When Su Yi heard that someone gave him something, he didn't take it to heart. There are so many people who want to give him things, not bad for Gentiles.

After the official in Beijing learned about it, he couldn't help being amused. This group of people would look for it, but they didn't even accept their national teachers. How could they accept gifts from the Gentiles?

Su Yi walks around the garden with a group of grandfathers every day. He is leisurely not knowing where he is now, thinking that he will have nothing to do with the gang of Huren who came to the court, but he is commenting that the bird's call is better. , Received an order from the servant who rushed over, saying that he should rush to the palace immediately.

Su Yi wanted to go back and change a suit. His Majesty the Emperor Dao in the service ordered that he didn't need to change his clothes, just went straight away. The national teacher does not stick to the trivial, how free and easy to come.

Su Yi looked at herself in a simple blouse: "Why don't you change into a Taoist robe?"

Just wear this? It looks like a scholar who can be seen everywhere. Su Yi doesn't like wearing too many accessories. If people can't see the cost of his clothes and the hosta on his head, they might think he is an ordinary scholar of family background.

"This is the body." The Prince's voice sounded, "The national teacher didn't need to meet those barbarians. Now, when you meet, you shouldn't be so particular about it."

Everyone saluted the prince. Su Yi was surprised: "His Royal Highness, why are you here?"

"Come and ask the national teacher to send some people," the prince said, "I can't take a step alone."

After all, he glared at the servant.

The servant was not afraid, and smiled and said, "The old slave is anxious, and your Highness forgive him."

The prince snorted coldly.

Su Yi looked at the servant, and then at the prince, confused.

"I went back to the East Palace and changed my clothes." The prince said dullly.

Su Yi frowned suddenly: "Who will compare with you?!"

Hu people envoy? But even if they had the courage to mention it, His Majesty would not agree.

The prince bowed his head and said nothing.

Su Yi saw that there were so many veterans around him. Half of these veterans were serving as auxiliary ministers in the East Palace and were going to give lectures to the prince. These veterans were staring at the prince with piercing eyes, as if the prince said it, they would immediately roll up their sleeves and curse.

It's not like, this thing, they can really do it.

Su Yi gave a dry cough: "Advanced Palace, don't let your Majesty wait for a long time."

Since your Majesty said that he would not change his clothes, then don't change it. He wanted to dress more formally, so he pretended to be an expert in his outfit. But in front of your majesty, they all dressed so casually, as if they were more like an expert than dressed up.

The emperor should also mean this.

"Kang Le, you have to persuade your Majesty, because the prince is a valuable prince, how can he take risks?" Wang Xu said.

Su Yi nodded: "Pan Dao understands. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pang Dao will leave first."

The carriage stopped at the door, and Su Yi and the prince drove towards the palace with the carriage. On the way, Suyi asked the prince, and the prince cautiously said: "A group of small countries in the west have united and asked to discuss with Yu Chao."

"We need you to challenge?" Su Yi said, "Someone provokes?"

The crown prince has always been very honest in front of Su Yi, and has not been arrogant in front of outsiders: "Xianbei is here to congratulate, the leader of Xianbei will call me to discuss with me."

"Then you cut your sleeves and you deliberately lost, praised the mighty Prince Yuchao, indicating that he would return to Yuchao?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

The prince smirked.

Su Yi couldn't help squeezing the prince's cheek: "Okay, okay, Dad must have known this, so he deliberately acted in this drama, and by the way, eliminates the outside world's remarks that you are not good at martial arts."

The prince was pinched by Su Yi, still showing a silly smile, nodding vigorously.

Su Yi released his hand, looked at the inconspicuous fingerprints on the Prince's face, and rubbed his cheeks for the Prince. The prince rubbed Su Yi's hand without shame, and said: "My father asked me to welcome the eldest brother. I took this opportunity to change my clothes. Guihe is also really, what are you doing so fast?"

"Gui He was just worried that when he entered the palace by mistake, who knows how long you need to change clothes and whether you still need a bath. Your Majesty should also think of this, let you welcome me at the palace gate." Su Yi said.

The prince snorted coldly.

