It was early spring when Su Yi traveled with the army, and it was midsummer after the war. Su Yi wanted to follow Mu Yan, the class teacher back to the court, and enjoy the glory of triumph.

But after the emperor learned of Su Yi's "great achievements", he patted his thigh and enjoyed your size. Come back with me as soon as possible! Are you not conspicuous enough?

So after the surrender of the last city of Goguryeo, Su Yi quietly returned to Beijing with a team of escorts.

The emperor had long wanted Su Yi to return to Beijing, but Su Yi's current reputation in the army was too high, so many eyes were staring at Su Yi. If Su Yi left early, the emperor's fear of the army would be shaken.

Walking for Su Yi would actually shake the military spirit when the situation is good. Both Mu Yan and the emperor felt very complicated, and once again firmly believed in the determination to never let Su Yi go to the battlefield.

If the army is too dependent on one person, it will cause serious problems. Moreover, Su Yi does not actually have the ability to lead troops. This time the inexplicable increase in popularity is just a coincidence.

Because only Su Yi went back, Ruo drove the boat back to Beijing, but it was conspicuous. Since Goguryeo has been wiped out, the Liaodong tycoons have long been wiped out by Goguryeo. The land route is relatively safe, and Su Yi has walked on land.

These months of military career not only made Su Yi psychologically more adaptable to this cruel, **** and cruel feudal society, but also greatly improved Su Yi's various physical functions, such as riding horses.

Because Su Yi had been attacked once before, Su Yi himself knew that someone wanted to kill him.

Su Yi brought his jujube with him this time. Although the jujube is not as heavy as the commonly used horses, its speed and endurance are not bad. Although only Su Yi went back, for the safety of Su Yi, the team that Mu Yan sent to protect Su Yi was all elite.

In order not to hinder Su Yi's itinerary and disperse the protection forces, even the Mo family stayed and acted with the army.

Originally, Mu Yan wanted to arrange a carriage so that Su Yi could return to Beijing as comfortably as possible. Su Yi thought to herself, since they all said to be concealed and safe, what are they going to do? Go back to Beijing and be safe as soon as possible. So Su Yi disguised himself as a soldier, and rode forward with the team of people protecting him.

Even if it encounters a light rain, Su Yi will put on her clothes and hurry. Of course, if the rain is heavy, stay at the post or inn to rest. Hurrying is a small matter, but sickness is a big deal.

Because of the war, there are often small groups of soldiers running to the capital from Goguryeo. Officials and people are used to it along the way, and they will try their best to provide convenience to these soldiers who pass the news.

When Su Yi rushed back, it didn't attract anyone's attention. Mu Yan concealed the news of Su Yi's departure. Even if someone found out that Su Yi had left, they didn't know where Su Yi was going.

Even if someone guessed that Su Yi had returned to Beijing early, they would not have thought that the spoiled master Su Tianshi would actually pretend to be an ordinary soldier, and his protector would pretend to be a squad of soldiers sending messages to Beijing, and ride back to Beijing on horseback.

Su Yi's horseback speed is not fast, but the horse trot all the way, how much faster than the carriage. Within half a month, Su Yi returned to the capital.

After Su Yi returned to the capital, he learned that someone guessed that he had left the barracks before returning to Beijing. Suspicious people were found along the way from Goguryeo to the capital. I am afraid that he was here to intercept him.

Su Yi felt that she was too witty.

When Su Yi left the barracks, not everyone knew it because he was acting secretly. Mu Yan even made people pretend to be Su Yi, pretending to be for a while.

People who pretend to be friends in the barracks have also been poisoned and assassinated several times.

When Mu Yan was angry, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He is a general in the army, and there are many things. It is impossible for Su Yi to be by his side from time to time. Even sometimes when he was dealing with urgent matters, they might not be in the same place. Once Mu Yan leaves "Su Yi", something will happen.

The manpower to protect "Su Yi" has also lost a lot.

The military hasn't found infiltration for the time being, maybe there is infiltration, but they just "leave their duties without authorization" to provide convenience to the assassinated. Goguryeo was beaten down. In order to stabilize the security of Goguryeo's various cities, the soldiers had to spread out and provided an opportunity for the assassination.

Mu Yan discussed with the emperor and asked Su Yi to return to Beijing in advance, which was also thought of.

Mu Yan originally thought that as long as he entered the territory of Yuchao, Su Yi could have a high profile and show his identity. In this way, officials along the way will be very nervous to protect Su Yi, even if there are assassins, they will not be close.

Who knew that Su Yi patted his head and thought of such an idea.

Su Yi thought this idea was wonderful, but in the eyes of the emperor and Mu Yan, it was really stupid. If the news leaks out, people can see through Su Yi's disguise, and the success rate of attacking an "ordinary soldier squad" is much higher than that of Su Tianshi, who is closely guarded by various officials.

