On the day of Mu Yan's banquet, the chariots and horses of the guests at the banquet blocked the whole street, which was quite crowded. Su Yi finally experienced once again the sight of a populous country in China.

Although it is estimated that China is not yet a populous country.

After taking a long glance, Su Yi left in the chaos in a carriage. He didn't want to be blocked, although no one knew him.

Mu Yan sat in the mansion, receiving guests from all walks of life with a smile.

Because of his fame and his friendship, more people came than when Chen Mu took office, and even people from nearby states came here admiringly.

In this kind of weather, Su Yi wrapped himself in three layers inside and outside three layers, plus a circle of furry skin, which looked like a chubby bear. However, Mu Yan was wearing a flowing gown with several layers of silk clothes on the inside and a red fur cloak on the outside, so he could stand in the cold wind and chat with the guests.

Su Yi lowered her fur hat and shivered while holding the hand warmer.

This group of people who want demeanor but not temperature are not worth learning.

Mu Yan has an innocent face, but I don't feel cold.

Not only was Mu Yan dressed very elegantly, most of the guests who came would rather have a hand warmer in their hands than wrap themselves in a furry ball like Su Yi.

In this era, too much attention is paid to "grooming and demeanor." I would rather go back to drink medicine than lose face on the big scene.

In order not to make their faces too ugly by the cold wind, most of these people also applied powder and rouge.

Mu Yan also rubbed a little powder when she looked haggard due to overwork. But most of the time, Mr. Mu is naturally beautiful and doesn't know how to do these things.

As for Su Yi, you can't expect an otaku to know how to make up. He also doesn't pay much attention to these.

However, Su Yi is also a naturally beautiful person, which may have a lot to do with him having enough sleep time and no life pressure at all.

Soon after Su Yi left, the guests arrived one after another.

Even though these guests usually act arrogantly, they did not deliberately be late at Mu Yan's banquet. There weren't even the ones that got stuck, they came early.

This is not only the relationship between Mu Yan's power, but also with Mu Yan's personal charm.

Even though Mu Yan's murderous reputation in Qingzhou has not disappeared, few people who have been with him care about him.

In fact, Su Yi felt that looking at Mu Yan's strong presence face was enough to care about.

When the guests arrived, it was about eating, listening to music and watching dancing. After everyone was full, they began to recite poems and paint, and discuss the meeting again.

Banquets are all such a process. Especially big banquets.

If it is a gathering of three or two friends, have a better time.

There was nothing special about the food at Mu Yan's banquet. Although Suyi's seasoning had been planted, it was definitely not enough to splurge at the banquet.

The tea is good, but the tea served by the servants is not as particular as the tea made by Mu Yan himself, but it is enough to shock the group of people.

The tea-drinking style has spread from the capital, but although the tea-drinking style has spread, how to make tea to make tea taste better, but there is no detailed prescription, and it is all on my own.

As the people in the capital diverged outwards, loose tea would eventually replace the current tea products, but not now.

Because it was winter, Mu Yan used black tea to serve guests, and it tasted mellow, and a warm feeling in his abdomen spread throughout his body.

Although black tea can be added with milk and sugar, Mu Yan did not prepare it so comprehensively. He has the highest status, so you don't have to think about the details.

People who are accustomed to drinking or not, all praised Mu Yan's tea at the banquet. The literati boasted of people, they were simply not people. This black tea has already been praised by them as having a taste like Xianlin nectar.

Mu Yan smiled and talked about the processing of tea, the classification of various teas, the selection of tea sets and the selection of tea-making water, tea-making techniques and so on.

If Su Yi is here, I will definitely feel that the world is pretending to be tens of thousands. In fact, the bottom line is to grasp one thing, which is to take out things that others don't understand, and either make people unclear or lead the trend. In this way, pretending to be successful.

Mu Yan obviously knew the essence of pretense.

He talked a lot about tea there, and in the ears of others, it was a matter of elegance, which made people feel that his life was particularly particular and sentimental.

