In the small world of longhuangshan, the immortal is trapped to show the divine power, and the sword light that integrates the dragon's pulse and local atmosphere breaks up the war situation. The Dragon Emperor takes the opportunity to get rid of the situation and disappear from the war situation.

Knowing that the Dragon Emperor can't hold on for a long time, the four evil emperors immediately catch up and are bound to get the Dragon Emperor's magic sword.

In the sky, the magic yuan is rolling and spreading, annihilating the pure land of the dragon clan.

On the peak in the distance, the figure with white hair in plain clothes stands still, sinking and floating in front of him. After blending the power beyond the limit, the whole sword body has more cracks, as if it will collapse completely at any time.

In ancient times, the sword of trapped immortals, which is famous for the four immortals, has been broken and no longer has the power of the past.

Half of the body of the sword is cracked. Under the impact of the dragon and earth Qi, it is even more broken. Just now a sword is the limit of trapping immortals. It can't bear more power in a short time.

"Thank you, young man."

Just then, before the peak, the void rolled, and a Golden Shadow appeared. Looking at the young man in plain clothes in front of him, he said.

"Master long Huang is very kind. If it wasn't for the blessing of your sword seal, I wouldn't have the ability to help you." Ning Chen calm way.

"You are a human, young man. Why did you come together with the demons?" The Dragon Emperor looked serious.

"Under the guidance of the ghost of the Phoenix master, I went to the demon royal family to find the lost Phoenix family's secret arts." Ning Chen said truthfully.

"Phoenix master?"

When the dragon emperor heard the words, a touch of vicissitudes flashed in his eyes. It turned out that it was the old friend.

Unfortunately, they have no chance to meet again.

"Young man, can I ask you something?" Dragon Emperor convergence mind, in front of people, open a way.

"Master long Huang, please speak up." Ning Chen Mou son tiny coagulates, should way.

The Dragon Emperor took a look at the small world that was being swallowed by the magic cloud in the sky and said wearily, "after a while, I will detonate the whole dragon small world and bury all the four demons here as far as possible. However, before that, I will send you out with the dragon imperial sword. If you meet the descendant of my dragon family in the future, please give him the dragon imperial sword."

"Are there any descendants of the dragon people?" Ning Chen surprised way.


the Dragon Emperor nodded and said, "at the beginning of the dragon family's disaster, I sealed my only legitimate son in the stone egg and sent him out. Maybe he has broken the seal now, or maybe he is still in the stone egg and hasn't woken up yet."

Ning Chen hears speech, silent down, opening a way, "the elder entrusts, the younger generation definitely will try hard, however, the younger generation also has a request, hope the elder can agree."

"It's all right to say it." The Dragon Emperor nodded.

"One of the four magic emperors is kind to me. I hope that the Elder Dragon Emperor can save a way for him." Ningchen zhengse road.

After hearing this, the Dragon Emperor flashed in his eyes and said, "the demons are merciless. Their emperor is even more so. If he is soft hearted for a moment, he will only leave endless disasters."

"He's different."

Ning Chen look serious way, "younger generation guarantee, this person will never do for disaster world of matter."

The Dragon Emperor was silent. After a moment, he sighed, "you're talking about the emperor with the magic gun?"

Among the four evil emperors, the only one, Zhuo Er, was different, but he was still helping the tyrant.


Ning Chen nodded and said, "please leave a way for him."


the Dragon Emperor nodded and looked at the approaching magic cloud in the distance. He did not dare to delay any longer. With a deep drink, he turned his hand to absorb all the Dragon Qi in the Dragon Emperor's sword, and the fuzzy soul condensed again.

"I have devoured most of the power of the dragon imperial sword. In the future, even if it is sealed in your body, it will not attract other people's attention."

With that, the Dragon Emperor raised his hand, and the Dragon Emperor's sword trembled. It became empty and streamed into the body of the former.

The next moment, Ning Chen's right arm, dragon imperial sword seal reappear, this time, more clear.

"There is not much power in the Dragon Royal sword now, unless you find enough dragon Qi, you can wake it up again. In addition, I feel the Phoenix Lord's royal law in your body. Remember, the power beyond your own limits must not be used as much as you have to. People's bearing capacity is limited. Once you exceed this limit, the cost is far beyond your cognition."

As he spoke, the Dragon Emperor's body was full of gold, and the endless Dragon Spirit burst out like a golden sun, illuminating the whole small world of the dragon people.

At this moment, thousands of miles away, xuanjiuyou, kunyimohuang and other four people felt that they were looking at the rising direction of the golden sun.

"Ning Chen!"

Suddenly, xuanjiuyou's eyes shrunk, and his face changed dramatically when he saw the figure on the distant peak.

In the distance, XuanZhen, Xuanling and others also saw the two figures on the peak, which were not more than 100 Zhang apart, looking surprised.

Old thirteen how and Dragon Emperor met!

"You want to die!"

Ten thousand miles away, xuanjiuyou's face was in a frenzy, and his whole body was exploding, and his blood was burning violently.

"The musket!"In the fury of the evil spirit, a black red magic gun appeared, surrounded by blood fog, and the evil power was terrifying.

The gun of destroying gods is endless. In the twinkling of an eye, it comes out with infinite magic power.

In the shocking scene, the black and red magic gun across the void, Wanli heaven and earth will collapse and disappear.

Before the peak, the Dragon Emperor felt the terrible magic power coming from the distance. His face didn't change much. He looked at the young man in front of him and said, "now, I begin to believe you."

Ning Chen looks at the gun of destroying heaven and earth in the distance, and is silent. Nine you king's kindness to him is unrequited.

"Let's go, or it's too late."

The words fall, the Dragon Emperor raises his hand, the front space collapses, nothingness spreads, swallowing the body of knowing fate.

"Goodbye, young man."

In addition to nothingness, the Dragon Emperor whispered a word, and immediately turned around, looking at the black and red magic gun that came through the air, the brilliance in the eyes of the vicissitudes of life rose.

"Life has its limit, death has its limit, the thoughts of life and death turn to samsara, and all living beings do not spend a hair."

With his hands outstretched, the Dragon Emperor's soul burned violently, incarnated in the holy sun, and spread to the whole small world of the Dragon nationality.


Ten thousand miles away, Kunyi, Qiyao, and Bahuang were aware of the purpose of the Dragon Emperor, and their faces changed at the same time.

"Save them

Kun a magic emperor said, no longer hesitated, a deep drink, chaos magic yuan all burst out, support the collapse of the small world.

Not far away, Qi Yao and Ba Huang did their best to explain all their skills. Their bodies flashed by and swept away quickly.


on the peak in the distance, the anti God gun came, directly penetrated the body of the Dragon Emperor, which had not been completely dispersed, and hit the peak.

In the scene of doomsday, heaven and earth collapsed, and the whole small world of the dragon clan collapsed rapidly. At the same time, outside the small world, the longhuangshan mountain vibrated violently and fell apart.

Thousands of miles away, the void was rolling, and the figure in plain clothes appeared. Looking at the fallen longhuang mountain in front of him, he looked shocked.

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