Although Su Yi’s journey was much slower after his identity was revealed, and various officials would request an interview, which was more troublesome, but the safety was much better than Su Yi’s own toss this time.

Mu Yan had already arranged it, but ignored Su Yi's current reputation in the army, and ignored that his confidantes would be too convinced by Su Yi and obey Su Yi's arrangements.

However, Mu Yan had never expected Su Yihui to have a sudden whim. He told those confidants that he had to listen to Su Yi's arrangements on the way.

Mu Yan was only talking about life, who knew that Su Yihui would come to this trick.

But the ending was good. Su Yi returned to the capital within half a month, and no one noticed it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When Su Yi returned to the long-lost house in Beijing, his housekeeper was shocked. Although the housekeeper knew that Su Yihui would come back, he didn't want to come so soon.

The housekeeper hurriedly notified the palace, and the emperor knew that Su Yi had come, almost scared of a heart attack.

If you didn't know that Su Yi had come back safely, she would definitely be scared.

This sentence seems to have been said before? Forget it, ignore this.

Since Su Yi was back, although the emperor was almost frightened to wait for a violent beating with Su Yi, there was a lot of room for manipulation in this matter.

The emperor decided not to let others know Su Yi's whereabouts, so that he could neither summon Su Yi into the palace nor leave the palace himself.

Even if the emperor goes out of the palace, no matter how concealed he is, it will not be silent. As for summoning Su Yi into the palace, the emperor was afraid that Su Yi would be ill by Long Qi.

After Su Yi left Beijing, the prince often came to Su Yi’s house to help Su Yi take care of the housework, for fear that Su Yi was not in Beijing, and the people in Beijing would **** and play slippery. The prince wants Su Yi to stay in the house in Beijing, even if Su Yi is not there, he must keep the same as when Su Yi was there.

In the Suyi House, the prince would relax. Whenever he has any worries or irritability, he will ask to leave the palace and stay in Yizhai for a few nights. In the end, the emperor disliked the prince too annoying, and directly gave him a token so that he could leave the palace at will.

The prince was already big and his ability was recognized by the central government. The emperor did not need to control the prince's range of actions in order to restrain the prince from learning. As long as the prince did not leave the capital, the emperor ran away with the prince after work and study.

So Suyi House is like the Prince's Court.

Because of this, the prince's visit to Suyi's House will not arouse anyone's idea.

After the prince learned that Su Yi had returned, of course he immediately went out of the palace and indicated that he wanted to stay in Su Yi's house.

After learning that Su Yi was going to return to Beijing with the army, the prince lived in Su Yi’s house more frequently, and people who wanted to find out through the prince’s whereabouts were too lazy to investigate.

Who knows that Su Yi is really back this time.

After Su Yi returned home, she took a shower and changed clothes, and took a nap. When the prince came over, Su Yi was directing the cook at home to make good food.

Whether in the army or on the road, Su Yi ate poorly. With Su Yi's pampered temperament, he hasn't screamed in all these months. It can be said to be very powerful.

But now that conditions are available, Su Yi of course has to treat his stomach well.

The prince saw Su Yi again after a long time, and Su Yi's appearance changed a lot. After joining the army, Su Yi's skin became darker, and she became thinner. Of course, Su Yi thought that he was a lot stronger, and the bubble flesh became muscle.

But in the eyes of the prince, Su Yi was suffering.

The prince's eyes were red, and he rushed forward and hugged Su Yi and began to choke. He even forgot to cover up his name: "Brother, you have suffered."

Su Yi was still sighing, the younger brother had drawn a stick, he grew taller, his childishness was almost invisible, and he became very calm. Who knew that the prince rushed forward and began to choke, and Su Yi jumped.

Hearing the prince choking, Su Yi was moved a little bit amused: "I didn’t suffer, fights, that’s it, I can’t gain a few kilos, right? But I’m quite fit, next time I hunt, maybe I can accompany you. Together. Although hunting is impossible, horseback riding is no problem."

Outside, he is a prince who looks like a mature and stable prince, holding Su Yi, still like a child, rubbing his cheek on Su Yi's shoulder: "Big Brother, I miss you so much."

Su Yi patted the prince on the back of the head and said, "I miss you too. Oh, I haven't seen you for more than a year, I've grown up so much. Come, let me take a good look at you."

The prince let go of his arms, rubbed his eyes embarrassedly, straightened his chest, and let Su Yi "check".

Su Yi patted the prince's head, and then patted the prince's shoulder: "I've grown into a handsome boy. I heard that I'm going to be married? I'm going to get married."