The father did ask him to meet his eldest brother at the gate of the palace, but how could he not come personally? I can also take the opportunity to support my eldest brother in front of these veterans, so as not to spread rumors that the eldest brother is deeply trusted by the emperor, and when he is enthroned, he will definitely be targeted.

I don't know why those people always aim at Big Brother. Even if they are jealous, Big Brother doesn't need power or money. What's the jealousy? It's better to be jealous of Mu Yan's boy and impeach Mu Yan.

Su Yi patted the prince on the shoulder: "Okay, I know you love me. Who is the one who has trouble this time and wants me to clean it up?"

The prince and Su Yi have been together for a long time, already knowing the meaning of "making trouble", he laughed and said: "It is not making trouble, it is the monk who brought Zhu for a day when the teacher country came to congratulate. The monk made a big splash in Beijing and brought it. A tooth of a Buddha is indestructible, and it has attracted many people to worship. The father is curious, so he asked the envoy of the master and the country to bring monk Tianzhu to take a look at the indestructible tooth of the Buddha."

When Su Yi heard "Tianzhu" and "Buddha Tooth", he felt familiar, so he asked the prince to continue.

The prince said: "The Buddha teeth are indeed very bright and hard, and even the newly forged steel knives can be marked by it. With the attitude of the teacher, I seem to want to dedicate this to you."

Su Yi asked, "Isn't it the Tianzhu monk's thing, can Shiziguo be the master?"

"Monk Tianzhu probably wants to please you too. If you accept the tooth of the Buddha, you will recognize the tooth of the Buddha as a treasure. Then his reputation will increase." The prince said.

Su Yidao: "Don't talk to me? Only offer treasures?"

The prince said: "I didn't listen to his request."

Su Yi said: "He got the people to bow down and worship in Beijing. Your Majesty should have found out his whereabouts. After he entered Beijing, can I go to several Buddhist temples in Beijing? Can I hang orders at the temples? Can I discuss the Dharma with the monks of the temples. ?"

The prince replied: "This is also the place I felt strange. When the monk came to Beijing, he showed the Buddha's teeth to the people. After he got the worship, he stayed in the best inn in Beijing. After that, he never had any communication with the Buddhist temple, as if it was just In order to make the people in Beijing pay homage to Buddha's teeth."

Su Yi understands the Buddhist Temple in Beijing. The Buddhist Temple in Beijing is very low-key. If the monk does not look for it, they will not take the initiative to look for the monk.

Su Yi pondered for a while, and said: "You said to pay homage, you mean he collects money from the people?"

The prince said: "I didn't take the initiative to collect it, but the people will certainly take the initiative to offer it in order to ask the blessing of the Buddha's teeth."

Su Yi sneered: "This is the initiative to collect. I already understand."

He just said, how does it sound so familiar. As long as it is a TV series about the rule of Zhen Guan, there must be this scene, the anti-Buddha fighters break the teeth of the Buddha. By the way, who is the name of the anti-Buddha fighter? Can't remember. Anyway, it was one day that Monk Zhu used diamonds to pretend to be Buddha's teeth to swindle money and was exposed.

Su Yi didn't remember what the broken diamond was, but he didn't need a special thing, it was done with a hammer. Diamond is indeed very hard, but it is also very brittle. It is not wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant, but you can't help but smash it. Friends in the audience can buy a diamond and smash it with a hammer.

If it were a monk who came to preach, Su Yi would not accept gifts, but it would give people face. But this person came all the way to Yuchao to cheat and drink, so don't blame him for being inhuman.

Su Yi asked the prince more details, and became more sure that Monk Zhu came to cheat money that day.

Seeing Su Yi's behavior, the prince knew that it was probably not a treasure in Su Yi's eyes. The prince also thought the "Buddha's Tooth" was quite interesting, but he didn't think it was a "Buddha's Tooth", it was probably a gem of Tianzhu's specialty. If Su Yi likes it, the prince also wants to find someone to ask about the source of the gem, and send more decorations to Su Yi. Seeing that Su Yi was not very interested, the prince felt regretful.

He wants to give his eldest brother something, why is it so difficult?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Su Yi didn't know what the prince was thinking, he was thinking about how to play in the most exciting way. Before he could think of it, the carriage arrived at the palace.

