When Mu Yan looked at the "performance" downstairs indifferently, he did not forget to separate a trace of heart and look at Su Yi. When Su Yi was obviously unacceptable, Mu Yan pulled Su Yi away.

Su Yi's disguise is very good, in order not to expose Su Yi, Mu Yan also carried out a disguise. When the two left, they did not arouse other people's ideas.

There were many onlookers, and even the gates were full of officials and eunuchs who were qualified to go to the tower. Su Yi's hand was held by Mu Yan, and he was squeezed through the crowd by him, listening to the whispers in the crowd.

These voices are indifferent, fearful, angry, and all-seeing.

Su Yi heard it with his own ears, someone in the crowd used a joking tone, saying this medicine is really interesting.

The noisy voice burrowed into Su Yi’s ears. Gradually, Su Yi’s vision seemed to be blurred, and the world in his eyes seemed to have become a broken TV screen, flashing like snowflakes of color, only the sound kept in his mind. Sounded and continued.

After coming down from the tower, you have to pass through the crowd below the tower. In this crowd, Su Yi heard different voices again. Of course, just like upstairs, the indifferent, frightened and angry watchers, there is also a unique voice. Some people complain, cut off a way of making money, and lose money.

Su Yi remembered it, it seems that when Mu Yan first mentioned the alchemist, he said that after the alchemist came to the capital, he preached everywhere and issued simplified versions of the magical medicine with less curative effect. Many people followed the alchemist to make a fortune.

Su Yi felt a little boring for a moment.

The snowflake background in his mind gradually darkened and turned into a modern web page. On this network, a line of white-washed remarks for drugs jumped out, and the black and red words were like smudges, slowly occupying the entire screen.

It's like dried blood.

Su Yi couldn't help wondering, although the emperor's father and the ministers were aware of the dangers of drugs, would the elimination of opium really go so smoothly? In modern society, compulsory education has eliminated illiteracy. The information explosion allows people to search for the dangers of drugs on the Internet at any time. All kinds of video pictures and numbers can be seen. At that time, drugs could not be eliminated, and it is not a big deal for some people to take drugs. thing. The people nowadays are far more ignorant than modern people. Can they really resist drugs?

"Kang Le, Kang Le!" Mu Yan whispered several times in Su Yi's ear before Su Yi recovered.

The regained Su Yi's eyes refocused, and his gaze fell on Gu Ao, who was still pulling a ridiculous loudspeaker and talking about the dangers of drugs fervently. His heart full of haze suddenly lighted up. The light was like a long sword, splitting the haze and warming the heart again.

"Kang Le, what are you looking at?" Mu Yan whispered. What did Su Yi see so fascinatingly? He said a few words to Su Yi, but Su Yi didn't hear it.

Su Yi retracted his gaze, blinked, and said seriously: "Look at the backbone of the Chinese nation."

"What?" Mu Yan was puzzled.

Su Yi smiled and said, "I'm back, I don't want to be recognized, and then a group of addicts hold my thighs for help."

Although Mu Yan didn't know what an addict was, but he also guessed the meaning of Su Yi's words. He was also worried that Su Yi would be recognized, so he took Su Yi into the carriage and left here.

Su Yi raised his head and looked at the top of the carriage, as if thinking about something, as if thinking about nothing.

Seeing that Su Yi was in a daze, Mu Yan asked, "Kang Le, what did you mean by backbone?"

Su Yi said: "The spine is the spine, and the supporting bone on your back is the spine. As long as the bone is still and straight, the back will not bend."

Mu Yan thought for a while and said, "Are you looking after the adults?"

Su Yi said: "Yes."

Mu Yanlue was jealous and said, "Master Gu, what about me?"

Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, and said, "It's all. Actually...Well, I can be regarded as it now."

Alas, an insignificant rice worm can proudly say that he is the backbone of China. I feel really embarrassed.

Mu Yan sighed, "I can't wait to be compared with Kangle."

Su Yi shook his head: "No, it should be that I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with you. This world is yours. The current glory of China is created by you."

I'm just a little outsider. Even if it brings many useful things, it is the emperor's father and ministers who can promote it.

In a different context, it is estimated that he was hacked to death long ago.

Even if there are many unsatisfactory things in the Yu Dynasty, for example, many people are still worried about being hungry, such as the struggle between imperial power and the family, such as the ignorant and selfish majority. But it has so many visions, minds, wisdom, and morals, all of whom belong to the upper class, and they already have the conditions to establish a prosperous age.

