Su Yi has seen scenes of nations coming to North Korea on film and television programs many times. At this time, the director will not be stingy with extras, create a vast scene, and use a variety of long shots to create a magnificent perspective.

After he became one of them, he thought that for the safety of the emperor, there would not be so many people, maybe a small group of people would meet one by one?

After seeing each other, I guessed it right, but the scene was much more spectacular than what I saw on the screen.

As a science student, as a science student with a back-to-back essay composition for the college entrance examination, Su Yi racked his brains and did not come up with any verse to describe what he sees, what he thinks and feels now. If you change to someone with literary talent, maybe you have made any immortal poems and songs that will be passed on for generations, right?

It's a pity that no literary works are left to teach elementary and middle school students and become a necessary text. As a traverser, it is really a pity.

Standing by the emperor's side, Su Yi watched the people in front of him shout for peace, and then left a black back of his head, his heart couldn't help but also surged with lofty ambition. Su Yi was even more excited when he saw a piece of people whose clothes were completely different from those of the officials of Yu Chao.

This is the true kingdom of all nations. Just seeing this scene gives people a feeling that the prosperous age has come.

Su Yi broke his hands and counted. The most threatening neighboring countries have been defeated. The opposition forces in North Korea and China have been eliminated. The granary for alternate planting of new and old crops has been piled up. The promotion of the imperial examination is about to start the second time I got a scholar. The ship that went overseas for the expedition returned and brought back a lot of gold and silver. The Qingzhou group of scholars from various schools quarreled every day to come up with new academic results... This point, one by one, seems to be really not a sign. But to show that the coming of the flourishing age?

And most of these things, it seems, seems, probably has something to do with me?

Su Yi couldn't help but smile. He leaned to the emperor's ear while everyone was chanting long live, and whispered in a voice that only the emperor could hear: "Father, the flourishing age is here, let's create The flourishing age!"

The emperor was startled by Su Yi who suddenly spoke. He turned his head slightly and glared at Su Yi, then couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, the flourishing age is here."

If it's other dynasties, are you still recuperating at this time? Maybe it will take two or three generations to usher in the prosperous age, right? However, in his hands, the prosperity of the Yu Dynasty had arrived, and it had already arrived.

The prosperous age has come, but he is not old yet. He still has enough time to develop the flourishing age even more brilliantly.

The emperor suddenly turned his head and said to the prince: "Juan Le, look, this is me, this is the prosperous age that will be delivered to you."

The prince knelt down and knocked three heads at the emperor.

"I still have time, and I will do my best to develop this flourishing age. When you receive this country, the rivers and mountains of Dahui will be a cluster of flowers, Haiqingheyan." The emperor said in a deep voice, "And you, come to this powerful It’s not easy to do at the top of the country."

"After reaching the top, it is difficult to continue climbing." The emperor raised his head and looked at the courtiers and envoys who were kneeling. "I want you to be a defensive monarch. You don't want to make progress, as long as you don't step back. But I know. For your temperament, you will never sit back and enjoy your success. You have ambitions, and your ambitions are not inferior to me."

The prince bowed his head and said nothing.

"Then look at my country and learn from me," the emperor said coldly, "then, surpass me!"

The prince kowtow again: "The son of the minister abides by the decree!"

Su Yi was a little nervous, why did he add his name before "passing"? Although he couldn't help calling the wrong name just now, his voice was small and the surroundings were so noisy. There were only him, the emperor, and the prince standing here, and others would definitely not be able to hear him. But he did not intend to restore his identity. Even the emperor and prince will not change their attitudes because of whether his identity is exposed or not, but this will bring a lot of troubles.

After all, he is the eldest son and the orthodox heir. Moreover, his reputation is not low, and his face is grieved. If he were to be the emperor, he would flee overseas, should Mu Yan escape with him?

Don't let things develop to such a degree, Mu Yan still wants to fulfill his dream of ruling the country and the world.

After the prince stood up, he glanced at Su Yi, his expression first trance, then he became firm.

With the eldest brother accompanied, he will create a flourishing age stronger than his father, right?

Su Yi was in a daze and fell into cranky thoughts. What do these two men mean? Isn't it good for him to ask questions at this time? Or should I tell Mu Yan after going home and let Mu Yan think about it?

At this time, the ceremony was finally over, it was the emperor's turn to speak, and Su Yi also wanted to follow the emperor as a well-behaved setting board, and could not hesitate to ask or not to ask.

The emperor memorized a large slurred speech, and Su Yi seemed to understand it, as if he didn't understand anything. Anyway, the emperor did not intend to make people understand the speech with three previous convictions, but just pretended to be compelling.

Su Yi looked at the courtiers who were more and more excited as they listened, and silently withdrew his slander. I'm sorry, but he wants to apologize to the three first-class scholars. It's not that they wrote badly, but that his cultural literacy is too low.

