(in fact, No. 1 is no different from ye Youran because their memories are shared. In order to prevent readers from reading the string and the author from sometimes getting confused, the following No. 1 is changed to ye Youran's real name. It is hereby declared.)

Ye Youran took great pains.

He must let his identity go out and take the blood ginseng, because it is very important.

But ye Youran really can't find an excuse. He can only go to the pool to avoid his eyes and ears.

Of course, in order to force back the dream butterfly fairy, ye Youran can only be a fake.

Then she tore up her clothes and revealed her strong body.

"Hooligan, wait until you come up and see how I deal with you."

A blush flashed across the fairy's face.

No one has revealed himself in front of her for many years.

It's brave not to choose ye Youran.

As for others, they are full of goodwill, smiling and watching ye Youran fight with Mengdie fairy.

Except Lei Tian.

Seeing ye Youran flirting with his sweetheart like this, his heart was really about to explode.

But now he doesn't dare to offend ye Youran.

In addition to ye Youran's unpredictable means of bringing the dead back to life, the most important thing is that ye Youran is very popular now.

Lei Tian knew very well that everyone in the Blackwater team didn't care who was the captain.

The only thing that matters is who can bring benefits or treasures to them.

If Lei Tian had not been the captain at the beginning and there were no differences in the team for the time being.

Maybe the captain is ye Youran.

If you offend ye Youran, maybe ye Youran cheers up, takes everyone away and kicks him out of the team, it's not worth the loss.

So Lei Tian didn't dare to attack. He could only pretend to be indifferent.

Pretend to see nothing.

"Alas! The dream butterfly fairy is a disaster after all. It seems that it's better to find a chance to drive her away."

Ye Youran thought so, but now is obviously not the time.

Moreover, ye Youran still wants to deal with these people!

This is conducive to obtaining the support of these people after returning to Blackwater city in the future.

So it's definitely not feasible to offend positively.

But these troubles are still left to think about in the future!

Ye Youran dived directly to the bottom of the pool with a splash of water.

The pool here is not deep, but the water in the pool is clear because of the lack of people.

"It seems that it's better to confuse who!"

Ye Youran thought, and then released No. 2 and No. 3 from the golden body hall.

Ye Youran let them lurk at the bottom of the pool and run jiuzhuan Qigong to completely hide their breath.

After doing all this, ye Youran came to the surface.

"Cool! I haven't taken a bath for so long. This feeling is really memorable!"

Ye Youran said loudly, patting the spray vigorously.

It's like a child who likes playing with water.

After a while, the small pool was completely turbid.

"Alas! What a pity, if only it were a river. The water can't help tossing!"

Ye Youran pretended to be sorry, and then went ashore.

Then ye Youran took out a brand-new dress from the golden body hall and put it on him.

Xianyuan runs, all the dirty things on his body are shaken off, and his clothes are as dry as new.

"Well, we should go."

Seeing that ye Youran has played enough, Mengdie fairy wants to fight with ye Youran again.

Lei Tian, whose face was slightly ugly, said first.

He wanted everyone to have a rest.

He Naiye Youran had too much fun with Mengdie fairy, which was definitely a stimulus to him.

You'd better hurry and be clean when you're out of sight!

Lei Tian took the people on the road, while Mengdie fairy and ye Youran followed with big eyes and small eyes behind the team.

When everyone went away, No. 2 and No. 3 hiding at the bottom of the pool came up.

Then he went in the direction of blood ginseng.

Blood ginseng is not far from No. 2 and No. 3. It's only about five or six kilometers.

"I'll attract the treasure protecting beast. You go and capture the blood ginseng."

After approaching the blood ginseng, number two said.

Ye Youran has long known that there is a treasure protecting beast in the place where the blood ginseng is located.

That's a blood python.

The blood Python nodded around the blood ginseng.

The blood Python is not as terrible as the Golden Eagle or the stone dragon.

Its strength is up to the sky, which is equivalent to the super Immortal Emperor.

No. 2 is certainly not a blood python, right, but it's OK to lead it away.

No. 2 came directly. The blood Python huff and puff Xinzi and immediately smelled the smell of No. 2.

It opened its eyes and immediately began to attack number two.

Because the treasure protecting beast is very aggressive when guarding its own things.

Any creature approaching will be attacked by it.

Of course, No. 2 won't love war. He opened the colored glass golden body and drove as fast as possible.

Most importantly, this blood can't fly. Although it jumps hundreds of meters, flying is really not what it is good at.

So no. 2 will fly high when he can't escape. When the blood Python doesn't pursue, he will reduce his height and start attacking.

After the blood Python goes away.

No. 3 came to pick up the blood ginseng immediately.

"Good thing, what a good thing!"

No. 3 took the blood ginseng and his hands were shaking with excitement.

At the same time, ye Youran was also very excited.

The blood ginseng is not big, and its age is not as long as 100000 years.

But here is the Tianting site. Although the fairy spirit here is not too strong, it is full of another kind of energy.

That's called divine power.

Divine power is a more advanced energy that can be absorbed by the strong in the realm of gods.

It cannot be absorbed under the gods.

Although the year of the blood ginseng in No. 3's hand should be about 10000 years.

But it absorbs divine power, so it contains extremely surging energy.

Ye Youran estimated that the efficacy of this blood ginseng should not be worse than the 100000 year blood bought by Chu ye Youran from the fat boss.

It may even be more advanced.

This is the difference between the Tianting site and the fairyland.

Even if it is only a site, it is definitely a place of outstanding people, and the things bred are very extraordinary.

The blood boa seemed to be aware of the blood ginseng.

It immediately violently gave up No. 2 and began to run frantically to the place where the blood ginseng was located.

The speed is three points faster than before.

Unfortunately, the blood Python is doomed to lose the blood ginseng.

Because No. 3 has already dropped the blood ginseng into the space ring.

With space, the ring blocks the breath, and No. 3 also runs jiuzhuan Qigong to converge the breath.

Even if it wants to kill, it's too late.

Even the smell of number two has been for hours.

The blood Python can only vent madly in situ and attack manically.

At this time, No. 2 and No. 3 have converged.

Now they have a problem again.

That's how the blood ginseng can be sent to the golden body hall unconsciously.

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