The trouble this time is not small.

Ye Youran can't afford such trouble alone.

Moreover, the wide involvement may also affect the war Theological Seminary.

The most important thing is that this matter can never be concealed from the Ares Academy.

Both the Liao family's Antiques and the Zhenjia family are bound to exert pressure on the war Theological Seminary.

Therefore, ye Youran must first tell the Ares academy the whole story, so that they can make preparations in advance.

Time doesn't wait. The old Liao family may come back at any time after receiving the news.

Therefore, ye Youran immediately entered the attic.

Ye Youran doesn't care that Mrs. Ya is closed. Ye Youran wakes her up directly.

Now Lady Ya is the initial cultivation of true fairyland.

Ye Youran forcibly wakes her up, which is also very harmful to her.

But ye Youran has the power of merit and virtue, and can keep Mrs. Ya safe.

After waking up Mrs. ya, ye Youran took her back to the God of War College overnight.

As a disciple handed down by Ye Youran and others, it's OK to bring an outsider into the war god Academy.

Because the identity of a pro disciple has great authority in the war god Academy.

Even ordinary teachers are absolutely afraid to ask big in front of Ye Youran and others.

After taking Mrs. Ya back to the war god academy, ye Youran asked her to rest in the heart nourishing hall.

But ye Youran went to see the in the God of war mountain alone all night, so ye Youran's move is very risky, and it is easy to be pushed into the limelight by interested people.

"Calm down, teacher. I... I just killed Liao's family..."

Ye leisurely considered it, although it was difficult to say.

But ye Youran still wants to say.

"What? You went to Liao's house?"

However, before ye Youran finished her words, the black widow was surprised and interrupted:

"Do you know how to write death? Do you know how many people want your life now? Do you know if you leave the war Theological Seminary without authorization, you will not even know how to die?"

The war theological seminary is now in decline.

Because there are too many people staring at the Ares academy, hoping that the Ares academy will decline.

Ye Youran as a new disciple "..."

However, just when ghost sees sorrow and others argue about ye Youran's affairs.

At this time, ye Youran has quietly entered the purple bamboo forest.

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