The Master of Uradan

Chapter 129 - Averlorn

Rohan looked at the sky as he was sweeping the floor. The yells of the disciples training in the distance echoed in the area, becoming music in his ears. The sun was shining through the clouds while a fresh wind brushed his air.

Somehow, the situation wasn't like the one he had expected it to be in the first place.

It was already a week since he had been captured at the entrance of this city, and also a week since he had become a slave. Or so was the name the Elder Kuud had given to him, but instead of a slave, his job was simply to sweep the floor here and there.

Since he was there, Rohan had learned quite a quantity of information about this place. The men and women wearing white dresses were the disciples of this sect, called the Sect of Averlorn. This name was simply the name of the forest nearing it. The city around the sect was the place where the families of the disciples were living while they trained their sword arts.

He had understood that those people couldn't be called human, but he couldn't guess for what reason. At least, their appearance was exactly the same as him, and apart from the fact they were monsters with terrifying speed and strength, there weren't any differences.

Even if Rohan supposed they could freely use the mana around them, Rohan never had the opportunity to see anything that could prove his assumption.

So here he was, sweeping the floor on the whole sect days after days. His other mission was simply to stand in front of the Elder Kuud from time to time while he observed him and write something on his notebook, while also drinking some bitter mixture he had made beforehand.

Rohan didn't feel anything from those potions, and apart from the disgusting taste, it was like water.

Curiously, no question had been asked by this old man about his life before coming here. It was as if he didn't want to know how he had appeared in this place, or where he was coming from. This made Rohan have some problems believing this old man.

How could he be in another world called Uradan? That didn't make any sense to him. Maybe he was on another continent, separated by the sea filled with terrible beasts? It was the only assumption he could think of. But the way the other disciples of the sect were treating him made Rohan question himself about this assumption, and the value of his life.

It was as if he was a dog not even good enough to lick their feet. Because of this, Rohan had the urge to kill some of them as they were truly obnoxious.

Sadly, even if the worst of them were considered weak as a disciple, Rohan was far too weak. Plus, even if he was stronger, his status as a slave had pretty much been acknowledged by everyone. He didn't want to try his luck.

It was already extraordinary that no one was taking the time to monitor him, but even so, Rohan didn't tempt them. He knew perfectly that the instant he would attempt to flee, his head would be detached from his neck.

The power of this sect was unimaginable for Rohan. The three who had brought him here were considered quite powerful members, but just above average at most. There were several tens of members as strong as them in this place.

The Sect of Averlorn was controlled by a man, but all decisions were taken by the Elders, who were considered to be extremely powerful. Elder Kuud was one of them, and his status among them wasn't low at all. Rohan even had the feeling it was only because of him if he was still alive.

The weakest of the sect, apart from Rohan who was clearly below everyone, were the recruits.

Unfortunately, those recruits were all around the same age as Rohan, and it was mostly after them that he was sweeping the floor. Because of this, Rohan ended up encountering them a lot of times. And that was far from being great.

While Rohan was thinking about the past week, the door of the building behind him opened.

It was one of the few buildings Rohan didn't have any right to enter, or at least until he was ordered to sweep the floor inside. From the discussion he had heard here and there, he knew that it was the building the disciples used to become stronger.

It was also called meditation, and the term being the same used for the warriors and wizards, made him doubt the fact he was in another world.

A group of dozens of people left the large building, making Rohan want to sigh. Obviously, it was the recruits.

Rohan closed his mind and concentrated on his action. He couldn't permit himself to snap and hit one of them, otherwise, his chance to live would be really low.

Among those people, not all of them were spitting against him. There were three people from whom Rohan had the most contact. One of them was named Grael, a man who hated him for an unknown reason, and who passed his time cursing at Rohan every time he saw him.

"Ha, human slave, I know you're as slow as a child, but at least you can clean faster than that! Or are you trying to be a lazy bastard?" A strong voice burst at his side as a small group approached him. Of course, it was this Grael.

Rohan ignored them and continued to sweep the floor. He couldn't help but think at what level he had fallen. If his butler Jonas was seeing him right now, he would have a heart attack for sure. Or maybe he would die of laughter.

"Oi! Look at your master when he's talking to you, slave!" One of the young men in the group yelled when he saw Rohan overlooking them.

"Are you trying to say his status is higher than Elder Kuud?" Rohan answered expressionlessly as he gathered the dust at the same place.

Before anyone from this group could answer, a clear voice appeared on the side, further increasing Rohan's headache.

"Grael, get out! Don't bother this human without any reason!" This voice belonged to a young woman. Her auburn hair was tied back while her hands were on her hip, above her saber.

Between Grael or this young woman called Flae, Rohan largely preferred to deal with the former. At least he knew this one would waste some saliva before leaving. This woman was making Rohan use far more energy than all the others combined.

"Flae, " A big smile appeared on Grael's face, "I'm only educating him so he doesn't decide to do something stupid. You also have heard like me that all humans are stupid and ignorant, how could we be sure he can do anything?"

"Rohan doesn't seem to be stupid though, don't worry about that."

The mention of his name made Grael's smile appear stiff. He glanced at the man sweeping the floor with the same calm expression as if he didn't care at all.. If his eyes could spit fire, Rohan would have been burnt to death already.

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