The emperor's rejection of Su Yi was of course natural. It was not that the emperor didn't trust Su Yi to go to the frontier, and he could enhance the strength of the frontier. In fact, the magic of Su Yi made the emperor feel that he could do it as long as he promised.

But Su Yi is now a mortal, and the frontier is too dangerous. The border situation has stabilized. In contrast, Su Yi's safety is more important. This is a matter recognized by the entire court, even those who want to kill Su Yi and weaken the emperor's power will not openly raise such nonsense.

Especially this time when the harm of drugs broke out, Su Yi was like a savior. If it hadn't been for Su Yi's discovery, the Huaxia Land would have been overwhelmed now, even worse than the end of Han Dynasty.

Even the family who was dissatisfied with the emperor, full of ambition, and even suffered a heavy loss in this magic drug incident, are full of gratitude to Su Yi.

Can you appreciate it? If it weren't for Su Yi's swift action to stop it, probably all of their family would be controlled by the magic drug.

Anyway, Su Yi wants to go to the frontier, it is absolutely useless.

Su Yi is very sad. If he doesn't go to the frontier or adapt to local conditions, how does he know if the things in his mind are useful? He finally mustered up the courage and made up his mind, and this time his temper was screwed up.

You know, young people are sometimes impulsive in their hearts.

The emperor got a headache from being entangled, so he finally decided to let Su Yi go outside to relax.

Su Yi stayed in the capital, listening to news from the frontier every day, and being entangled by those who had not succeeded in detoxification, he was probably also annoyed. Go out to relax, calm down, and you should be in a better mood.

It happened that the emperor decided to promote Mu Yan, and he was going to let Mu Yan go outside to increase his qualifications. By the way, he did what he had decided before, and the emperor asked Mu Yan to take Su Yi with him.

With Mu Yan taking care of Su Yi, the emperor was relieved.

Mu Yan was different from Gu Ao this time. Gu Ao went out on a "national tour". Although he had the power to supervise local officials, he could not brush up on his political achievements. Moreover, traveling around the country was dangerous in this ancient time when transportation was inconvenient. Next, Gu Ao is getting older.

Mu Yan was young, and he went to be the local head, holding the power of the locality. Waiting for him to work at the local level for a few years and accumulate enough experience before returning to the central government is the right time to enter the central decision-making circle.

Although Mu Yan can still play a big role in decision-making, they are all private, similar to the emperor's personal staff. In terms of power, his power is not great. Therefore, he is only a close minister, not a heavy minister.

This loss is due to Mu Yan's age and qualifications.

Now it is to make up for Mu Yan's shortcomings.

However, although Mu Yan's release had been decided long ago, he should have started after the beginning of spring. The emperor is also planning to use Ramuyan as a laborer during the test.

Now for Su Yi, the sky is cold and the earth is getting rid of people, and he hasn't let it go for years. If the other party is not Mu Yan, and if Mu Yan does not have a sense of friendship, others think that Mu Yan has been disgusted by the emperor.

It can be seen how far the emperor has been forced by Su Yi.

But there are other reasons why Mu Yan and Su Yi are not allowed to spend the New Year in Beijing. This year, at least in the capital is doomed to pass. The officials’ small winter vacations were cancelled. In other words, the emperor did not seal pens this year, and everyone went to work as usual.

When there is a problem in the frontier, even if it is the Chinese New Year, it is natural that no holiday can be taken. So since the new year can't be passed in the capital, it doesn't matter whether people are left behind.

Even after Mu Yan was released, she was able to give herself a holiday during the New Year.

The central government does not have holidays, but if the local area is not urgent, it does not matter.

The emperor was busy himself, but still hoped that Su Yi would have a rest.

When Su Yi heard the news, his mouth opened and he closed several times, and finally he fell frustrated and agreed.

The emperor has made an order, what else can he do?

Mu Yan laughed from ear to ear.

Mu Yan didn't have any opinion on the external release, but he couldn't get along with Su Yi day and night after the external release. This opinion is big.

Ordinary officials went to Beijing once every three years to report on their duties. An emperor like Mu Yan was close to his courtiers. The emperor told him to return to Beijing every year during the official winter vacation if he had no work. Mu Yan thought about giving Su Yi a "Biography of the Wild Goose" on weekdays, and would come back to spend more than ten days with Su Yi every year, barely able to relieve his lovesickness.

Now I can pack Su Yi away.

Well, that will not come back every year.

Then Mu Yan received a secret decree from the emperor, asking him to bring Su Yi back at least twice a year. Even if he can't come back, Su Yi must come back to see his parents during the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year. As for the routine letters at least once a month, we must remind Su Yi, don't forget.