It is conceivable that after this banquet, the tea-drinking style will really rise in the upper echelons of Qingzhou. And various tea-making rituals and utensils will also become new comparison objects for the gentry.

After talking about tea, the banquet is almost finished.

This kind of banquet, everyone will eat half full at most, and before going to the banquet, they will pad their stomachs in advance. It is a very shameful thing to eat and drink at the banquet. Even if you think the things at the banquet are delicious. So this meal time is mostly the time to toast each other, and there is not much time left for eating.

Mu Yan used wine to entertain guests. Grape wine luminous cup, wine has been in the West Han Dynasty, and was loved by the upper-class nobles. It is also suitable for hospitality.

But Mu Yan actually didn't like this slightly sweet wine. It was only because Chen Mu made a lot of wine to entertain the guests. He couldn't take it all and gave it to him. He didn't want to drink it himself, so he took it out for the guests to drink. .

This saves the fine wine brewed by the method of Su Yi.

Su Yi said that drinking would hurt his body, so Mu Yan was only allowed to drink a small cup a day. Mu Yan was also obedient, Su Yi said what he said, and had never drank it secretly.

But not drinking secretly does not mean that he is willing to take it out. Regarding the fine wine, Su Yi feels that Mu Yan is like Grande, who can't drink it by himself. He would rather bury it in the ground than take it out as a gift.

Obviously Mu Yan is very generous with money, and I don't know why Dudu treats wine like this.

Maybe people have quirks?

Although Grandiyan did not entertain the guests with his own wine this time, he took out a small bottle of wine brewed by Suyi as a gift.

Su Yi doesn't like to drink, so he doesn't make much wine himself. But Suyi has obsessive-compulsive disorder, even if he doesn't like to drink, he will use the best raw materials currently available when making wine.

The best raw materials are naturally produced by the system.

Where is the food, where is the spring water, and what technique and proportion are used to mix. Su Yi doesn’t make much wine, but every time he makes wine, the eyes of those who have drunk his wine are reddened. Mu Yan, a loyal and patriotic emperor and close minister, can do it for Su Yiyi. The bottle of wine was on the bar with the emperor.

The emperor is also refreshing, right? See you on the school grounds!

Mu Yan really couldn't beat His Majesty the Emperor...

However, His Majesty the Emperor can now be arrogant, because Mu Yan is younger than him, of course, he dare not say such words.

Therefore, Mu Yan actually took out a small bottle of wine brewed by Su Yi, which was extremely generous.

If it is in the capital, all the members of the family must be here.

This is not only the temptation of fine wine, but also the fine wine brewed by the celestial master himself. With a small sip every day, I feel that I will live for a hundred years.

Although the people here have never drunk the wine made by Su Yi, Su Yi's reputation is still there. If I heard that it was brewed by Su Yi, my eyes would be red.

But Mu Yan did not say. He only said that it was a rare wine. Even if he offered it as a reward, he would only take out such a small bottle and give it to the person who talked about victory later.

He will not participate in this talk.

Mu Yan replied that although he values ​​this wine very much, he knows that not everyone loves wine as much as he does. So those who win in a while can also choose other things. There are famous calligraphy and paintings, unique manuscripts, gold and silver jewelry, and even the beautiful showgirls and dancers just now, if you like them, you can take them away.

But it can only take away the same.

Although Mu Yan took out the fine wine, he was still unwilling to send it out in his heart. He just didn't know if anyone would be fooled.

But obviously, there are smart people present.

The other things that Mu Yan took out were of high value, which proved that in his mind, the value of this small bottle of wine was comparable to these, or even higher.

Few celebrities have bad wine. Even if they are not good wine, they would choose this bottle of wine when they knew that this was Mu Yan's beloved thing, to show that they recognized the value of this bottle of wine in Mu Yan's heart.

Fortunately, the person who won the talk this time is the one who really loves wine, otherwise Mu Yan would really regret that the vulgar person buried the bottle of wine.

