In the twinkling of an eye, a new week began.

The medical university is off today, but no students leave.

On the contrary, more and more people come to medical universities.

Early in the morning, Annie organized some welcome teams to meet alumni, leaders and even some stars at the school gate.

There are few students who have gone out of Medical University for so many years.

Some people become doctors after graduation and have a good reputation.

But some students did not become doctors after graduation, or went into business or became stars.

According to the arrangement of the school.

Today, the whole day is the main time of TCM syndrome debate meeting.

Originally, the Chinese medicine debate meeting was scheduled for the afternoon.

But considering the strong lineup of TCM syndrome debate this time.

The content of assessment is also relatively more.

Therefore, the school celebration should also give way to the syndrome debate meeting of traditional Chinese medicine.

The school celebration song and dance performance can only be arranged tonight.

And this arrangement is relatively more reasonable.

Because the school celebration must be singing and dancing.

The lighting effect of the stage is only available at night.

Moreover, the TCM syndrome debate meeting has been held all day. In the evening, those leaders and masters can watch the program and relax.

So early in the morning, Annie organized a large number of female students in the entertainment club, and some volunteers of the United School received them at the door.

For some big people, they need to be arranged one-on-one.

The main venue of the Chinese medicine debate meeting will be arranged in the ladder classroom of the school.

The ladder classroom of Medical University is huge.

As a Medical University, there are always some scholars or students from other schools coming to exchange meetings.

Even if some serious emerging diseases suddenly appear, medical schools need to organize a large number of experts, professors and scholars at home and abroad to have a discussion and discussion.

Therefore, the third floor of the science building of the Medical University, with a ladder classroom of nearly 1000 square meters, can accommodate two or three thousand people.

A lot of experts, students and teachers from other schools began to arrive.

At ordinary times, there was no one in the ladder classroom, and suddenly there was a roar of voices.

There are many small cards in the front row of the ladder classroom.

Countless names are written on it.

Those who can have names here are big people with heads and faces in all major fields.

Anyone who takes it out can cause a certain turbulence in all major fields.

Of course, there are many famous and important leaders, even stars with relatively free schedules.

There is a name ye Youran is very familiar with.

That is the famous singer Luo Dazuo.

There are many famous songs by Luo Dazuo.

In Taiwan, once red through half the sky.

But what few people know is.

Luo Dazuo is not only a famous singer.

He was also a medical student.

The family is a medical family.

This time, he came to perform at the invitation of the school.

At the same time, it is also for the family to attend the first TCM syndrome debate meeting held by the Medical University.

Just because his status as a singer is too dazzling.

Most people don't know that he is a real doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, in his capacity, there must be a place for him here.

A row of tables and chairs are also placed on the podium.

The name is written on it.

In the middle of the rostrum is the name of Wang Meng.

Wang Meng is the master of Ye Youran, Master Wang.

Beside Wang Meng, there are several important names.

They are either masters of national medicine.

Or important leaders.

But none of these people have come yet.

Their position is still empty.

Ye Youran and others came.

All the students participating in the TCM syndrome debate meeting have been prepared in advance.

But ye Youran and others were arranged in the rightmost corner of the first row.

All the contestants participating in this TCM syndrome debate meeting are here.

There are several acquaintances around ye Youran.

Because they are both students of Qingyuan Medical University.

For example, Lu Yidan, who has always been hostile to ye Youran.

The other ye Youran didn't know his name, but they all knew him.

Because they all wear the uniforms of the Medical University!

The sensation and gold content of this TCM syndrome debate meeting are very high.

All students of major medical universities will wear their own uniforms.

Because they want to fight for the honor of their school.

At the same time, it is also an opportunity to make a face for your school.

Of course, if you don't perform well.

It may also lose the face of your school.

Among the more than 100 contestants in this corner where ye Youran is located.

Most of them are wearing school uniforms.

There are students from a Hui Medical University and t Ji Medical University.

But in addition to Lu Yidan of his own school.

The other leaves don't know you at all.

But there were three young men and women who didn't wear school uniforms.

Needless to say, they should be the disciples or children of a national medical master.

They don't fight for the school, only for themselves, for their teachers or grandfathers.

There are two things that impress ye Youran most.

One is a beautiful woman with beautiful face and outstanding temperament.

Ye Youran didn't know her name, but she was wearing a blue skirt.

It looks very elegant. It really doesn't taste like human fireworks.

The other was a man whose eyes seemed to grow on his head.

This man is very tall, at least one meter eight.

He is also handsome.

Even ye Youran has to admit that he is a little more handsome than himself.

However, it is not because he is handsome that ye Youran really looks at him more.

But he is too arrogant.

Like a big white goose, he looks up at the world, as if everyone in the world can't enter his magic eye.

"I heard there is a student named ye Youran here. Who is it?"

Suddenly, the man as proud as a big white goose asked disdainfully.

Suddenly I heard someone mention his name.

Ye Youran couldn't help looking up.

When ye Youran hesitated to admit that he was.

Lu Yidan and other people from Qingyuan Medical University almost instinctively looked at ye Youran.

"Are you ye Youran?"

The proud white goose immediately turned to look at ye Youran.

He looked up and down at ye Youran.

Ye Youran has been wearing a school uniform for years.

From freshman to junior, I've been wearing it for three years. Even if it's not broken, it begins to fade.

Therefore, the more the proud white goose man looked at Ye leisurely, the more disdainful he was in his eyes.

At this time, hearing ye Youran's name, other students from major medical universities wearing their own school uniforms didn't say anything special.

But the remaining two young men and women who didn't wear school uniforms stared at ye Youran with very special eyes.

Even the beautiful girl in elegant skirt looked at ye Youran curiously.

"I'm ye Youran, senior brother..."

Have been recognized, ye Youran naturally can't hide.

He had to bow his hand to the big white goose man.

"My name is Xie Zehua. I'm learning from old Mr. Bao Wenjie. Whether you are qualified to be my younger martial brother has to wait until after the meeting."

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