Oriental Green Wood naturally has no time to see ye Youran's store.

He didn't even ask where ye Youran's store was.

I just said I would ask my assistant to contact ye Youran.

Let ye Youran discuss everything with his assistant.

Ye Youran, naturally, is not empty.

He still needs to go to school!

Therefore, ye Youran also sent an assistant, nurse Xiaoling, to help Dongfang aomu's assistant.

The decoration scheme of the store and what decoration company to look for.

This matter is decided by the assistant of Oriental Aoki.

The material selection and supervision of decoration are in the charge of nurse Xiaoling.

Of course, ye Youran needs to pay for the decoration materials and wages.

According to the budget, such a big store will be renovated.

The decoration cost is at least two million.

Don't look at the two million.

Who says ye Youran's store is a little too big?

Nationwide, large pharmacies on the upper and lower floors of Heye Youran are really rare.

Especially in traditional Chinese medicine stores, some valuable traditional Chinese medicine can not be casually placed on the table.

We need to make some special glass display cabinets.

These display cabinets and vertical cabinets also need vacuum treatment to prevent moisture regain.

It also takes into account the security system.

They are bulletproof glass, which can't be broken by ordinary people.

So two million hit, it was just a simple decoration.

At the same time, nurse Xiaoling also needs to run a business license or something.

Ye Youran continued to be the shopkeeper and went back to be his student.

In the next time, ye Youran was quite free.

He has classes in the daytime and is dragged by Annie to rehearse at the entertainment club in the evening.

Prepare for the coming school day.

So in the next half month.

Ye Youran had little time to go to the shop again.

In fact, ye Youran doesn't need to go in person.

Because of many things, ye Youran is more confused than nurse Xiaoling.

Therefore, all the complicated things are handled by nurse Xiaoling.

Only after signing a cooperation contract with Dongfang aomu and signing some business licenses, ye Youran came forward to deal with it.

To this end, nurse Xiaoling called Ye Youran to complain.

Said he was the easiest boss in the world.

Nearly half a month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the decoration has come to an end.

Even the huge plaque with ten characters of "Qingyuan No. 1 store of Oriental pharmacy" in front of the store has been hung and covered with red cloth.

That afternoon.

The cell phone in ye Youran's pocket suddenly rang.

This afternoon is Wang Yan's class.

Wang Yan spoke on the podium with flying colors.

Ye Youran's cell phone rang and suddenly interrupted the whole class.

Originally, ye Youran's mobile phone wouldn't ring once in a thousand years.

Because few people call him.

Therefore, ye Youran has no habit of adjusting the vibration of his mobile phone.

Ye Youran hurriedly took out his mobile phone and was ready to press the shutdown button.

But ye Youran found out.

The caller ID of the mobile phone is "sister Xiaoling".

Ye Youran took his cell phone and didn't know whether to hang up or answer.

Hang up. That's nurse Xiaoling's phone.

Nurse Xiaoling knows that ye Youran is still a student and won't call ye Youran easily.

Since she called, it must be something, and it should be related to the store.

Ye Youran smashed 3.5 million in front and back of the store.

Ye Youran will never allow anything to happen to the store.

But if you do, it will not give Wang Yan face in class.

It is precisely because ye Youran is very contradictory in his heart.

There are two voices in my mind. One is ye Youran catching up, and the other is ye Youran not answering.

So that ye Youran didn't even press the mute key. He just looked at changing his mobile phone and let the mobile phone ring constantly.

"Classmate ye Youran, please turn off your cell phone. I hope it won't happen again."

Wang Yan said leisurely to Ye.

In fact, since the last time ye Youran was "fed" so much food by Wang Yan and Annie at Wang Yan's house.

Wang Yan's heart was full of guilt for ye Youran.

And Wang Yan has a feeling.

Ye Youran seems to be deliberately alienating her this time.

I don't know what ye Youran is doing day by day.

As long as there is no class, she can't find ye Youran's person.

Although Wang Yan has implicitly apologized to ye Youran several times.

But ye Youran is still like this, which makes Wang Yan feel that ye Youran is still angry.

So at this time, Wang Yan was not too willing to blame ye Youran.

But unfortunately.

While Wang Yan was talking, ye Youran just made a decision in her heart.

"Sorry, I'll answer the phone."

Ye Youran ignored that so many students in the class were staring.

In this way, I pressed the answer button in public.

Millions of business!

It's a big thing. Ye Youran has to answer this phone!

However, ye Youran didn't press the answer button for long.

Immediately his face changed and he roared.


Ye Youran is like an angry lion who chooses people and eats them.

His roar also startled everyone at the scene.

The next moment.

Ye Youran rushed out of the door without saying a word.

"Ye Youran, what are you doing? Come back quickly."

Watching ye Youran ignore classroom discipline.

Skipped class in front of the head teacher.

This is too presumptuous.

So Wang Yan hurriedly called Ye Youran.

At the same time, Wang Yan had a bad feeling in his heart.

Wang Yan always felt that something big had happened.

Otherwise, ye Youran should not be like this.

At this time, Ye is in a leisurely state, in case of impulse to do something.

That's bad.

So Wang Yan hurried out.

At the same time, Lu Xuan and they also chased out.

Lu Xuan, they know ye Youran best.

Ye Youran is definitely not the kind of person who gets angry easily.

At least the former ye Youran was not like this.

They are ye Youran's things.

No matter what happens to ye Youran, they must stand by Ye Youran's side.

Unfortunately, Wang Yan and Lu Xuan are no matter how fast they are.

It's impossible to have ye Youran's speed!

Ye Youran has rushed to the school gate.

Lu Xuan and Wang Yan just rushed out of the classroom.

Then Lu Xuan and Wang Yan saw it with their own eyes.

Ye Youran directly jumped out of the school gate.

The gate of the medical university is a kind of remote control telescopic aluminum alloy fence gate.

Usually in class time, the fence door is closed, refusing anyone to enter or leave the school door, affecting the students' class.

Although the gate is not high.

But it is also slightly higher than ye Youran's chest.

Ye Youran jumped directly and easily jumped out of the school gate.

Then ye Youran stopped a taxi directly and left.

"Come on, call ye Youran and tell him not to be impulsive about anything."

See ye leisurely jump the door.

Wang Yan hurriedly said to Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan quickly took out his mobile phone.

However, call ye Youran's mobile phone.

"It's off."

Listen to the shutdown prompt from your mobile phone.

Lu Xuan immediately smiled bitterly.

"How could it be turned off? Didn't he just call?"

Wang Yan remembers that some people have no master.

Because ye Youran's expression before was too impulsive, as if he was in a hurry to kill.

"In fact, I just sat next to ye Youran. After ye Youran finished the phone, I found..."

Qin Sheng said haltingly.

"What did you find? You did."

Wang Yan and Lu Xuan said excitedly.

Ye Youran and Qin Sheng are at the same table. Don't let Qin Sheng know what happened before?

"I found that ye Youran pinched his mobile phone."

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