The old sect leader went out of the mountain to talk to the ghost elder in person, which saved ye Youran a lot of time and energy.

But ye Youran doesn't understand why the old sect leader said that no one can avoid the eyes and ears of Tianji gate except ye Youran.

Is he really so different from others?

But ye Youran was relieved when she thought about it carefully.

He is the son of heaven and the son of the Confucian emperor. Although he has not made up his mind, his fate itself is difficult to guess.

If even Tianji gate can calculate ye Youran's fate, ye Youran will not live now. Tiandao has long come to settle accounts with ye Youran.

The old sect leader went to find the ghost elder himself, and ye Youran let go.

Anyway, ye Youran can't participate in this level of business. As one of the twelve Dharma protectors of Confucianism in those years, elder ye Youran can pay the price that Tianji gate wants.

So ye Youran went directly back to Tianming palace and began to officially close down.

Before closing, ye Youran took out Wu Gang's spirit of killing green mountain.

Castle Peak is a strong man at the level of a clerical God. He has given birth to a divine personality.

But his divine personality is not high, and the energy contained in it is still quite small.

Of course, it's a divine lattice after all. The energy contained in the divine lattice is more than enough to support the God of explosion law.

What Castle Peak understands is also the law of the wind.

Although ye Youran has not yet understood the law of the wind, ye Youran is not like condensing his divine personality with the help of other people's laws.

Because only their own understanding and cohesion of the divine personality is the most suitable for themselves.

So ye Youran can only feed Hao Tianjian with this divine personality.

Ye Youran summoned Hao Tianjian. When Hao Tianjian approached the divine lattice.

Haotian sword suddenly met water like a sponge.

It doesn't even need ye Youran to do anything. It absorbs the divine energy by swallowing and drinking.

But in a short time, the God turned into a ball of powder.

The energy of the law of wind above is not left at all.

Then, in ye Youran's mind, there was a sound of burping:

"Burp! It's still comfortable to absorb the divine energy. Unfortunately, it's too little."

The spirit of Haotian sword woke up.

But then it complained that ye Youran said:

"I said, ye boy, it took you so long to get me a divine personality, and it's still such a primary divine personality. You're not efficient!"

Ye Youran almost didn't spit blood.

This is a Godhead, something that can be condensed by the strong at the level of the God of the clergy.

This thing can't be found, because ye Youran doesn't have the ability to kill the strong at the level of God alone.

Although ye Youran has many parts, he can only compete with the strong of the general clerical God. It is absolutely impossible to kill him.

If it weren't for Wu Gang, ye Youran couldn't even get this divine personality.

It's unreasonable that the spirit of Haotian sword still began to dislike it.

"I say you are satisfied! Next time I'm afraid you don't even have such a God."

Ye Youran said without curiosity.

How precious this divine figure is. Although ye Youran can't use it, he disdains to use it.

But someone needs it.

There are many nine gods in the Huaxia sect now. If ye Youran can give them a divine personality, maybe they can understand the breath of law and become the real God of law.

There are unicorns and golden eyes.

The fire eyed golden eye beast has been closed since he obtained the half divine personality, and has not awakened yet.

Unicorns haven't evolved yet! If ye Youran gives it a divine personality, maybe it can also be promoted.

Ye Youran saved it for the spirit of Haotian sword. He even despised it.

"I can tell you that my strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. If you can find enough gods for me, as long as I restore half my strength, it will be enough to protect you."

The spirit of Hao Tianjian said proudly.

This also makes ye Youran curious.

What kind of existence is the spirit of Haotian sword?

"Well, master! I can venture to ask you..."

"Don't ask, I won't say. When it's time to say, I will naturally say. Anyway, the more gods you find for me, the better."

The spirit of Haotian sword interrupted.

"Listen to me first. If you recover half your strength, you can really protect me? Do you know what level of enemy I am facing now?"

Ye Youran still asks forcibly.

The enemy ye Youran faces now is not the wind and snow monster before Haotian's sword spirit sleeps.

The blizzard monster is equivalent to the level of the God of law.

At the beginning, the spirit of Haotian sword fell into a deep sleep in order to recapture the red lotus fruit from the wind and snow monster.

Ye Youran doesn't know how strong the weapon spirit of Haotian sword is at its peak.

If he can compare with the ghost elder, ye Youran doesn't mind making him more divine.

After all, the stronger he is, the more the safety of Ye Youran soars!

However, the spirit of Hao Tianjian's weapon has always been mysterious and refused to reveal his name or his real strength.

Ye Youran also wants to explore the bottom.

"Your identity hasn't been exposed yet. You are only the six level gods. How strong can the enemy be? Is the clerical God enough? Even the three level clerical God can kill them as long as I restore my general strength."

The spirit of Haotian sword said proudly.

While Hao Tianjian's weapon spirit was sleeping, he didn't know that ye Youran and Xueer had married.

What's more, I don't know that the Huaxia Gang established by Ye Youran has ascended to Tianfeng.

So in its view, as long as ye Youran's identity has not been exposed, ye Youran's enemy is the God of the clergy.

If it were a stronger enemy, ye Youran would have died long ago and would not live until now.

"OK! Almost. You wait. I'll try to find you a God."

Ye Youran was a little disappointed and perfunctory.

The spirit of Haotian sword doesn't know much about ye Youran.

The God of the three rank priesthood doesn't even need anyone's help.

Ye Youran can correspond by virtue of her separation.

Even if he is defeated, ye Youran can escape from the sky with his back bone and wings.

So ye Youran is just perfunctory, and doesn't bother to deliberately find a divine personality for the spirit of Haotian sword.

Even if it is found, ye Youran hopes to use it for unicorns.

At least the unicorn is ye Youran's Guardian beast, which is equivalent to a part of Ye Youran's own strength.

Hao Tianjian doesn't doubt him.

And ye Youran is too lazy to say more with it.

But began to practice.

Ye Youran summoned the time tripod, slowed down the time flow ten times with the power of merit and virtue, and began to cultivate separation.

The reason why it only slows down the time flow rate ten times is that ye Youran wants to achieve a balance.

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