Looking at ye Youran, she threw the five element pearl she had got to the people who fled everywhere.

Zeng zizhenzun was very sorry.

How many people want to rob the Pearl of the five elements and can't.

You know, the four holy palaces are not a small force.

Now fire Eagle zhenzun and other original palace masters have died. As long as ye Youran holds the Pearl of the five elements, he can hold the emperor to order the princes.

The people in the four sacred palaces respect the five element pearls as if they were gods. After all, the five element pearls can summon the five element gods.

Those who get the beads of the five elements are the masters of the major shrines. This is the rule set by the God of the five elements in those years. Who dares not to follow?

But ye Youran handed the "big cake" to others.

"Although ye Youran is generous, I have a habit. When I get the treasure in my hand, how can I easily cheapen others?"

Facing Zeng zizhenzun, many people around him sighed, and ye Youran didn't explain directly.

However, ye Youran spoke his heart.

After all, the Pearl of the five elements is not ye Youran's thing, and the palace masters of the four sacred palaces have been killed by Ye Youran.

Ye Youran may not be able to really command the people of the four sacred palaces even if he holds the Pearl of the five elements.

In addition, ye Youran is now the enemy of the four gods. He takes the Pearl of the five elements to order the four shrines. His name is not correct and his words are not smooth.

But ye Youran deliberately threw out the Pearl of the five elements in front of everyone.

In this way, no one will doubt that the Pearl of the five elements is still in ye Youran's hand.

Ye Youran seems to throw out the beads of the five elements in all directions, but in fact, who can get the beads of the five elements is under Ye Youran's control.

How many of the people who fled around were mixed with ye Youran's separation, which was also under Ye Youran's control.

Instead of letting ye Youran personally control the four sacred palaces, it's better to let ye Youran do them separately.

The purpose of Ye Youran's training so many separations is to let them replace ye Youran to do something ye Youran wants to do but can't do.

Ye Youran's separation is almost the cultivation of the master God level, many of which are already the nine master gods, which is equivalent to ye Youran's realm.

With ye Youran's cultivation, he took the Pearl of five elements to fight for the new palace master of the four sacred palaces. It's easy.

"Little Lord, what do you mean..."

Zeng Zizhen looked at ye Youran's unfathomable expression. Although ye Youran didn't say it clearly, he seemed to think of something.

But ye Youran didn't give him another chance.

"Clean up the battlefield! The battle is far from over. Maybe it has just begun now."

Ye Youran looked up at the sky again and said with meaning.

As soon as ye Youran said this, it immediately pressed on everyone's heart like a huge stone.

However, led by Hong Meng and Laifu, they quickly began to clean the battlefield.

The corpses of the dead strong do not need to be treated, and they have all become spiritual slaves.

Only those broken limbs and arms need to be dealt with, as well as a large number of magic weapons and space rings left at the scene.

These things will become the wealth and accumulation of Huaxia gang.

And ye Youran and others still look at the sky.

With the passage of time, the red robbery clouds in the sky began to grow deeper and deeper.

Those falling blood rain also did not decrease in the slightest, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, the thick red cloud suddenly rolled up.

Then, a beautiful woman fell from the robbery cloud.

However, although the woman looked beautiful and amazing, looking carefully at her eyes, there were thousands of stars in her eyes.

That is not the eye that human beings should have. That eye can repeatedly penetrate the past and the future, generate hundreds of millions of stars in a blink, and annihilate hundreds of millions of stars in a blink.

"It's the empress of heaven. It's really the empress of heaven."

When the woman appeared, the world of terror was bombarded.

Even the flowers and trees were bent on the mountain repeatedly.

In the Huaxia sect, the strong below the LORD God level have fainted.

The strong below the level of creation can't lift their heads at all.

Only a few of Zeng Zizhen Zun and others can stand in front of the strong ones at the level of creation, but they have long been sweating.

Ye Youran should be more calm instead.

Because of this kind of heaven and earth pressure, ye Youran has experienced it, when ye Youran melted the furnace of the week after using it to mend the sky.

Ye Youran now knows why the warrior God had to let him be present when he melted the melting furnace of Zhou Tian.

After experiencing the pressure of heaven and earth after mending the sky, ye Youran can straighten his waist in the face of the woman floating down slowly at the moment.

However, ye Youran must admit that the power of the heavenly empress, who was screamed by Zeng Zizhen, is more powerful and surging than after mending the sky.

Under such coercion, ye Youran's strength is afraid to play less than 10%.

Of course, ye Youran is confident that if he opens the body of Confucianism and Taoism, he should be able to offset a lot of coercion.

How much combat effectiveness it can play still needs to be verified in person.

However, ye Youran did not dare to act rashly at this time.

Because this woman is too terrible, ye Youran is not an opponent at all.

Even if you do your best, you will die.

"Where is the Confucian emperor?"

The woman floated down slowly, and the shell teeth opened gently. There was boundless dignity in her voice, giving people a kind of domineering domineering.

Strangely, such hegemony should have been boring.

Can appear in this woman's body, but give a person such an illusion.

It doesn't make people feel any discomfort or disgust.

"I don't know."

Ye Youran looked at the woman and said firmly.

Ye Youran knows in her heart that she has determined the identity of this woman. She is the empress of heaven.

Zeng zizhenzun once met the empress of heaven. He has given a clear answer.

I don't know why. Ye Youran knows that this person is his biggest enemy.

The significance of his existence and his hard struggle are to win the woman in front of him.

But when he saw her with his own eyes, ye Youran's heart gave birth to another emotion for no reason.

She is ye Youran's mother.

Ye Youran is the son of Confucianism and Taoism and the son of heaven.

The Confucian emperor stole the body of the heavenly empress and gave birth to ye Youran.

However, ye Youran did not see the slightest nostalgia from her eyes, nor did any mother see the emotional fluctuations of her children.

As if facing only a stranger, or even a plant without emotion and flesh and blood.

Is she really so heartless?

"Your existence is the biggest stain of my life. You deserve to die."

The voice of empress Tiandao was still plain, and there was no feeling of gnashing teeth.

But what she said was full of killing opportunities:

"But I will not kill you now. I will find out the Confucian emperor and personally send your father and son into the endless abyss. In that way, I can wash the stains on me and let the Confucian emperor know how ridiculous his things were. He will pay a price for it."

"Also, enjoy the last time! My servant has begun to act. If the Confucian emperor doesn't come out, you and all the creatures outside the sky will be burned."

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