Mu Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

The prince and Yi Ran were not very happy that Su Yi was leaving the capital. But Su Yi stayed in the capital again, clamoring to go to the frontier every day, they were even more afraid. And now that the capital is chaotic, it's better to be outside.

However, the two of them gave Su Yi a few large boxes of gold and silver, for fear that Su Yi would be uncomfortable outside.

Mu Yan is speechless, will he treat Su Yi badly? Even if he is not in the capital, Su Yi's quality of life will not decrease, okay?

And the things the queen gave, let Mu Yan help her forehead. The queen actually gave a few boxes of clothes and hats for the four seasons, all of them. Queen Dao, after you go out, you can have fun. If you want to be a scholar, you can dress as a scholar, if you want to be a warrior, then you can dress as a warrior, or if you want to do business, you can.

So these boxes of clothes are for Su Yi's disguise?

What is the queen thinking...

Forget it, as long as they are happy. Mu Yan quickly pulled Su Yi out of Beijing, and the servants' luggage or something, let them slowly bring them in. When they left Beijing, Mu Yan only brought some urgent things, and a lot of gold and silver, and stored them directly to the place. The thought of buying things. After all, there are too many luggages to be transported. If you wait for the luggage together, the journey will be too slow.

When Mu Yan and Su Yi leave Beijing, there will naturally be many people seeing off. However, because of the magical medicine and frontier affairs, Mu Yan and Su Yi refused to see them off and set off directly.

However, when I left the city, I found not only friends, but even the emperor and his ministers were waiting at the gate of the city. Although they are all casual clothes, does this kind of casual clothes make sense?

Su Yi couldn't help but help. What do you want to do, the emperor father?

The prince and Yi Ran came up to bid farewell to the wine with a smile.

The emperor stroked his beard, and the poem came out with a farewell poem.

Although Suyi’s poems were zero, the emperor’s voice still sounded very good, and the surroundings also said that the emperor’s poem was well done.

If it wasn't for the emperor's flattery, it should be... well.

It was originally a sad farewell screen, but after too many people came to give away cards, it became a little bit dumbfounding.

Not only were Su Yi and Mu Yan dumbfounded, their friends also dumbfounded.

When I arrived, I found that there were still a few big guys here, and even the elders in the family. Why did you feel so sour?

The big guys are very calm... well, with a playful smile on their faces, as if they were deliberately surprised to see Su Yi and very happy. But each of them gave the same farewell gift, which was really dedicated.

These farewell gifts are basically books full of notes or piano scores, or paintings and calligraphy, although they are all delivered to Mu Yan, because Su Yi does not accept gifts, but Mu Yan is very self-aware. He was not qualified to be sent off by this group of people, especially the emperor. If you go to the expedition, then he will just release it, or reuse it, not relegation.

The departure of the celestial master from Beijing is the big thing in these people's hearts.

It seems that when the celestial master left the capital, they were also very disturbed.

However, the emperor said that the celestial master was clamoring to go to northern Xinjiang...Well, the celestial master should leave Beijing to relax.

"I always feel that this battle is too big?" Su Yi said to Mu Yan in the carriage.

Mu Yan said: "It's true...but they are here to send recreation, not unimaginable. It's just that you didn't see how ugly the faces of those boys are. They must have prepared poems for the farewell, and even prepared to play the piano for you. Sing farewell, right? Now your Majesty is here, and all the limelight is robbed."

Su Yi nodded amusingly.

Although this group of juniors are horrible family princes outside, in front of this group of big brothers, they don't even have a place to speak, so they can only stand on the side as a set board all the time.

"It's a pity that it's rare to see Xiangfei studying in retreat for the test. I didn't say anything today." Su Yi regretted.

Mu Yan said: "After you arrive, let's write to him again."

Su Yi asked again: "But why didn't I see Shaohong? I haven't seen Shaohong during this period."

Because everyone is very busy, I haven't seen Wang Boyuan for a while, and Su Yi always thought that he was also arrested. But the farewell did not come today, which is strange. Is it sick?

Mu Yan was silent for a while, and said, "He is actually here."

Su Yi was surprised: "Here? Where is it?"

Mu Yan smiled bitterly: "He is on the tower."

Su Yi said: "What is he doing on the tower? Why doesn't he come down? Because your Majesty are there?"

Mu Yan said: "...Yes. I probably saw your Majesty and them, so I went into hiding."

Su Yi smiled and said, "This kid, I guess I will have to be beaten again when I go home."

Mu Yan nodded, changed the subject, and talked about the customs of Qingzhou that he was going to take office. Su Yi also enthusiastically compared Qingzhou with the place in his impression, and the subject was successfully changed.

Mu Yan sighed and finally changed the topic.