After the emperor had memorized the manuscript, everyone below kneeled and bowed again, and finally it was the turn of the banquet to start, and it was time to serve food.

The food prepared by the imperial court is good, but even if it is not cold in winter, the food is almost cold when it is served, and the taste may not be good. The courtiers and foreign envoys who went to the banquet were very used to this kind of banquet.

Suyi was at the same table as the emperor. The food they ate was different from what the courtiers used. They all made a small kitchen separately. Although the dishes may be similar, they were served hot.

Yi Ran was sitting with the courtiers. After the banquet began, the emperor asked Yi Ran to call him next to the prince. He has a few sons, and the four of them eat together, and they are a little bit lively.

I don't know if the royal family's father and son are exceptionally different, or if the father and son get along in the same way at this time. After starting to eat, the emperor didn’t just eat and talk at the table, and communicated a lot, but the communication was all about the emperor’s questions, the prince and Yi Ran answered, and then the emperor occasionally praised him. Most of the time, he was awkward, as if it was obligatory. It seemed to be happy to hit the enthusiasm of the two sons.

Su Yi thought, fortunately, he didn't pick up the stall, otherwise he would be the one who was being ashamed now.

The emperor and his son spent most of their time talking, but Su Yi was very happy to eat and drink, and was not affected by the dull topics of the three. Su Yi showed an expression of extreme enjoyment while eating, and praised Yu Chu "umhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". It's worthy of being an imperial chef. As long as the seasoning is enough, the craftsmanship is good.

The emperor looked at Su Yi helplessly. Seeing that Su Yi was eating so fragrantly, he was also hungry. Don't say it, don't say it, eat and eat.

The emperor pointed to a grilled lamb shank, and the waiter immediately waved a silver knife, and then he sliced ​​all the meat from the lamb shank and piled it on the plate in front of the emperor, like a hill, without leaving a little bit for others. .

The emperor ate up the leg of lamb in a few strokes, and he was very dissatisfied: "It's better to take it and eat it comfortably."

The corners of the prince and Yi Ran's mouth twitched, and Su Yi nodded and said, "Yeah, barbecue, it's better to eat by yourself. But there are so many people watching and eating, but they can only be more elegant."

The emperor sighed: "This kind of banquet is not enough to fill your stomach. Just eat and eat."

Su Yi followed with a sigh.

The prince and Yi Ran looked at the speed at which they were eating. Is this still not enough? How can father and eldest brother eat?

Su Yi: Flicker, brain drain, hungry fast.

The emperor and Su Yi ate and ate happily. They ate and ate that was not affected by the atmosphere of the banquet. After eating, they sighed again and again. How could this banquet be full? Prince and Yi Ran ended midway. These two big stomach kings eat.

The emperor saw it in his eyes, and sighed again and again in his heart. So it's no wonder that he spoils the eldest son the most, the eldest son is like him. The emperor remembered that when Su Yi was young, he held the roast leg of lamb by himself. Su Yi suddenly came up to bite the leg of lamb, and then kept the action of biting the leg of lamb, blinking his eyes and staring at him very innocently.

What did you do at the time? By the way, ask him yourself, what about filial piety? Su Yi bit off a piece of meat and ran away, ran in front of the emperor, crawled into the emperor’s arms, rubbed the oil from his mouth into the emperor’s arms, complained loudly, and Daddy didn’t even give him a leg of lamb. , Dad is bad.

The emperor Xian's eyes bulged, his beard blows, and his hand slapped, the leg of lamb in his hand was changed.

Obviously there is still a leg of lamb, but the stinky boy likes to **** what he wants to eat, and he is spoiled everywhere to file complaints, and everyone is protecting him.

At that time, I never imagined that my family could become an emperor, and I never imagined that my father would sacrifice his favorite grandson for a vague possibility.

"Your Majesty, let's eat roasted whole lamb next time." Su Yiyi was still not exhausted. Imperial Kitchen's barbecue is very delicious, but this kind of banquet tends to be light-tasting dishes, and even the barbecue should be less spicy, so that the banquet is full of barbecue flavor. The only delicious barbecue is the leg of lamb. There are two legs of lamb on this table. The emperor owns one. He and his two younger brothers share the other one equally, and it disappeared as soon as the gluttonous worms were raised.

"Let's go to the suburbs to eat, find a riverside, set up a bonfire, and I will set off fireworks for your majesty." Su Yi said more and more vigorously, "By the way, the astronomical telescope was broken when it was shipped back? When I was recovering from the injury. We made one again, and we can still see the stars at that time."

The emperor was pulled out by Su Yi from his memories, and he said, "Okay."