Although there is actually no relationship between not loving wine and vulgarity.

The winner was named Li Ain, whose name was Fangqiong. He was not a member of the family, but a common family. Although Li Ain is not a member of a family, he is also a farmer, or a landlord class, and his family background is actually quite good.

Li Ain's learning is very mixed, Confucianism, Taoism and even Legalism have a little dabbling. His talent is recognized even if he belongs to the Qingzhou family, and he is respected as a celebrity.

But even so, at Li Ai's age, his reputation is not big enough to attend Mu Yan's banquet. This time Li Ai came from a friend's invitation.

His friends are not ordinary, but the Kong family. Although he is a collateral of the Confucian family, his talent is recognized as the first among the Confucian family.

The direct line is inherited from the family, and the most talented person does not necessarily come from the direct line. The head of the Confucian generation is also considered enlightened, and instead of suppressing collaterals, they actively help them find opportunities.

Only when the Confucian family has another person with great prestige, can it be possible to return to the heyday of the Confucian family in the Western Han Dynasty.

At this time, the Confucian family was not a hereditary aristocracy, but started from Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, occasionally sealed by emperors. However, since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Confucianism has declined, Lao-Zhuang's thought has begun to rise, and the status of Confucianism has naturally declined.

The head of the Confucian family is a little anxious, and it is only natural. So this time the most proud young generation of the Kong family was sent out.

It's just a pity that he lost to his friends. Kong Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

But he didn't feel sorry. I have tried my best, but my skills are not as good as others. He is also happy that his friend can win the top spot at this kind of banquet.

Kong Yan looked at Li Ai looking at the little white jade bottle, with a drooling expression, he couldn't even maintain his demeanor, and he shook his head and sighed in his heart. But his dear friend seems to be more interested in that bottle of wine than he is in the limelight.

Seeing Li Ai's appearance, Mu Yan knew that the bottle of bartender could not be kept.

Although it was very distressing, since they were all taken out, Mu Yan couldn't drop it.

Li Ai carefully took over the wine that Mu Yan personally handed him. He didn't even drank Mu Yan's greetings. The monkey opened the cork anxiously. Before he leaned in to kiss him, a strong fragrance that belonged to alcohol had grown up since he was a child. The mouth of the small bottle gushed out, and not only Li Ai, but also the guests nearby could smell it.

"This wine..." Li Ai exclaimed, "I knew it must be a good wine before drinking it!",

Mu Yan smelled the fragrance of wine, and his heartache increased by one point.

Suyi has been very busy recently and hasn't made wine for a long time. What's more, this is the most complicated kind of wine made by Suyi. Even if Su Yi will still make wine in the future, it is still unknown whether this wine will be made. That's really to drink a little less.

Mu Yan indeed took out the best wine as a prize.

Mu Yan said: "This wine can't be greedy, a small cup is comparable to a whole jar of ordinary rice wine. Don't look at such a small bottle, if you drink it all at once, you will immediately be able to sleep until tomorrow's clubhead."

Li Ai didn't doubt Mu Yan's words. Of course Mu Yan couldn't brag about this kind of thing, and he didn't need to brag. It's just that this description is too magical, and it makes people feel unbelievable.

"Really?" Li Ai immediately ordered a small glass of wine and poured out a half glass of wine.

After the wine was poured, the taste became stronger. No matter whether the wine is good or not, the surrounding guests can't help but crane their necks to see what kind of wine it is, with such a strong aroma.

"The color is like a clear spring..." Li Ai shook the glass and said, "There is no turbidity. Just by looking at it, you know it's a good wine."

He took a sip. The entrance of the wine is not dry and spicy, but a strong fragrance, even after the wine is like the throat, it is also a hot stream. But after drinking, the belly immediately burned like fire, causing Li Ai to lose his attitude in public and let out a long scream.

Mu Yan smiled: "How about this wine?"

Li Ai hiccuped a drink, and was actually a little bit drunk. He drinks a lot on weekdays, and he will feel slightly drunk after drinking at least a jar of wine.