Because of the emperor's permission, Su Yi did not need to dismount the carriage, and the carriage drove directly to the gate of the palace where the guests were meeting. The prince jumped out of the car quickly, and then stretched out his hand to Su Yi.

Su Yi couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't mess around."

The prince smiled and said, "Guo Teacher, please."

Su Yi couldn't beat the prince's hand back. He reluctantly helped the prince's hand under the carriage, and the attendants who accompanied him immediately gathered around to arrange the clothes and hair bun for the prince and Su Yi, and then the two of them walked into the palace.

Although the prince walked ahead, he deliberately acted as a guide, as if Su Yi had a higher status. Judging from his expression, not only was he not unhappy, but rather proud.

The prince used himself to set off the status of Su Yi, so that even if Su Yi was not dressed up, he did not think about how to "make his debut", and still suppressed all the envoys present.

The other ministers in the temple are used to it. They are no better than those who have no experience of nonsense, saying that after the crown prince is enthroned, the national teacher is not beautiful. After the prince left the national teacher, he seemed to use the national teacher’s mansion as another institution. After the national teacher came back, he could not wait to live there every day, or his majesty personally brought people back. To be trusted is.

Of course, the premise is that the prince will not change.

But now that the prince is very trusting and close to the national teacher, it is not surprising that he will make such a fact.

"Give a seat to the national teacher." As soon as Su Yi walked into the hall, the emperor ordered that Su Yi would not be given a chance to salute.

Su Yi smiled at the emperor and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Kang Le looks like a young scholar this time." The emperor laughed. "Do you disturb Kangle talking about poetry and books?"

Su Yidao: "Poverty Dao is just a layman. He is playing with people and teasing birds, and he doesn't know those noble things."

"I heard that the Taishi got a new singing bird?" The emperor asked with a smile, "Is he showing off to you?"

Su Yi said: "The Taishi has shown off a long time ago. This time I was too upset. I also found a beautiful bird to compare with the Taishi."

The emperor said: "You are leisurely, but I am too busy. Kangle, look at that Buddha tooth, is it really a treasure?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "In fact, it's not that magical. After the poor Dao has a try, your majesty will know."

After that, Su Yi stood up and walked to the Buddha tooth on the table in the center of the palace.

Seeing Su Yi approaching the Buddha Tooth, the Tianzhu monk and the envoy of Shizi Kingdom, who were shocked by Su Yi’s "pulling wind", were preparing to say a few words about the magic of the Buddha Tooth. When Su Yi raised his head, there was disdain and irony in his eyes. Laugh, let them stalk what they were about to say, their faces flushed immediately, and they were unable to speak.

Su Yi went to the Goguryeo battlefield once, and went to the Beiguan battlefield once, and also tempered some momentum, at least it was easy to scare those envoys and monks who had never killed anyone.

When Su Yi got out of the carriage, he ordered the waiter to get the hammer, and when he walked to the Buddha's tooth, he would take it out.

The waiter moved quickly. When Su Yi was talking to the emperor, the waiter named Guihe had already personally taken the hammer, held it on a plate, and stood on his feet in the palace.

The palace has some tools ready at all times for occasional needs. Guihe originally wanted to use the golden hammer and silver hammer to smash nuts, Su Yi said helplessly, the simpler the hammer, the more shocked it was.

"Otherwise, he went out and said that the teeth of Buddha must be broken in gold and silver, and the value has been raised for nothing." Su Yi said half-jokingly.

Seeing that Gui He had taken the tools and was waiting, Su Yi walked directly to Buddha Chi, Gui He immediately walked out with a plate and stood beside Su Yi. Su Yi took the Buddha tooth from the seat wrapped in soft cloth and looked at the sunlight. This fineness, if it is a diamond, is of very poor quality.

Su Yi saw that there was an experimental Buddha tooth hardness on the table, and there were scratched iron plates on it. After thinking for a while, he put the Buddha's teeth on the iron plate, and when everyone thought that Su Yi was going to use the Buddha's teeth to scratch the iron plate, Su Yi picked up the hammer and smashed it without hesitation.

