Su Yi felt a little nervous when she knew that she was going to receive these princes and princes. He was at his desk and wanted to write a comprehensive plan for fooling people, but it was of no use. He couldn't come up with a plan for a while.

Su Yi asked Mu Yan very anxiously, "What if I pretend to fail and show my stuff?"

Mu Yan was confused: "What is it?"

Su Yi said: "Exposing that I not only have no magical powers, nor is it an expert, but a silly liar who can only fool people. Will it discredit Yu Chao's image?"

Mu Yan was speechless for a while. What is this saying? What kind of liar, did Su Yi take the wrong medicine recently?

"Okay, I'm kidding. I just think my mouth is dumb, what if I get caught in it?" Su Yi asked.

Mu Yan said: "Since they have already become ministers, they won't be disrespectful to you. What you did before, do what you do now, you don't have to prepare anything specially. If they don't ask, you will be silent. They say, you should. I will do that too. Will be there, don’t worry."

Su Yi thought for a while and understood. Also, this is different from before. He had a low status in the capital before, and he had to deal with it cautiously, no matter what aristocratic officials, he was afraid of offending people, and he was afraid of not pretending enough. But now it is no longer needed. He has a high status. These people are all flattering him, trying to please him, but he needs to prepare something specially. He just smiled and said nothing, and left the rest to the dogs.

Gou Tuzi No. 1 Mu Yan, Gou Tuzi No. 2 Prince, Gou Tuzi No. 3 Yi Ran, and Gou Tuzi No. 4, 5, 6 and 7 are all friends, indicating that they are all in place.

"Then, should I set off a firework to scare them? Or do something? Or recite an inscrutable Taoist scripture?" Su Yi said. Although it's okay to know that it's okay to do nothing, but it's been a long time since Su Yi feels a little nostalgic.

Mu Yan helplessly: "Farewell, just sit and listen to them. Don't seem to value them too much."

Su Yi nodded regretfully. Well, it seems too important that it will reduce Yu Chao's reputation.

Although Su Yi was persuaded to come back with an idea of ​​something tricky, she still needs to choose her clothes carefully. This time Su Yi should dress like a Taoist priest, and he can't dress up too grandly and deliberately, and show a kind of superior temperament in simplicity.

Listening to Su Yi's weird description, Mu Yan, who was picking clothes, gave Su Yi a burst of chestnut, and then randomly chose a robe and a sandalwood hairpin for him.

"Will it be too simple?" Su Yi said, covering his head.

Mu Yan glanced at Su Yi with a smile, and Su Yi hurriedly said: "It's just so simple, it fits my temperament best."

Mu Yan sighed, "You should wear regular clothes when you meet them at home. These are just right."

Su Yi also sighed: "Am I not yet mentally prepared for being a superior?"

Who made him always a little Taoist?

Mu Yan suddenly felt sad. Saying this as Su Yi, is he joking, or is he heartbroken? When he saw that the emperor said that he would give the prince to the prince and let the prince create a more glorious and prosperous world, did Su Yi ever feel unwilling?

These are originally from Su Yi, and Su Yi does not necessarily do worse than Prince Edward.

Su Yi was puzzled: "Heqing, what's the matter? I'm not feeling well? Why is his face so bad?"

Mu Yan stretched out his hand to sort out the messy hair in the temple for Su Yi, and said: "This time you have an accident, I will resign from Qingzhou. Your majesty meant that I should go to a more remote place as the governor, or go to Beiguan for a period of time. . But I want to go to sea."

Although Su Yi didn't know why Mu Yan had to suddenly change the subject, he did not agree with Mu Yan's going to sea: "The current conditions are no better than the future, and going to sea is very dangerous."

Mu Yan said: "Along the coastline, the danger is not great. I will not put myself in danger. If the weather is bad, I will not set sail. On behalf of Yu Chao, I will visit the western countries one by one and follow the national In name, request to establish relations with other countries and discuss trade matters."

"I will bring Yuchao's army and caravan." Mu Yan said, "Strive for self-sufficiency without consuming too much financial resources for Yuchao."

Su Yi said: "Since you have made up your mind, you won't listen to what I say."

Mu Yan said: "When I am away, you will be cautious in the capital. Whenever you encounter problems, look for your Majesty and listen to what your Majesty has said."

Su Yi Tanshou: "No, I want to go to sea with you."

Mu Yan frowned: "It's too dangerous."

"With me, it's not dangerous." Su Yi said, "I know more about other countries' affairs than you, and I have to bring gunpowder weapons this time? Will you do it? Can you repair it? Even if I bring a craftsman, it’s not as useful to me, right? The most important thing is that I want to go out and go around. It’s boring to stay in the capital. While I’m still young, I want to see the scenery of other countries in the world."