Su Yi pretended to be flattering and pleased: "Your Majesty, let's take the Niang Niang too. She is boring in the palace alone."

Look at what you say, look at your expression, and your reservedness as a national teacher! Well, I knew that my son didn't have this stuff, he was pretending to be in front of people. The emperor glanced at the waiter, who looked like he hadn't heard or saw anything, and continued to serve a few people.

The emperor said: "Okay, take the queen."

I know that Su Yi always thinks of his mother.

"Rong Xiu, why do you eat so little today? Disagreeable with your appetite? This taste is lighter." Su Yi thought that Yi Ran seemed to be a person with a high level of force. People with a high level of force should eat more. "When we eat roasted whole lamb, the taste will be stronger."

Yi Ran smiled honestly: "This taste is indeed too weak, and I am not used to it. You must put more spices and peppers at that time."

The prince grumbled in dissatisfaction, he was already cold-faced and ruthless in front of the foreign minister, and he was still pretending to be honest and embarrassed when he arrived at the eldest brother's side.

The prince grieved: "Why doesn't the national teacher ask me?"

Yi Ran quietly glanced at the prince with contempt. How old people are still acting coquettishly, shamelessly.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Junle, your appetite is so small, so you have to practice more. I went to northern Xinjiang and felt that I could eat a lot. By the way, am I counted as a battlefield?"

He participated in the two important wars of Goguryeo and Northern Xinjiang, although this participation is not known as a spectator or the main force. In Northern Xinjiang, he killed the Hun's profuse sweat, is it the main force?

The prince obediently said: "Riding and shooting courses have been added. I will fight the tiger for the national teacher after the next hunt."

Su Yi hurriedly said, "The tiger is quite cute, so don't bully him."

Tigers will be protected animals in the future, so let's start protecting them now. Ever since Yi Ran gave him a tiger skin, the prince always had trouble with the tiger, which made him very embarrassed.

Seeing Su Yi saying so, the prince nodded regretfully.

Yi Ran gave the prince a vaguely proud look, and the prince once again remembered his stupid brother in his heart.

The four of them ate very happily. As the biggest boss, no one came to toast during the whole process. I don't know if the free toast session has not arrived yet, or whether the courtiers ran to the emperor to toast was not in accordance with etiquette. The emperor didn't mean to call other people to drink, and he ate a full meal with his sons.

Probably for this emperor, it is more important to listen to the flattery of those people than to eat a full meal.

The emperor was tired of listening to the words of praise and praise. For the envoys and emperors of the surrounding countries, he did not have a good impression at all.

When he was fighting everywhere, he was often pitted by small neighboring countries. He had been emperor for so many years, and he defeated the Huns this year, and the envoys of these countries rushed in. Who decided to come in the first place, and who came here in a hurry, would the emperor not know?

Although the emperor understood what Su Yi said that "weak countries have no diplomacy" and "there are no eternal friends or enemies between countries, only eternal interests", can he not get upset?

The emperor didn't receive any foreign envoys during the entire banquet, making those envoys also anxious. Finally, they wondered, except for the two princes, there was only the national teacher who had dinner with the emperor. The status of the national teacher is aloof, and he is not a member of the royal family. Approaching the national teacher will not make the emperor vigilant. It is better to start from the national teacher. I don't know what can arouse the national teacher's interest, so that the national teacher can say a few words in front of the emperor.

Although Su Yi's reputation has spread to neighboring countries, and it is even more mysterious, as if a fairy **** descends to the world, not only Bao Youyu has harvested every year, but also made Yu Chao invincible on the battlefield. No, it is not invincible, but inexplicably won.

But just because Su Yi's reputation is so famous and amazing, those upper-class people in the country are skeptical, but they are just a little interested, just like the sweat of the Huns who abducted people.

But no matter what they think in their hearts, Su Yi's position makes them a respectful gesture. Their kindness to Su Yi is naturally also a variety of rare treasures.

However, as the national teacher of Yu Dynasty, Su Yi, what rare treasures have not been seen, maybe it must be a little more like his national teacher to make him more happy? Even if it doesn't make him happy, it can arouse his interest anyway.

This group of people thought and thought, and finally decided to use their own novel religions and "wonders" to attract Su Yi's attention. As a Taoist priest, Su Yi should be interested in other religions and magical things.

Is Su Yi interested? Of course Su Yi was not interested. To please him, it is better to send him special products from all over the world.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the emperor’s birthday, the street from the palace gate to the city gate was filled with colored sheds on both sides. There were opera singers, storytellers, and others who played and sang. It was very lively. This excitement will last for a full half a month. The people at this time are like walking in the streets and alleys in the New Year. Beijing is beaming with joy. Su Yi sighs again that this is indeed the beginning of a prosperous age.