When he picked up the hammer, Su Yi said indifferently: "This is not broken."

Everyone craned their necks to take a look, but it wasn't, it was really broken. Well said it's indestructible?

That day, Monk Zhu immediately said: "The national teacher is really boundless."

Su Yi screamed, and handed the hammer to Gui He: "Lao Gui, you are stronger than me, you smash it."

Guihe responded with a smile, picked up the hammer and slammed the tooth of the Buddha that had been split into two, only to see that the tooth was broken into smaller pieces.

"It's just an ordinary hammer." Su Yi said, "There is no magic power. Everyone in the world knows that Poor Dao, a national teacher who is good at flattering and flattering, has no magical power."

As soon as Su Yi said these words, the foreign envoys looked hard to say, but the monarchs and officials present at the scene showed helpless smiles.

The National Teacher is still so naughty.

"This Buddha tooth is called diamond, commonly known as diamond. The hardness is indeed the most ore, but it is very brittle. Because it is too hard and difficult to grind and process, it has not been used as a jewelry in our country." Su Yi said, "Ruo Lun Our country also has minerals, right in the Central Plains."

Su Yi looked at Monk Tianzhu and said, "I just didn't expect that because this thing is temporarily useless to our country, no one deliberately took it out and said, but it was used to pretend to be a Buddha's tooth and deceive it."

Monk Tianzhu was sweating profusely, just to justify something, Su Yi said again: "You are not a monk Tianzhu, or even a native of Tianzhu."

That day, Monk Zhu immediately smiled and said: "The national teacher was wronged. This diamond is indeed called Buddha's tooth in our country, and I am indeed from Tianzhu."

Su Yi shook his head: "Your accent is wrong."

Mu Yan fought for shipping in Qingzhou, India is close to Yuchao, and there are often Indians coming and going. Even though Monk Zhu looked like an Indian that day, he was from Eastern Europe with his accent.

Although the monk learned similarly, he could easily tell the difference if he listened to more Indians.

After Su Yi finished speaking, he returned to his seat and said nothing.

I have said everything I should say, and the rest is left to the emperor's father. But even if the monk’s identity certificate was perfect and he could hear the difference in voice, Mu Yan was also there. It was impossible for him not to hear it.

Su Yi glanced at Mu Yan, who happened to look at him and blinked at him.

Su Yi turned to look at the emperor again, and the emperor blinked at Su Yi.

Mu Yan blinked at Su Yi, and Su Yi thought to herself, my family is so beautiful. The emperor blinked at Su Yi, Su Yi's goose bumps were all up. Your Majesty, it's shameful to sell cute maliciously! Your face is not suitable for cuteness!

However, Su Yi also guessed from the expressions of the two. His Majesty the Emperor should have known that there was a problem with the monk's identity, but he was curious about the tooth of the Buddha and wanted to see it for himself.

If he couldn't tell why it came, it just proved its preciousness, and the emperor would really decide to leave it as a gift to himself.

His emperor father is also a master who likes to search everywhere for good things to give him.

That day, Monk Zhu was immediately dragged down by the guards with his mouth covered, and Shi Ziguo immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty.

The emperor comforted the envoy of the State of Shizi with a few words, saying that the thief monk deceived you and that you are also victims. I am happy today and will not hold you accountable.

Shi Ziguo was immediately grateful, and was sincere and fearful to deliver the edict of surrender. Originally, they wanted to please the Chinese teacher before taking it out to see if they could get any benefits. They are different from Xianbei after all. Xianbei was once a state of the Huns, and was carried by the Huns to attack the border of the Yu Dynasty. Although Xianbei had broken with the Xiongnu a long time ago, they were naturally frightened when they had such a bad past, and even the leader deliberately lost his face to the yellow-mouthed child of the Prince Yuchao, and the flattery was beyond words.

Shizi Kingdom belongs to the kind of Yu Dynasty surrounding that as long as the Central Plains dynasty prospered, it would become a minister. This is just a small country that came to gain some benefits from the autumn wind when the Central Plains dynasty was strong. On the contrary, it is the most worry-free kind of neighboring countries.

