On longhuang mountain, the situation is changeable, and the golden holy land is filled with thousands of miles. The Dragon Emperor holds the sword and fights against the four demons alone.

At the critical moment, the Dragon Emperor's head shows the sword of the emperor's way, and the divine sword sounds. Endless golden waves swallow the sky and destroy the earth.

Samsara, Emperor supreme, sword dragon turn out, waves swept, rushed to the four magic emperor.

Seven Yao, eight wasteland sink yuan gather strength, the supreme devil power is mighty, the strength blocks the emperor road extremely power.

Not far away, one or two of them, Jiuyou and Kun, also urged the whole body to work hard. The devil was limitless, and the Buddha was frightened.

The breath of the five emperors collided with each other. After a moment of silence, the terrible explosion resounded all over the world, and the power of destroying heaven and Earth spread rapidly.

Qiyao and Bahuang bear the brunt of Qiqi's dull hum. They are shocked by the great power of the emperor's way, and their evil Qi vibrates around them, and the Buddha looms.

On the other side, Jiuyou and Kun were also shaken back a few steps. The power of the divine sword is unlimited.

A sword startles the world, but the golden splendor of the Dragon Emperor's whole body is a lot dimmer. It seems that most of his strength is gambled on just one move.

"Dragon Emperor, you really have already died."

Looking at the young figure in the golden light, Kun said in a deep voice, "now you are just a soul mark."

"It's enough to kill you!"

With a cold voice of the Dragon Emperor, the magic sword turned, and eight golden dragons rose up in the sky, circled and roared, and immediately rushed to the four demons.

The Golden Dragon gallops, the dragon breath swallows the sky, just like the ancient dragon rebirth, shocking the world.

Eight barren blocks move, a lot of small world emerge, or primitive, or prosperous, or dead, all phase non phase, endless.

With a roar, the Golden Dragon bumps into the small world, and a great shock rings out. Tens of small worlds begin to collapse, and then they grow faster and faster, and continue to spread.


the body is turned back, the scarlet drops, the eight wasteland devil emperor retreats more than ten steps, the Dragon Qi enters the body, and the whole body is shocked violently.

Not far away, the seven Yao devil emperor was attacked by the golden dragon, and one of the devil Yang broke up one after another, and then retreated a few feet away.

On the other side, the emperor looks more and more heavy. The chaotic Moyuan blocks the impact of the two golden dragons. He comes into the game in person, turns his hand to the emperor of the dragon family.

Keng ran drama shock, sword palm hand and close between, dangerous.

You can praise each other when you fight with each other. You can fight head-on with the emperor of the dragon clan and the respect of the demon clan.

As soon as you raise your hand, the devil surges out, and the magic moves, rolling the winds and clouds in all directions, the whole world darkens in an instant, and the infinite magic power spreads rapidly.

The first emperor in charge of the aura of the demons is the first emperor to show his talent.

When the Dragon Emperor saw this, he looked down. The sword aroused the power of the earth vein of the Dragon Emperor mountain in his body and strengthened the power of the Dragon Emperor sword.

Not far away, xuanjiuyou raised his hand to shake off the Golden Dragon's obstruction, stepped out and swept to the center of the war.

The black magic gun appears, the magic flame is shrouded, and the attack power of Feihong is unparalleled in the world.

The Dragon Emperor sank his eyes and raised his hand to grasp the magic gun. However, the attack of the magic gun continued to move forward.


after the magic gun entered the body, half an inch later, before the stagnation, the Dragon Emperor snorted and was injured for the first time.

At the same time, the Kunyi demon emperor's attack came, and the earth shaking power engulfed the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

"Back off!"

Magic power to the eyes of the Dragon Emperor in the glory, the sword to lead the dragon, cut to the first emperor of the demon family.

The dragon imperial sword, with its powerful imperial spirit, collides with the power of the devil.

When the two powers fight, the aftershock of terror spreads, and the war situation is instantly shaken open. The Dragon Emperor and the Kun demon emperor withdraw a few steps respectively, and their bodies stabilize.

"Heavenly magic finger!"

The emperor is defeated, xuanjiuyou accepts the demons of heaven and earth again, and Feihong develops the martial arts of the demons, breaking the sky with one finger.

The Dragon Emperor waved his sword to block the move, and the golden splendor of his body vibrated violently, leaving the imprint of human soul weaker and weaker, which was hard to hold for a long time.

In the sky magic cloud, Ning Chen looks at the battle below, the heart is more and more heavy.

The power of the dragon imperial sword is obviously weaker and weaker. If it continues, the dragon imperial sword will be won by the three magic emperors.

In the war, the Dragon Emperor, whose soul imprint power is gradually exhausted, looks at the four demons around him, but his calm eyes don't change much.

"Since you want to enter longhuang mountain so much, come on!"

Words sound down, the figure of the Dragon Emperor flashed, into a golden streamer swept down the Dragon Mountain.

Kunyi, Qiyao and Bahuang saw this, and without hesitation, they stepped out and caught up.

In the rear, Xuan Jiuyou frowned slightly. He stood for a moment, but still followed.

In the twinkling of an eye, the Dragon Emperor and the four magic emperors disappeared one after another. In the Dragon Emperor mountain, in the sky, on the bronze chariot, Ning Chen stepped forward and was about to jump down.

"Thirteen brothers."

Xuanqing went up and said, "we can't go down without the permission of our father and the three emperors."Ning Chen settled down and said calmly, "the devil emperor said that we were not allowed to go down before the opening of the Dragon Mountain. But now that the Dragon Mountain has been opened, if we stay here all the time, we will not have missed the golden opportunity that is hard to meet in a thousand years."

