting sat next to the cultivator and felt the immortal Qi from his clothes, which were embroidered with intricate arrays that help the cultivator absorb the immortal Qi of the crystal. Wearing such clothes all the time could accelerate the cultivator.

The cultivators rose and said, “Hello, Mr. Shang.”

Shang Jin took an appraising glance at the alchemists.

“I think you should know why I invite you here. I don’t want my assistants to drag me down. You will have an exam in three days, and the top five can stay…”

He rambled on, stressing that he didn’t need worthless alchemists.

Xiao Jinting sensed that Shang Jin despised them, but the latter had to hire them because he couldn’t get third-grade assistants or he was afraid that third-grade alchemists would outshine him.

After Shang Jinting finished his lectures, Xiao Jinting entered the room prepared by the shop.

Xu Muan saw him entering the room and smiled. “How is it?”

Xiao Jinting said, “Today I saw an alchemist who dressed himself up like a Christmas tree. He looked so wealthy that I wanted to rob him.”

Xu Muan was speechless.

Flame jumped out and said, “That guy looked awesome. When he entered the hall, you second-grade alchemists held your breath and lined up like cabbages on the shelves in the market.”

Xiao Jinting looked at Flame and said, “Cut it out.” Cabbage? Did he look so awful?

Xu Muan said, “I heard that the shop will test you before you assist in making pills.”

Xiao Jinting nodded. “Yes. It takes over a hundred kinds of spiritual pills to make Tripod Pills. Shang Jin is looking for someone who can make pills for him so that he could save time and energy.”

Xu Muan said, “It is easy for you, isn’t it?”

Xiao Jinting nodded. “Yeah.”

Xu Qianqiu asked, “Qianxia, who is the alchemist named Xiao? I didn’t hear of him before.”

Xu Qianxia said lightly, “He runs a pill shop, and the business is good.”

Xu Qianqiu crossed her arms and looked at Xu Qianxia. “Qianxia, the task is very important. You invite Tom, Dick, and Harry, which shows that you don’t take your task seriously.”

Xiao Jinting was in the hallway. When he was about to come out, he heard Xu Qianqiu mention Tom, Dick, and Harry and felt bitter.

Xu Qianxia looked at Xu Qianqiu and said sulkily, “Qianqiu, what do you mean?”

Xu Qianqiu smiled and said, “I don’t think you take the task seriously. Do you think Mr. Shang will fail this time? You will get into trouble if he knows what you are thinking.”

Xu Qianxia looked at Xu Qianqiu and said, “You cling to Mr. Shang all the time, and I guess you have taken advantage of him.”

Xu Qianqiu left sullenly.

Xiao Jinting came out from the dark and said, “Hello, Miss Xu.”

Xu Qianxia collected herself and greeted, “Hello, Mr. Xiao.”

Xiao Jinting said, “Xu Qianqiu is on bad terms with you.”

Xu Qianxia said indifferently, “She’s ill-tempered. Please don’t mind what she said.”

Xu Qianxia frowned. Three other girls took on the task to recruit alchemists, and they would be rewarded by the family according to the number of hired alchemists that they recruited.

Xu Qianqiu had recruited Feng Jie, who was the student of a third-grade alchemist. He was outstanding among the candidates, and Xu Qianqiu came to show off.

Xu Qianxia didn’t like Shang Jin, who was anxious to get helpers to make the four-grade pills as a third-grade alchemist. It was an unnecessary move.

However, alchemists were rare in the Lower District, and the shop had to meet all his requirements.

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