"Okay...it's great..." Li Ai sighed, "After drinking this wine, I feel that the wine I drink on weekdays is like white water. It is a pity that there is only such a small bottle, even if you take a sip a day, it will not last long. ."

Kong Yan couldn't help but said: "Is that so exaggerated?"

Li Ai hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'll give you a little drink, just a little, no more."

Kong Yan was amused. This person was brought by him, so care about a little wine?

Originally, Kong Yan didn't plan to drink Li Ai's wine. Li Ai hesitated so much, Kong Yan immediately said, "Thank you Fangqiong, then."

Li Ai sighed, poured less wine than before, and said, "I'm not stingy, you can't drink such strong wine."

Kong Yan said: "I think the amount of alcohol is good, so I can pour me the same amount anyway."

Li Ai hesitated for a moment, and finally remembered that he could drink wine, but he still relied on his best friend to bring him. So Li Ai poured a little more: "Seriously, this wine is really strong."

Kong Yan raised his head and drank all the wine in his glass. At the entrance of the wine, Kong Yan thought to himself that a good wine is a good wine, which is indeed the best, but Lie didn't seem to feel it.

But when the wine slid down his throat and a ball of flame burned from his belly, even Kong Yan almost lost his temper.

"This..." Kong Yan thought for a while, but didn't figure out how to describe this wine.

"Tian Shidao, this wine is like a gentleman. The view is as light as a clear spring, and the taste is as mellow as syrup, but after swallowing it in the belly, I know that his inner ideals and ambitions are fiery and persistent." Mu Yan sighed, "Only a cup. It makes people feel slightly drunk and hearty. Therefore, the name of this wine is'Junzizui', which is brewed by the celestial master with a variety of grains and fruits, and only he can brew it."

Everyone was in an uproar immediately, and the eyes that looked at the jade bottle were immediately different.

Li Ai calmly carried the jade bottle into his arms, and did not intend to share it with anyone at all.

"However, apart from the taste, this wine is ordinary wine. It has no effect on prolonging life." Mu Yan said, "The heavenly master has said many times that he has no special magic power, and what he does is what humans can do. ."

"The celestial master has always persuaded the world to keep their feet on the ground, not to ask immortals and ask questions." Kong Yan sighed. It is destined to be impossible. Nothing can be obtained by eating or drinking. But even if this wine does not have any longevity effect, only the taste, it is already extraordinary."

Li Ai nodded vigorously: "What is the effect of the wine? Just a good drink."

Mu Yan smiled and said, "Xiongtai's words are quite similar to what the celestial master said. Dare to ask about Xiongtai's high reputation?"

Li Ai said: "You shouldn't be the case for Sir Shishi. There is no such thing as a caomin, whose last name is Li, whose name is Fangqiong."

Mu Yan said, "Brother Fangqiong is also a good drinker."

Li Ai sighed and said, "Only what is in the cup."

Everyone looked at Mu Yan, thinking that Mu Yan would invite Li Ai to meet again later, or to say something, but after a few chats, Mu Yan and Li Ai talked to others, seeming not to pay attention to Li Ai anymore.

Kong Yan approached Li Ai and whispered: "It's a pity."

Li Ai touched the wine in his arms and said, "I don't think it's a pity."

The corner of Kong Yan's mouth twitched: "You really have to be something in the cup."

Li Ai said, "Of course."

Kong Yan sighed, there was nothing he could do with his best friend.

When Li Ai begged himself to take him to the banquet, Kong Yan still wondered, is his best friend finally going to rise up? It turned out that he just didn't know where he learned that there might be a good wine brewed by a celestial master at the banquet, so he came to try his luck?

He really thought too much.

Li Ai touched the wine bottle in his arms, with an attitude of having enough wine. It seems that Kong Yan really thinks too much.

But Mu Yan took out the wine as a reward, but it was just a temporary motive. Does Kong Yan really think too much?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After the guests dispersed, Mu Yan drove to Zhuangzi where Su Yi was.