Finish saying, rather Chen didn't pay attention to again, the footstep a step, jump body to fly down.

On the bronze chariot, XuanZhen, Xuanqing and Xuanling looked at the figure in plain clothes that was gradually disappearing below. After standing still for a moment, they jumped from the chariot one after another.

Longhuangshan, ningchen into the rear, the three demon prince landing, together with the up.

A hundred steps ahead, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and the four stopped, their faces showing condensation.

Around, the changing space, birds and flowers, full of vitality.

Just like the fairyland of the small world, flowers everywhere, gurgling water, beautiful people intoxicated.


over fairyland, there are huge dragons circling in different shapes, but they are equally powerful and people dare not approach them.

"Dragon clan?"

Xuanling looks at the dragon in the sky and looks down. Isn't the dragon clan destroyed? How can there be a dragon?


Not far away, Xuanqing's eyes are slightly coagulated, and it's not like that. The general dreamland can't confuse them, but if it's not dreamland, why does the Dragon appear here?

"It's a dream."

The three men, XuanZhen, who had the highest accomplishments, looked at the surrounding space and said.


At this time, deep in the small world, the violent vibration sounded, so amazing, thousands of miles apart can be clearly perceived.

In front of the three, Ning Chen has a feeling. He looks into the distance without any hesitation. As soon as he steps, he rushes towards the front.

In the rear, the three of them did not delay any longer, and they followed.

Deep in the small world, the fluctuation of the war is more and more intense, and the magic waves and dragon Qi shake out again and again, turning thousands of miles into forbidden areas.

In the small world, four figures are passing quickly, faster and faster, trying their best to move towards the war situation.


In the distant war, the sword of the Dragon Emperor roars and cuts open the space. In a moment, more powerful magic gas erupts and annihilates the war. The fierce war is shocking.

Suddenly, on Ning Chen's arm, the Dragon Emperor sword seal changes. It seems that he feels the Dragon Emperor crisis in the distance and is restless.


Ning Chen has a feeling, the facial expression is tiny coagulate, the two eyes remaining light sees to the rear three people, open a way, "you help me get rid of them, I help you to save the Dragon Emperor."

The sound of the words fell and the seal of the sword vibrated. It seemed that I understood what the former said. The next moment, between heaven and earth, endless golden sword Qi appeared out of thin air and swept to the three princes of the royal family.

XuanZhen, Xuanqing and Xuanling see this. Their eyes light down, and their bodies explode. They can do their best.

With a roar, the golden sword fell all over the sky and engulfed the three people.

In front of him, Ning Chen's Gongti urges him again. He can speed up for a few minutes and disappear into the distance in a twinkling of an eye.

Deep in the small world, the war situation is fierce. The four magic emperors fight against the Dragon Emperor again, making a breakthrough.

After a long war, the injuries of the two evil emperors, Qiyao and Bahuang, became more and more serious. Even if they had the unparalleled body of the devil in the world, they would not be able to bear the benefits of the Dragon Emperor's sword.


the black spear hit the Dragon Emperor's sword, and the violent shock resounded throughout the small world. Tianjiao, the most amazing talent of the demon clan, was facing the emperor of the dragon clan, and the war situation became white hot.

"If you can do so, you shouldn't help tyranny!"

Feeling the outstanding fighting spirit of the people in front of him, the Dragon Emperor shakes the magic gun with his sword and says in a deep voice.

"Where the responsibility lies, I have to do something to offend you!"

With a sound of offending, xuanjiuyou's whole body erupted, and his Gongti soared, doubling, doubling, tripling Feihong's decision has been promoted in an all-round way and is approaching the limit of Feihong's decision, which is the most terrifying attack.

Jiuyou is extremely powerful, heaven and earth are crying bitterly, and the void begins to collapse. Seeing this, the three evil emperors immediately withdraw from the war, unwilling to be affected by the coming killing moves.

Dragon Emperor look dignified down, eyes flashed resolute, a deep drink, Dragon Lantern Festival.

In the golden light column penetrating into the nine sky, the dragon's howling sound looms, the Dragon turns into a king, and the human is enlightened. In a flash, a five clawed Golden Dragon comes out, with its horn like a deer, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, abdomen like a mirage, scales like a fish, and claws like an eagle.

The Dragon Emperor is now in his original appearance, and his power shakes the world. Just when the two strongest men in the world fight each other, suddenly a red sword burst out of the air below the earth. There is no sign, and his power is amazing.


Xuanjiuyou felt that his figure immediately flashed by to avoid the light of the sword.

On the other hand, the three evil emperors were also moving to avoid the powerful sword light with dragon's pulse and earth Qi.

In a flash, on the void, the five clawed Golden Dragon opened its mouth and breathed its breath, attacking the four demons.

Xuan Jiuyou and Kun Yimo emperor stood up to block the move, roared, and each stepped back a few steps.

As the aftershocks dissipated, the figure of the Dragon Emperor disappeared in the sky."There's a hand in it!"

The seven Yao devil emperor looked into the distance with a cold look.

"The spirit of the Dragon Emperor will be exhausted. It's not far away. Chase after him!"

Kun a demon emperor cold voice said a, immediately the figure flashed by, again chased up.

Qiyao and Bahuang followed and left quickly.

Xuanjiuyou looks at the sword Qi disappearing between heaven and earth, and frowns slightly. These sword Qi seem to be a little familiar.

On the peak in the distance, a figure in plain clothes calmly looks at this scene, and the whole body is shrouded in years of divine prohibition, covering the breath.

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