Ye Youran suddenly had a very ominous premonition.

Maybe he was calculated and shot.

Because ye Youran didn't find Mrs. Ya in Liao's prison.

Even ye Youran didn't give up and turned the whole city master's house inside and outside.

I still haven't found Mrs. ya.

Did someone frame and kill with a knife?

"Go back to the imperial city."

Ye Youran pondered for a while and rushed back to the imperial city all night.

Ye Youran and others killed hundreds of people during the Liao family trip, including Liao Wu and those guards and offerings.

The Liao family now exists in name only. In addition to an old Liao family antique, the Liao family has fallen apart.

The second and third generations were killed.

Now there is only Liao Bo, the old city Lord, who is a bare commander.

But this is not the key. The key is that ye Youran didn't find Mrs. ya.

There are only two possibilities left.

One is that the Liao family did not kidnap Mrs. ya at all.

It was someone who deliberately spread false news and used ye Youran's hand to destroy the Liao family.

Second, Mrs. Ya was caught by Liao Bo, an old antique of the Liao family. They didn't go back to Xinjiang city.

But the problem is that ye Youran received a summons, which clearly says: he wants to save Mrs. ya to Liao's house.

Therefore, if Liao Bo catches Mrs. Ya without returning to Liao's house, it is unlikely.

In other words, the former is very likely.

But anyway, ye Youran must go back to the imperial city first.

After the transmission array returned to the Imperial City, ye Youran immediately threw out the golden eyed beast.

Recently, ye Youran's training is relatively heavy, and the golden eyed beast is no exception.

Because every time ye Youran trains, the golden eyed beast will also be thrown out by Ye Youran as a helper.

First, it is also to train the actual combat ability of the golden eye beast.

The two are for him to have a more tacit understanding of Ye Youran's cooperation with it.

Therefore, during this period of time, except during the day, it will appear next to Ye leisurely.

At night, ye Youran will throw him into the golden body hall to recuperate.

"Find me Mrs. ya."

The fire eyed golden eyed beast has one ability, that is to find people.

It can be found as long as it is not too far away.

Mrs. Ya once said that she would not leave the imperial city recently.

Because he recruited an evil student like ye Youran to the war god college.

She received a huge reward.

Therefore, if there is no accident during this period, she should find a place to shut down in imperial city.

The flaming eyed beast did not disappoint ye Youran.

It immediately pointed a direction to ye Youran.

As long as they are remembered by the golden eye beast, they can hardly escape the induction of the golden eye beast in the imperial city.

Under the guidance of the golden eye beast, this is also a talent skill of the golden eye beast!

Ye Youran and others immediately went to a remote small attic.

The attic is not large, only two floors.

The enrollment time of war god college has passed, and the imperial city has begun to become deserted.

After all, most people living in imperial city are people of cultivation.

People who practice seldom have leisure and leisure in shopping.

What's more, it's late at night.

This attic must be rented by Mrs. Ya for cultivation.

Because ye Youran has sensed the breath of Lady ya.

Mrs. Ya is the only one in the attic.

When sensing the smell of Lady ya.

Ye Youran knew that he was really fooled.

The Liao family didn't move Mrs. ya at all.

The purpose of the messenger to ye Youran is self-evident.

"We were deceived. Who gave us false information?"

Ye Youran frowned and said to the others.

"In my opinion, nine out of ten are seismologists."

The black robe opened.

Black robe is mysterious, so he is usually silent.

"Impossible? Isn't the Liao family Pro Zhen?"

Hong Meng said puzzled.

"The Zhen family is one of the eight most powerful families in the whole southern region. Compared with the Zhen family, the Liao family is nothing at all. I don't know how many families like the Liao family have broken their heads and want to have a relationship with the Zhen family. Sacrificing a Liao family is nothing for the Zhen family."

Black robe continued to analyze:

"Moreover, I once heard the teacher say that ye Youran killed Liao Chen. The Liao family's Antiques went to the Zhenjia in person to ask the Zhenjia to be the master at the first time."

"In other words, only the Zhen family knows the gratitude and resentment between ye Youran and the Liao family."

"Several of our freshmen are too eye-catching in the war god academy, especially ye Youran, who is known as the first freshman disciple."

"Moreover, you choose the cave house near the king's house of the immovable Ming Dynasty and the Guanghan palace. You make it clear that you want to fight against the king of the immovable Ming Dynasty, that is, against the Zhenjia."

"Now, if you don't move, Wang Zhenyuan is still closed and can't move the leaves leisurely. The war theological seminary is a skinny camel bigger than a horse. The Zhenjia dare not attack us freshmen openly."

"Therefore, the Zhenjia took advantage of the gratitude and resentment between ye Youran and the Liao family to provoke a war between them."

Black robe continued to analyze with great sophistication:

"If ye Youran really killed the Liao family, and ye Youran was killed by the Liao family, it would be beneficial and harmless to the Zhen family. Even if the war god academy wants to avenge ye Youran, it can only find the Liao family, not the Zhen family."

"If ye Youran kills the Liao family, zhenjiajin can ask the war theological seminary to hand ye Youran out in the name of nanlixian emperor."

"Even if Zhenjia does nothing, ye Youran will completely offend the old antique of the Liao family."

"A top strongman in the realm of great Luo Jinxian should never die with ye Youran, or even burn jade and stone. I'm afraid even the war god academy will have a headache."

The analysis of black robes is irrefutable.

A top strongman in the realm of golden immortals hides in the dark, like a poisonous snake, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.

This is really a big head for ye Youran.

Facing the top strong in the realm of golden immortals, ye Youran is not invincible by using all his cards.

There are even reincarnation Buddha eyes as a sneak attack.

It is not impossible to kill the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

But the open gun is easy to hide, and the hidden arrow is difficult to defend.

When ye Youran is unprepared, the top strongman of the golden immortal realm of Da Luo may kill ye Youran.

After all, ye Youran can't always open the glass golden body or the body of ancient demons for self-defense.

"This is the end of the matter. It's useless to say more."

Bai Zifan pondered for a long time, broke the heavy atmosphere and said:

"It's definitely not safe for your friends to stay here now. We took the Liao family's nest. The Liao family's antiques are still alive after all. He is angry and will attack your friends."

Bai Zifan continued:

"So our first problem now is to take your friend back to the war Theological Seminary, and tell the whole story to the ghost seeing teacher, and listen to his decision."

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