When Su Yi mentioned his appointment, the prince did not feel shame or joy in his heart. It's not free love, and the prince has seen him from afar. It can't be said that he expects to like anything, as long as the emperor and empress find it suitable.

But getting married is a big event after all, and the prince hurriedly said: "When I get married, the eldest brother will be in the capital, right?"

Su Yi said without hesitation: "Of course."

Even if he was in Qingzhou at that time, he would come back. The younger brother gets married, how could he, the eldest brother, be away? Even if you can't attend as a brother, you still have to watch the little brother put on a red dress and ride a tall horse to pick up the bride.

The prince grinned and said: "Big brother is tired? Let's go in and sit and talk. There are a lot of rumors about the elder brother from Goguryeo, but you have to tell me well."

Su Yi nodded.

He does have a lot to tell the prince. Goguryeo’s new way of comforting the people has to be explained to the prince.

One is to let the prince know the situation of Goguryeo in advance, the prince will understand, and the emperor's father will also understand. Before Mu Yan returned to Beijing, they were prepared to deal with those people who would definitely oppose the opinions of the DPRK and China.

Second, he felt that the prince might learn something from it, which would help the prince be a future emperor.

After a long absence, Su Yi also ignored the change in the title of the prince.

But now the prince "spoken" for a while, and he will not leak it out. The prince regarded Su Yi's house as his own villa, and the subordinates in Su Yi's house were sorted out by the prince many times. The empress also deliberately used Su Yi's family affairs to train the prince and teach the prince how to recognize and use people.

Now Su Yi's house is like an iron bucket, and even the rough servant who sweeps the floor is worthy of trust. The prince can be more arbitrary.

This is also one of the emperor's daring to let Su Yi continue to be "unaccounted for". As long as Su Yi does not go out, others will not know that Su Yi is back.

The emperor had intended to let the prince go to the battlefield to practice. Although it is dangerous, but has not been on the battlefield, how did the prince know that Yuchao was hard-won? The world of the Yu Dynasty came from the emperor and the first emperor fighting each other on horseback, and the descendants of the Yu Dynasty must not be the coward who would not even dare to go on the battlefield.

The prince wanted to ask some stories on the battlefield. Who knew that the story told by Su Yi was completely different from the hardship the prince heard from the emperor. It was a little...too easy?

The prince heard Su Yi's very depressed spit. Those people didn't understand science at all and thought he was practicing what kind of magical method. As a result, all of them were so frightened that they completely lost the heart of resistance and were full of pride.

Even on the battlefield, even if he doesn't know how to fight on the battlefield, Big Brother is as good as ever. The prince's heart was so beautiful.

When Su Yi saw the prince's excitement, he knew that the prince hadn't gotten what he wanted to say.

He actually wanted to let the prince know through this matter how important scientific knowledge is. Because the enemy made some movement that he couldn't understand, he was panicked, which must be avoided.

How can this be avoided? It is not just that the mind of a general needs to be firm, the most important thing is to open up the people's wisdom.

Otherwise, even if the generals can stabilize and the military spirit is scattered, even if the generals can regroup their military spirit, they may also miss the opportunity.

If you are still fighting the world, engaging in some feudal superstition is conducive to your own rule. But after the rule of the dynasty has stabilized, if the people engage in feudal superstition, the rule may be shaken.

For example, if there is a flood, instead of building a dam but sending a boy, a virgin or a bride to Hebo, for example, if there is a locust disaster, I don’t know **** the locust, but I think it’s a warning from the heavens that I will only kowtow and burn incense. Disturbances... feudal society, these things are very common, everything will affect the rule.

"When the rule is stabilized, the next step is to let the people eat and wear warmth. After the people eat and wear warmth, it is their turn to educate the people." Su Yidao, "Cultivating the people is not only for the people to read and write, but also for them. Understand the truth. Don’t worry that once the people understand the truth, they will threaten the rule. If you want to become the emperor of the Mingjun and Xianjun, you can’t wait for the people to be more powerful. If you are stupid and ignorant, you just want to enjoy luxury..."

The prince indifferently interrupted: "Such an emperor, don't do it. If the emperor becomes like that after the Yu Dynasty, it might as well be destroyed."

Su Yi couldn't help but rubbed the crown prince's head. Ouch, my brother is so domineering, he is a good seedling of an emperor through the ages. Even the emperor of the ages is not as good as his own brother.

Su Yi smiled and said: "If Jun Le has this idea, at least your next generation will not become ignorant."

The prince scratched his cheek in embarrassment, and said, "Brother keep talking."

Big brother finally called my name again, so happy~(≧▽≦)/~.

Su Yi also talked about comforting the people of Goguryeo, letting the people of Goguryeo rise up, and attaching themselves to the Yu Dynasty, making the Yu Dynasty army invincible.