The existence of Su Yi is to accelerate the formation of a prosperous age.

Thinking this way, I'm still a little excited.

Su Yi originally thought that after he had traveled, he would at most rely on the system mall for three days and flickering people, so as to exchange some gold and silver to live a good life. The rich and the rich dare not think about it, just the rich. As a result, the importance of myself to this country...should be great, right? It has also been respected by many people.

Mu Yan sighed, what Su Yi said, and began to daze again.

Maybe this is not in a daze, but thinking about the philosophy of life?

In the respect of the celestial master, Su Yi should think about the philosophy of life, right?

However, based on Mu Yan's understanding of Su Yi, looking at Su Yi's smirk, he always felt that Su Yi was just in a daze.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What Mu Yan was worried about was correct. Even though they had repeatedly emphasized that the poisonous master could not solve it, those who had taken the "magic medicine" still regarded Su Yi as their last hope.

This world is hierarchical, and ordinary people dare not come to trouble Su Yi, and even ordinary officials and eunuchs are blocked by Mu Yan and others, but some aristocratic families can't stop it.

Because of the opium matter, with the exception of a few family members, the rest of the family are making a mess of porridge.

After all, many families are arty. Even knowing that Hanshisan is so harmful, and many people have already eaten to death, some people continue to eat for the sake of "famous teacher demeanor", and there are even so-called "general doctors" who pat their chests and pack cold food powder. The so-called process of dispersing poison is the process of curing diseases. Even if those aristocrats do not want to follow the Sima family to do something, there is a magical pill, and that magical pill has been approved by many "famous men" and does not need to disperse poison. It can also make people feel mysterious. .

As for why there are so many celebrities who eat this stuff, it is of course that the alchemist was invited by the clan, and many of the clan families, vassal families, the doormen raised by them, and their relatives and friends. Celebrities".

In Su Yi's eyes, these celebrities were just idle, boring, boring people, and they didn't see any use for fart. They talked about some "mysteries" every day, pretending to be some stray clowns and clowns.

Su Yi's idea is just the prejudice of many science students towards liberal arts students. It is true that some "celebrities" are indeed worthy of fame, but there are also celebrities who have contributed a lot of masterpieces in literature at least.

It's just that Su Yi can't appreciate this kind of technical house.

However, this group of celebrities were indeed miserable this time.

You must know that in order to create momentum for the alchemist, let him have enough prestige to "challenge" or "consult" the Great Master Suyisu. Those families who supported the alchemist sent opium to almost all the famous celebrities in the capital. One serving.

And Su Yi found through experiments that this kind of opium may have a much higher purity than the opium that was first introduced to China. Alchemists used to burn and let believers breathe smoke, probably something similar to the opium introduced into China. The pill is made after many times of purification.

As long as a person with knowledge of middle and high school chemistry can actually make drugs. Just know its molecular formula. Su Yi naturally knew. He has passed through the former position, can still be exposed to drugs, and even experimented with drugs.

Su Yi's original intention was just to be curious about the chemical reaction, but the eager brother Su Jia was frightened when he knew that Su Yi had taken a pack of drugs from a certain stupid man. Not only was Su Yi taken home by her elder brother and strictly disciplined, the dumb family who dared to give Su Yi drugs also paid a heavy price.

Su Yi has been spoiled at home, this incident not only scared Su Jia's brother, but also Su Yi's parents. Su Yi was also frightened, and was caused by a thunderstorm caused by the Big Three at home. During that time, Su Yi was thrown into various drug rehabilitation centers to "learn and observe", which left a strong psychological shadow on Su Yi, and also made Su Yi to drug...

No, Su Yi hated drugs before and didn't need this kind of "strengthening." He was just experimenting with drugs.

Su Yi thought about that time, and felt so desperate.

The words are withdrawn. Because of that experience, Su Yi quickly found out with simple equipment that the golden pill made from this magical medicine can no longer be called an opium. It is a primary drug.

I don't know how the alchemist worked out the formula, but its chemical properties are indeed similar to crude drugs.

When Su Yi came to this conclusion, he, a good young man in the new society, almost couldn't help but tell His Majesty that the drug dealers were too late. But in the end he still didn't step out of his psychological defense.

However, Su Yi did not hesitate to tell the emperor the conclusion he had reached, and let the emperor judge for himself.

This thing is far more cruel than opium.

The emperor was so scared that he didn't sleep all night, and thought that Su Yi would know what this thing was, otherwise, with the speed of the donation and the speed of the magical medicine, the medicine would soon become popular in the circle of the family. And seeing that the golden core effect is so good, maybe he knocked on it himself. At that time, Yu Chao would perish himself without being beaten by others.

