549. Xiao Jinting Shines in the Exam (1)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

It was exam day.

Xiao Jinting and the other candidates entered the alchemy rooms respectively.

Once the room was closed, Flame came out. “The exam of the shop requires no high skills. It only asks you to refine spiritual liquid continually. It’s boring.”

Xiao Jinting glanced at Flame and said, “Hide yourself. Don’t let that fat guy see you.”

The resources in the Immortal World were abundant, but the unusual fire of Flame was ware and appealed to alchemists. If Shang Jin knew about Flame, he might do something terrible to get it.

Flame snorted. “What, do you know how useful I am? If I go to the fat guy, he will treat me like his father.”

Xiao Jinting’s face darkened. “If you dare to betray me, I’ll eat you.”

F lame was lost for words.

It urged, “Master, hurry up. Don’t dawdle.”

Outside the alchemy rooms, many cultivators were waiting for the result.

Xu Qianchun said, “Qianqiu, you recruited Feng Jie, who is a famous alchemist with high skills. I think he will be the champion of the exam.”

Xu Qianqiu smiled. Although she was pleased, she said humbly, “It’s too early to say that. The alchemist that Qianxia recruited is good too.”

Xu Qianchun looked at Qianxia in surprise and said, “Qianxia, I haven’t heard of the alchemist that you recruited. Is Mr. Xiao a good alchemist?”

Xu Qianxia frowned and said, “I guess he’s good.”

She lowered her head. She didn’t like Shang Jin, so she didn’t take the task very seriously.

The other three girls recruited three or four alchemists, and she only managed to invite Xiao Jinting because she was not as powerful and influential as them.

“The alchemists are coming out.”

An alchemist came out. The inspector was well prepared and examined the spiritual liquid that the alchemist brought out.

The inspector said calmly, “The liquid has been refined three times with the Yellow Soul Fruit, and the purity is eighty-seven percent.”

Xu Qianqiu said, “Qianchun, is this the alchemist you recruited? He’s fast. It’s difficult to refine the Yellow Soul Fruit, and he did a great job refining the fruit three times.”

Xu Qianchun frowned and sighed. “Mr. Shang wants to refine four-grade pills. Three times might not meet his standard.” The purity of the liquid decided the probability of making pills. According to Shang Jin’s standard, the candidates had to refine the Yellow Soul Fruit at least three times.”

Another alchemist came out.

“The Yellow Soul Fruit has been refined four times, and the purity is eighty-nine percent.”

“The Yellow Soul Fruit has been refined five times, and the purity is ninety-two percent.”

More alchemists came out.

The alchemists who came out earlier refined fewer times, and their results were not good. Those who came out later had better results.

However, some alchemists who came out later had bad results because they failed in the first attempt and started all over again.

Feng Jie came out of his room elegantly and smiled at the crowd apologetically. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.”

He gave his spiritual liquid to the inspector.

The inspector said flatteringly, “The Yellow Soul Fruit has been refined six times, and the purity is ninety-four percent. Mr. Feng, you are awesome. Ordinary third-grade alchemists could refine the Yellow Soul Fruit like this at the most. It seems that you will be a third-grade alchemist very soon.”

Feng Jie smiled modestly and said, “It’s not easy to become a third-grade alchemist. There’s a long way to go.”

Xu Qiandong said admiringly, “Qianqiu, the alchemist you recruited is competent. He could refine the Yellow Soul Fruit six times. He lives up to his fame.”

Xu Qianqiu recruited Feng Jie, whose performance pleased her. “The alchemist that Qianxia recruited hasn’t come out yet. Perhaps he performs better than Feng Jie.”

Qianchun frowned and looked at Qianxia. “Qianxia, why hasn’t your alchemist come out yet? Did he damage the fruit?”

Qiandong frowned and said, “I don’t think it’s likely. It’s easy to refine the Yellow Soul Fruit, but it is difficult to refine it more than one time.”

Qianqiu smiled and said, “Perhaps Mr. Xiao wants to refine the fruit seven or eight times, so he doesn’t come out. Let’s wait for a while. There might be surprises.”

Qianxia frowned without saying anything, thinking that Qianqiu was trying to humiliate her. It was difficult to recruit a second-grade alchemist. The other girls took fast action and promised high pay, so they recruited more alchemists than her. She was slower than them and had to look for alchemists in some remote places.

Qianxia heard from many people that the pills sold well in Xiao Jinting’s shop, and she thought the alchemist should be good, so she invited Xiao Jinting. She had no idea of his level, but she didn’t think he was a good alchemist.

Good alchemists usually had bad tempers, but Xiao Jinting was nice.

Xiao Jinting finally came out of his room. The inspector wore a strange expression when he found that Xiao Jinting was the last person to come out of the room.

Xiao Jinting felt all the gazes upon him and said awkwardly, “Am I late?”

The inspector said, “No.”

Feng Jie looked closely at Xiao Jinting and said, “I thought I was the last one. I didn’t expect you to be later than me. It seems you refined the fruit many times.”

Xiao Jinting smiled dryly, “Not many times.”

The inspector said in a businesslike manner, “Mister, where’s your spiritual liquid?”

Xiao Jinting took out the liquid and handed it to the inspector.

The inspector looked at the result and widened his eyes.

Xiao Jinting looked at him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

The inspector said strangely, “Well, it’s…”

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