"If you want to do so much, he is begging you and not you begging him." Su Yi handed Mu Yan a string of grilled squid and said, "After the imperial examination, there will be no shortage of talents."

At least not less now.

Many talented people of the common people were excluded from the entire imperial promotion system. Only by relying on aristocratic families can they hope to succeed. But not to mention how rare this opportunity is. Many arrogant scholars disdain to cling to the powerful.

Now the pros have accumulated a large number of talents. In a short period of time, the talents selected by the imperial examination are definitely enough.

At the very beginning of a system, it always showed its positive side. The imperial examination system does have its shortcomings and will gradually become decayed, but that is a matter of many generations later.

Su Yi took a bite of the squid, and said: "I thought that a little confident scholar would try the imperial examination. I don't know if Li Ai is holding a wait-and-see attitude or is not confident in himself. Of course, there may be other difficulties. But. In any case, it is him who should worry, not you."

Mu Yan sighed: "Kang Le said it is very true, I have been thinking about it. Well, this is really delicious."

"That's right, isn't it right? Good food, don't think about other things." Su Yi shook his head and said, there is no such thing as an expert.

But when other people saw him like this, they might think that his greedy appearance is also a superior demeanor.

Su Yi asked Mu Yan not to care, but he didn't expect to meet Li Ai soon.

Mu Yan has just taken office and is busy with many things. Su Yi was not idle, running around in various Zhuangzi every day. Although the planting of corn and fruit trees was in charge of Zhuangzi, as well as officials who were specially transferred from Sinongqing who were dispatched by Su Yi, the emperor knew that the new grains were all taken out by Su Yi, and of course they had to be kept. Beside Su Yi, in case Su Yi is "blessed to the soul" someday, he will come out with new food.

This official was also a person trusted by the emperor, so Su Yi could reveal some of his own "extraordinary" in front of him.

However, some people did the crops, but the salt farms did not.

Only Su Yi knows how to get this novel thing in the salt field. Now that the blockbuster is bought or collected, Su Yi will start the preliminary preparations.

Salt drying requires flat beaches, and there are also high requirements for slopes, and the Qingzhou coast may not be suitable. To make it suitable, a lot of manpower and material resources are naturally needed. For example, manpower leveling the ground, laying stone slabs, and building canals.

The labor required for this can be imagined.

If other people say this request, Mu Yan will definitely reprimand it for labor and money, which is not desirable. But Su Yi said it, everyone else did not hesitate to follow suit.

The people of Zhuangzi in Qingzhou were hesitant, but as soon as he showed hesitation, he was scornfully smiled by Mu Yan's subordinates from the capital.

"This is the celestial master." Jingzhong followed Mu Yan and said, "Don't say this a second time. For the celestial master, don't talk about it, even if you are in your heart, it is best not to have the slightest suspicion. "

The new managers in Qingzhou Zhuangzi were all subordinates brought by Mu Yan from Beijing. After they knew that someone in Zhuangzi questioned the celestial master, they immediately summoned people and severely reprimanded them.

In fact, as a subordinate of this era, even if the decision is not made by the omnipotent Su Tianshi, or the master makes the decision indiscriminately, the subordinate should not question it, otherwise it is disloyal.

Most of the people in Zhuangzi signed a contract to sell their lives, and the freedom of life and even their lives belonged to the owner. The owner makes a decision, how can anyone chew the tongue underneath?

But Su Yi made such a decision, naturally it is impossible not to take these into account.

At this time, it's time to sacrifice a big weapon, cement.

There happens to be raw materials for making cement nearby. If this is not the case, Su Yi may also have to consider it. Of course, it's not that he won't dry the salt anymore, but just handed over the method of drying salt to His Majesty the Emperor instead of doing it himself.

If you work with Mu Yan, you can make extra small money. You can only get rewards if you just hand in the method, and most of the rewards cannot be honored.

But if you don't have the ability, you can only think about the extra small money.

With cement, Su Yi also designed many water diversion facilities. Except for the absence of post-industrial machinery, such as steam engines and internal combustion engines, Su Yi’s current salt drying equipment has reached the highest level of human machinery.

If the first industrial revolution started with Jenny's spinning machine, his salt drying machine is definitely more technical than Jenny's spinning machine. Using wind, manpower, animal power, etc., this set of salt drying equipment can achieve water pumping, not the effect of water diversion. As for salt drying, purification, etc., not to mention.

When Su Yi prepared cement and the experiment was successful, no one questioned Su Yi again.

Within a few days, a huge stone slab, even bluestone with a hardness comparable to that of nature, was made. Is this still something human can achieve? This is simply a miracle.

