"... there's a saying called sharpening your gun before it's too bright. Haven't you heard of it?"

Mr. Wang was almost annoyed by Ye Youran.

In the eyes of the old man, this is a bigger thing than heaven. Ye Youran is so careless.

The examination of TCM syndrome debate is to look, smell, ask and cut.

These four subjects are much more profound than crosstalk's speaking, learning, teasing and singing.

There are many knowledge points, many cases and allusions. Even those who often read medical books like Mr. Wang can't remember much.

Ye Youran went to the debate meeting unprepared with empty hands?

If he messes up, old man Wang will not be killed by Ye Youran, and he will have no face to live in this world.

"Don't you also have a saying that you don't burn incense at ordinary times and embrace Buddha's feet temporarily!"

Ye leisurely murmured in a low voice.

But obviously, Mr. Wang has heard it.

Seeing that the old man wanted to get angry again, ye Youran quickly promised:

"Well... Master, don't worry. I won't embarrass you if I can argue with TCM."

"You said you wouldn't lose face if you didn't lose face? Have you ever participated in the debate of traditional Chinese medicine?"

Old man Wang asked angrily.


Ye Youran shook his head honestly.

In fact, ye Youran is also the first time to hear about the syndrome debate meeting of traditional Chinese medicine.

Ye Youran was not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting.

So ye Youran doesn't even know the process of TCM syndrome debate meeting.

"You... Your boy is going to piss me off."

Old man Wang said with hatred for iron and steel:

"I tell you, this Chinese medicine debate will cause quite a stir. There are far more participants than I expected at the beginning."


Ye Youran asked instinctively.

Ye Youran always thought that the dialectical meeting of traditional Chinese medicine in Medical University was just a small activity in the school.

Although Wang Yan said that all his medical friends would attend.

But ye Youran really didn't pay much attention to it.

Especially after ye Youran started preparing to open a shop, ye Youran has found a way to make money.

Found a way to get ahead.

The expectation of this TCM syndrome debate meeting is not so high.

"It's because of you."

Mr. Wang said without thinking.

It turned out that Mr. Wang was an honorary director of the Medical University.

He does not participate in the construction of the school, nor does he participate in the investment and management of the school.

He only specializes in medicine.

However, for a well-known medical university, the inside information of medical technology is the most important thing.

No medical skills, no amount of money, no amount of support.

It is also difficult to run a Medical University, or to run a medical university well.

Because you have nothing to teach your students.

Therefore, Mr. Wang's status as an honorary director is still very important in Medical University.

This time, Mr. Wang tried his best to hold a dialectical meeting of traditional Chinese medicine on the anniversary of the Medical University.

At first, the people he invited were only famous alumni who went out of Medical University in recent years.

And some leaders or Mr. Wang's personal friends.

However, because ye Youran saved the old chief.

It has caused a great sensation in Beijing and even in the whole medical community.

Although ye Youran and the old man have not really held a teacher worship ceremony.

But countless people already know that ye Youran is the closed disciple of Master Wang.

Therefore, in the capital, countless famous doctors and countless important leaders have asked to participate in this TCM debate.

It can be said that because of Ye Youran, this was originally only a small-scale dialectical meeting of traditional Chinese medicine, which was expanded into the most authoritative Huashan sword debate in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in China.

Someone just wants to see the excitement.

Someone just wants to see a joke.

Others came for the purpose of playing.

What's more, I came to see old man Wang make a fool of himself.

Of course, there is no lack of some real leaders who cherish their lives. Giant businessmen come here leisurely in the spirit of making friends with Ye.

After all, even ye Youran, a man like the old chief, can save him.

If this is true, ye Youran will definitely become a sweet cake in the future.

Who doesn't want to live longer.

Who doesn't want ye Youran to lend a helping hand to them when they need it.

Therefore, the scale of this TCM syndrome debate meeting is only afraid that it will be the largest exchange between TCM and TCM, TCM and Western medicine in history, or an unprecedented contest.

To this end, Mr. Wang attaches great importance to it, which is only two days away from the debate of traditional Chinese medicine.

Call ye Youran home.

It's just that ye Youran doesn't know all this.

He focused all his attention and energy on his shop.

Because that is the cause that ye Youran places high hopes on.

"No... no?"

After listening to Mr. Wang's explanation.

Ye Youran was stunned.

Because of myself, it caused a sensation in the whole medical community?

"And I tell you, this matter is unprecedented and has also attracted the absolute attention of the country."

Mr. Wang continued to say without surprise:

"The red head document has been issued, ordering the affiliated hospital to run this TCM syndrome debate meeting in an absolutely fair, fair and open manner."

"Students who have performed well in the symptomatic debate of traditional Chinese medicine can be rewarded by the state and awarded the certificate of medical elite."

"The first one can be awarded the certificate of a master of traditional Chinese medicine and enjoy the special allowance of the state."

"So this time, in addition to some students from medical universities, there will also be other medical schools or disciples of some national medical masters. The number of participants has expanded to more than 100."

Mr. Wang was still angry, knocked Ye leisurely's head and said:

"Now the world's attention is focused on the Medical University, so the school anniversary has to be advanced. Just what shop are you foolishly doing? I tell you, if you can win the TCM debate meeting, you will go to a large national hospital with the certificate of a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the future, and your annual salary will be guaranteed to be more than one million. Are you still short of money?"

Master Wang's words once again left ye Yanran speechless for a long time.

An ordinary school celebration.

It has actually evolved into a high-level competition in the domestic medical palace.

And a lot of people came for him.

This immediately made ye Youran feel flattered.

But ye Youran soon calmed down.

In any case, ye Youran is confident.

Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, is a real leader in traditional Chinese medicine.

Even in ancient times, traditional Chinese medicine was the most popular.

Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, can also compete with leading figures such as Hua Tuo and Li Shizhen.

What he learned all his life was concentrated in the golden recipe.

Compared with Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

It's not that ye Youran despises the current master of national medicine.

Ten or a hundred national medical masters can't compare with Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

Although ye Youran has not fully digested the golden recipe.

What he learned is just a scratch of Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

However, it should not be difficult for ye Youran to win in TCM dialectics.

Even ye Youran should worry now.

At the TCM debate meeting, how much strength should he show to be reasonable.

If you go too far, it's not appropriate.

If you are too frustrated, it is not ye Youran's will.

Therefore, ye Youran is not worrying about how to perform better in the syndrome debate of traditional Chinese medicine.

It should be in traditional Chinese medicine that syndrome differentiation will perform just fine.

"Master, in fact, I don't have a shop next to the Chinese medicine debate meeting. I promise I will get a satisfactory result at the Chinese medicine debate meeting."

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