Su Yi wanted to introduce advanced ideas into Yuchao ahead of time, but anyone who had studied politics textbooks in middle school knew that it was impossible.

There is a paragraph in the middle school political textbook, which probably means that the relationship between productivity and production is the relationship between feet and shoes. Small shoes will hurt your feet, and big shoes will fall.

The productivity of the Yu Dynasty was far from reaching the time when the production relations needed to be reformed, or in other words, now is the time when feudal society is on the way up. Feudal society has not yet attracted its heyday, where will the accumulation enter the new society? Therefore, even if Su Yi had something new in his head, he couldn't take it out and couldn't change the status quo of Yu Chao.

Even if Su Yi is not a liberal arts student, he can predict that Yu Chao will not have enough accumulation to reform social relations when land annexation and various contradictions are triggered and threatened to rule in the future. However, if the current accumulation and ideological changes can be inherited by the next dynasty, then the next dynasty may continue to walk in the forefront of the world, and even take the lead in completing the reform.

Who can tell the future? Su Yi regretted, and wanted to change something on his own, but after all, he was courageous. He thought of Wang Mang. Many of Wang Mang's reforms are very advanced in modern society. But under the social conditions at that time, it caused social unrest.

Su Yi is just a technical house, not a sociologist, not an economist, not a politician. Instead of the uncertain reforms that might collapse, Su Yi felt that he should focus on creating the flourishing dynasty of the feudal society in front of him.

Sometimes Su Yi felt that she was too courageous, but when the expressions on the faces of the people on the street grew from depressed and numb to hope and smiles, Su Yi's courage did not rise.

This is not a novel, or a game, or imaginary data, but a real life. Su Yi could feel that his influence on the emperor, the prince, and even many ministers was increasing day by day. He didn't say much, and every time something officially proposed was not implemented.

This war has increased his influence and mystery even more. Su Yi knew that now he might really have the ability to influence the implementation of the policy. And looking at the appearance of the prince, perhaps the emperor will have his own considerations, but the prince is likely to go and do it as long as he nods his head.

Su Yi sighed.

Although he prefers to experiment silently by one person, even in his previous life, he can successfully be a beloved rice worm, and he is like a fish in the water among all kinds of scheming bosses, and Su Yi is quite accurate. And the environment he is in has also allowed him to meet all kinds of people with different mentalities.

In modern society, among large families, people are more prone to psychological problems.

Su Yi had discovered the prince’s psychological problems a long time ago. The prince trusted him too much, and seemed too indifferent to other people and things. Su Yi even found that the prince only respected the emperor's father and the empress's wife on the surface, or rather, he rationally felt that he should be respected and trusted, so he showed respect and trust.

This made Su Yi very worried, but he was worried and didn't know what to do.

After the prince grows up, maybe the situation will change. Su Yi also felt that he would not do anything, so the prince's psychological problem was small and small, and it shouldn't cause any contradiction.

Little children, in the second phase, a bit rebellious is inevitable. As long as I'm a good brother, it's okay for the younger brother to listen to himself. After Su Yi comforted herself, she continued to chat with the Prince.

Changes in production relations cannot be done at present. Su Yi finally turned the topic to enlightenment.

What Su Yi told the lieutenant generals that enlightenment should be implemented in Goguryeo, in fact, it should be implemented even more in the Yu Dynasty.

The common people's sense of identity with the country does not arise out of thin air. You have to teach them.

How does the sense of national identity come about? The same text, the same language, the same legend, and the same way of life.

The latter is difficult, but text and language, as well as legends, can be artificially interfered.

Why did Qin Shihuang want to unify weights and measures? This is necessary for a unified country.

In fact, with the exception of a few dynasties, most of the dynasties knew the benefits of improving the cultural quality of the people to rule. This is not to say that the cultural quality of the people should be raised to a certain level. They can be literate and understandable. In feudal society, it is almost the same.

The merits of enlightenment are very important merits of the ancient magistrates.

For rulers such as the prince, the people’s understanding of a unified language is not only conducive to the implementation of government orders and policy promotion, but also conducive to the people’s psychological identity with this dynasty. Once they agree with it psychologically, when the local wealthy clan wants to split up before they are forced to break the road, the people will not agree with it in their hearts. Although they will not necessarily resist, when the court wants to calm the chaos, it will do much less.

But the Chinese language may really be one of the most difficult to learn in the world, even in Su Yi's view, even one of them can be removed. To promote the text, it is very difficult.