The prince furrowed his brows, thoughtfully.

Su Yi said, "Does it feel terrible?"

The prince said: "The monarch, the boat is also; the commoner, the water. The water carries the boat, and the water overturns the boat."

Su Yi nodded, "Isn't that what Qin Mo is like?"

The prince said: "Will someone be so it right for us?"

Su Yi shook his head: "No, it is conditional to do this. The people are very patient and will not easily change their living conditions. Generally speaking, there are two possibilities for the people to resist. The first is that. This is just like in the late Qin Dynasty, when the folks are utterly suffocated and there is no way to survive if they don't resist. At this time, if someone shouts this slogan, a large number of people will gather."

"The second kind is like this attack on Goguryeo. The old regime has been defeated, and the new regime has gathered people's hearts in this way. Can you know the gap between the two?"

The prince was meditating on the situation, but he had never thought about it after all, and he had been educated in feudal ideology, and he couldn't think of it for a while.

Su Yi said: "The former one, although it will gather people's hearts in a short time, but it will not succeed. Not only is it because people are selfish and want to live better than others. It also does not conform to the general laws of today's society. It is impossible for people to divide everything equally. People who are useful and ministers of merit will always divide more, otherwise who will be willing to use it for them? So in the end this slogan will become empty talk."

"The second kind will succeed." Su Yi said, "Because Goguryeo is not the land of the Yu Dynasty, we can't let that place be fully under our own jurisdiction in a short time, and it is impossible to use the local nobles. If the local nobles are used As an official, I’m afraid that it won’t take long for another country to be established on the Goguryeo land."

"I asked Mu Yan to do this not only to gather the hearts of the people, but also to find an excuse to completely destroy the old local ruling class. When the local people got the land and money of the old aristocracy, they would not want the old aristocracy to resurrect. It will take a while for new nobles to emerge. This period of time is a buffer period."

The prince thought for a while and said: "The purpose of the former is to divide the land equally, and the purpose of the latter is to destroy the old aristocracy, stabilize the local order, and prepare for it to be fully included in rule. Because of different purposes, the results will be different. If there is someone If you want to target Yu Chao in this way, it means that Yu Chao has already died..."

Su Yi said: "In fact, every dynasty and every generation will do this when they found the country. They confiscated the land of the original nobles and distributed it to the local people. At the beginning of the founding of the country, almost everyone had land. But later, land mergers would occur. It is getting worse and there is no way to stop it."

This was the case for the Zhou Dynasty’s well-field system, the Tang Dynasty’s equalized land system, and the beginning of the Song and Ming dynasties. The ruler will distribute the land of the old nobles to the civilians for farming. Although there is no such slogan, in fact the nature is the same.

However, afterwards, it is inevitable that there will be land mergers.

As long as land is privatized, there must be land mergers. But the public ownership of land, under today's productive conditions, will reduce the enthusiasm for production.

"Land merger...can't it be solved?" the prince asked.

Su Yi originally wanted to talk to the prince about people's sentiments, and then talk about education. His next topic was originally intended to talk about if the people were twisted into a rope, there would be a sense of national collective honor and a sense of belonging.

Unexpectedly, the prince felt so keen, that he immediately hit the big problem of feudal society.

Su Yi hesitated and said, "Don't tell your majesty what I said today."

The prince nodded quickly. The secret of him and his eldest brother! Never tell anyone!

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "In fact, it is not impossible. As long as farmers are no longer dependent on the land, it will be done."

"In the future, machinery will develop greatly. Farming land will not require so much labor. After land mergers, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In order to save manpower, nobles with large amounts of land will increase farming machinery and improve farming methods so that the original land The output is higher and the cost is lower."

"At this time, a large amount of labor is liberated from the land. If these labors have nothing to do and cannot make ends meet, social problems will arise. This is the case with the demise of many dynasties."

"But at this time the handicraft industry developed, and commerce also developed. The labor force liberated from the land poured into the market to become craftsmen for people and make various commodities, and those commodities were sold everywhere." Su Yidao "At that time, productivity has developed to a certain level. The things produced in the land can not only feed everyone, but also have a large amount of surplus, which can be made into various things. For example, food becomes food, etc., this kind of thing is the lowest level. Many people are also accustomed to using money to buy products that they need in life, rather than making them themselves."

"When the purchase is cheaper than self-made, this phenomenon almost occurs. At that time, land mergers are not a problem, but a means to improve the economy." Su Yi said.

However, at that time, new social problems will arise, but that is a long time later, and Su Yi is too lazy to talk too much.

The prince was lost in thought.

Su Yi patted the prince on the head: "It's been a long time, and the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years can't reach that level."

The prince sighed.

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