The real dragon master is a word that awakens the dreamer!

As long as ye Youran really breaks through to the realm of Immortal Emperor.

Then ye Youran said that he took the pill, and that's all for granted.

No one will doubt, because the whole Tianting site is an Immortal Emperor except ye Youran and his separation.

Only the Immortal Emperor knows how difficult it is to break through the heaven realm to the Immortal Emperor.

Which Immortal Emperor did not break through through countless hardships and long years.

Ye Youran's identity background is now well known.

As everyone knows, it is less than 20 years since ye Youran soared.

Even ye Youran's soul is less than 200 years old.

This was measured by Ye Youran when she participated in the examination of the God of War College.

It is unimaginable that ye Youran can grow to heaven in such a short time.

But those who break through the Immortal Emperor know that if they want to become a real Immortal Emperor, they definitely don't have talent.

Under the Immortal Emperor, you hardly need any enlightenment. As long as you have enough blessings and good talents, you can almost climb all the way without encountering too much cultivation bottleneck.

But if you want to be an Immortal Emperor, you need to understand the Tao and Dharma.

Taoism is natural, which is why many strong people in the heaven realm began to play in the world and experience the world of mortals.

Moreover, it's not enough to experience the world of mortals and the world of entertainment. For example, he has stayed at the peak of heaven for many years.

He had a lot of insights, but he finally needed the help of Baishi reincarnation pill to break through to the early days of Xiandi.

So ye Youran wants to overcome this obstacle and become a real Immortal Emperor.

It seems that only taking that pill is the only explanation.

"Master Zhenlong, how difficult it is to break through the Immortal Emperor. Isn't that nonsense?"

When ye Youran was very excited.

The moon Red Fairy was white, but the real dragon looked at him.

The breakthrough of realm is not what you want to break.

Besides, it is still the realm of Immortal Emperor.

If ye Youran can break through the Immortal Emperor, he will not stay in the heaven realm.

So although this method is very persuasive, it is impossible.

"No, I once wanted to assassinate him, so I have collected a lot of information about him. You should know that I want to know the detailed information of a person, which is usually very comprehensive. Therefore, I know that he has a means to enhance his breath."

The real dragon said proudly.

Although the real dragon master is a casual monk, he does not belong to any power. At least no one knows that he has the power to belong.

But the real dragon is a killer, that's right.

Master Zhenlong has a code of conduct, that is, no matter who the target is, even an ordinary person.

He will do a detailed investigation.

Ye Youran used a secret method to enhance his breath more than once.

And even when master Zhenlong assassinated ye Youran, ye Youran also enhanced his breath to the level of Immortal Emperor when he advised him to give up the assassination.

"Hehe, master Zhenlong knows me."

Ye Youran smiled.

Then ye leisurely ran and started jiuzhuan Qigong.

This nine turn Qigong is a skill that ye Youran understood when he opened the third level of the glazed golden body.

It can make the leaves relax and even the Immortal Emperor can't notice it.

You can also enhance Ye's leisurely breath and give yourself strength beyond your true realm.

With ye Youran running jiuzhuan Qigong, ye Youran's breath began to increase slowly.

It soon reached the breath of the strong in the early days of the Immortal Emperor.

Look at ye Youran's amazing ability.

The moon Red Fairy was also stunned.

How many secrets does ye Youran have!

Why, some means she has never heard of emerge in endlessly.

"How long can you maintain this state?"

The moon red fairy said with some worry.

The use of the secret method is consuming.

He is worried that ye Youran will be tired to death if he keeps going like this!

"If I don't do it, I should be able to maintain it all the time."

Ye Youran said.

In fact, the consumption of running jiuzhuan Qigong on Ye leisurely is still very small.

Although enhanced breath consumes more than hidden breath.

But ye Youran's Xianyuan itself is much thicker than the strong in the same realm.

Maintaining the state of jiuzhuan Qigong is not worried about the leisurely consumption of leaves.

"That's a good feeling. As long as you keep this state all the time, you shouldn't need to do it. With the two of us, there should be no blind people who dare to do it."

The moon red fairy said confidently.

Only the attraction of that pill can make people desperate.

As long as there is no attraction of the pill, with the strength of the real dragon master and the moon Red Fairy, even if there are many potential people, they are not afraid of everyone.

"That said, be careful."

Ye Youran said, and suddenly the expression on his face became serious.

"What's the matter?"

The moon Red Fairy looked at ye Youran puzzled.

"There's trouble."

Ye Youran said with a wry smile.

Before, they walked and talked all the way without noticing anything.

But in retrospect, they were too calm along the way.

There are still many fierce beasts in the Tianting site.

But they didn't meet one.

At this time, the footless birds in the sky have begun to warn.

"Have enemies?"

Master Zhenlong looked at ye Youran suspiciously.

He didn't feel any trouble.

But he was still startled like a conditioned reflex.

"Let's not enter the territory of a fierce beast. Before it finds us, we'll go back the same way."

Ye leisurely whispered.

The moon Red Fairy and the real dragon are skeptical.

Although it's strange to think about it now, it's too calm here.

There was no sound of birds or insects.

There was not even a trace of wind around. It was strangely quiet.

But they didn't find any fierce animals!

Is ye Youran more sensitive than them?

However, despite their doubts, they are still willing to follow ye Youran's arrangement and return.

However, they just started to step back. Ye Youran said with a bitter smile:

"Don't retreat. It's too late. It has found us. Get ready to fight!"

The moon Red Fairy and the real dragon master are still skeptical.

But they made a defensive gesture.

The next moment, an earth shaking roar came.

One is the domineering spirit around the world.

Then, a strong whole building came from the ground.

At this time, at the end of Ye Youran's line of sight.

A terrible monster like a mountain came running.

All the trees were broken where they passed.

The giant beast's eyes are bigger than ye Youran.

He is almost 100 meters tall and dark with metallic luster.

"No, it's a god iron King Kong beast."

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