In such a lively scene, the cost of gold and silver is naturally not a small amount. However, the emperor's majesty has secretly poked the ship that went out to sea and has returned, really trading a ship of merchandise for a cart of gold. Not gold and silver, but real gold.

The business man was very prosperous. Although he had cash in, he used the money for merchandise and continued to sell the goods along the way, leaving the gold. There are really no gold coins, and gold utensils can be made. In Europe, gold utensils are very popular, and it is easy to change gold.

Su Yi thought, based on the amount of gold mine reserves, we can hardly be called the land of gold everywhere. They are. Especially Africa. It's a pity that he doesn't know the location of the African gold mine, otherwise Neng Yuchao won't worry about money for the time being. Even if you are worried about domestic inflation, but the world trade network has not yet been established, using money to buy things abroad will not cause domestic inflation.

Su Yi felt that his idea was too good, and when the emperor's father had finished his birthday this time, he would tell the emperor's father about it.

The emperor’s birthday, the people were very happy, and the officials were very busy, even busier than usual. As the governor of Qingzhou, the emperor allowed him to return to Qingzhou after his birthday. Anyway, Qingzhou is stable and there is nothing that Mu Yan needs to deal with. Mu Yan thought that he would be free for this half a month. Who knew that the emperor would directly arrest the strong man and let him be responsible for the order in the palace and the security of the envoys.

Mu Yan was speechless, and quickly resigned. He is now a minister of exile, how could he suddenly take the real position in the palace again? However, at this time, the court was almost the emperor’s remarks, and there was almost no objection to the emperor’s non-convulsive will. What's more, these people are also Mu Yan's old acquaintances. They are so busy, and seeing Mu Yan so leisurely, they are very upset, and they naturally agree that Mu Yan is also busy. Besides, the emperor didn't give Mu Yan another new position, he just let Mu Yan lead the work, not an official position.

The courtiers all felt that Mu Yan, a holy family member, was really enviable, to the extent that he couldn't help but gloat.

As for Su Yi, he was very happy to become the only leisurely person among high-ranking officials. If his virtual rank is also considered a senior official.

Su Yi felt that he would be fooled by others, and that the envoys had courtiers fooling them, so they couldn't use himself. Why should I get together to find something to do? It's better to take a leisurely time.

Having suffered so much not long ago, he feels that he also needs to rest now.

What's more, he used to be in the capital, he had been resting all the time, he didn't get involved with anything, and he obediently became a technical house.

Now he has a new piano in his house. It's so pleasant to play the piano, read books, and do experiments when he is fine.

The emperor, Mu Yan and others knew that Su Yi was simply lazy, while the others thought that Su Yi had just woke up from a coma and should have a good rest.

When Su Yi was resting, many elderly people in the family were also resting. These veterans have all retired to the second line. In addition to teaching and teaching their children and grandchildren, they also teach and teach the two princes. They live daily life as retired cadres who are fishing, walking birds, playing chess and listening to the drama. It happened that Su Yi was fine, so I asked Su Yi to go leisurely every day.

Su Yi refused several times. Later, she felt bored by herself, and all her friends were reused. Even after Wang Boyuan, who came back from the north, sent him a group of cows, he was arrested by the emperor. It’s not bad to get together with these old men once in a while. It is also very interesting to hear about their prosperous years when they were young, and to hear them reciting the dark history of their younger generations.

Soon Su Yi became a friend of the elderly, and he would be called upon by the elderly at gatherings. These elderly people are the most distinguished people in the family. There are beautiful villagers for them to play, and the people around them are also pleasing to the eye, and the activities they play are also suitable for slow-paced people like Suyi. And because these people have long passed the age of pretending to be forceful, and now they have reached the state of returning to innocence, their behavior is very free and easy, and even some old naughty children feel not so particular, which makes Su Yi feel better than some young people. The party is more relaxed.

At first, Su Yi was worried that they would be arrogant and what kind of routine they would follow. Later, he thought about it, he didn't seem to have much to talk about, and these old people were the elders of good friends, and they were all veterans trusted by His Majesty the Emperor. They probably wouldn't give themselves a condom. After getting along, it turned out that these people never talked about eating and playing, and complaining about all kinds of juniors, and they did not involve the mysterious things of Su Yi, nor did they make any elegant gatherings.

Su Yi mingled with these old officials, and the emperor was a little bit dumbfounded. He became a friend of the elderly at this young age. Is his son too old? However, through the influence of this group of elderly people, Su Yi's temperament became more calm, and she could hardly see it when she was surprised before.

Su Yi was very leisurely, but the envoys were anxious. They wanted to attract Su Yi's attention, but they didn't even have a way to meet Su Yi, and all the gifts were blocked.

Even if the national teacher does not accept anything from the courtiers of the Yu Dynasty, will they still accept other people's homes?

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