After listening to Su Yi's words, the prince became very interested in the promotion of text, and he also put forward many ideas of his own. There are two points, which are the same as Su Yi's thoughts.

The first point is to simplify the current text. Nowadays, the characters are in the official script, and many scholars have spontaneously changed the "Official script" to simplify it.

Su Yi once heard people talk about the history of Chinese characters. Chinese characters were not only simplified when Xinhua State was established, but they have been simplified since ancient times. From compiling script, to official script, and then to regular script, this is not just a change in the font, but also in the structure of the text. This change is a process of gradual simplification.

These are all promoted by cultural people from generation to generation. The concept that scholars are pedantic has been implanted in many people's hearts because of the Qing Dynasty. But in fact, even in the Ming Dynasty, scholars were not pedantic. The Ming Dynasty has even appeared in the rudimentary form of the cabinet. Their scholars are both civil and military, and many famous generals are also great literati.

Ancient scholars have been making progress, as can be seen from the reform of writing. The reform of this text did not first originate from the imperial court’s top-down decree, but the calligraphers themselves reformed and created, and then was promoted by the imperial court.

Regular script appeared very early, and it has become a trend nowadays. But it has not yet replaced the official script as an official script.

The prince himself liked regular script very much and he was also good at regular script. He believed that regular script was more concise and easy to promote than official script. If you want to promote the text to the public, using regular script as the official text is a feasible and easy-to-promote strategy.

At the time of promotion, the prince believed that the current text should be further simplified. This came to the second point that the prince thought of, compiling a dictionary.

Dictionaries, or dictionaries, are called dictionaries at this time. The earliest book with a calligraphy function is "Er Ya". The book "Er Ya", as its name suggests, is the standard language to make it conform to "Ya Yan".

The first systematic calligraphy book is "Shuowen Jiezi" written by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It pioneered the radical arranging method, fully interpreting the meaning, shape and sound of characters.

"Shuo Wen Jie Zi" is a must-learn course for Meng children. The prince believes that if the font is to be reformed, a new book of characters must be compiled.

Su Yi kept nodding.

He has thought about simplifying the text, compiling a dictionary, etc., but this is based on his modern understanding and thinks that he should do this. The prince stood directly from the perspective of the ruler, and based on the current society, he put forward this theory, and Su Yi repeatedly sighed.

If it hadn't been for the education and information explosion in modern society, Su Yi believed that he would be too far behind the prince.

Who said the ancients were fools? Modern people have a broader vision. This must be a modern person who is well-educated and knowledgeable.

After the prince raised these two points, Su Yi felt that she could not help much and could not make any comments. He racked his brains and finally put forward a few comments, saving face as a big brother.

Su Yidao: "You can compile two books of calligraphy, one is for readers, as detailed as possible. The other is for the illiterate people to learn, as simple as possible. As long as there are common meanings. And the calligraphy The interpretation of the word should be separated from the interpretation of the word. Well, how about a dictionary and a dictionary?"

The prince thought for a while and said, "Should the pronunciation be listed separately?"

After Su Yi had memories of the past, he also knew the pronunciation of the words how the world learned. In this era, the teaching of pronunciation is to use the cut-character method, that is, one character represents the initials and one character represents the finals.

The Roman alphabet phonology table is to be in line with foreign countries, and Su Yi is considering whether to use it now. After he took out the Arabic numerals, the Arabic numerals soon replaced the numerals written in words, and they began to be promoted from Qingzhou. If he took out the alphabet, with his reputation, it would be easy to promote it.

But the cutting method may be more complicated in the eyes of modern people, but it is easier to be accepted in this era. After all, people in this era have never seen letters.

After thinking about it, Su Yi felt that the phonological table must be listed separately and should be standardized. But simplifying the word cut will do. That is to say, like the Japanese simplified Chinese word cut method, relatively concise radicals are used to fix the pronunciation. The Roman phonology table of Chinese later generations can be replaced by simplified characters or radicals.

The biggest problem with ancient phonological labeling was that it did not label tones. The new phonology table can mark the tones.

In addition, punctuation must be promoted.

The current segmentation is all direct spaces. If it is copied, it is easy to make mistakes and omissions.

As for why there were no punctuation marks in ancient times, Su Yi guessed that it was probably because the writing brush was not easy to mark. It hinders the cleanliness of writing.

Not to mention ancient times, even modern calligraphy works will not be marked. They are all marked with mentions or spaces.

