Quinn is very worried about ye Youran's safety. After all, ye Youran's existence is very important.

If ye Youran really has something wrong here, he has no face to return to dengtian peak alive.

Moreover, kui'an is not only worried about ye Youran's safety, but also worried that ye Youran will inherit the Dharma and Taoism.

Because the Tao is different.

Ye Youran is already a descendant of Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism and Taoism are anti heaven, while Dharma and Taoism support heaven.

Two completely different, or even two completely extreme Tao, all gather on ye Youran, which is contradictory.

Two almost impossible Tao exist in one person, and Quinn doesn't know what will happen to ye Youran in the end.

But with ye Youran's talent against the sky and super-high Fuyuan, it's really uncertain that the inheritance of Dharma and Taoism will eventually fall on ye Youran's head.

But unlike Quinn's worry, Ruyan fairy was very strange to hear Quinn's words.

Now everyone wants to inherit the Dharma and Taoism. That will be the luckiest person in the world.

But listening to the meaning of Quinn, it seems that he is worried that ye Youran will inherit the Dharma and Taoism.

"Don't you want your childe to inherit? That's the inheritance of Dharma and Taoism!"

The smoke fairy couldn't help asking.

At this time, Ruyan fairy was alone, and her servants took uncle Ding back.

Uncle Ding was badly hurt. Although ye Youran treated him, ye Youran gave him too much merit. He needs to go back and shut up. Maybe he can make further progress.

At the same time, he also went back to report what happened here and let the Liu family take precautions early.

"What is the inheritance of Dharma and Taoism? My childe..."

Quian said proudly.

But before his words were finished, ye Youran stared at him, and his voice suddenly stopped.

"Of course I hope to be inherited."

Ye Youran smiled and said to the smoke fairy:

"Let's go! Since we're here, although we don't know what the test is, it's not the same to stand here all the time."

Ye Youran knows that Ruyan fairy has a lot of doubts in her heart.

But ye Youran didn't give her more opportunities to ask.

Under the leadership of Ye Youran, a group of four people began to walk in this beautiful world.

I have to say that the environment here is really beautiful. It's not too much to say it's a fairyland on earth.

The most important thing is that it's a blessed place. The world is rich in aura. It's much better to practice here than outside.

Of course, it can't be compared with climbing the sky peak.


Suddenly, ye Youran and others left. Before long, they heard the killing sound.

Ye Youran and others were stunned, and then stepped forward quickly.

After crossing a mountain, ye Youran and others saw that hundreds of millions of troops were assembled at the foot of the mountain.

These people are like ancient armies in the secular world.

It is divided into two camps and is killing with blood.

"The royal way and the imperial way represent the royal power, and the royal power is built in the sea of blood. If you want to prove the imperial way or the royal way, you need countless creatures to pay the price of their lives to understand the imperial way or the royal way. This is the reason why these two kinds of ways don't flow."

Ye Youran and others wondered why there were so many soldiers and horses in the war.

The voice of the warrior God disdained sounded.

Ye Youran and others immediately knew.

If they guessed correctly, they entered the ten thousand Dharma array of the first Emperor God.

The ten thousand Dharma array has countless magic arrays, and each magic array represents a former Taoist master of the Dharma.

In other words, this magic array is the imperial magic array, which was established by the most murderous God of the many masters of Dharma.

Here is full of the spirit of kingly and imperial ways.

Whether it is the imperial way or the lower royal way, it is a kind of way established in the sea of corpses and blood.

The consolidation of this Tao needs constant war.

This is why it is difficult for all emperors in the world to be willing to peace.

Every emperor is thinking about opening up territory. Only in this way can he constantly consolidate the imperial way or the royal way.

The emperor who is content with the status quo will only lose himself in comfort, lose his royal power in pleasure, and finally be replaced by others.

If we continue to invade and expand our territory, we will end up like a balloon, expanding constantly, making the people miserable, and the final result will be fragmentation.

Therefore, this is the disadvantage that the royal way and the imperial way do not enter the stream.

War can consolidate the king's way and the emperor's way, but it is doomed to be destroyed, and ease and peace will only lose the king's power.

This is a way destined to need constant change, destruction and rebirth, which is difficult to last forever.

This kind of understanding of Tao can make people master everything quickly and become strong. They can command and dominate life.

But as short as three or five years, as many as three or five hundred years, it will decline.

"Water can carry a boat and overturn a boat. Perhaps it is the best interpretation of the king's way and the emperor's way!"

Ye Youran looked at the soldiers fighting below and couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, this kind of Tao is only a flash in the pan and will soon be replaced. Although people who can understand this kind of Tao are also gifted, they can't compete with heaven's Tao or Confucianism and Taoism after all."

The warrior God disdained.

The warrior God understands the way of creation. Although it is difficult to compare with the way of heaven and Confucianism and Taoism, at least he can seize creation and seize that thread of vitality in the desperate situation.

This may also be the reason why the warrior God can survive now.

The first Emperor God Zun has long been the dust of history, leaving only his legend.

"What shall we do now? Do we need to understand the king's way and the emperor's way?"

Quian asked somewhat puzzled.

They came here to be tested.

Perhaps only when they understand the emperor's way and the king's way can they get the inheritance of Dharma and Tao.

Now it is full of royal and imperial ways. Quinn can feel it, but he doesn't know whether he should understand it or not.

"Understanding this way will only narrow your future. If you want to understand it, I will kill you myself. The descendants of my warrior God understand this way, which is a blasphemy to my blood."

The warrior God glanced at quian.

This frightened Quinn to take two steps back and walk behind Ye leisurely.

Although Quinn is already half a step of creation, he is the lineage of warrior God after all.

Quinn was still afraid of his old ancestor.

"Well, let's go on!"

Ye Youran smiled.

Then he continued to force with the of Quinn and the warrior God.

This kind of road leaf leisurely also really despises.

But what ye Youran didn't notice was that the smoke fairy behind him was already stunned.

Because for her, the emperor's way can be the king's way, which is an unattainable way.

Indeed, she also knew that this kind of way was three thousand roads away.

But no matter how bad it is, it is also a kind of Tao!

She is in awe of all Tao.

But listening to ye Youran's words, it seems that ye Youran and others have no fear of Tao.

It takes a strong heart to dare to blaspheme the Tao.

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