Ye Youran promised Mr. Wang that he would come back with a satisfactory result.

Because ye Youran knows that Mr. Wang attaches great importance to this Chinese Debate meeting.

I know that a man of the height and age of old man Wang.

Money can't move him.

Maybe fame is the only thing he cares about.

As his disciple, ye Youran will not weaken his reputation.

"In fact, I don't worry about your strength. I can't find a second person of your age with your medical attainments."

Master Wang eased his tone and said in earnest:

"However, I still hope you can pay more attention to it. There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts."

"This medicine is different from track and field competition. Track and field competition only needs to rush forward."

"But medical skills, especially when diagnosing patients, sometimes need to know how to advance and retreat. Many times, taking a step back may let you see more things."

"Since ancient times, many talented and gorgeous ghosts have finally lost in one word, so I hope you can take a warning."

Mr. Wang is a former man. He has seen too many talents lose to himself instead of others.

Mr. Wang has high hopes for ye Youran. Naturally, he doesn't want ye Youran to follow suit.

Ye Youran was warmed by the old man's earnest instruction.

Although ye Youran has always been very stable.

Because his experience is different from that of ordinary people.

The previous poor life has honed Ye leisurely to be less sharp and angular than ordinary young people.

Now he knows how to cherish and be grateful.

But ye Youran still sincerely thanked Mr. Wang for giving him such a mention.

Ye Youran remembers that a great man once said:

Life needs a famous teacher, because it will shine on your way forward like a light.

Obviously, ye Youran has found his famous teacher and light.

"Master, I wrote it down. I will follow your teachings."

Ye Youran stood up and bowed to the old man.

Because ye Youran seems to see his grandfather's figure from old man Wang.

"Well, children can teach. Just remember."

Mr. Wang said with considerable satisfaction.

"By the way, master, how is the old chief now?"

In order to ease the serious atmosphere, ye Youran suddenly asked.

Ye Youran didn't forget that Zhijun, the grandson of the old leader, promised to give ye Youran a valuable wild Chinese herbal medicine for more than 30 years as a gold.

But almost half a month has passed.

But there was no news.

Ye Youran's last consumption of medicinal Qi was recovered from the Qingguang mountains.

Of course, if Zhijun breaks his word, ye Youran won't say anything.

But in the future, ye Youran's attitude towards them will change.

"He's in good health! But his wife seems to recover slowly."

Mr. Wang said with some worry.

Mr. Wang and the boss of the old chief also have good friends.

But then the old man seemed to think of something and said:

"But I heard that this time they will also come to the TCM syndrome debate meeting."

Ye Youran nodded without saying anything.

"OK, I'm tired too. Go back first! Have a good snack and don't fight unprepared battles."

See ye Youran has nothing to say.

Master Wang is ready to let ye Youran go back.

"By the way, master, help me see what this is."

Ye Youran suddenly remembered the root in his hand.

Take it out and give it to the old man.

"Is this a tree root?"

Mr. Wang looked at the dirty root in his hand and frowned.

The leaves on the roots have cleared away the yellow mud.

But a thin layer of mud wrapped around the roots.

But it also makes it much easier to identify.

But ye Youran can't see what kind of traditional Chinese medicine it is.

The only thing that makes the leaf leisurely is that it is definitely not an ordinary tree root.

"Where did you get it?"

Master Wang suddenly asked.

"I bought it by the roadside. I'm sure it must be traditional Chinese medicine, but I don't know what type and function it is."

Ye leisurely said helplessly.

According to the records in Qianjin Yaofang, we can't find the variety of this tree root.

If ye Youran is not sure that it has medicinal Qi.

I'm afraid I'll take it as an ordinary tree root.

"Is it a point to weigh the star?"

After a long time, Mr. Wang said to himself with uncertainty.

"Point scale star? Point scale star shouldn't be that big?"

Ye leisurely echoed.

In fact, when ye Youran was a child, he often went into the mountains with his grandfather to collect medicine.

So I still know a lot of traditional Chinese medicine.

Ye Youran once suspected that this tree root was a star.

However, ye Youran finally denied it.

Because the star leaves have been seen and dug.

The biggest thing is the thickness of your fingers.

This section is as thick as an adult's arm.

And the texture on the roots is not like.

"There are all kinds of wonders in the world. Plants also have life. Gene mutation is not uncommon in nature. Some people can grow to two or three meters tall, not to mention plants?"

Mr. Wang said and took out a dagger from the drawer of his desk.

Carefully cut off the root of the tree.

Mr. Wang looked at the cross section and cut a little into his mouth to taste it.

It really has the charm of Shennong tasting all kinds of grass.

"It's a point weighing star. Such a big point weighing star is enough to be called the king of medicine."

After tasting it, Mr. Wang was immediately excited.

Master Wang has studied medicine for more than 70 years.

Up to now, he still reads some classical medical books every day.

He has tasted a lot of traditional Chinese medicine in his life.

Now he is 100% sure that the root of Ye Youran is a star.

Calling a star is actually just a popular name.

Because the trunk of this plant will have many spots.

Just like the stars on the ancient wooden scale.

So most southerners like to call it a point star.

The north is generally called Xingmu.

Although the point star is not very expensive, it has a wide range of functions.

The main effects are clearing away heat and detoxification, generating saliva and relieving thirst.

It is generally used to treat cold, high fever, thirst, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, etc.

It has great curative effect on pertussis, enteritis, dysentery and infectious hepatitis.

And really let rural people regard the star as a treasure.

In particular, many rural families in the South will prepare a little star at home because.

It can detoxify.

And it's the poison of arsenic.

Arsenic is rat poison.

There are many mice in the countryside.

Rural people's rodent control method is relatively single, except for cats, they generally use mouse drugs.

However, rural children are more playful.

It is not uncommon for children to take mouse poison by mistake.

In addition to children, some poultry and livestock may be eaten by mistake.

Therefore, as long as there is a little common sense of traditional Chinese medicine, rural people will prepare a little star at home for a rainy day.

Because no one knows when it will be used.

In case of need, it's a good thing to save lives.

In ye Youran's hometown, his grandfather has a lot of stocks called stars.

It's just that I haven't seen the star leaf leisurely with my thick arm.

But Mr. Wang was overjoyed and sighed again and again:

"What a big star! I've only seen it in my life! Good thing, really good thing!"

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