Not to mention the Yu Dynasty, a country where the whole people take drugs is obviously unable to withstand the invasion of foreign enemies. At that time, the catastrophe of China 1,600,700 years later, is estimated to happen now.

After the terrified emperor summoned the ministers, he decided to spare no effort to continue to preach the terrible pill like Gu Ao, and the alchemist and their accomplices used it as waste.

After Gu Ao heard the emperor's decision, he finally lost all the officials he was promoted to. He requested that this matter be handed over to him, he knew it well. Give him an official position such as Yushi and let him travel the country. He didn't worry about letting others do it.

However, with the current means of transportation, even if the place to cruise is only the state capital and a few important cities. After all the parade is down, plus unexpected circumstances, it is estimated that it will take a year to return to the capital. This is still on the premise of smoothness.

Gu Ao decided not to stay in the capital this year. Naturally, his official position could not be vacant, and he had to be given to others. After leaving Beijing for a year, it will not be easy for him to return to his original position.

Even so, Gu Ao resolutely asked himself to go, and even said that if this matter is not handed over to him, he would resign and not do it.

Being so threatened, the emperor couldn't laugh or cry.

In the end, Gu Ao "successful".

However, the emperor's path is now freezing cold, and he has to wait for the beginning of spring if he wants to set off. So let Gu Ao feel at ease during the New Year, and hand over work a bit, and then set off after the river freezes.

The emperor thought to himself that the first batch of Jinshi would be available for the trial in February. Gu Ao is a good person. When the time comes, he will send a few seedlings that he thinks is good to accompany Gu Ao on a national parade.

How could a capable person like Gu Ao be caught by this kind of thing for a year? Must be used (squeezed) reasonably.

In addition, the emperor had cultivated power for Gu Ao. Following Gu Ao's jinshi, he and Gu Ao don't have the name of mentoring and apprenticeship. After they enter the court and become the backbone, they will definitely get closer to Gu Ao.

Gu Ao is a veteran loyal minister, and he never forms gangs. Gu Ao was not afraid of the emperor's suspicion, but the rules in his heart made him think that partying for private purposes was the so-called villain and traitor, so the Gu Ao family has a long history, but it is not a big family. Because the big family is managed.

The emperor trusted and admired Gu Ao's point very much. Even if Gu Ao often stabbed him to get rid of superstition, the emperor was willing to clean up for him. But Gu Ao was never too much.

Sometimes the emperor was cold, and sometimes soft-hearted.

With Gu Ao's temper, the emperor was very worried that he had a problem, so he was ready to personally make him "party". It's easier to protect him in this way.

Gu Ao didn't know the emperor's future plans, but he was very happy that the emperor granted his request. As for what other officials can do after returning to the capital, Gu Ao is not worried.

He trusted the emperor. The emperor will not treat his loyal ministers badly.

As for the large amount of medicinal pills used for the parade, it is enough.

They found a lot of "magic medicine" and "golden pill" that had been refined from the place where the alchemist lived and where they provided it, enough to travel the country.

It is also enough for each person in the capital to have a golden pill.

Such sufficient preparation convinced the emperor that the appearance of this alchemist was definitely not as simple as asking for fame and wealth.

After being suspicious, the alchemist first appeared in the sensitive place of northern Xinjiang, which made the emperor worried.

The emperor's person to deal with this matter, Ma Ke, set out immediately regardless of the snow-covering the mountain.

In ancient times, the transmission of information was very slow. Even if the news is quickened, it will take some time for the news to come back and forth. The crowd was so anxious that they could only pray.

God is on China's side this time. Because the alchemist was arrested too suddenly, the news has not been sent back. Therefore, although the town where the alchemist first appeared was completely controlled by the pill, it did not cause the greatest evil.

After the alchemist confessed, they had two plans. Needless to say, if the alchemist successfully makes the people in the capital addicted to drugs, everything will go well. If the alchemist fails, the town will immediately rebel, meet with the foreign enemy inside and outside, open the city gate, and welcome the enemy into the country.

They have even used magical medicine to control some of the soldiers on the sidelines.

Because the emperor had already prepared for the worst, the messenger first transferred troops from another place, and then went directly to the town. So despite some resistance, under the premise of no organization, this group of people was controlled by drugs, but they spontaneously tried to kill the officers and soldiers.

But the emperor didn't expect that the soldiers guarding the border had swallowed pills, especially some high-ranking generals.

