"Then try."

The warrior God did not listen to advice at all.

The body burst and flashed. When it reappeared, it had reached the sky over the ancestor of Vulcan.

The warrior God Zun's moves are extremely cruel. All of them are killing moves. The timing and angle of the moves are very tight.

The ancestor of the God of fire was in a cold sweat.

"Law Fire pill, burn the sky!"

After all, the God of fire was not an ordinary person. He suddenly shot.

At the same time, he drank to Aoki zhenzun and others around him.

"You quickly summon the other gods of the five elements. We must work together to resist."

Fire is very proud, but not arrogant.

That's the real ancient god. He can't figure out the means of the ancient god.

We must let all the gods of the five elements come to have the power of war.

At the moment, Aoki zhenzun and others finally wake up like a dream.

They were already stunned by the previous scene.

They only thought that the warrior God was just an ordinary strong beyond the creation level.

In front of the God of fire, he must tremble and kneel down to beg for mercy.

Who knows that after the arrival of the God of fire, he should respectfully call the warrior God Zun an elder.

What a power!

Thanks to them, they wanted to attack ye Youran together.

With such a super power, the ancestor of Vulcan didn't see enough. They were just dying.

But now is not the time to be afraid. I'm afraid the God of fire can't resist for long.

All three of them hurriedly recited the mantra and began to summon their God of the five elements.

Soon, the three gods of gold, wood and earth came one after another.

"Where is the God of water?"

In the face of the cooperation of the gods of the four great and five elements, although the warrior God is also under great pressure, he can barely support it.

But the fire god ancestor was red eyed and shouted.

There are five gods of the five elements, but now only four have come.

Only the God of water did not come.

Their unique five element killing array cannot be used.

Otherwise, you can certainly press the warrior God to respect one head.

"Look at the memory of the fire eagle. The descendant of the God of water has been killed and can't come."

Aoki said sternly.

But the voice is not Aoki's true respect for himself. It should be the voice of the wood God of the five elements God.

"Damn it."

The ancestor of Vulcan was furious.

But there was nothing they could do. Although they could contact the God of water to work together, no one called, and the far water could not save the near fire.

"Is this the strength of the ancient god level strong?"

At this time, ye leisurely looked at the unprecedented war in front of him, and was deeply shocked at the same time.

The warrior God respected the hand, and the power of creation lingered around the body. Every move and gesture accorded with a special way.

The attack of the four gods of the five elements is overbearing and strong, but the warrior God can always find vitality in the desperate situation, and then press forward step by step, break each one, so that the gods of the five elements are defeated and retreat step by step.

This is not so much a battle of life and death as a wonderful and vivid fighting art.

It turns out that fighting can be fought like this.

"You go to the underground palace to hide so as not to be injured by mistake."

Ye Youran said to Xueer and kouyun.

This level of fighting, even if there are a large number of guard arrays here, it is absolutely unsafe.

For the sake of safety, ye Youran still lets Xueer hide from them.

"No, we'll fight side by side with you."

Xueer doesn't follow.

At the moment of life and death, it's the same wherever you hide.

If they can't resist here, where can they hide? If ye leisurely dies, what's the point of their living?

"Don't distract me. I'll let you see everything here in the underground palace."

Ye Youran looked back and said solemnly.

Xueer wanted to say something, but kouyun nodded quietly and pulled Xueer.

They soon hid in the underground palace. Ye Youran showed all the war situations here to the underground palace by special means. They stared at the screen as nervously as watching a movie.

"Senior, you'd better think clearly. If we fight recklessly, you may not be able to resist. Also, ye Youran is a remnant of Confucianism. Our fight here will soon disturb the way of heaven. If you want to help the tyrants, you must think clearly about the consequences."

During the battle, the ancestor of Vulcan had a good look at all the memories of the true respect of the fire eagle.

He already knew ye Youran's identity and knew that it was not good for the warrior God to go on like this.

What's more, they still have the means to do it. If they are forced to do it urgently, they have to do it.

"Take out all the other means, otherwise I'm afraid your body won't last until then."

The warrior God disdains the way.

Although he was one against four, he was able to do it well.

But the four gods of the five elements took away the body of the strong man of the creation level, which had a great load on the body.

If they continue to fight like this, their bodies will collapse. After all, the power of their five element God is much stronger than that of the fire eagle.

"It's just a few heirs. They die when they die. It's a big deal to find them again."

Huoshen said coldly.

Then he shouted, "law Fire pill, give me strength."

As the fire god's father said this, the other gods of the five elements also drank violently:

"Golden elixir of law, give me strength."

"Law, earth pill, give me strength."

"Law, wooden pill, give me strength."

They actually communicate the power of the law pill in their body.

This immediately made their breath soar.

But at the same time, the bodies of Huoying zhenzun, Aoki zhenzun, Houtu zhenzun and Jinhui zhenzun suddenly expanded.

The eyes are protruding and full of blood.

It looks like it's going to explode and die.

The God of the five elements will practice the pill of law in his body.

This is also the particularity of the five laws of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Other laws cannot cultivate the pill of laws.

Only by cultivating the power of the law into Tao, can it be possible to condense the Tao Dan.

However, those who have daodan are true ancient gods.

Ye Youran also has Taoist elixir, but it is the elixir of Confucianism and Taoism, and strictly speaking, the elixir of Confucianism and Taoism can not be regarded as ye Youran's own cultivation.

It can only be said that ye Youran inherited Confucianism and Taoism and inherited the Confucian and Taoist elixir of the Confucian emperor. Ye Youran can't use the power of the Confucian and Taoist elixir at all.

However, although the law pill of the God of the five elements is not comparable to the Tao pill, it is also an extremely terrible thing.

You should know that all things in the world have Yin and Yang, which are formed by the illusion of the five elements.

The road of five elements is the main road and the mainstream Road.

Even though the pill of law is still far away from the pill of Tao, the energy contained in it still destroys the sky and the earth.

With the use of the power of the pill of law by the ancestors of Vulcan, their strength and combat effectiveness soared.

But the price is suffering. Fire Eagle zhenzun and others.

"Make a quick decision. What ancient god is just a dog of Pingyang. Today our four brothers will kill God."

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