The destroyed dengtian peak is recovering rapidly.

The fierce battle of the strong against the Huaxia Gang is over.

However, the destruction of dengtian peak is still serious.

Except that the main peak of dengtian peak has little loss due to the protection of the array.

The 13 surrounding peaks were damaged to varying degrees.

However, the repair process and speed are still very fast.

Under the leadership of Laifu and xiaoliuzi, two Pro disciples, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

But at the moment, the atmosphere in the hall of Huaxia palace is dignified.

Although the Huaxia Gang won a complete victory again, the heavenly empress unexpectedly appeared.

Although what came was not the real body of the heavenly empress, it was just a part of her.

The spiritual blow to ye Youran and the whole Huaxia Gang is still quite terrible.

"The heavenly empress has indeed returned. It's not good!"

Zeng zizhenzun's spirit is a little depressed.

The psychological shadow caused by the heavenly empress was too great.

Originally, he thought that after so many years, he had put down and could face it bravely.

But when the heavenly empress came again, he knew that instead of putting down, he was more and more frightened.

Today, it's just the separation of the heavenly empress. It's so terrible that he doesn't even have the mind to resist.

If the real body of the heavenly empress comes, I'm afraid his spirit has collapsed.

The power of heaven cannot be shaken!

"Little Lord, what good recipe do you have?"

Zigong zhenzun looked at Ye leisurely, and he was full of expectation.

Zigong zhenzun can be said to be the strongest of the Huaxia sect in addition to the warrior God Zun.

He is the God of time, outstanding in the strength of nature.

But at this time, he was also a little confused.

Not only him, but also others of Huaxia gang are staring at ye Youran.

The heavenly empress said that her servant had begun to act.

The reason why she doesn't appear now is to fish.

Use ye Youran and all the creatures in the sky as chips to force the Confucian emperor to appear.

Or more accurately, although ye Youran is a man of destiny, he is the son of heaven and Confucianism.

But Tiandao empress is still more afraid of the Confucian emperor, and ye Youran is not in her eyes.

But the hope of everyone on the scene, including Zigong zhenzun, can only rest on ye Youran.

A battle startled the empress Tiandao. Perhaps this is the real disaster that the Huaxia Gang needs to face.


Ye leisurely exhaled heavily.

No one can understand Ye leisurely's mood at the moment.

Ye Youran was distracted at such an important meeting.

Before Zeng Zizhen respected what they said, ye Youran didn't hear it at all.

But ye Youran calmed down and said:

"In fact, we don't need to be too pessimistic about things. At least we know two very important information from the mouth of the heavenly empress."

Although ye Youran doesn't know what Zeng zizhenzun said before, ye Youran can guess.

Now the Huaxia sect is in panic. As the sect leader, ye Youran can no longer convey pessimism.

He needs to think positively about things and be more optimistic.

Therefore, ye Youran continued:

"First, the Confucian emperor is still alive, and the heavenly empress is very afraid of the Confucian emperor."

Since the war between the Confucian emperor and the empress of heaven and Taoism, the Confucian emperor and the empress of heaven and Taoism seem to have disappeared overnight.

Since then, Tiandao has been in deficit and profit, and the whereabouts of the Confucian emperor are unknown.

Some people say that the Confucian emperor has fallen, others say that the Confucian emperor is still alive.

As for what the truth is, the world can only stick to its own words and guess out of thin air.

But now empress Tiandao has clearly told ye Youran that the Confucian emperor is still alive.

It is precisely because the Confucian emperor is still alive that the empress of heaven did not kill Ye leisurely.

Confucianism and Taoism hid in a place where even the heavenly empress couldn't find it. The heavenly empress needed ye Youran and all the creatures outside the sky as bait to lead out the Confucian emperor.

This is great good news for ye Youran and even the Huaxia gang.

No one can guess the strength of the Confucian emperor.

However, the Confucian emperor was able to escape from the hands of the heavenly empress and hide where the heavenly empress could not find it.

The heavenly empress is so eager to find out the Confucian emperor. All kinds of signs strongly show that the strength of the Confucian Emperor may not be under the heavenly empress.

Even Tiandao empress's fear of the Confucian emperor can even prove to a certain extent that the strength of Confucianism and Taoism may still be above Tiandao empress.

"The second news is that we can almost locate the murderer who destroyed the water god palace."

Ye Youran continued.

Recently, Tianwaitian is not peaceful.

The water god palace was destroyed overnight. Who did it has never been decided.

Many people said that the murderer was the Huaxia Gang, which led to the siege of the Huaxia gang by more than half a day outside the sky.

But now, if there is no accident, it is almost certain that the murderer should be the so-called servant of empress Tiandao.

Ye Youran can supervise almost all the forces that can rank in Tianwaitian.

It is almost impossible for forces outside ye Youran's supervision to exist.

If it must exist, it can almost certainly be the servant of the heavenly empress.

Only the servants of empress Tiandao have such strength that they can destroy a super first-class force overnight.

Even the Huaxia gang may not be able to do such a thing.

To a certain extent, the strength of the Huaxia sect still depends on a large number of mountain protection arrays and Holy Spirit veins of the Huaxia sect.

In other words, if the Huaxia Gang sticks to the Tianfeng mountain, they can almost compete with the whole Tianwaitian.

But if the Huaxia sect attacks, it may be able to eliminate any super first-class forces in Tianwaitian.

But it can never be destroyed overnight, and there are almost no survivors.

Defeat and destruction are two completely different concepts.

"Little Lord, if I say something I shouldn't say, although these two news are good news, in fact, we don't have much benefit in solving the current crisis."

Zigong zhenzun hesitated and said frankly:

"First, the Confucian emperor is still alive, which is great good news. But the Confucian emperor should not appear in a short time. Our enemy now has the God of the five elements in addition to the servants of the heavenly empress. The God of the five elements will come in a few days. How should we deal with it?"

"Second, the servants of empress Tiandao are in the dark. We are in the light. It's easy to hide our guns, but it's hard to defend against them. We're still struggling. Please make it clear how we should deal with it!"

Zigong really respected this statement, and many people's hopes that Yang had managed to get up were destroyed again.

The atmosphere at the scene also became gloomy again.

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