However, it is ugly to write punctuation in handwritten text, but Su Yi is already promoting printing, and printed books can have punctuation marks. As for notices and decrees, the accuracy of words and sentences is much higher than that of aesthetics, and it is best to use punctuation.

Su Yi also plans to promote hard pen. Cultural people can use a brush, but ordinary people don't want the beauty and artistry of calligraphy, they just want one to be useful. It is feasible to promote hard pens among the people.

If you meet a literati, Su Yi's words may make people feel uncomfortable, thinking that calligraphy has been stained.

But the prince is the ruler's thought, and he trusts Su Yi very much. After thinking about it, he thinks this is feasible.

There must be problems with hard pen writing from the imperial court. After discussing with Suyi, the prince and Su Yi felt that they could start with the folks and let those servants or people in the market use it first. If it works well, they will gradually promote it themselves. Come.

And those big literati don't care what writing tools the small people in the city use.

In addition to words, the "legends" and "myths" mentioned by Su Yi also opened up the thinking of the prince.

The upper class believes in ghosts and gods, but they do not believe in ghosts and gods. Sometimes they will be jealous, and sometimes they will despise it. And the more ignorant people are, the more important things are in their hearts.

They may believe in folklore more than history books.

If everyone believes in the same legend and the same source, then the psychological identity will naturally increase.

This Su Yi said that he can provide novels, cough cough, legendary support. Honghuangliu's novels can be used again.

The prince and Su Yi had a very happy conversation, and they exchanged a few candles until the sky was light, and the two fell asleep.

This time the prince got his wish and can lie on a bed with Su Yi.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The prince was tired and crooked here in Suyi for a day, and then was urged by the emperor to get back with me quickly, and then reluctantly left.

After returning to the palace, the prince told the emperor what he had discussed with Su Yi. After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help knocking the prince on the head: "Why didn't you come back yesterday for such an important matter?"

The prince said: "The son knows his mistake." But in his heart, what is the difference between what he said today and what he said yesterday? This is not something that can be done right away. The father is obviously jealous that he can see his eldest brother, he can't go out of the palace.

The emperor scolded the prince a few more words before continuing to discuss the matter with the prince.

The emperor knew the effect of the so-called "splitting the local tyrants and dividing the fields". In fact, he used this method many times in the process of fighting everywhere and establishing the Yu Dynasty, but it was not so clearly proposed, and there was no specific one. Bylaws.

Perhaps the prince was still young, perhaps the prince’s thoughts were different from ordinary people, or it was that the prince did not say so in detail when he was spreading the message. The emperor did not think about the land merger that the prince thought of.

The emperor was very interested in enlightenment, and Su Yi gave him a copy of the printing technique that Su Yi said, and he hadn't figured out how to use it. He had planned to wait for Su Yi to return to Beijing to hand it over to Su Yi for a decision, or give it to Mu Yan so that it would be Mu Yan's credit. Now that Su Yi has come back, you can let Su Yi do it.

As for Su Yi's inability to show up, it's simple. What Su Yi had to do in the past was to borrow Mu Yan's name, but now he borrows the name of the prince. The prince has grown up, and he needs credit and prestige.

Perhaps the prince is still young, or his own emperor's career has not been long. Now the emperor is still trying his best to build momentum for the prince.

However, even those emperors who were jealous of the prince were very good to the prince at the beginning, and they were willing to give their inheritance a momentum and let him grow. It's just that when the heir grows up and he gets old again, he will start to be jealous.

But not all emperors will be jealous of their heirs. The emperor doesn't know what kind of person it is, but at least now he hopes that the prince will grow up quickly.

The emperor wanted to hand it over to the prince, but the prince refused.

"This matter must be done by the emperor himself in order to be more beneficial." The prince said, "Even the son does not have enough prestige."

The emperor thought that the prince thought the matter was too difficult, but after hearing what the prince said, he also felt that it was reasonable. The reform of the text really requires the emperor to personally supervise it to go smoothly.

After all, it is a matter of scholars, and sometimes scholars are very stubborn.

However, even though it was said that the emperor took the lead, it was in name only, and the final specific matter was left to the prince to arrange. The prince also readily accepted, but said that if the second brother is free, he hopes the two brothers will work hard together. After all, there are many things. Moreover, the prince felt that it was possible to bring in some of the major families who were inclined to the royal family and who did not agree with the family-oriented concept of the family. There were also some who are well-educated, but not very effective in political affairs, but they are very prestigious among the people." Celebrities can also join.