Of course Wang Boyuan didn't want Su Yi to see him. Wang Boyuan is now skinny and his face looks like a few dozen years old. How could he appear in front of Su Yi?

There was naturally a reason why he was once partial to the family's son and became what he is now. The reason is also easy to guess, it is because of opium.

Wang Boyuan belongs to the category of wandering corpses. Most of the things that were different between him and Wang Bin were pretended, and he did carry a heavy dreadful habit. It's just because he is good in nature, well-knowing, and talented, so he has a good reputation, and some people say that he has a real celebrity style.

Wang Boyuan was the one who took the pill before and was the first to try Hanshisan. However, after Su Yi expressed dissatisfaction with Hanshisan, Wang Boyuan stopped taking it.

However, I didn't take Hanshisan, other pills were still taken occasionally. After all, taking pill is one of the "famous teacher style". Even if they don’t eat it in private, when three friends and four friends get together, they will knock two of them together, and they all become the party culture of this group of celebrities.

In order to create momentum for the alchemist and the magical medicine, the family invited celebrities to donate medicines, and the effect of the medicine was more obvious than other medicinal pills, and it seemed to have no side effects, so it was quickly called the new favorite of celebrities.

Although Wang Boyuan was warned early at home, and repeatedly discouraged him from taking the pill again. However, Wang Boyuan felt that he had not taken it in private, but it was okay to take it at a party.

How effective is the crude version of the drug? Just eat it once. Even if someone else tasted it once, because the alchemist hadn't sold it publicly in order to show that the pill was precious, they might not be able to eat it a second time. But what is Wang Boyuan's identity? He was interested in this pill, and immediately someone sent it eagerly, and the alchemist couldn't wait to get the support of the king from him.

Needless to say the next thing.

This was a scandal in the Wang family. Although other families probably knew about it, Su Yi, who didn't leave the house and basically didn't take the initiative to inquire about the news, did not know. Wang Boyuan also begged his friends and must not tell Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't see Wang Boyuan for many days. It was not that he was arrested, but that he was being detained at home to detox.

In just a short period of time, Wang Boyuan was thin and out of shape, and his whole person was no different from before.

Su Yi didn't notice, but Mu Yan did. Wang Boyuan stood on the tower and watched them leave.

When facing Mu Yan's eyes, Wang Boyuan smiled. Mu Yan was pleased that Wang Boyuan's smile contained sadness and bitterness, but there was no despair.

He believed that when they saw each other again, the two of them could talk together again.

Wang Boyuan didn't want Su Yi to know about this, and Mu Yan naturally wanted to hide it for him. Although Wang Boyuan thought he was a little uncomfortable, but the other party did not intend to say it. Even if he said it, it would be uncompetitive, and Mu Yan was not a magnanimous person.

I only hope that after this incident, Wang Boyuan can return to his original state.

Su Yi didn't know that Mu Yan was thinking about something sad. He continued to talk to Mu Yan carelessly about Qingzhou, looking forward to the "good life" after arriving in Qingzhou.

This person Su Yi was upset not long after he could not go to Northern Xinjiang. Now that the matter is settled, I will not think about it soon in my heart.

This person, he said to be nice is to have a broad heart. To be ugly, it's probably a big nerve.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Qingzhou in the Yu Dynasty was slightly different from the Qingzhou in the past dynasties. Its jurisdiction is almost the entire Shandong Peninsula, which is the eastern end of modern Shandong Province.

Qingzhou has been a place of abundance since ancient times and is the hinterland of the Central Plains. The emperor asked Mu Yan to go to Qingzhou as the governor, which shows that he attached great importance to him.

Moreover, Qingzhou is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and Mu Yan's appointment here is obviously also for the great sailing plan.

For this plan, Mu Yan has asked the Mu family responsible for maritime trade to enter Qingzhou and gain a firm foothold in advance.

Although Qingzhou is not the "base" of the Mu family, it is not difficult for the Mu family to gain a foothold in Qingzhou with its financial resources and relationships with various families. Just to divide the site, we have to wait for Mu Yan to go to Qingzhou.

In Qingzhou, the imperial court built a shipbuilding workshop in the name of the Mu family. There are other imperial workshops in Qingzhou, such as the steelmaking workshop, and the glass manufacturing dedicated by Su Yi is also going to be built here. The preliminary preparations have now been completed.

Qingzhou has the coastline closest to the capital, and naturally there are a large number of workshops built here.

"Your Majesty is really..." After knowing this, Su Yi was very surprised, "It's really a heavy burden. But our posture is so big, won't the local family bounce back?"

Mu Yan said, "There is no big family in Qingzhou."

Mu Yan smiled slyly: "Back then, Qingzhou didn't support your Majesty."

Su Yi nodded heartily. That's why it seems that the place was maimed by the emperor's father.

