God iron King Kong beast, the name ye Youran is very strange.

But the real dragon seems to know very well.

Because the name came out of his mouth.

While shouting the name, ye Youran could clearly feel the fear in the eyes of the dragon master.

The moon Red Fairy seemed strange to the name, but she was also afraid at the moment.

Because of the breath from the iron King Kong beast, even the super Immortal Emperor will feel powerless.

The stronger the strength, the more he can feel the horror of the iron King Kong beast.

"Run away, this is a super fierce beast with variant form. We will all die."

The real dragon shouted in fear.

But what makes ye Youran really look at him is.

He didn't run away for the first time, but reminded ye Youran and them.

As the old saying goes, husband and wife are birds in the same forest. When a disaster comes, they fly separately.

Besides, master Zhenlong and ye Youran only made a verbal agreement. He could not escape at the first time in a critical moment. Ye Youran looked up to him.

Both ye Youran and Yuehong fairy knew that this big thing was terrible, so they didn't hesitate, and immediately rose into the sky.

Master Zhenlong then galloped away behind tuanye leisurely.

When it comes to speed, ye leisurely's speed is still very fast.

Especially after ye leisurely summoned the iron wing behind him.

Ye Youran's speed is no slower than that of the real dragon master and the moon Red Fairy.

"Master Zhenlong, what kind of fierce beast is this? Do you know its weakness?"

While galloping, the moon Red Fairy turned back frequently and asked the dragon master.

She had never met such a terrible beast.

Such a fierce beast was the only one she had ever seen, but it had frightened her.

"In fact, its name was originally called Vajra dragon beast, but you can see that its body is covered with a large number of black dragon scales harder than divine iron ore, so it is gradually called divine iron Vajra beast."

The real dragon explained.

Originally, the name of the God iron Vajra beast is just a nickname.

But because of its image, gradually many people only know that it is called God iron Vajra beast, and forget its original name is Vajra dragon beast.

However, because the God iron Vajra beast is a variant, it is still very different from the Vajra dragon beast.

It is said that the Vajra dragon beast was the product of the hybridization between the Vajra God ape and the black dragon god beast in ancient times.

We all know that the dragon has a good "sex". In today's divine beast system, many divine beasts have more or less dragon blood.

This is the case with Vajra dragons.

But the King Kong God ape belongs to the third kind of divine beast after all. It is an ape divine beast.

The black dragon is a kind of beast.

There are two different races, and the species span a huge combination of different races. It is inevitable that there will be some very special phenomena when giving birth to Vajra dragons.

Especially with the birth of generations of Vajra dragons, gene mutations are becoming more and more common in this new race.

This is the same principle as the birth of deformed creatures by close relatives.

Therefore, in general, the heterogeneous offspring of Vajra dragons are mostly waste.

That is, they do not inherit the blood and body of the divine beast, but they generally have an IQ higher than that of the Vajra dragon beast.

Divine beasts have IQ, but relatively speaking, the IQ of divine beasts is generally difficult to surpass human beings, and even many are far inferior to human beings.

However, most of the monsters born of Vajra dragons have an IQ close to or even beyond human intelligence.

But he did not inherit the blood and constitution of the divine beast.

Such aliens are generally abandoned or killed ruthlessly after birth.

Because in the group of divine beasts, the arrogance of blood makes them unable to tolerate the existence of such kind as waste.

Among the aliens born by Vajra dragons, there is a less likely but more terrible alien.

That is the God iron Vajra beast.

God iron King Kong beast inherited the body and blood of King Kong God ape and black dragon god beast.

This will make its body and blood far surpass the King Kong God ape or black dragon beast, and even more surpass the King Kong Dragon beast.

But the existence of this talent has no IQ.

This may also be a balance of the Creator!

Some have superior IQ, but their bodies are made of glass and vulnerable.

Some bodies are made of steel, but they are only those with developed limbs and simple mind.

God iron King Kong beast belongs to the latter.

Such a fierce beast does not need cultivation. It only needs adult strength to reach the secondary God level.

That is, almost invincible under the gods.

Even ten super immortals can't be an adult God iron King Kong beast.

Because its body inherits the advantages of the two divine beasts. Those black dragon scales like divine iron are the Dragon scales of the black dragon divine beast.

The dragon scale of the black dragon divine beast itself is amazing in defense, and after the addition of the terrible body gene of the King Kong God ape.

The rigidity of the Dragon scales on the iron King Kong beast is much higher than that of the black dragon beast.

This thing only needs to be broken down, which is equivalent to a natural ancient treasure.

However, it is impossible for a god iron Vajra to grow from cub to adult without more than 100000 years.

In addition, the God iron Vajra beast is a fierce beast with a strong sense of territory.

This area should all be its territory. Ye Youran and others intruded into its territory by mistake, which is definitely an endless situation.

Ye Youran and others were even more desperate. The iron King Kong beast inherited many advantages of the black dragon beast, although its height was far more than 50 meters, as huge as a mountain.

But its speed has not decreased at all.

Because the Dragon follows the cloud and the tiger follows the wind, speed is one of the dragon's better means.

Now ye Youran and their speed to the extreme, but the iron King Kong beast is still getting closer and closer to them.

If this continues, it won't take long for the God iron Vajra beast to catch up with ye Youran.

Compared with endurance, ye Youran can't compare with the iron King Kong beast.

"So, aren't we dead?"

After hearing the story of master Zhenlong, Yuehong fairy was really a little desperate.

Even ye Youran is almost the same.

At this time, they were several kilometers away from the iron King Kong beast.

But the terrible momentum full of evil spirit can still make ye Youran feel great pressure.

There seems to be a stone pressing on my chest and I can't breathe.

However, just when ye Youran began to despair, the tender voice of fate Dan suddenly spread to ye Youran's mind:

"In fact, it's not too difficult to deal with this shit God iron King Kong beast."

The voice of destiny Dan is very relaxed, just like listening to tell a very common good thing.

Ye Youran was stunned for a moment and was surprised:

"You have a way? Say it."

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