"Oh ~"

Song noble was lying on his motorcycle in pain.

Then the car and people fell to the ground.

The motorcycle also pressed song noble's leg.

But the thigh pain has long been covered by egg pain.

Around, the villagers of the two villages have surrounded a lot.

But no one came forward to help song noble.

Who will help?

When song noble was young, which chicken was not stolen by him?

When you grow up, which child hasn't been bullied by him?

A little older, which daughter-in-law or girl hasn't been peeped by him in the bath?

Even now, song noble often shows off those inferior things as meritorious medals.

Especially after drinking, he ran the train with his mouth full.

Said that so and so's daughter-in-law had a mole on her ass.

Whose girl's fierce breast is padded with sponge.

So whether it's Songshan village or Songjia village.

Not many ordinary villagers hated song noble to the bone.

Just don't dare to be angry at ordinary times!

For a village like song noble.

How many people secretly want song noble to die on the way.

But this is a scourge of the millennium.

I've always lived well.

Now it's not easy for someone to clean up.

See song noble in distress.

How many people applauded and shot in their hearts to celebrate.

How can you help each other?

They didn't come forward and kick song noble.

That was the Yin virtue accumulated by the noble ancestors of Song Dynasty.

"Come on, help my brother-in-law up."

Ordinary people can die.

But song Ke can't.

Song Ke heard song noble's falling voice and hurriedly asked song Bajin to help.

Because song Ke is afraid to leave now.

He was afraid that his knees were off the ground.

Ye Youran will start timing again.

Song Bajin was tall and powerful, and soon helped song noble, who was in great pain.

"Brother in law! Just kneel here! I tell you, the pain won't stop. It will appear every three or five times. I'm like this now. I've gone to the health center. The doctor said I'm evil. I have to tie the bell to relieve the bell. Don't be stubborn."

Song Ke advised song noble.

And heard song Ke's words.

Song Bajin and several other people who had just slowed down suddenly contracted their pupils.

That kind of pain just hurts into my heart.

Once, they can remember it for a lifetime.

It will hurt again every three or five times.

Does that keep people alive?

At the thought of this, even song Bajin panicked.

He hurried to loosen his grip.

Let song noble lie on the ground.

Now Song Bajin knows why ye Youran had such advice before.

It turns out that the pain is the same as an earthquake.

And aftershocks.

Now Song Bajin can't control song noble.

He must kneel.

Song Bajin plumped and knelt down on the ground.

The others are like a good baby.

Like a pupil who made a mistake.

Sitting upright, er... It should be kneeling upright.

After a while, song noble finally relaxed.

"I don't kneel. I don't kneel in pain."

Song noble is very tough.

No, it hurts.

He stood up again and was about to go out.

Because he can't stand the eyes of the villagers around him.

Because he had vowed before that he would not kneel even if he died.

Because he doesn't believe the pain will last.

He must have been on a motorcycle before.

Accidentally touched an egg, just a relapse.

This time he doesn't want a motorcycle.

He walks.

However, song gaoguicai walked hundreds of meters.

At the end of the path, he fell down in pain again.

"Get down, get down, ha ha, retribution is really coming."

I saw song Gaotong lie down twice in a row.

The villagers around finally became bold.

However, song noble has been gaining prestige for a long time.

Although the villagers around are excited.

But not too loud.

Because they are all worried about song noble's revenge!

This time, no one really helped song noble.

Ordinary villagers will not help.

Song Bajin, they also began to hurt.

They all lay on the ground silently in pain.

It is said that mud Bodhisattvas cannot protect themselves when they cross the river.

Now Song Bajin can't even care about themselves. Where can they care about song noble?

And now in the hall.

See the shangsong Bajin and others who are all in pain at the gate of the yard.

Old ye said to Ye leisurely with some worry:

"Little leaf, won't they die of pain? If so..."

Ye laoweng's worry is not unreasonable.

He worried that ye Youran was young and vigorous.

In case song noble and others really have something wrong.

That's murder.

And it's a great sin to kill so many people!

"Don't worry, Grandpa. I just used the acupoint pointing skills of traditional Chinese medicine. They will only hurt and won't die."

Ye Youran said confidently.

This is their punishment.

It's also a warning to them.

Ye Youran wants them to remember today's pain.

Only in this way can they dare not make trouble again.

"But... But when people are in severe pain, they will collapse and make extreme behavior."

Old ye still said uneasily.

Although ye laoweng's medical skills are not from a serious professional background.

But he has seen the situation when pregnant women give birth.

There was once a pregnant woman in the village who was giving birth at midnight.

Because I couldn't find a midwife, I found old Ye.

When ye laoweng arrived at the scene, the woman with weak willpower had the idea of suicide.

If so, ye Youran can be regarded as an indirect homicide.

"Don't worry, grandpa! If they can't see hope, they may commit suicide in despair. But they know I can save them. As long as people with hope, especially people like them, they will never dare to commit suicide."

Ye Youran said confidently.

In fact, ye Youran has a thorough understanding of the thoughts of people like song noble.

They won't be willing to die easily.

The more vicious a man is, the more afraid he is of death.

He who is afraid of death will not die.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

But right now.

The old wall clock in ye Youran's Hall finally rang eight times.

Ancient wall clocks are wound up.

When it arrives, it will make its own sound.

Eight represents eight o'clock.

At this time, song Ke and others outside the yard also vaguely heard the bell.

At this moment, they seemed to hear the horn of victory.

Pitifully looking at ye Youran in the distance.

No one dared to get up without ye Youran's instructions.

Song Ke looked begging, hoping that ye Youran could raise his hand.

But he forgot that when he attacked old Ye.

Have you ever thought of raising your hand?

"Come here, all of you!"

However, song Ke's biggest worry did not appear.

Ye Youran stood at the door of the hall and said faintly to song Ke and others outside the yard.

At Dayton's time, songke, they were like a decree.

He hurried in.

"Kowtow! As long as my grandfather forgives you, I will touch your pain."

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