The Master of Uradan

Chapter 133 - Waking Up The Dead

While Rohan was enjoying his days on the sect of Averlorn, far from there, and possibly in another world, two people were walking under the moonlight of the night.

They were both wearing dark capes hiding their bodies and their faces. Even so, under the faint light, it was easy to guess one of them was a woman with her thin and delicate forms while the other one was a man, a bit taller than her.

They walked in silence as they headed toward a place no one wanted to go when the night had fallen: a cemetery.

"Are you sure it's a good idea? The moment we do it, we will be chased after by pretty much everyone in the world, you know?" The apathetic voice of the man echoed on the night, amplified by the ambient eerie atmosphere.

"Not everyone, don't worry! Once you will prove your strength, those old farts would have no choice but to acknowledge you!" The cheerful tone of the woman contrasted with the man, as they suddenly stopped their steps.

In front of them spread the huge cemetery, surrounded by a tall wall separating the living from the dead. Not for too long now. The woman seemed excited as she pushed open the large iron portal easily.

"Come on, that will be fun! You have already seen me do it in Balford, you just have to do the same. With your talent, you will succeed in no time!"

The man looked at the woman as he sighed. "Don't make me remember this time. It's already a couple of years ago, and I was more preoccupied with fleeing rather than trying to understand what the hell you were doing."

They both entered the world of the dead as they headed toward the center. The woman searched around while the man followed behind her, always a meter away. No more, no less, no matter how fast or slow she was advancing.

The woman abruptly turned around as she stared angrily at the man. "Stop doing that! Can't you walk like normal people, it's pissing me off!"

"No." He straight up answered, before continuing calmly, as if he was stating the truest fact. "I am the best butler of the whole world, such skills are engraved on my body, I can't help it."

The woman felt her lips twitch in front of such a shameless person. She knew that a headache would appear if she continued this conversation, so she simply gave up and turned around.

Soon, she stood in front of a grave with the man behind her. She observed the stone grave from all sides while the man stared as she cutely tilted her head to the left and right. He couldn't help but think of someone else, who had the habit to do the same when he couldn't understand something.

She pondered for a bit before decisively deciding.

"This one should be good. You can try it!" She happily stepped aside and waved her hand. "Show me what stage your power has reached already!"

The man walked in front of the grave and pointed his hand to the ground. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his mana. The black stone inside his head he had nurtured for a couple of years shone as the strange runes hovering inside glowed a bright color.

He willed his intangible power and directed it toward his rune engraved on his arm. The mana fused with the energy, but instead of being the power of the elements like a wizard, the feeling was different, darker.

His mana completed the rune with great dexterity before a black fog appeared in front of his extended hand. Slowly, it floated there as it descended, before entering through the soil. A light tremor shook the ground, and it didn't take long before the whole grave shook as well.

The woman was pleasantly surprised as she couldn't restrain herself from murmuring. "Rank 2 already?" But the man didn't pay any attention to his companion as he focused on his task.

A few minutes later, a hand broke violently out of the ground. There wasn't any flesh nor muscles or blood. It was only made of bones, and after the hand extended the complete arm.

The duo stepped back as they watched a skeleton leaving the earth limbs after limbs. After an endless minute, the being finally stood on its leg as its empty socket faced the two people without moving.

"That's…it? Just a useless bag of bones? I was waiting for something more extraordinary. Is it really for this that I put my life in danger and nearly caused my head to explode?" The man was totally disappointed, oblivious to the joyful woman that was almost going to clap her hands of delight.

"Hmph, your power as a rank 2 Beginner Necromancer lets you control a maximum of ten skeletons, it is only the start to make a powerful army!"

"Then why don't you have any of them at your side if it is so incredible? Ho, I get it! Because you don't want to be killed on sight by the whole fucking human population!" The man felt all his effort was for naught when he looked at this dumb skeleton standing there. "Look at that! the only utility I can think about is to give him a flower on his hands so he becomes a flower pot!"

"Ho, come on, it's not that bad. The Beginner ranks are always a bit weak. Plus you only know this spell, don't you know how hard it was for me to snitch it away so you can learn it? Let's wake up some more, that way the elders will be favorable toward you!"

The two people strolled in the cemetery as the skeleton was clumsily walking behind them. The more the man heard the rattles of the bones clashing against each other, he felt that becoming a necromancer was the worst idea he had ever had.

Soon, the sole skeleton became two, then the two became four, and after walking around all the places so the woman could find the better graves, ten humanoids made of nothing more than bones stood in front of the duo.

"Now that we have our wonderful mighty warriors, what's the plan?" The man looked deeply at the woman standing at his side. His face was still hidden by his hood, but his shown lips were reflecting all the boredom he was currently experiencing.

He could sense the ten skeletons being a part of himself as if they were newly limbs that he had forgotten how to use before suddenly remembering. The sensation was strange, but it didn't remove the bitter taste he had as he looked at the slow, weak, and ridiculous bags of bones facing him.

"Bringing them with us to meet the elders. That should be easy!"

The man couldn't help but sigh as the woman leisurely walked away. She had the same age as him and was in her late twenties, but she was far too childish sometimes. Well, that wasn't really surprising if her race was taken into account. She wasn't human after all.

The man followed her as he willed the ten useless things behind him to march.

He looked at the moon lighting up the sky as he thought about the past. He wondered how his master was doing? Pretty much everyone was looking for him now that he had been found out, and it wasn't a secret that he had taken the road of the Barren Lands. What was interesting enough for him to enter such a desertic region?

He couldn't guess, but he hoped to see him again one day.. When he would have discovered a way to get out from the deep shit he had landed.

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