The emperor kept nodding his head, very pleased. The prince did grow up.

Proper operation of this matter can indeed solve many problems.

For example, he is the most troublesome. He doesn't understand the fart, so he likes to point fingers and feet, and it happens to be the famous "people of celebrities" in the world.

For the sake of the prestige of the Yu Dynasty and the reputation of "seeking talents", the emperor used high-standard ceremonies to welcome those celebrities and sages into Beijing and let them become officials. But these people are well-educated, not necessarily politically powerful, and many of them are very stubborn, which makes the emperor a headache.

It is indeed a very suitable position for these people to compile a book. It can not only prevent them from pretending to understand government affairs, but also make the best use of them.

The emperor and the prince discussed the matter for a long time before they talked about the assassination of Su Yi.

Not only Su Yi, but Yi Ran's deeds have also been exposed, and he has been assassinated many times.

However, within Yu Chao's jurisdiction, Yi Ran's own strength is also very strong. He is the one who killed a tiger. Even with the help of guards, his strength can be seen.

So there is basically no big problem with Yi Ran.

But there is no problem, it does not mean that the emperor is not angry and will not be held accountable.

When the prince talked about Su Yi's assassination, he was also intent on killing. If it weren't for Su Yi's persuasion, he would also be restrained intellectually. The prince even wanted to take care of his three-seven-two-one, and first kill the people who might assassinate Su Yi one by one.

But the prince did not need to endure for long. After Muyan's class returned to the court and the military in Beijing became more powerful, the emperor would attack some people.

After all, the main force is not yet in place, and the emperor has few troops available, so he needs to consider his own safety after others jump over the wall in a hurry.

Originally, the emperor wanted to cultivate for a few more years. Fighting this kind of thing that hurts the people and money requires recuperation.

But with Su Yi's ideas and fighting to support war, the emperor didn't need to worry that the battle against Goguryeo would bring losses to Yu Dynasty.

After capturing the officials of Goguryeo, Mu Yan followed Su Yi's suggestion and specifically found various minerals that Goguryeo had already mined, as well as pictures of local specialties.

With these information, the Yu Dynasty can not only make up for the losses caused by the war, but also get more benefits.

The land in Goguryeo is also very suitable for growing corn and other crops. Next year, food will be more abundant.

As for the medicinal materials and wood, although they are valuable, they are all trivial matters.

The emperor's warlike heart couldn't help but get ready to get so many benefits from fighting. But he also knows that although it is good, it also needs to be digested before talking about other things.

Now he needs to digest the results of Goguryeo's battle. The grain and cotton are all grown locally, and all the minerals that should be mined have been mined. After these are transformed into Yu Chao's national strength, let's talk about other things.

The fuse of the war between Goguryeo and Yu Dynasty was the war between Goguryeo and Buyeo. Originally, the emperor felt that he was beyond his power, occupying too much "wild land" and couldn't eat it, so it's better to return it to Fuyu for a better reputation.

Later, after the emperor communicated with Su Yi and Mu Yan, he felt that it was okay, but he couldn't pay for it in vain. For example, exchange for gold and silver, such as discussing the annual tribute. We Yuchao shed blood and sacrificed for you Fuyu, so how come we have to make some compensation, right?

Now the emperor feels that Yu Chao can still eat this little land, so let's not pay it back.

Are you Fuyu dissatisfied, come and hit me? What we ate from Goguryeo by our ability is not obtained by beating you. Why should we give it to you?

After Su Yi learned of the emperor's decision, there was a moment of speechlessness in his heart.

However, in wars and in the interests of the country, although people are often angry, in fact, sane people understand that if there is no massacre and exploitation involved, then it is not a matter of justice or injustice. It's just a different position.

Just like this war in Goguryeo, for many Goguryeo, it is a war of injustice. Although we in Goguryeo hit the territory that originally belonged to your Yu Dynasty and the country of your Yu Dynasty, we shouldn't be wiped out. Wouldn't it be enough to give a lesson?

But from Yu Chao's point of view, this is the battle of justice.

Although Su Yi thinks he is very kind, in the face of this kind of national interest, kindness is the best thing.

If it is good for the country, if it can be good for the people, what if he is written in the history books and is scolded every day?

However, it is estimated that Hua Guo's history books will not scold him. History books of other countries should scold him.

Demon way? Well, this title is good.

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