When Su Yi's hand leaked out, Mu Yan was shocked. He quickly asked Su Yi to present this party to His Majesty the Emperor. The advent of something called "cement" has a great effect, especially in national defense.

How much manpower, material resources and time can be saved by building roads, building cities, etc.?

Su Yi patted his forehead and said, "Oh, yes, I originally wanted to tell your majesty about it, but I forgot it."

"...What does it mean to forget the result?" Mu Yan said weakly, "Such an important matter..."

Although salt is also very important, in terms of urgency, cement matters are even more urgent. Especially the frontier wars are tight, and the effect of cement is too great.

"Oh, let me summarize it and send it to your majesty." Su Yi said, "this cement has many formulas, and different formulas have different effects."

Mu Yan said, "Are there any differences?"

Su Yi said: "Of course. By the way, specially formulated cement can also be used to build steel-making boilers."

Mu Yan's expression was complicated: "I think your Majesty will specifically decree to scold you."

Only with higher temperature can better steel be produced. The bottleneck of steel refining is that the blast furnace of ordinary materials cannot withstand high temperatures. Although the craftsmen have also found a way, because the materials are scarce, there is no way to build it on a large scale, so the emperor's plan that every soldier is equipped with the best weapons is temporarily impossible to realize.

Of course, other slightly inferior steel weapons are much better than previous weapons.

Su Yi thought for a while, and it was really such a thing. Why didn't he think of this earlier? Oops, for wasting so much money and time from the emperor's father, would the emperor's father be furious, right? Although he would definitely not do anything to him, he would definitely be yelled at. Maybe he would knock him on the forehead, kick his ass, and deduct his small money when he returned to the capital.

"What to do? I just forgot..." Su Yi said pitifully, "Heqing, you must have a way?"

Mu Yan is so angry and funny, is a good celestial master countless? This stupid appearance is a no-brainer? Isn't it just one idea?

Su Yi really thought one out, so he didn't think of the relationship between cement and steelmaking at all.

"You go to sum up the cement formula, I will write the zhezi." Even though he was speechless, Mu Yan would definitely not ignore Su Yi, although he knew that His Majesty the Emperor would not really punish Su Yi.

"Okay, okay." Su Yi nodded his head like a chicken pecking at the rice. "Anyway, I am not good at writing. You write the book on your behalf. Your Majesty will not be surprised."

Mu Yan felt powerless again.

He once thought that Su Yi was also better than him in literary talent, and after some talk, let him bow down to the wind.

But now he is also confused, whether Su Yi is really as he said, has no knowledge of literary talents, and what he brings out is nothing but the works and thoughts of others in the parallel world.

Mu Yan already believed Su Yi's parallel world, so it was really possible.

So Su Yi is not impatient, is it really bad? Everyone has what they are good at and what they are not good at. Su Yi is good at too many, and some are not good at it, making him more like a human being.

If this matter is known to others, it may feel unacceptable. No one is perfect, but is Su Tianshi a human? (Su Yi: Who are you scolding...)

However, in Mu Yan's opinion, of course he would not be disappointed, but he was very helpless, thinking that there was one more place to cover up for Su Yi.

After Su Yi threw the problem to Mu Yan, he didn't have the heart to sum up the concrete formula.

If even Mu Yan couldn't "lie" to the emperor's father, then Su Yi would still wait to be kicked by the emperor's father.

Su Yi locked herself in the house for several days to summarize the concrete recipes and write down their usage in as much detail as possible. Even if it's a house like Suyi, I'm annoyed and want to go out to relax.

He saw Li Ai when he was relaxing.

Speaking of relaxing shopping, Su Yi was still looking forward to it at first.

After Su Yi regained his memory, he had a lot of confidence, and he would not stay in the house every day, lest there be some misfortune.

Back in ancient times, it is estimated that you will be interested in ancient small merchants and hawkers. In addition to being fresh, there are many people's psychology, which is probably related to the propaganda of some modern people.

Various quality problems in modern times and large-scale industrial production have caused people to feel that "people's hearts are not ancient". People in the past always think that people in the past, especially people in ancient times, are very simple. The things they sell are all real, not even the slightest fake.

Later, it developed into the fact that the manual production must be better than the machine production, whether it is food or other things.

Su Yi, who is not short of money, at least never worry about the price of food and clothing, naturally knows that at least the latter must be fake.

The handwork is just forcing a higher standard. In terms of quality, when the raw materials are the same, it is definitely not as mechanized. Except in areas where machinery cannot replace manual work.

Such as artistry and creativity.

Therefore, like jewelry and clothing, the quality of handwork is definitely higher than that of machines, but the "quality" is reflected in the artistry.

Another example is food. Machines are definitely not as good as chefs, because deliciousness is more subjective, and machines can only be quantitative but not qualitative, let alone create.

