The Master of Uradan

Chapter 130 - Becoming Stronger To Have A Chance To Flee

"What is it like in a human world?"

"I heard they reproduce like rabbits, is that true?"

"What kind of food do they eat?"

"Surely you are the weakest among them? How could they survive in the wilderness otherwise?"

The clear voice of the young woman kept troubling Rohan. Her sparkling eyes showed how much she was curious as she asked countless questions one after another.

After Grael had stared at Rohan for a few seconds with a clear need to kill, he had decided to vent somewhere else. Of course, it was only because this girl was here. Otherwise, Rohan would probably have been beaten up.

Since they were recruits, they were still a bit weak, but even as a rank 5 Beginner Warrior, Rohan knew that he was far from reaching their big toes. Maybe as a rank 6 Intermediate Warrior coupled with some spells would give him some chance, but the fight would be complicated in any case.

Those monsters were far stronger than the humans.

After this man had left the area, Flae once again decided to ask him a multitude of questions about the humans, like the previous days. She was truly interested in all sorts of questions. This told Rohan a lot of information.

Firstly, even though he had never heard of the world of Uradan, the inhabitants here had already heard about them. Even if he didn't believe that it was another world, it was strange nonetheless.

Secondly, from the questions Flae was asking, and the way she thought all humans are barbarians living in the wilderness with animal skin on them, it was obvious the information they had on humans dated from a long time ago.

Rohan succinctly answered the question as he finished sweeping the floor. Even though she seemed to be a kind girl, Rohan didn't forget where he was and what his role was. If he didn't look like a slave ready to kowtow at any second, it could bring quite a lot of problems.

After a few more minutes of insufferable questions, the sun started to go down. It was finally the end of the day. After bowing his head to Flae who seemed to be disappointed she couldn't ask more questions, Rohan left the area.

Other than his task he had to clean the floor here and there and to present himself each morning in front of Elder Kuud, his days were pretty empty. He didn't know what was inside this old man's head, but Rohan was perfectly fine with that.

He quickly walked in a straight line toward the south of the sect, bypassing a lot of people and buildings along the way. Soon, he arrived in front of a small hut. It was the place that was given to him to sleep.

He opened the wooden door that was almost broken, and entered this small place. There wasn't even a bed, and Rohan was forced to sleep on the floor. But he didn't care.

For the former son of a count to sleep in such a place, no one would have expected it. At least it was better than sleeping on top of a tree with the fear of any monsters trying their fangs on his body.

He advanced to the corner of his house and took out his bag. It was full of the cores he had scavenged while following the trio back then. For an unknown reason, the old man had decided to give him access to them.

It was the only thing there was in his bag, along with a few random coins that no one here had any utility for, and his daggers no one wanted. His Essence Stone, potions, and the gray orb had been taken away. Even his clothes were nowhere to be seen, and only the gray robe he had on him could serve as clothes here.

Rohan didn't care though. Even if Elder Kuud knew perfectly what he was doing, he would still do it.

Since he was there, Rohan constantly thought about how to get out of there, but his powers were truly too weak.

One night, as he had decided to take a stroll to plan how to flee, he had not even taken three steps before one of the men guarding the place had appeared in front of him, ready to kill him on the spot. Getting out of here was clearly not an easy feat.

Rohan sat on the ground with two cores in his hands. Immediately, he began to form the vortex. He overlooked all sleepiness and tiredness, and concentrated on his meridian. The red mana was easily spinning on the opening of his first meridian.

With the actual speed and the number of hours he took to meditate all days, Rohan reckoned that he would finish his vortex in less than ten days. All plans to get out would have to be done before that. The day he would transform into a rank 6 Intermediate, he would get out of this place.

The chance was really low, but the increase of power he would have might help him. If he waited for more, he knew he would be done.

Rohan knew that all around this city was green grass spreading toward the horizon. His only goal was the forest. If he could enter the forest, use all the speed he could muster as a rank 6 Intermediate Warrior to get out, he could have a slight chance of success.

Rohan shook his head and focused once again on his task. For now, it was only a dream without any base, it was useless to think about it.

The night passed rapidly. His meal was only a tough bit of meat, probably rotten and thrown away as no one wanted to eat it. Other than this delicious meat being able to make Rohan want to throw up with nothing more but the smell, Rohan only rested for a couple of hours.

As the first sunlight shone in the city, Rohan opened his eyes. It was time to look for the old man. There was not even any place to clean his body, or at least not for the slave he was supposed to be. Rohan could only sigh as he left his hut and headed toward the center of the sect.

A few minutes later, Rohan stood in front of the elder watching him curiously. Rohan knew he was without any doubt observing the results of his night of meditation, but it wasn't like he could stop it.

"Hmm, " Kuud turned around and took out a potion on the side, "drink that and go back to clean the east pavilion for the day."

Rohan didn't answer as he drank in one gulp this horrible and bitter thing. He then posed the vial before turning around, heading for the area at the east of the sect.

Kuud looked at the young man left through the door. Once he was alone, he couldn't help but whisper to himself.

"Are all humans unafraid of death these days? He should at least be shaking a bit after coming here, right?"

As Rohan reached the east pavilion, he could hear some shouts as well as a clash of swords.. He slowly walked forward, only to see two young men fighting each other with training sabers.

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