"How do you know that my power of merit and virtue does not come from the God of the Tibetan king?"

In the face of Zigong's disdain, ye Youran asked a light question.


Zigong was stunned.

But the next moment, the hell blood bead that was crazy sucking people's blood slowly faded down.

Zigong zhenzun couldn't believe his eyes.

The invincible hell blood bead was really subdued by Ye Youran?

How is this possible?

How can ye Youran's merit and virtue come from the God of the Tibetan king?

Zigong zhenzun couldn't understand why ye Youran had such good luck. He casually got a merit relic, and he got it when he was on earth. Unexpectedly, it came from the God Zun of the Tibetan king.

Zigong zhenzun once inquired from ye Youran.

Ye Youran's power of merit and virtue comes from a living Buddha with profound Buddhism.

Can a living Buddha on earth be related to the ancient god, the God of the king of earth Tibet?

In fact, however, things are so strange.

Ye Youran is a man of destiny, and fate belongs to him.

As the warrior God said, it's not too strange to go out and pick up a powerful demon with the luck of Ye Youran.

It is not incomprehensible that ye Youran got the relic inheritance of the Tibetan king God.

Although the empress of heaven is the only ancient god who has succeeded in preaching.

However, she eliminated her dissidents and slaughtered the ancient gods, which had already made the fate people angry.

How many ancient gods have long begun to layout, or seek vitality and began to aim at ye Youran.

Ye Youran now has countless laws, which is no accident.

Such as the law of fate, such as the law of merit and so on.

Those are the calculations of those ancient gods. Those ancient gods try to get in touch with ye Youran in order to get a glimmer of vitality in the future.

Ye Youran's achievement of merit and relic is not accidental, but inevitable.

Moreover, when ye Youran increased and changed the power of merit into the law of merit, ye Youran knew in his heart that the merit relic was owned by the God of the Tibetan king.

And ye Youran is still the only God of merit and virtue.

Once Buddhism and Taoism were one of the many avenues, standing side by side with Confucianism and Taoism.

However, after the empress Tiandao succeeded in her right path, the first one to kill was Buddhism and Taoism.

Nowadays, there are few Buddhists, and some are only in the fairyland or mortal world.

There are few Buddhists and Taoists in Outer Heaven.

At least ye Youran hasn't seen a real monk in Tianwaitian.

It is precisely because there are no Buddhists, no one can master the law of merit and virtue.

Ye Youran is the first person to master the law of merit, so although ye Youran's attainments in the law of merit are not deep, he is indeed the God of merit.

But ye Youran has always kept a low profile, and no one knows it!

The earth Tibetan king God is the only one who can suppress hell blood beads and the only nemesis of hell blood beads.

Although the hell blood beads are strong, they are ownerless.

No one can really make the hell blood bead recognize the Lord, so its power is extremely limited, less than one in ten thousand.

Ye Youran's attainments of merit and moral principles are not deep, but they are crooked.

Wrapped in the power of merit, the hell blood bead slowly stopped rotating.

Zeng zizhenzun and others were relieved.

According to the crazy absorption degree of hell's blood beads, they are only afraid that if they can't hold up a incense stick, they will run out of blood, tear the spirit and break the spirit to death.

That's the real thing. I'll never be reborn. I'm scared.

"No way, it's absolutely impossible. You give me hell's blood."

Zigong zhenzun panicked completely.

He is strong and the God of time.

But there are many strong people on the scene.

The ancestors of Xue family, Tianji gate and Zeng Zizhen Zun are all of the nature level.

Ye Youran also has a good fortune level combat effectiveness.

The most terrible thing is the array of Huaxia gang.

Now he is in the underground palace, which is the hinterland of the Huaxia Gang, even without the threat of Zeng Zizhen Zun, a strong man of fortune level.

As far as the formation of Huaxia Gang is concerned, it's not easy for him to escape.

Hell blood is his only dependence. Without this card, he will have no hope of survival.

"What else can you do now? Do you still think we're just acting?"

Ye Youran waved, and the hell blood bead had changed its master and fell into ye Youran's hands.

Ye Youran looked at Zigong zhenzun with no expression, but this was the best irony.

"Zi Gong, I gave you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. I won't kill you, but I don't have the face to ask the young Lord again. Please decide everything."

Zeng Zizhen closed his eyes, said the vicissitudes of life, and then turned and left.

He wanted to give Zigong zhenzun a way to live.

Ye Youran promised before. It's already a mercy outside the law.

But now Zigong zhenzun is still stubborn. How can Zeng zizhenzun still have the face to beg Ye leisurely.

Although he still insists on his previous oath, Gong zhenzun will not kill his son today.

But Zigong zhenzun's life and death have to wait for ye leisurely to fall.

"Ye Youran, oh no! Little Lord..."

"You have no right to call me little Lord."

Ye Youran mercilessly interrupted.

"Ye... Sect leader ye, I planted it today. I am willing to exchange a message for my life."

Zigong zhenzun has seen big winds and waves.

Now he calmed down quickly. He knew that it was no use begging.

But he can make another deal with ye Youran.

"It depends on your sincerity, although your life is worthless in my eyes."

Ye Youran said noncommittally.

In fact, the betrayal of Zigong zhenzun makes ye Youran difficult to accept.

But now he is not enough to pose a threat to ye Youran.

Killing or not killing is of little significance. It all depends on Ye leisurely's preference.

"The man who destroyed the water god palace is an ancient demon embryo. It was conceived in the deep sea. It can demonize all creatures close to it. Now it has almost ordered the demons of the whole dark sea. It will attack the outer sky in a few days. The headquarters of the water god palace is on an island in the dark sea, just at its meeting."

The news immediately made ye Youran look grim.

The sky is vast.

But the underworld sea is much larger than the land.

No one knows how broad the dark sea is, even the creator level doesn't know.

Such a big dark sea, I don't know how many monsters in the sea have been bred.

If all the monsters in the sea counterattack the land, the sky outside the sky will surely be devastated.

"Although this news is very important, it is not enough to save your life."

Ye Youran soon calmed down and said in a cold voice:

"Because this matter is irreversible, this news is of no help to me. Whether I know it or not, it can't change the facts. Therefore, the transaction is invalid."

This is just a message, just let ye Youran know in advance.

If what Zigong zhenzun said is true, ye Youran and even the whole Tianwaitian can only wait for fate to come.

Because the strong human beings in Tianwaitian can never resist the counterattack of all dark sea monsters, they know in advance that there is nothing anyone can do except to increase their troubles.

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