It is extremely rare for a monk to master one of the three thousand roads.

And if you can create a new way, it is the evil among the evils.

Guan Zhongshen respected himself as an ancient god and was able to create Dharma and Taoism, which is enough to show that he was extremely talented.

The descendants of Guan Zhong shenzun created the imperial way and the royal way. They were also amazing and gorgeous.

But although these so-called geniuses can make ordinary people stand high, they are not worth mentioning in front of the warrior God.

In fact, the king's way and the emperor's way were all the rage, especially the first emperor's God created the first Kingdom of God in Outer Heaven.

With his spirit of emperor and king, the world dare not obey.

However, the era when the first Emperor God honored the king as the emperor was not the era when the ancient gods were towering.

That was the era after the empress of heaven succeeded in preaching and wantonly suppressed other ancient gods.

At that time, the first emperor shenzun himself was a preacher of Dharma and Taoism, so he was allowed by the empress of heaven to open up the kingdom of God.

To put it more thoroughly, there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called the king.

Finally, history has strongly proved that whether it is emperor's way or King's way, it is only a path after all. The path can not stand the changes of the times and the test of time.

The Royal and imperial ways were finally submerged in the long river of history.

Only the real road can last forever.

Now there are almost no successors of the king's way and the emperor's way.

In the hall of the site of Dharma, ye Youran and others can see not only a large number of famous Dharma Masters, but also a statue in the depths of the hall.

The statue is lifelike and looks like a girl.

Ye Youran and others came to the statue. The warrior God stared at the statue, but his heart stirred up.

"Strange, why doesn't this statue in the deepest place have a name?"

Quinn was also shocked by the scene here. He didn't notice that the warrior God's face changed greatly.

Quian is really strange. There are hundreds of statues here, but there are great achievements under each statue.

No matter how bad it is, there will be a name description, but this goddess statue stands in the center, but there is no text description below.

Is this statue also the former master of the Dharma?

"The statues of Guan Zhong, the founder of Dharma and Taoism, are not placed in the center, and the identity of this goddess must be extremely difficult, and it can even surpass the master of Dharma and Taoism. Is it..."

Ye Youran pondered for a moment and said.

But ye Youran didn't finish his words, but looked at the warrior God.

When the warrior God saw the goddess statue, ye Youran had noticed his change.

So ye Youran gave the final answer to the warrior God.

"Yes, she is the empress of heaven. How did you guess her identity?"

The warrior God took a deep breath and said very solemnly.

But he was very curious. Ye Youran seemed to have seen through the identity of the goddess.

This should not be, because few people have really seen the heavenly empress. Except for those ancient gods, almost no one knows the heavenly empress.

"On the surface, Guan Zhong shenzun created the Dharma and was the originator of the Dharma. However, the Dharma itself exists as an appendage to the heavenly way. It is not difficult to guess from the primary and secondary arrangement of the statues here."

Ye Youran said, paused and continued:

"The most important thing is that based on my understanding of my predecessors, ordinary God's residence can't enter your eyes at all, but when you see this goddess statue, I can clearly feel your fear, hatred and various complex emotions towards her. Combined with the above two points, it's not difficult for me to guess her identity."

Ye Youran's accomplishments have long been insightful and insight into the secret of heaven.

Therefore, it is not difficult for ye Youran to guess the identity of the goddess.

"In those days, the ancient gods with the same number of sands in the Ganges river did not regard the empress of heaven as a princess. Her beauty, softness and everything about her were crazy and sought after. However, when she succeeded in preaching, she first raised the butcher's knife to us..."

The warrior God Zun said, his mood was extremely low, and his voice was full of grief.

Ye Youran didn't know this history, and the warrior God was also revealed for the first time.

But ye Youran could clearly hear a lot from the tone of the warrior God.

Imagine a beautiful little girl loved by everyone.

But one day, as soon as it developed, it began to turn its face and don't recognize people, which is absolutely unacceptable.

However, no matter who is right or wrong in that year's history, ye Youran doesn't want to evaluate and judge.

But ye Youran strengthened his heart, that is, he must overthrow the way of heaven and overthrow the empress of the way of heaven.

The world needs a new way.

Because the creatures in the world are already in deep water under the leadership of the present Tiandao.

And when ye leisurely and silently strengthened his determination.

The elders of the major forces and the strong casual practitioners who took a chance also came in one after another.

After they came in, they were full of awe in the face of countless gods, but no one dared to stir at the scene of tens of millions of people.

Because this is the site of Dharma, which was once the most brilliant birthplace of Dharma.

"Welcome all of you. I'm a walker of the site of Dharma and Taoism."

Suddenly, in front of the goddess of heaven, a vague man's virtual shadow appeared.

The appearance of the virtual shadow was accompanied by the majesty of the Golden Army and iron horse. The voice was rolling like thunder, which was shocking.

"In fact, you can understand it as an instrument spirit. My mission is to find a successor for the Dharma."

The illusory figure said faintly, as if talking to himself.

With the narration of the virtual shadow, ye Youran and others understood.

The walker of the so-called FA Dao site is actually the spirit of the FA Dao site. The FA Dao site is a super artifact.

Although no one survived the Dharma, this Walker shouldered the mission of inheriting the Dharma.

All people who come here don't care about talent and cultivation, only about fate.

Those who are destined can get the inheritance of Dharma and Taoism and become the successors of Dharma and Taoism.

In other words, as long as you become the successor of the Dharma, you are the owner of the site of the Dharma.

After understanding all this, many people at the scene were very excited.

Dharma! Although it is not one of the three thousand roads, Dharma has been brilliant.

If they can get the inheritance of Dharma and Taoism, their cultivation can go to a new level again.

Most importantly, if you become a preacher of the Dharma, you can become the owner of the Dharma site. The treasures in the Dharma site will belong to one person.

You know, the Dharma has existed for many years. How much wealth has been accumulated by so many talented people to create the prosperity of the Dharma?

With these treasures and wealth, one person can compete with one power.

It's invincible!

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