Mu Yan said: "It's too dangerous, I would never agree."

Su Yi patted Mu Yan on the shoulder and said, "You can't help it if you don't agree. When you tell me this, you guess I will go, right? I'll persuade your Majesty."

Mu Yan sighed. He would be embarrassed if he guessed it.

"Just say how important this is to Yu Chao, and I need to take it personally, and your majesty will agree." Su Yi touched his chin, "I understand your majesty, your majesty is not a spoiler of children. At that time, we may not be sure that there will be people walking with us. ."

It should be Rongxiu. Rong Xiu also trained with the navy for a while in Qingzhou.

Mu Yan had a headache even more: "I hope it's not as you said."

Mu Yan's hands were itchy seeing Su Yi "hehe" twice. Mu Yan squeezed Su Yi's cheek like a prince, and said, "Forget it, it's okay to take you by your side, lest you don't see you and what's wrong with you."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Well, you see, every time I have an accident, you are not there, no matter how many people protect it, it's useless. You should take me well, just as I am the jade pendant tied to your waist?"

Su Yi wanted to say "the little cute thing hanging on your shoulder", but people who want to come to this era probably won't get this laughter.

Mu Yan didn't get a smile now. He stretched out his hand to hug Su Yi, put his head on Su Yi's shoulder, and said, "I will take you well and protect you."

Su Yi felt a bit hot on her face. Suddenly so serious, it is really a bit shy. He coughed dryly, patted Mu Yan on the back, and said, "Of course, I will take good care of you. But do you think that when I am together, there is basically no danger and good luck."

Mu Yan laughed softly: "It seems to be."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The two embraced in this way, the people had quietly retreated, time seemed to stop at this moment, even the air was full of warmth, and even the chirping of the birds outside the window was lighter, as if they didn't want to disturb them.

"Ahem, brother, I'm here, don't hug." The prince pushed open the door, and walked in without worry.

Old Su Yi's face blushed, and he let go of his hand holding Mu Yan. Mu Yan said in a bad mood: "His Royal Highness, you can let someone inform the next official first, so that you won't lose the courtesy."

The prince yin and yang said strangely: "It's all a family, there are so many rules. Did you think about etiquette when you abducted my brother? Brother, those people are about to leave, change clothes and change clothes."

Su Yi rubbed his face and drove a few people out of the house embarrassingly.

The prince looked at the closed door and turned to Mu Yan and said, "Mu Yan, since my brother is willing, I have nothing to say. But if you take down my brother, I don't mind public revenge and be a tyrant who kills Zhongliang by mistake."

Mu Yan didn't stand up to the prince at this time, he said solemnly: "It's definitely worthy of recreation."

The prince kicked the ground displeasedly and said, "Okay, I believe you. If it weren't for you, change to someone else. The moment I knew he missed my brother, he would be dead, no matter who it was."

During the five years of self-enclosure, Mu Yan helped the prince a lot. Although the prince and Mu Yan often ridiculed each other on the surface, the relationship between the two was very good, and the prince also agreed with Mu Yan. Even if the two do not agree with each other as their best friends, in fact their trust level is not lower than that of their best friends.

The moment the prince learned of this, he was murderous. But because it was Mu Yan, he suppressed the killing intent again.

The prince knew at that time that Su Yi refused to start a family and would not marry a wife. If there is one person with Suyi, both men and women seem to live better than Suyi alone. As for Mu Yan, he understands that, because of family reasons, Mu Yan seems to be romantic, but in fact he is very cold and cold, and even hates close contact with others. If Su Yi and Mu Yan are together, Mu Yan will be sincere and most likely will not betray.

If Su Yi's other half is Mu Yan, the prince reluctantly agrees. Mu Yan is good enough, barely worthy of his elder brother.

This is also why the prince not only did not object, but also helped Mu Yan in private. The empress also contributed to the attitude of the empress.

"If the eldest brother is not with you, after I become the throne, even if it is a forced gift, I will also grant a woman to the mansion." The prince murmured.

Mu Yan touched his nose and coughed dryly: "You better don't do this. Kangle has his own plan. If you really do this, he won't be happy. We think it's good, not necessarily what he wants. His ideas have always been the same. Ordinary people are different."

"Fancy you, you are already very different from ordinary people." The prince sneered.

Su Yi was dressed neatly at this time, and opened the door: "Come and see, am I very talented?"

"It's the same as before." The prince immediately changed a small innocent face and said, "Big Brother has always been an expert, and it has nothing to do with wearing."

Su Yi was praised by the prince with a smile: "Is there any difference between complimenting me and complimenting you? Both were born to the same parents."

The prince grinned and said, "I am embarrassed to praise myself more, so I can only exaggerate my brother."