Although there are not many surrenders, the onset of drug addiction is a big problem.

When the town was besieged, the news leaked to the frontier. When the officers and soldiers were still dealing with the town’s problems, the spies knew that they were in danger of escape, so they notified the foreign enemies in advance. Soon, the foreign enemy's army attacked the border, and it was obvious that they had been prepared long ago.

The soldiers on the frontier not only encountered the invasion of foreign enemies, but also the spies were dragging their feet. What was even more frightening was that some generals suffered from drug addiction and some generals suffered physical problems due to taking pills. The latter discovered the problem when he was on the battlefield.

Under these factors, the frontier was broken by foreign enemies.

The horses of foreign enemies drove straight in, and soon several important frontier towns were breached.

Similarly, spies, drug addiction.

Fortunately, the emperor had already prepared. When he learned of the conspiracy of the alchemist, the people who mobilized the reinforcements set off. Although the supporting army was a step slower, it finally stopped the foreign enemy's offensive after occupying three cities in a row.

At this time, riots broke out in several towns in northern Xinjiang. It turns out that the "magic medicine" has already penetrated into other towns. Fortunately, the production of pill is not enough. Only a few people are addicted, mostly members of that "sect". So it was quickly suppressed and did not cause more harm.

If the frontier is breached, all the soldiers who guarded the border are killed, and the three major towns are lost, you can sigh "It's okay."

Maybe I can sigh with emotion.

It's just simple words and boring numbers. In the eyes of the emperor and ministers, it is full of flesh and blood, thousands of miles of scorched earth, and piercing pain.

At this time, no one dared to argue that, in fact, the pill may not be so harmful, right? Destroying a country or something is too exaggerated.

Tens of thousands of souls of soldiers and people in northern Xinjiang are crying.

With this kind of news, the struggle of those drug users in Beijing seems to have become insignificant.

After all, the alchemist hasn't been here for a long time, and there aren't many medicines given out as favors, and most people's drug addiction is not strong.

But the body is not addicted, and no one knows what the psychology is.

It's just that the children of the aristocratic family who are closest to the alchemist are serious. Su Yi became their only savior.

Su Yi wanted to coldly reject everyone, but he found that when he swallowed the pill, he had met a few times, even when he felt good in his heart, he couldn't bear to sever all their hopes.

After thinking about it, Su Yi told them that as long as they endured a few episodes of drug addiction, the physical symptoms would disappear. It's just that the process is very difficult and self-harm, so it's best to tie people up when the drug addiction occurs.

Although Su Yi wanted to say that he could help relieve pain with some medicinal baths, but he was really unfamiliar with this one. Anyway, he has already given a solution to the physical addiction. As for alleviating pain or something, find a solution by yourself. The imperial hospital is also trying to find a way, isn't it?

But the same sentence, physical addiction can be relieved, psychologically, you can only rely on yourself.

Because they are worried about using scientific explanations, they don't understand. Later, after being polished by the emperor's think tank, after taking this medicine, the soul will be controlled. Even if the body is healed, the soul will be torn apart. The scars of the soul can only be healed by oneself. People with strong willpower can heal. People with strong willpower will be entangled in nightmares for life.

This seems to be much more useful than Su Yi's popular science. For most people, this explanation is what they can accept and feel scared.

Su Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when the matter was resolved-at least no one bothered him anymore.

He thought, in fact, if these people's physical addiction is resolved, they may not be able to lead a normal life in the future. After all, there is a high rate of relapse in modern society. Another reason is that it is difficult to stop the drug trade. But in ancient times, drugs were not so easy to find. Most people don't even know how this stuff came about.

In this environment, the relapse rate is probably not high.

It's just that it's uncertain whether those people will have an impact on their minds because of drug use.

Su Yi didn't want to think about this now.

He has been thinking about it after hearing about the frontier.

Su Yi wanted to go to Beijiang a little bit. He felt that his ability could be better displayed in Beijiang.

Although he is still hesitant to take out the crossbow. But even for cold weapons, Su Yi knows many useful methods for manufacturing cold weapons. He has seen formations that are useful for cold weapons on military forums. He knows how to make stronger protective facilities, engineering facilities, He even knew some methods of training soldiers.

Although these are just talks on paper, as long as there are generals to assist them, these will definitely become reality.

So after careful consideration, Su Yi knew that Beijiang was in chaos and was dangerous, so he was still brave and asked to go to Beijiang for help.

Of course, he was rejected by the emperor.

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