Mu Yan lay on the backrest and said, "Furthermore, in the last battle in Qingzhou, it was the first time I led the army as a general. At that time, there were basically all voices of opposition. Your Majesty opposed all opinions and let me lead the army. Since then, I have become a single-handed general."

Su Yi almost blurted out, how old were you then? Then he randomly remembered many "legends" about Mu Yan, and swallowed these words.

If he said it, Mu Yan would probably say again that he didn't care about him at all.


"Qingzhou was actually beaten out by you..." Su Yi looked very strange, "You also have left any legend of the Rakshasa since then?"

Mu Yan smiled: "These legends are exaggerated. Am I such a terrible person?"

Su Yi said: "It's really interesting that you go to Qingzhou to take up a post. Is there still your legend there?"

Mu Yan said: "Maybe. Several years have passed."

Su Yi said: "It's only a few years. Seven years? Eight years?"

Mu Yan said: "That might still be circulating."

Su Yi couldn't help but smiled and said, "What does your Majesty think about letting you, the person who left the local legend of Xiaoer Zhiying, be the governor of Qingzhou."

Mu Yan said, "It's probably because I shot it down. Maybe I go, the resistance will be less, right?"

Su Yi said: "Maybe there is more resistance. What a hatred..."

Mu Yan smiled: "It doesn't matter, but the governor can lead the army."

Su Yi was speechless.

Why, others are disobedient, and you still want to fight... No, the war is not successful?

Mu Yan said: "Don't worry, I think they will be acquainted."

Su Yi said: "Hope, I don't want anything to happen, I'm here on vacation."

Probably... Can you take a vacation?

Su Yi always felt that hope was a little bleak. Especially after knowing that the plan to go to sea is based in Qingzhou, he feels hopeless.

Mu Yan said: "It's definitely okay to take a vacation, but after it's there, I think they will come to see me, and they will also come to see you. Can you meet?"

Su Yi vomited: "Why did I see them? Do you want to show them how to do an experiment, or memorize a scripture, or just hold a piano recital?"

Mu Yan joined his hands and said, "Kang Le was going to play the piano to meet friends in Beijing, but it was postponed because of these troubles. If Kang Le is willing, it would be good to play the piano to meet friends in Qingzhou."

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Will it help you?"

Mu Yan laughed: "Kang Le can play as he wants, so why do you ask this?"

Su Yi said seriously: "I want to help too."

Then Mu Yan's face turned red all of a sudden. This expression, this kind of words, his heart can't bear it.

Su Yi blinked. What's wrong with Mu Yan? Why do you suddenly appear so awkward? Is it a bit of a damage to self-esteem? Or is it embarrassing to ask him to help?

Seeing that Mu Yan hadn't spoken for a long time, Su Yi used his mind to think: "I think about it, it's a good excuse to play the piano and make friends. The places near Qingzhou are all Confucian holy places? There must be many capable people, right? Forget it...well, I’m not discriminating against them, I just think it’s a bit at odds with them. But if they converge a little bit, it’s still good."

Su Yi said: "How famous is my reputation in Qingzhou? Will the friends who play the piano come to see the hermit? Maybe you can recruit a few staff members. The imperial examination has just begun, and the talent pool is not enough?"

Mu Yan turned away and said, "Don't think about it so much. I just want you to get to know more people. You can also go out on weekdays. Qingzhou is not more complicated than Jingzhong after all, and you don't have to stay at home all the time."

Su Yi said: "Don't change the subject, I ask you, is it useful in the end?"

Mu Yan sighed and said helplessly: "It's useful. Of course it's useful. How can you be known only by the people in Beijing? Not to mention Qingzhou, even the southernmost and northernmost of the Yu Dynasty, even foreign countries, know you. Not to mention. Qingzhou is also the first place to promote potatoes and sweet potatoes. Did you know that the locals have built temples for you?"

Su Yi couldn't laugh or cry: "I've said everything, I don't want any temples."

Mu Yan said, "I know, so the emperor made an order that you don't want to build a temple. In the end, there was no statue in the temple, but it became a place where scholars often gathered. After the imperial examination, it became an academy."

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched: "I am a scholar, and the original temple has become a college."

Mu Yan said, "You don't care anyway."

Su Yi said: "Well, I really don't care much. So, I am quite famous, not worse than you. But I am a good name, you are notorious. It seems that you really depend on me this time."

Mu Yan handed over: "Yes, yes. I will ask Kangle to help me this time."

Su Yi said: "It's easy to talk."

The two looked at each other, then couldn't help laughing.

Su Yi thought to herself, it seems that it’s not boring to go to Qingzhou. I just don't know what he made in Qingzhou, whether the emperor's father is crying or laughing.

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