With Ye leisurely moving forward, they soon left the battlefield of expedition and chaos and came to a magnificent palace.

At this time, ye Youran and others seem to be looking at the emperor above the temple from the perspective of God.

The emperor, with tiger eyes and Long Yan, sat high on the Dragon chair. Below were all civil and military officials, worshipping and honoring.

The emperor sent a commander to guide the country. The emperor roared, and the civil and military officials below trembled.

That is the spirit of the emperor, the authority given to the emperor by the emperor Tao.

This authority is supreme, and the emperor's word is the law.

All governance is due to the law, no intimacy, no distinction between high and low. Everyone lives cautiously in the laws formulated by the emperor.

Ye Youran looked at it carefully. Gradually, ye Youran was a little confused.

"How do I feel that the emperor is a Ming king?"

Quian said leisurely and spoke ye Youran's heart.

Although the warrior God said that whether it is the emperor's way or the king's way, it is a path that does not enter the stream.

But looking at the emperor on the Dragon chair, there is a way to govern the rivers and mountains and benefit the common people, which is simply the model of Ming Jun.

People in the world need such emperors to govern. Such a way should last forever.

"It may be the real emperor's way to avoid ministers after punishment and spare every man for kindness, but I always feel that there is something missing."

Ye Youran looked for a long time, and then opened his mouth leisurely, as if he were talking to himself.

For the king below is upright, and everything follows the law.

If there is a mistake, it will be punished. Whether it is a minister or a prince, it really achieves that the son of heaven breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people.

If it was in the ancient times of the earth where ye Youran was, this kind of emperor who worked hard and enforced the law like a mountain could definitely have a good name for thousands of years.

But the more you look at it, the more you feel like something's wrong.

"Lack of humanity."

However, at this time, the smoke fairy suddenly said to the point.

If the smoke fairy wakes up the dreamer with a word, ye Youran and Quinn show a clear color.

The emperor's way is indeed more dignified than human.

Whether generals or princes, they must tremble under the king's way and be precarious.

Indeed, there is a lack of human affection in it.

After all, people are not plants, who can be ruthless?

"The imperial way is a kind of path born from the Dharma. Strictly speaking, it is a branch of the Dharma. The Dharma stresses that there are laws to follow and follow them selflessly. And the Dharma itself supports the heavenly way. Therefore, the Dharma, like the heavenly way, has no human feelings to talk about. From this imperial way, you can also see a trace of the shadow of the heavenly way."

The warrior God said naturally.

In fact, the reason why the warrior deity hates the heavenly empress is also because the heavenly way is ruthless.

In those days, the heavenly empress was like the stars holding the moon, and everyone gave her all kinds of accommodation and love.

She treats other ancient gods as genial and gentle as the spring breeze.

But once she succeeded in preaching, she turned her face ruthlessly.

In those years, the ancient gods who had a lot of friendship with the empress of heaven were the first to die under the ruthlessness of the empress of heaven.

Perhaps it is also the reason for hating the house and the black. While the warrior God despised the way of heaven, he did not have much favor with this way, even more belittled and disdained it.

Ye Youran was not surprised to hear the words of the warrior God.

There is a way that there is something good in the top, and the bottom must follow it.

The law will naturally be similar to the way of heaven in many places.

But whether it is the way of heaven, the way of Dharma, the way of emperor and the way of king, although there are some advantages, it is too rigid and strict.

The advantages and disadvantages are so obvious.

For example, no matter how many hardships the robbers have experienced, good or evil, as long as they can't survive the thunder in the end, they will turn into fly ash. This is the way of heaven.

However, how many of these robbers did good deeds all their life, ate fast and chanted Buddhism, but finally turned into fly ash under the thunder.

How many people did all kinds of evil, burning, killing, looting and benefiting themselves at the expense of others, but finally became Buddhas.

This is the unfairness of the way of heaven. It doesn't look at the process, but only focuses on the results, which leads to more and more evil people in the world and fewer and fewer good people.

Finally, in order to survive or survive better, many people often abandon their conscience, do bad things and rob resources wantonly.

People who practice no longer pay attention to the common people and benefit the common people.

What they think in their hearts is how to kill and seize treasure, how to rely on the strong to bully the weak, and show the most evil side of the people's heart incisively and vividly.

This is why more and more people lament that the world is getting worse and the heart is not ancient.


Ye Youran suddenly said with some emotion:

"Whether it's the way of heaven, the way of Dharma, or the way of emperors and kings, they just make rigid rules, and their purpose is to restrict ordinary people and make them turn to the good. It's extremely rare for the emperor to break the law and commit the same crime with the common people. However, in my opinion, the real ideal way is not to make people turn to the good, but to teach people to turn to the good, so that people won't go from evil and crime in the beginning It is to wait for evil or crime before punishment. "

Ye Youran felt it at this time.

But after ye Youran said these words.

He found that at the moment, the warriors, gods and fairies around him looked at him wrongly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

For the surprised eyes of the warrior God Zun and others, ye Youran almost thought there were flowers on his face!

"Will such a world really exist?"

The smoke fairy finally came back.

The smoke fairy is the kindest. She is naturally kind.

She is not as great and imaginative as ye Youran.

She just thought that people in the world could be more sincere and there would be less disputes in the world.

At this time, ye Youran conceived for her a beautiful world that she dared not even think of - no constraints, but no man-made evil.

Does such a world really exist?

"Perhaps the world you said is the most perfect world, but it is impossible to exist. Because where there are people, there are Jianghu. People are too mixed. Bathing hope can breed all evil."

The warrior God smiled and said:

"Of course, it's man-made. If such a world will be born one day, it's up to you."

Although the warrior God is not optimistic about such a world, it is undeniable that it is a truly perfect world.

Ye Youran is a man of destiny. He is destined to fight with heaven.

Perhaps only he can try to make such a world come into being, and no one else can.

Quinn was also deeply convinced of the warrior God.

Only the smoke fairy was surprised and didn't understand it.

Because in her opinion, is this kind of Arabian thing really something that can be carried by the slightly emaciated shoulder in front of her?

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