The Master of Uradan

Chapter 132 - Beaten Up

Rohan's saber flashed but hit nothing more than emptiness. Grael Looked with contempt as he only had to step with a mighty speed to the side. Before Rohan had the time to put once again his defense, Grael cleaved to the side.

Rohan wasn't able to evade this blow. He tried to leap back, but he was still too slow. The wooden blade violently hit his left arm as a grunt escaped his mouth. It was the start of a tough fight.

Rohan rolled on the ground to put some distance with Grael, but this one only needed to stick to him like a parasite before slashing at his back. Rohan turned his body just in time to deflect the blow with his blade. But the strength behind the strike was too strong.

He was forced to take several steps back under this strength before Rohan saw Grael blur once again with his speed. He was like a ghost slashing from all sides as he moved around him with a ruthless smile. This bastard was taking pleasure.

"Hahaha, such a weak human. You can't even defend against my power!"

Rohan barely defended the blow on his right before the opponent's blade bypassed his guard and hit his wrist. The shock nearly made Rohan lose his grip over his saber.

"That's why you are just a damn slave, puny human."

Before Rohan had the time to do anything, a powerful kick crushed his guts before the terrible power sent him flying a few meters away. He landed violently on the ground and rolled on the ground to evade the saber hitting the paved floor.

On the side, the couple of onlookers that had been attracted by Grael were now more than tens of people forming a small crowd. Caeen watched with a strange expression as he saw Rohan barely defending himself as a torrent of blows struck his body.

Each time he received a blow, Rohan always got up to prepare for the next hit. Even with his opponent faster than him, although his movements could be qualified to be pathetic by the crowd, Caeen wasn't anybody. His eyesight was more acute than the normal disciple.

It was maybe barely for the others, but being able to still defend himself under a tempest of attacks faster and stronger than his own, Caeen thought he would have given up long ago. The pressure Rohan was currently feeling wasn't something everyone could bear.

Wanting to fight again and again with such a mind and pride let Caeen have a great impression. Humans weren't as weak as he had thought, at least psychologically.

Unfortunately, it wasn't that Rohan didn't want to get out. Even if Rohan wanted to kowtow and give up now, it was a question if Grael would accept it and instead continued to fiercely attack him. The only thing he could do now was to somehow defend his body while waiting for Caeen to stop this damn fight.

He wasn't even putting up a fight actually, it was a straight-up beating up!

While Rohan was cursing on his head as he wanted to know why Caeen was still watching with his mouth open, this one was currently feeling enlightened. Fighting with such an unyielding mind, ready to fight until the end rather than bending and giving up, it was the true path, the path he should from now on take!

He always had been a genius and was considered to be the strongest in this city among the people of his generation. But he felt it wasn't enough. What was his strength if he didn't have a good mindset? Nothing!

Rohan dodged a strike as he jumped on the side and slashed with his saber. He wasn't even trying to touch his opponent, but the weapon where he believed it should appear. Grael was too fast for him, he could only try to guess his moves before this one had even started to do them.

But the result wasn't that great. His saber cut through the air. Before he could retract his weapon, a terrible shock sent him to the ground as Rohan felt his mind rung. Blood was flowing from his cheek as it had burst under the force of the blow.

The sight of blood woke up Caeen as he moved forward to stop the fight. A hand landed on his shoulder and held him there. He was alarmed by such power as he couldn't even move his limbs anymore. He looked from the corner of his eyes at the old man that had appeared at an unknown moment at his side.

He quickly greeted him. "Elder Kuud!" He couldn't move his head, nor his body, otherwise he would have already deeply bowed.

"Let's watch a little bit more, it is only the beginning." His hoarse voice filled the ears of the young man as he could only stare at the fight between Grael and the human.

Rohan was in bad shape. Blood was dripping on the floor. His body was in pain. Countless blows had already appeared, crushing him. It was already a miracle that he had no broken bones since the start of the fight. Maybe he had a few fractures, but he was too focused on the duel to care about it.

His force was leaving his body, decreasing his reaction speed as a grey veil enveloped his vision. He stepped on the side to dodge the blow, but like a ghost playing with its victim, the blade appeared on his flank, striking Rohan as he grunted in pain.

Grael stepped back as he stared with a face deformed by cruelty.

Rohan panted as he felt his strength being the lowest ever. The fight wasn't going to be stopped in a short time, it was now obvious. He wasn't seeing his opponent as a stupid guy venting on him while he only had to bear for a while.

He was his enemy. His life was in danger. A cold glint appeared in his eyes as a murderous thirst filled his body. Rohan panted as he felt his body ready to collapse at any moment. His grasp over the handle of his saber tighten. The time was counted.

"So pitiful!" Grael charged forward with a mighty speed with those words.

The world began to slow down as red dots appeared here and there. A red light shone in his eyes as Rohan stood firmly there, waiting for his opponent to come. He saw him coming his way, with his devious expression making Rohan feel rage.

On the side, a slight smile appeared on Kuud's face. Even Caeen opened his eyes wide as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The dots appearing all around Rohan, painting his world of red color, weren't invisible to their eyes. All the onlookers could see them, and that was what made them show strange expressions on their faces.

Before the two opponents crossed their blades, they suddenly stopped on the spot. Rohan froze in his stance while the red dots crumbled one after another around him, before vanishing.

Elder Kuud had appeared between Rohan and Grael as if he had teleported there.

"The fight has ceased now. Rohan, you still have to clean the whole east pavilion. I don't care about your injuries or whatever. Grael, you have your own tasks to do." Then, as if he was never there to begin, he faded away.

As the pressure left with the old man, Rohan couldn't stay up.. He collapsed on the ground like a rag doll.

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