But Su Yi was thinking about where the country's territory is, what special products it has, and what minerals it has. In his mind, the vassal country is our territory, and of course we must manage it together. Even if you don't manage it, you will be a minister, and the suzerain will always get some benefits, right?

Su Yi quickly lost his mind, but the envoys present were under great pressure. Although they have heard of Su Yi's reputation, they despise it a bit because of Su Yi's age and rumors. Seeing that the emperor and courtiers of Yu Chao did not respect Su Yi in the same way, Su Yi saw that the emperor did not kneel, and the prince even deliberately expressed respect for Su Yi in front of everyone. None of the courtiers on the scene had a different expression on Su Yi. They were all used to it. Su Yi's status in Yu Dynasty was much higher than they thought.

And just now, Su Yi was neither humble nor overbearing, and instantly broke the tooth of the Buddha that even them were confused, and quickly pointed out that Monk Tianzhu was a fake. If Su Yi had not caught the wind early, then this cleverness was enough to be eye-catching.

Now they are all wondering whether the rumors about Su Yi are true or false, whether Su Yi can add to Yu Chao’s national strength and military strength, whether Goguryeo and the Xiongnu are as rumored, and the reason for their demise, Su Yi To account for half?

Su Yi continued to distract.

The scene has become the envoys racking their brains to sing praises to the emperors Yuchao and Yuchao. Su Yi was bored listening to it, and it was not easy to leave, so he had to lose his mind.

"Guo Shi, what are you thinking?" The emperor soon found that Su Yi's eyes were erratic, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Yi opened the mouth and said, "Daxianbei Mountain, there are many good things, and the flora and fauna are rich in resources, which will be useful in the future."

"Oh?" The emperor raised his eyebrows.

Su Yi recovered, and immediately said, "Your Majesty, that place is good. Don't cut down the forest. Let's save more forest resources for future generations. We can't catch fishing by burning trees and hunting by burning forests. There are so many outside Yuchao now. In places, you can buy a house from outside if you lack trees."

The emperor laughed and said, "You have said this many times before. Trees are cut down by others, and minerals are collected from others. We leave them to posterity. When everyone develops, Yuchao can no longer cut down trees and mine. Use your own. Although China has a vast land and resources, there is always an end to it."

Su Yi nodded: "I only hope that after using up a resource, an alternative energy source can be found."

Otherwise, the world will immediately fall into chaos. I don't know if what he is doing now, the development plan set for Yuchao and Huaxia, can slow down the consumption of Huaxia's resources.

But this can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, but he couldn't consider such a distant matter.

The emperor and Su Yi sighed at the same time. They all thought of going to one place.

The emperor and Su Yi were whispering, and the envoys underneath became even more nervous.

Why do they sing praises, the emperor and the national teacher are sighing? What does this mean?

Su Yi was just distracted, and the emperor was only misled by Su Yi. In fact, they didn't mean anything extra.

At the end of this meeting, Su Yi and the emperor were still discussing the natural landscape and natural resources of these countries. Although Su Yi is a science student, most of this area is originally the territory of China, and the rest are also under the territory of China. Where has Su Yi not been? Even if you don't know the details, you still know the natural scenery there to the emperor.

As for the resources, nonsense, anyway, I can't collect them.

Su Yi and the emperor had a good time talking, and the envoys below threw the blind man's eyes to the blind man, very weak.

When the envoys returned to their residences, each sighed, wondering if we should find every opportunity to meet with the national teacher alone? Is their evaluation of Yu Chao Guoshi too low?

The envoys tossed and turned, and finally decided to unite and asked the emperor to let them visit the Yu Dynasty State Master once to show their respect. Of course, they didn't ask the emperor to summon the national teacher to see them alone. It didn't have to be so troublesome, but they hoped to visit the national teacher at the national teacher's house.

Since all the envoys demanded so, the emperor was not easy to refuse. But he decreed that only one person should go to each country, and it must be a clan. If there is no country where the leader or the leader's blood-related people come, you cannot go to see Su Yi.

Yu Chao's state teacher has a very high status. Where can ordinary ministers of small countries be able to see it?

And the countries that will have a leader or clan come, without exception, come to call the Yu court.

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