When the Huaxia palace was completed, the old sect leader left.

It is worth mentioning that after the old sect leader left, he established a small family on a hillside of dengtian peak, which is more than 18000 miles away from Huaxia sect.

But an underground castle was secretly built under the door of the small family.

That is the real stronghold of Tianji gate. The small family above is just Tianji gate to hide people's eyes and ears.

Ye Youran pretended not to know about it.

After all, the whole mountain range is no smaller than krypton.

In such a vast place, Huaxia gang can't monopolize it.

It is also common for some civilians or small families to live together somewhere in the mountains.

Even though there were numerous gangs at the peak of climbing the sky, didn't koujia village exist?

There are no gangs and horse thieves in dengtian peak, but the population living in dengtian peak is more than hundreds of millions?

Therefore, the small family built by Tianji gate did not attract attention.

But later, with the respect level spirit pulse restored to its true face.

The whole mountain will become a place for people to work hard.

Although a lot of Qi and aura are concentrated in Huaxia palace and Tianming palace.

But all the people and animals living in the mountain will benefit a lot.

Those ordinary villages may give birth to more and more talents.

Since then, it has flourished.

It is conceivable that the future Huaxia gang will also become a holy land of God's residence.

There will be more and more people eager to enter Huaxia gang or live in dengtian peak.

Those born geniuses near dengtian peak will certainly regard Huaxia Gang as a holy land for cultivation. They will crush their heads and want to join Huaxia gang.

At that time, the Huaxia gang will not lack talents and experts.

As long as there is a steady flow of fresh blood, Huaxia gang can develop in a few years.

Therefore, ye Youran soon held a relocation ceremony.

When the members of the Huaxia sect saw that there was such a magnificent Huaxia Palace at the top of the mountain.

They were shocked beyond measure and believed ye Youran.

Because they are more and more sure that ye Youran must have the support of some big force behind him.

To carve out such a large flat land on such a steep and rugged mountain top and build such a mountain gate without disturbing anyone in such a short time, I'm afraid ordinary big forces can't do it.

This makes everyone of Huaxia Gang see the future and hope.

Back to the big tree to enjoy the cool, the future of the Huaxia Gang is unlimited, and they will rise to heaven.

Wu Gang, Xueer and others were surprised by such miracles.

However, considering ye Youran's magical means, they were relieved.

Ye Youran didn't hide Wu Gang, Xueer and kouyun.

But took them to the palace of destiny.

Even ye Youran, a brother of the wolf family, didn't let them know the existence of Tianming palace.

But Cher, they are different.

"Wu Gang, I won't leave the Huaxia gang for the time being. As long as I'm here, no one can hurt me. Go back to revenge island again, tell them about the Zun level spirit pulse, and let them stay here in batches. Here, they can recuperate, and their accomplishments can be thousands of miles a day."

There are many strong people in revenge Island, but many are seriously injured or have hidden diseases.

As long as they get here, they will be able to heal and recover better.

"Young Lord, I suggest that a large transmission array be established here, which can make them reach here more safely. They can even regard revenge island as a retreat. It's really impossible. We can return to revenge island again."

Wu Gang thought for a while and said:

"Besides, although it is a holy land for closed door cultivation, it lacks a real battlefield. My talent of revenge island can practice here and experience in revenge island to kill two birds with one stone."

Wu Gang's words also brightened ye Youran's eyes.

That's a good idea!

However, ye leisurely said helplessly:

"The space where revenge island is located is unstable. It is a chaotic space. It is almost impossible to establish a safe transmission array."

Ye Youran has been to the Hunyuan sea area, where the space itself is extremely unstable. It is difficult to build a transmission array to connect the two places.

"Young Lord, if I'm not mistaken, the miracles of Huaxia gang and Tianming Palace should come from the hand of Tianji gate! We may have no way, but if the Tianji gate is not intact, there will be!"

Wu Gang's words awakened the dreamer.

Yes! Maybe you can try it with the old sect leader.

Although the rule of Tianji gate is not to lose money.

But if Tianji gate can really get through a transmission array from Tianming palace to revenge island.

Ye Youran believes that revenge island is willing to pay any price, and they will be willing to pay such a price.

"Well, I'll go to Tianji gate now. Xueer, you will meet the snow family first and let the elder bring people in first."

Ye Youran explained to Xueer, and then left.

Of course, Xueer also knows that this is an opportunity for the snow family.

Although the space opened up by the ancestors of the snow family is also good.

But this is far from here.

As long as you live here for a few years, you can practice for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, than in the space of the snow family.

This is beneficial to the snow family.

At this time, ye Youran came to visit the small family where Tianji gate is located.

By the way, it's a secret sign. It's unpredictable. After children and old people are foolless.

Ye Youran was taken to the underground castle of Tianji gate.

The secret of heaven is unpredictable, and children and old people are not deceived. This is the fundamental concept of Tianji gate.

It is difficult to investigate the secret of heaven, but the secret door wants to discover it.

As for children and old people, this means that Tianji gate does business with clear accounts and prices, and does not do business at a loss.

Only by recognizing these ideas of tianjimen can we be qualified to talk business with tianjimen.

So if you want to find Tianji gate, you need to match the code first.

The old sect leader is cultivating and recovering here.

Because in order to restore the holy pulse of Zun level, he consumed a lot of energy, and even hurt the source.

If it weren't for ye Youran's merit, I'm afraid his life would be greatly affected.

When ye Youran explained his intention, he smiled, and there was no doubt about the face of the profiteer.

"Although this matter is difficult, it's not helpless. But ye Xiaoyou can't afford the price I want. I'd better talk to the ghost directly!"

The old sect leader looks like he wants to kill the guests.

It's just that master ghost shadow is also a strong master at God level.

I think he's not young, but he's a little guy in the mouth of the old sect leader. This... Only the old sect leader dares to say so!

"Well, I'll introduce the ghost elder to you later."

"I don't need a referral. Except you, no one can avoid my eyes and ears. I'll talk to him myself."

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