"Yes, at the haixiu district police station."

"Haixiu district police station, I'll go first. Come quickly."

After ye Youran heard the news of haixiu district police station from Wang Dapeng.

Countless calls were made.

Wang Yan, Lu Xuan and others were like headless flies in QY city.

After hearing that ye Youran has been at the police station.

They all panicked.

Ye Youran must have entered the police station because of something.

With ye Youran's gnashing of teeth when he left the class.

The best result is that ye Youran fights and goes to the police station.

At worst, ye Youran is not just fighting.

And killed people.

Killing is not a trivial matter. No matter under what circumstances ye Youran kills.

Even manslaughter or self-defense are troublesome.

A lot of self-defense will be crowned with a charge of over defense.

So Wang Yan went straight to the police station with an uneasy mood.

Even Wang Dapeng rushed to haixiu district police station.

Because the reporter only said that ye Youran was already in the interrogation room.

He didn't know anything else.

Just ask Wang Dapeng to come as soon as possible.

This has worried Wang Dapeng.

Of course, the male policeman who called him to report wanted Wang Dapeng to come as soon as possible.

That's because the male policeman was worried that ye Youran would be "spoiled" by Li Shengnan.

Wang Yan and Qin Sheng were the first to arrive at the police station.

Lu Xuan, Jia Yu and Wang Dapeng are still on their way.

"Hello, where is ye Youran?"

Wang Yan and Qin Sheng rushed into the police station.

"Who are you?"

It was the male policeman who received Wang Yan and Qin Sheng.

The male policeman's name is Qin huaiming.

He was pacing anxiously in the hall of the police station.

Because the interrogation room kept banging.

It's obvious that there's already a fight in the.

But Li Shengnan locked the door of the interrogation room.

Even the monitoring equipment inside was shut down by Li Shengnan.

Qin huaiming doesn't know what happened to the ground.

Once the door of the interrogation room is locked, it can only be opened from the interrogation room.

Or you can open it with the key of your director.

But the director has just gone out.

So Qin huaiming is anxiously waiting for the arrival of Captain Wang Dapeng in the hall.

But Captain Wang didn't wait.

But they waited for Wang Yan to come.

"We are ye Youran's family. Where is he? We need to see him now."

Wang Yan said anxiously.

"Family? I'm sorry. He's being interrogated in the interrogation room. You can't see him for the time being. Wait a minute after he comes out!"

Qin huaiming secretly complained.

Before Captain Wang came, ye Youran's family arrived first.

Now, Qin huaiming doesn't know why ye Youran came in.

Before, I only heard Sister Li say it was an ordinary record.

If ye Youran really did something, it's OK.

At least there is a reason and a statement.

If ye Youran really didn't commit anything.

That's really just an ordinary transcript.

That's not good!

If ye Youran's family sees ye Youran being unfairly beaten in the interrogation room.

It was very bad for the public image of the police station.

It was the general election of QY city. If there was any scandal, the director would not spare him and Li Shengnan.

"Then we can always know what he has done?"

Qin Sheng was calm and asked.

"Sorry, I have no comment until the trial."

Qin huaiming said bitterly.

Just when Wang Yan wanted to say something more.

Two people suddenly walked in outside the police station.

Seeing these two people, Qin huaiming immediately seemed to see the Savior.

"Director Peng and captain Wang, you're here at last."

Qin huaiming hurried up.

Qin huaiming is just an ordinary policeman.

He doesn't know Wang Yan, but he knows Wang Dapeng.

Because not long ago, Wang Dapeng came to the police station to work, he met.

"Well... Xiao Qin! Just now, is the man Xiao Li brought back called Ye Youran? Where is he? Take us!"

Director Peng said to Qin huaiming.

Director Peng has just returned from duty.

Just returned to the police station and saw Wang Dapeng.

So they came in together.

"But... Director! I'm in the interrogation room. Sister Li locked the door, and I can't get in!"

Qin huaiming is almost crying.

Qin huaiming knows Li Sheng's temper.

It's in full swing now!

If he could go in, he would have rushed in.

"Interrogation room? Anti lock? Nonsense. Didn't she just take a note before?"

Director Peng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Li Shengnan is the person assigned by the top.

But less than a month's working time also let director Peng know this Li Sheng man's temper.

Don't do anything!

"Brother, go and have a look. Something big may have happened."

Wang Yan hurried up at this time.

After all, Wang Dapeng is a man who has seen storms.

He was calm and asked director Peng:

"Director Peng, what's going on?"

"Captain Wang, don't worry. I've just come back. Go and ask!"

Director Peng said helplessly.

Then director Peng took out the key and took the people to the interrogation room.

"No, there's a fight inside."

Outside the door, director Peng heard the sound of fighting from the interrogation room.

The interrogation room is specially built, and its sound insulation ability is quite good.

But even so, the sound of fighting can still be heard clearly.

This has worried director Peng.

While taking out the key to open the door, he shouted:

"Xiao Li, have something to say. Don't mess around..."

Before Peng finished his long words, the door had been opened.

However, the moment the door of the interrogation room was opened.

Everyone outside the door was stunned.

Because they all saw an incredible scene.

Li Shengnan, dressed in a tight black suit, was in a mess at the moment.

Her clothes had been torn in several places.

You can clearly see the lace clothes inside.

Most importantly, she stood on one foot in the corner.

The other foot was butted against the wall with ye Youran's shoulder.

The long legs in black high heels stood up like lightning rods.

Also, ye Youran stared at Li Sheng man's forehead with his forehead.

Put his stomach against Li Sheng's man's stomach.

The two kept a stalemate at zero distance.

Let Li Shengnan struggle.

It is also said to escape ye Youran's blockade.

Or, more accurately, wall Dong!

"You came just in time."

Heard the door open.

Ye Youran immediately turned back and couldn't help feeling happy when he saw Wang Dapeng and Wang Yan.

However, the words behind ye Youran haven't had time to say.

I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder:

"Ah! Are you a dog?"

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