Having lived with Su Yi for a long time, Mu Yan also likes to eat supper at night. In fact, this is not necessarily good for the body, but watching Su Yi eat delicious food, everyone will be greedy.

The supper eaten by Su Yi is very unhealthy food. He was grilling and there were sweet potatoes buried in the fire.

When Su Yi saw someone catch some seafood, he suddenly became greedy and wanted to eat some seafood. A few days ago, the sea was cold and it coincided with the Chinese New Year. No one was selling seafood on the street. Now I finally saw it, how could Su Yi miss it?

Fresh seafood, in fact, with **** and garlic, it is delicious enough to be cooked, and there is no peculiar smell. But Su Yi is a heavy taste, he likes seafood barbecue, the kind with cumin, pepper and chili.

In the eyes of people who can eat seafood, this completely suppresses the umami taste of the seafood itself. But I have personal hobbies, and Su Yi is good at this one.

Mu Yan is not used to the taste of seafood. Even when Su Yi's picky tongue can't sing the fishy smell of seafood, Mu Yan can still taste it.

It's like Su Yi eating lamb, no matter how delicious the lamb is, he can still taste the smell.

On weekdays, Mu Yan doesn’t eat these things in the sea. This time it smelled too fragrant, so he couldn’t help but eat a bit. The taste was completely different from what he remembered. The fishy smell of seafood was completely suppressed by the fragrance of the seasoning. Now, only its own sweetness is left.

If there is no fishy smell, few people can refuse the savory taste of seafood. Mu Yan completely forgot to cultivate his body, and he can imagine it after eating a round belly.

When Mu Yan and Su Yi finished the grilled seafood and began to wait for the sweet potatoes, Su Yi asked, "How about the banquet? Is anyone making trouble?"

Mu Yan said: "Why would anyone make trouble?"

Su Yi said: "Well, have you met any interesting people?"

Mu Yan said: "There are a lot of interesting people. I also gave a bottle of the gentleman you brewed to get drunk."

Su Yi was surprised: "Oh? You can actually send you a gentleman drunk? That person must be very satisfactory to you. However, don't give me a bottle and let me make another bottle. The gentleman is too drunk. It's hard to brew, I don't want it."

Mu Yan sighed: "I was discovered by you. Well, if you don't make it, you won't make it. The bottle of wine is for the leader of the talks, not who I chose specially."

"But he is also a talented person who can be the leader in that scene." Su Yi said. He knew that the talk hosted by Mu Yan was not empty talk. It is true that only those who have a small heart in their chest can win.

Mu Yan said: "Still a prostitute."

Su Yi got some interest: "Isn't that right?"

Mu Yan said: "But I came with the Kong family."

Su Yi said: "Then it will be troublesome. Tied up with the Kong family? Your Majesty is hesitant about the Kong family's attitude, right?"

Mu Yan nodded.

Back then, the Confucian family had officials who had been in official ranks, and once denounced His Majesty the Emperor as a courtier and thief, and refused to surrender. Later, he was killed in the city. Although this is only his personal behavior, the Kong family has always been a clear-cut attitude towards the change of dynasty, and only meets the new monarch after the dynasty is stabilized. However, it is inevitable that the emperor has a knot in his heart.

But Su Yi admired the man who dared to scold his emperor father more. He had heard the emperor's father talk about that person, the emperor also admired that person very much, and said that the person was more sturdy.

However, whether it is Mingzhe's protection of the body or the golden mean, as a big family, the Confucian family is so smart.

Su Yi felt that sooner or later the emperor would still use the Kong family as a signboard, just like those emperors in his history.

However, it will only be used as a sign tree. The Confucian family was revered as the head of the civil servants and granted a large number of privileges, but the emperor of each dynasty would not give the Confucian family real power. The Kong family also knows this, so most of them devote themselves to learning, regardless of world affairs.

Li Ai was too close to the Kong family, but Mu Yan hesitated whether to use him or not.

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