But something with a fixed formula is not necessarily.

Especially food, when it is manufactured artificially, some impurities and even pollutants will inevitably be brought in. Especially in the past when there was no concept of food safety at all, those people who did not wear masks or gloves, the saliva from breathing and the sweat stains on their hands were mixed into the food. Even when making some food, I still use my feet... well, athlete's foot or something.

Therefore, many food problems exposed in modern times are all hand-made workshops. In the past, they were all small handicraft workshops.

However, although Su Yi is not superstitious in handwork, he still believes in the simpler sayings of the ancients. Because there is less temptation? Because the degree of commercialization is not high, right?

But after shopping in the capital for the first time, Su Yi was hit hard.

When he went out to go shopping for the first time, Mu Yan told Su Yi that the street vendors should not buy at will, especially food, don't enter it. If you want to eat anything, go to a big restaurant to eat.

But can you go shopping without eating street stalls? Although the taste may not be good, it is a sentiment.

Su Yi believes that Mu Yan's reminder is a kind of conceit and hypocrisy of the rich.

You know, the delicious food comes from the fly restaurant on the street.

Then Su Yi was taught to be a human being.

He ate all kinds of strange things and saw all kinds of magical fake and shoddy products.

The roast duck is fake, the bun meat is sick pork, and the straw sandals are made of paper. Su Yi feels that he is about to become a fake himself.

This time I went shopping and ate and drank, ending up with Su Yi pulling my stomach for a whole day.

He just knew that the people who went to him were not old-fashioned. The society attaches great importance to quality and safety issues, which is the higher demand after the basic needs are met. And only with the restraint of the legal system can people embark on the right path.

Rely on human consciousness? Lie to the ghost!

There is no real thing on the street, but there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and no one can tell what they bought. Moreover, the punishment for selling fakes is only the anger of the customers and the punishment they make after being discovered, and the government does not care about it.

Moreover, the genuine goods sold on the street were also unacceptable to Su Yi. For example, that steamed bun is the famous conscience steamed bun. Baozi meat is real meat!

As for what kind of diseased pork has expired pork, for ordinary people, it is good to be able to buy meat. What are these? Their stomachs are also strong enough.

Just like in modern society, there are still elderly people who put food in rotten food and continue to eat, and even those who are dumped in the trash can by their children and grandchildren still have to fish out and continue to eat. In their eyes, it is a waste, and those are all edible.

The material scarcity of ancient civilians is unimaginable by modern people.

The only thing that makes Su Yi more pleased is that those small handicrafts are still good. For example, small wood carvings. After all, those raw materials are not valuable.

After that heavy blow, Su Yi's Three Views were subverted, and he became less interested in shopping. And I rarely go shopping.

If you want to buy things, you can only go to more stylish shops. After all, these places are sold to the rich, and if the rich find them selling fakes, these shops will die miserably.

It's all like this at the feet of the emperor, and nothing else needs to be said. So after Su Yi came to Qingzhou, he never went to the streets. Today, I was really tired of staying in the house, so I came out to stroll around this time.

Eating a ditch and gaining a wisdom, Su Yi came out this time not to go to the roadside stalls, but to the shops. He specifically asked Mu Yan for someone who was familiar with the local area to be a guide. It's just that the guide was actually the Qi family, which surprised Su Yi.

Although he had persuaded Mu Yan to be calm, Mu Yan used to have that attitude towards the good-tempered Qi Yun before, but what kind of attitude Qi Jia was like. Su Yi only thought that Mu Yan had calmed down his dissatisfaction with Qi's family. At most, his relationship with Qi's family was not so indifferent, but the difference between indifference and his partners was quite big.

Since Mu Yan can give the Qi family the honor of accompanying Suyi shopping, it is obvious that Qi family is very close.

The person who accompanied Su Yi was the younger brother of the Qi Yun clan. In terms of speaking, this person was closer to Mu Yan's relatives, and was the concubine of Mu Yan's aunt. Since he is a concubine, there are relatives, there is no blood relationship, and the relationship between Mu Yan and his aunt is very tense, even if his aunt is dead, there are no children left, but the Qi family’s direct line still meets Mu Yan very much. embarrassment.

Mu Yan's ability to release such kindness made the Qi family very flattered.

They are not fools, and of course they will happily take over the friendship bouquet and try to bury the bouquet in the ground to grow a living, it is best to plant a sea of ​​flowers.

Now let alone go shopping with Su Yi, it means to accompany any guest named by Mu Yan. The Qi family will do their best without feeling embarrassed.

The companion was Su Yi, and they were flattered.

