Ye Youran can send No. 2 and No. 3 out unconsciously, but how can we make No. 2 and No. 3 return to ye Youran unconsciously.

This is a difficult problem.

Ye Youran can't get along with her if she wants to break her head.

Finally, ye Youran just put it down temporarily.

He kept number two and three far behind the Blackwater team.

You can't follow too closely or too far away.

We have to wait.

At this time, the Blackwater team was in danger again.

This time, ye Youran naturally discovered the danger in advance.

But ye Youran didn't break it.

Because the danger this time is not very serious.

Most importantly, ye Youran doesn't want to remind him every time. If everyone has formed the habit that ye Youran won't be dangerous without reminding.

That's not what ye Youran wants to see.

This time we met the forest wolf.

There are about a dozen huge Timberwolves.

These Timberwolves are bigger than ordinary buffalo.

He looks ferocious and ferocious, which is frightening.

The dozen forest wolves have a name, silver backed blood wolf.

Silver backed blood wolf is also a special existence among fierce beasts.

This kind of silver backed blood wolf has no IQ, but has an instinct no worse than that of ordinary divine beasts.

They have a very strong ability to fight together, and the silver backed blood wolf has a strict hierarchy among the wolves, and the head wolf has supreme power.

The reason why silver backed blood wolves are called this name is not only that their backs are silver, but also because they are bloodthirsty.

This is a fierce beast with little fear.

Once the war begins, it will fight to the end, and it will never give up until the last drop of blood.

So the silver backed blood wolf deserves its name.

Among the more than a dozen silver backed blood wolves, except that the first wolf has the strength comparable to the super Immortal Emperor.

The strongest of other silver backed blood wolves is just comparable to the high Immortal Emperor.

So these silver backed blood wolves actually pose little threat to Blackwater team.

Ye Youran still didn't do it, because in the team, he has been defined as a doctor who serves everyone.

Let the black water team deal with the battle!

Looking at the black water team, everyone clearly divided their work and fought with the group of silver backed blood wolves.

Ye Youran began to think about whether to let No. 2 and No. 3 sneak over.

After all, ye Youran now hopes to get the blood ginseng.

Because it can greatly speed up ye leiran's cultivation of external incarnation.

However, ye Youran finally gave up the idea.

Because these silver backed blood wolves pose little threat to the Blackwater team.

While fighting, they are still seeing and listening to all directions, and strictly guard against other dangers.

No. 2 and No. 3 are good at hiding breath, but even the dead can see such two big living people coming.

The combat effectiveness of the silver backed blood wolf is still quite terrible.

Because this is a group of fierce beasts who are really not afraid of death and fight with their lives.

Especially the wolf, the three super immortals did not lose the wind in the face of it for a time.

Instead, it embarrassed the wolves of the Blackwater team.

But fortunately, after we paid some injuries, we wiped out all the silver backed blood wolves with the record of death.

What kind of record the black water team can obtain is entirely because the black water team has an advantage in number.

After all, more than 20 immortal emperors face more than a dozen silver backed blood wolves. If they can't defeat them, it's a joke.

Of course, two people were seriously injured.

Cured by Ye Youran's merit and virtue.

Many people have seen ye Youran cure two seriously injured immortal emperors with merit and virtue.

This makes ye Youran's position in the team instantly improve several levels again.

After Lei Tian cleaned the battlefield, he also distributed his interests.

Ye Youran certainly has his credit points.

Because he cured two immortal emperors.

When we go out in the future, we will calculate the benefits according to the credit points.

This is equivalent to dividends.

According to the total value of the treasure finally obtained, calculate the value of each credit point, and then calculate the benefits according to the number of credit points of each person.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

However, when Lei Tian finished counting and everyone was ready to go on the road.

In the depths of the oasis, there were bursts of bells.

The voice is not loud, even a little melodious.

But it can spread far.

It seems that such a bell rang in the whole Tianting site.

"What's going on? Is it possible that a treasure was born?"

"This should be the guiding bell in the Tianting site. Often there are treasures, the bell will come. Guide explorers to compete."

"Come on, I finally heard the bell. If we're lucky, we won't come in vain."

Many people in the Blackwater team were surprised.

Including Lei Tian and Wu Jidi Zun.

The nether world, the owner of the black dress building, who had never even spoken, suddenly looked up at the direction of the bell.

It seems that only ye Youran doesn't know what it means.

Finally, ye Youran didn't know until Mengdie fairy explained it.

No matter where the Tianting site is, there will be such a guiding bell.

No one knows how these guiding bells come from or who controls them.

It is certain that every time the guiding bell in the Tianting site rings.

It means a treasure is born.

All the people who explore the Tianting ruins will rush to the place where the bell is ringing as fast as possible.

Of course, the guiding bell means the birth of a treasure and a river of blood.

People are greedy.

In the face of heavy treasure.

Few people can keep real calm.

Especially when competing for treasures, the kind of life and death struggle is almost unrecognizable.

Finally, those who didn't get it regretted it.

And the person who gets it may not be a good thing.

Because the person who gets the treasure means becoming the target of public criticism.

Even teammates can betray.

Because heavy treasures are often priceless.

It is impossible to truly measure and distribute interests.

Therefore, the guidance bell can make people crazy and become a nightmare for many people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since the guiding bell has sounded, a large number of strong people will come soon. But we still have to say something in advance. Those who want to separate from the team and act independently can leave now, but after leaving, goodbye is the enemy."

Lei Tian said solemnly:

"As long as those who remain in the team, we implement the first come, first served method. Whoever obtains the treasure first is the one who owns it. No matter who obtains it, others can't rob it. If others rob it, everyone has the obligation to protect their teammates."

Leitian paused and continued:

"I hope you don't hurt your harmony, because this is only the first guiding bell. There will be a second, third, or even fifth and sixth time."

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