With a smile, Mu Yan stepped forward to tidy up the tops of his clothes and hair for Su Yi, watching the prince pretending to be well-behaved, thinking that if the prince was half-behaved in front of the emperor in front of Su Yi, the emperor would not always jump with anger.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After a while, Yi Ran brought a group of envoys who were qualified to meet Su Yi to the National Teacher's Mansion.

Su Yi didn't know what to talk about. In his opinion, a party was just eating, so let's eat. Although in order to prevent this group of people from coming to the National Teacher's Mansion for a meal, the emperor deliberately let this group of people miss their lunch. But Su Yi still prepared a lot of novel cakes and dried meat to entertain this group of people.

After Suyi inquired about the customs and specialties of these places, he also specially made the special snacks of these countries, but it was more refined than their countries, and the taste was more in line with Suyi's own taste.

Su Yi is like this, it's completely a force to stop their mouths with food and let himself talk as little as possible.

When the chief princes saw Su Yi, they couldn't help being nervous. It's not how strong Su Yi is, but Su Yi is beating the prince and the second prince. The young and promising family members they have seen in the rest of the family are under the leadership of the prestigious General Mu Yanmu. Lined up, staring at them with a smile at the head of the two princes.

How could it be possible that this pressure is not high?

They just wanted to meet the legendary Yu Chao Guoshi, why are there so many people? And these people have such a big history.

"After returning to Beijing, I thought it would be easy for a while. Who knows that I was rushed by your majesty, and today I finally got half a day free with the matter of the national teacher." Wang Boyuan, who came back from Beiguan, glanced at several people he had met on the battlefield. , Gave them a negative smile.

Although they have already become ministers, but they still can't stop the itching, what should I do?

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Su Yi said casually in a Spider-Man's famous saying, "Pan Dao should continue to fish and walk around the garden. Then life is more suitable for the poor Dao. How can your majesty throw away the poor Dao? Coming to be with you is nothing to set off the poor."

"Teacher, you laugh again." Wei Teng said, "It sounds like you are getting old. You are with your grandfather every day, and I see you thinking that you are two generations shorter than you."

Su Yi smiled and said: "People are of a large number of juniors, and they are very helpless even if they are poor."

He looked at the bound chieftain and prince and said: "I heard that you are coming to see Pang Dao. Pang Dao is nothing unusual here. I have to make some snacks in accordance with the customs of your hometown. I don't know if it suits the tastes of several people."

Seeing that Su Yi finally asked them, the few people hurriedly took a piece of what looked like a special snack in their hometown, took a bite, and said, "It's delicious, delicious, much better than mine."

Su Yi glanced at a few people, and thought to himself that it really looked like he was pretending to be vulgar and reckless.

Whether it is the leader of a country or tribe, or the prince sent to deliver the documents of vassalization, he cannot be a vulgar and reckless person. If you change places and stand, each of these people will be heroic characters.

Su Yidao: "It seems that I am a poor man. I hope to meet you again and see you all the original style."

Those few people immediately broke down in cold sweat.

They pretend to be like this, everyone knows. Pretending to be like this, Yu Chao has a face. But although everyone knows it, no one will point it out. They were willing to make a fool of themselves, and the emperors and ministers of Yu Chao were also happy.

Why didn't Yu Chao's national teacher follow common sense?

Su Yi really didn't follow common sense. Mu Yan told him before that he has a high status and Yu Chao is strong. These are all subjects of the country. Su Yi doesn't need to think about how to be happy and how to be happy.

Mu Yan's original intention was that Su Yi would pretend to be cold when he didn't want to talk, so that these people would flatter enough, and the meeting would be over after the flattered. There are so many people around Su Yi. One is to build momentum for Su Yi, and the other is to let them answer when they say something other than flattering, and prevent Su Yi from thinking about how to reply.

Mu Yan knew that Su Yi was lazy and that Su Yi didn't like to socialize with strangers, so he was as prepared as possible to make Su Yi more comfortable.

But Su Yi's brain circuit is a bit different from Mu Yan's. Su Yi understands "random" as "speaking casually."

Anyway, his status is high. Anyway, Yu Chao is strong. Anyway, these people belong to the country, so he can say whatever he wants.

Su Yi glanced at these people. He had done enough homework before, and he knew these people and their countries very well. Coupled with the modern memories of those places after "traveling on the ground," he was probably better than being there. Everyone is more familiar with these people’s countries.

On weekdays, few people talked with him about things outside of Yu Dynasty, and Su Yi immediately opened the conversation. From left to right, he called the names one by one, said what they were best at and their heroic deeds, and then found people with similar characteristics on his side, saying, "You must have a common language."