The name of the Qi family who came to accompany Su Yi to go shopping was Qi Chi, with the word Chizhi. When Qi Chi accepted this important task, he couldn't sleep well with excitement. He was repeatedly instructed by his family that he must accompany Suyi well and give him a lot of money to satisfy all the shopping needs of Suyi. If the money purchased is not enough, he can directly use the Qi family’s name on credit. There is still some face.

If you can get Su Tianshi's guidance only in a few words, it will definitely make Qi Chi inexhaustible.

Of course, Master Su is not so easy to be pleased, even if he can go shopping with Master Su and pay respects to his appearance, it is enough to be refreshing.

With Qi Yun's lavish praise, and the Qi family's knowledge of Mu Yan, it can be said that among the wealthy Qingzhou clan, the most convinced of Su Yi's magic.

Because he was instilled more of Su Yi's glorious image, when Qi Chi saw Su Yi, he felt that Su Yi's hair was shining with mystical brilliance, and every smile contained the true meaning of the world, but he was only ignorant and couldn't comprehend it.

And Su Yi saw a well-dressed...well, it was indeed a well-dressed young man with powder on his face and two **** of rouge on his face. He was really dressed up.

As for the look that looked at the holy relic, Su Yi... Su Yi was used to it.

In the capital, many aristocratic family members have this expression when they see him.

Under Qi Chi's leadership, Su Yi began to sweep the more famous shops on the street, and saw anything delicious and fun... and didn't buy it.

Su Yi is very picky now, and basically doesn't like it. When he goes shopping, he is just looking at the customs and folklore here. However, he did not find anything more novel. As for the others, what he used at home was much better than what he sold in the store, so he didn't want to spend any money at all.

Not to mention Suyi, the local wealthy family, most of the food and clothing costs are solved by themselves, and they rarely buy outside. Even if you buy, you will sign an agreement with the store and directly “customize” it.

When they go shopping, it's just a surprise. Of course, if you find something good, it can be considered a more interesting entertainment.

However, Su Yi didn't know much about antiques, and he didn't know anything about calligraphy and painting. He didn't have much aesthetics in handicrafts. So he feels lack of interest, of course.

And Qi Chi continued to look at Su Yi with a look of worship, thinking that Su Tianshi is indeed a master, even in the hustle and bustle of the world, he is completely unmoved by the world. Su Tianshi seems to sink into the world, but he is proud of the world. This is the real master. The master does not live in the mountains and forests, pretending to be refined, but no matter how flashy the world is, he is still a clear stream.

Su Yi's eyes were getting hotter and hotter, and Qi Chi, who looked more and more like a star chaser, felt a little headache.

Is this guy's brain okay? Why is the attitude so strange? Although he can understand other people's admiration for him, he didn't do anything along the way, right? How did the admiration of the other party deepen?

Just as Su Yi wondered if he had accidentally revealed some kingly...no, no, there was a burst of noise that made him come back to his senses.

He was walking to a shop where he bought calligraphy, painting and calligraphy and painting-related crafts, and the shopkeeper was arguing with a literati-like person. The content of the quarrel was probably that the literati said that a celebrity painting on the wall was fake, and the shopkeeper naturally said that this person was making trouble.

Su Yi is a person who likes to watch the excitement more occasionally, so he moves quietly, wanting to listen more realistically.

The dispute between the literati and the treasurer quickly escalated, and the treasurer wanted someone to chase the literati away.

The literati sneered, "You ask me why I know it is fake? Because the person with the inscription in this painting is my teacher! How can I not recognize my teacher's calligraphy and painting!"

"Are you a disciple of Lay Xiaolin?" The shopkeeper looked at the literati suspiciously, and said, "Lady Xiaolin does have a student named Li Fangqiong."

The literati snorted coldly: "I am Li Fangqiong!"

Su Yi looked at the literati in surprise. I heard Mu Yan talk about Li Ai before, but today I actually met him? Is this predestined?

The shopkeeper hesitated. As the shopkeeper of such a big shop, he was very well informed, and naturally knew that Li Ain had indeed come here. This person doesn't look like an impersonator.

"If it was Li Fangqiong, the old man had been rude before." The shopkeeper immediately reduced his anger, and made a beating at the person in front of him. This posture caused others to appreciate him a lot, and even Li Ai's attitude eased for a moment, "It's just that this painting was sold by the son of Jushi Xiaolin to the little old man, and he has also seen the calligraphy and painting of Jushi Xiaolin. ..."

Li Ai frowned and said, "Hu Fei sold it to you? Huh, then I can be even more sure that this is a fake. The first name of the teacher is planted on this unfilial son."

The shopkeeper hesitated and said: "Little Laoer also spent a lot of money to buy this calligraphy and painting. If it is true, can you tell the Little Laoer the evidence?"

Li Ai expressionlessly said, "The proof is that I copied this painting."

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