Where in the world are people really not afraid of death?

How many people really want to die if they can live.

Those who really talk about life and death all day and threaten that they will not fear death are those who have not really experienced death.

People who have really experienced death will know the terrible moment of death.

It's like a drowning baby who doesn't even have the ability to struggle. As long as he has experienced it once, he will never want to experience it a second time.

This is why people often say that the older the Jianghu is, the less daring it is.

Ye Youran is a person who has really experienced death.

When he was just a mortal, he was almost calculated to die by the medicine King Sun Simiao.

Later, ye Youran experienced countless moments of life and death along the way.

Therefore, ye Youran knows that death feels bad. He really doesn't want to experience it.

So at a certain moment, when ye Youran really realizes that he seems to be dying, ye Youran's heart will involuntarily fear and regret.

It's a pity that everything is late.

Because the solution melted by the melting furnace on Sunday has entered ye Youran's mouth.

Even before the solution completely entered ye Youran's mouth, ye Youran's mouth gasified.

Yes, gasification.

Ye Youran has had a lot of experience in pouring glazed gold bodies.

Every time when drinking the artifact solution, ye Youran's body and ice met magma and began to melt rapidly.

But this time the high temperature has completely exceeded the range that ye Youran's body can bear.

Not to mention ye Youran, even the body of the real fortune level strong is absolutely insufficient.

Even the ordinary strong ancient gods can't resist. In this degree of solution, the ancient gods will be melted.

Therefore, ye Youran's body was really gasified this time.

Where the solution passed, the skin and flesh of Ye Youran disappeared.

Only ye Youran's bones can resist.

Because ye Youran's bones are made of stone, dare to be the skeleton and the strength of merit as the bone marrow.

The Runes of the Zhenmo Sutra on shigandang are circulating, and the power of merit and virtue has burst out an unprecedented repair effect.

Because they must protect ye Youran's bones.

Ye Youran's flesh and blood can't be preserved. If you protect ye Youran, you can protect ye Youran from death.

Because the spirit lives in ye Youran's head.

As long as the bones are still there and ye Youran's head is still intact, ye Youran's spirit will have a place to live and will not die.

"This stone is really strong. Although it is only melted by the broken materials of the Zhentian God stone, it has been engraved with the curse of heaven and earth according to the will of heaven and earth. It has absorbed the luck of heaven and earth for so many years. Even the broken materials are absolutely extraordinary!"

The warrior God looked at ye Youran's skeleton and said with emotion and even some envy.

However, ye Youran did not hear the whispers of the warrior God.

However, if there are strong ancient gods on the scene, they will be shocked by the words of the warrior God.

Because the Zhentian God stone is the first God stone born at the beginning of heaven and earth.

The God stone exists in accordance with heaven and earth. Its purpose is to suppress heaven and earth. It is a little similar to the sea god needle iron in the hands of the legendary Monkey King.

Dinghaishen needle iron can only suppress the East China Sea, so that the East China Sea will not make waves.

The Zhentian God stone, as its name suggests, is to suppress heaven and earth, so that heaven and earth can exist safely.

The stone was originally a corner fragment of the Zhentian God stone, but it exists because it adheres to heaven and earth. On it, there is a curse engraved by heaven and earth.

That's the Rune of the so-called Zhenmo Sutra.

However, this humble Zhentian God stone appeared in the mortal world and was refined into a stone. No one understood the curse of heaven, so it was named Zhenmo classic.

You should know that the Zhentian God stone can suppress even heaven and earth, and it's natural to suppress only a few demons.

This is also the reason why the curse of heaven will be mistaken for the book of demon suppression.

After all, it's just a leftover of the Zhentian God stone. Compared with the real Zhentian God stone, it's just a drop in the ocean, so the rune power of the curse of heaven is limited.

But even so, it is impossible for the solution of the furnace on Sunday to melt Ye leisurely's bones.

The warrior God knows that if ye Youran can support the past with his own will this time, it will not only change the leopard tail in ye Youran's spirit.

And ye Youran itself, and this time is definitely a flying flight of Ye Youran.

As for how far ye Youran can grow in the end, the warrior God can't predict. Everything can only wait and see.

Look at ye Youran at this time. All his flesh and blood have been gasified.

Even the internal organs are gone. All that is left is a bone shelf.

Even the leaves like skeletons are leisurely, with their mouths one by one, as if they were shouting, struggling, or telling something silently.

Yes, at this time, ye Youran no longer yells and tears his heart and lungs like before.

He kept opening his mouth, but no sound came out.

The scene was terrible, even with a trace of desolation.

Yes, desolate. At this time, ye leisurely may have only desolation left in his heart.

At this time, he was in great pain, but he had words of suffering.

All the pain, all the yelling can only turn into a silent mouth.

Never at this moment did ye Youran expect to die so much.

It's not that ye Youran is not firm enough, nor is ye Youran not strong enough.

But at this time, ye leisurely is 100% sure that if time can go back, he would rather be a loser all his life, would rather die immediately, and would never pour the glazed gold body with the solution of the melting furnace all week.

Ye Youran never regretted such a moment.

Like a drowning man, in the abyss, he should not be called every day and the earth should not work.

This is a pain more frightening and unbearable than death. It is a pain that even death has become so extravagant.

However, at this time, ye Youran really had nothing to do but bear it.

All the pain made him unable to speak or refuse. He could only bear it silently.

Even ye Youran couldn't help thinking back sadly. He amazed countless people along the way.

Many people think that he is talented, has a long life, and his cultivation is thousands of miles a day.

But only ye Youran knew that everything he did today was bought with his life and pain.

Those who only saw ye Youran fly higher and higher, but never thought that ye Youran flew more and more tired.

Behind what they can't see, how much ye Youran has paid.

"I'm afraid the boy can't hold on!"

Suddenly, beside ye Youran, a disappointed voice suddenly sounded.

It was the warrior God. His voice was filled with a touch of emotion, even some regret and melancholy.

"Also! Carrying something you shouldn't carry at your age, maybe I'm in a hurry, or maybe I expect too much."

The warrior God continued to whisper! He can see that ye Youran's spiritual level is somewhat negative. This moment is about willpower. As long as he has a firm will, he will be able to break through.

But how old is ye Youran? Without tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation and precipitation, how many people can see through it? Can you hold on?

Time is the best medicine. It can enlighten fools, awaken waste, and silence genius.

After all, ye Youran is still too young

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