Su Yi's friends were very interested, and wanted to get in touch with him in private. Even Su Yi said that the person is amazing, then that person is really amazing. The other party was sweating coldly. I don't know why Su Yi said that. He only said that he didn't dare.

Regardless of their humility, Su Yi started talking about their territory and their tribe after talking about everyone's strength.

Su Yi thought, it is rare to meet local people, and it is difficult for the prince to go abroad in person, so it is better to take this opportunity to tell the prince about these countries.

So Suyi has been talking about how delicious the fruits are in the Turpan Basin in the west from Daxinganling, called Daxianbei Mountain at this time, from the gorgeous aurora of Mohe, to the four seasons of Yunnan like spring, the mountains and waters of Guilin, and the coconuts of Hainan. good to eat. Su Yi complimented the natural scenery and specialties of these places, and spoke very wonderfully. Even the locals present were very yearning for it.

It turns out that we thought that the hometown of poor mountains and rivers is so beautiful and there are so many good things...wait! What did the national teacher say about this! They became alert in an instant.

Yu Chao thinks his territory is a good place, which is not something to be happy about! What exactly does Yu Chao Guoshi want to do! What exactly does Yu Chao want to do!

Su Yi just came to a tourism lecture and asked the local people to ask questions, so that the prince could establish a correct view of geography. Su Yi didn't think much about it.

Yu Chao's face was still on this side, but in fact he almost burst into laughter in his stomach.

What they think in their hearts is the same as that of the people on the other side of the country, thinking that Su Yi wants to use this to scare this group of dissatisfied people.

Look, we know you better than yourself, and we still think yours is beautiful. Is it stressful? It's right to be under a lot of pressure.

Su Yi also asked people about their genealogy, migration routes, etc., to satisfy their curiosity. After all, in history, the origins of these peoples are recorded in different ways, and there are different opinions. A TV series adopts a different way of thinking, but I really don't know what the truth is.

So those who belong to the country broke into cold sweats again. You even investigated what our ancestors eight generations were so clear about what you were doing, what exactly did Yu Chao want to do!

"By the way, you are now members of the Yu Dynasty. You should enjoy the prosperity and prosperity of the Yu Dynasty." Su Yi thought, let's promote national unity. You feel very comfortable with Yu Chao, so you don't want to rebel, right? And Yu Chao is also short of people.

"Yu Dynasty has a method of weaving wool, so that you don't need to use animal skins to keep out the cold, and there is also a way of panning. You can also grow cotton in some places. The three things together, the winter should be better." Su Yi said, "Corn and You should be able to plant potatoes and the like. The days are better, maybe you can also fix your place to live, you don’t have to live by the pastures, there is no stability in running around."

Regardless of whether it is the Yu Dynasty or the vassal country, they all looked at Su Yi suspiciously. The vassal country didn't believe that Su Yi was so good, and Yu Chao...Yu Chao didn't believe it either. They all felt that Su Yi had a conspiracy.

Only the prince and Mu Yan thought for a while and showed knowing smiles.

"What the national teacher said is that they are all of my Dayu's people, and they should enjoy my Dayu national destiny." The prince said, "The orphan will tell his father about this matter and send craftsmen and farmers to go."

"Artisans and farmers can also be found here," Su Yi said, "you find more scholars, and go together. Poetry, book etiquette is the foundation of the country. Since we are our own people, we should enjoy the happiness of my enlightenment. , We are all the same people. There may be some people who can pass the imperial examination.

So Su Yi began to discuss with everyone the thoughts of promoting education of various schools, within the four seas, regardless of Yi Di, should be enlightened.

The people who belonged to the country were confused when they heard it. They always felt that they should be happy to be regarded as their own. They were also willing to learn the etiquette system of Yu Dynasty, but they always felt that something was wrong.

In fact, I came to the Central Plains Dynasty to study, and the neighboring countries often did it. Suyi lives in the world. During the Tang Dynasty, there were many overseas students in the Imperial College. So the people of the country haven't figured out what's wrong with this for the time being.

This Yu Dynasty’s national teacher gave them ideas to make their lives better, and also provided them with benefits, so that they could learn the culture of the Central Plains. Is it really a great saint?

When this group of people left, they were still at a loss. I don't know what Yu Chao Guoshi is going to do?

Before the Yu Chao national master frightened them, but now they are comforting them, is it because they are obedient, and follow Yu Chao to have the sweetness mentioned later, if they have two hearts, it is the army of Yu Chao that has come over?

right! It must be so! The national teacher of Yu Dynasty is really extraordinary! What an old fox!

What, Yu Chao's national teacher does not seem to be very young? God, that person, can that face represent his age? Of course not!

Yu Chao Guoshi, maybe his age is enough to be their grandfather, just keep his youthful appearance! Yes, monsters! No, no, fairy!

Su Yi: Get out!

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