Ye Youran said eight o'clock, not to let them go at eight o'clock.

It's just time.

It's time for song Ke and his family to formally confess their mistakes.

At this time, song Ke and his family will still have a little hesitation?

Especially song Ke.

He has been connected since late last night.

If not, he still pinned his hope on ye Youran.

He could not bear such pain for a long time and was killed by a collision.

At this time, ye Youran asked them to kowtow and admit their mistakes. Where would he hesitate?


He had lost it when he was kneeling.

It doesn't matter now.

Song Bajin and they are no exception.

Song Bajin had experienced egg pain several times before.

Although their experience is far less than that of song Keduo.

But that's enough to make them lose all their dignity.

Kowtow sincerely.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Song Ke, they knocked their heads to the ground.

Because they are worried that ye Youran will say that they are not sincere enough.

Let them kneel for another hour.

If that's the case, it will be sad.

Song Ke kowtowed and said:

"Ye Lao, we all know that we are wrong. I song Ke was blind. Please forgive us."

Song Ke didn't even dare to call ye laoweng. He could only call ye laoweng respectfully.

He wants to make ye Youran unable to pick a bone from the egg.

"Please forgive us."

Song Bajin, they also agree.

They haven't asked anyone in their life.

This time they tried very thoroughly.

"Little leaf, this..."

At this time, song Ke and them were like this.

It makes old Ye very nervous.

He has never experienced such a thing.

And he didn't know what ye Youran meant.

So for a moment, he looked at ye Youran in embarrassment, hoping that ye Youran could give him an idea.

"Grandpa, you don't have to be polite to them. Think about the blow on your head before, which almost killed you. If you don't forgive them, you can decide for yourself."

Ye Youran has no pity.

At the thought that song Ke could lay such a heavy hand on an unarmed old man in his 60s.

Such people should go to hell.

If it's not illegal to kill.

Song Ke can't die comfortably today.

What is it to knock him a few heads now?

Ye Youran didn't give song ke a stick on the back of his head.

It's already very gentle for ye Youran.


Old Ye hesitated.

If he wants to know how to decide, he won't ask ye Youran.

"Grandpa, according to me, these people can avoid death, but they can't escape life."

Just when old Ye hesitated.

Fairy mantuo spoke.

In fact, fairy mantuo probably understood what ye Youran meant.

I certainly don't want to let song Ke go so easily.

"What do you mean, girl?"

Old ye asked.

Now he just doesn't know what to do.

If fairy mantuo is willing to give advice, it is naturally good.

"Forgive them half."

Said fairy mantuo.

"What do you mean by forgiving them half?"

Old Ye was puzzled.

"You can avoid their pain, but they need to make compensation, and then your heart doesn't forgive them."

Said fairy mantuo.

"OK! That's it."

Ye agreed.

"Thank you, thank you, old Ye."

I heard old Ye agree.

Soonko and his men knocked their heads even louder.

What they can't stand now is egg pain.

As long as you can avoid egg pain.

As for ye laoweng, he didn't forgive them. Who said hello?

"Did you hear that? My grandfather said that he only forgives half of you. If he wants to avoid your pain, it depends on your sincerity."

Ye Youran said with a sneer.

"Sincerity? Sincerity? I... I'm willing to compensate 10000 yuan."

Song Ke was smart and immediately understood what ye Youran meant.

Quickly put forward economic compensation.

"Ten thousand? Let you hurt once in half an hour!"

Ye Youran said that she would come forward to help song Ke treat him.

"No, no, no, I pay... I pay 50000. Ye Youran, oh no! Uncle Ye, all my savings are only 50000 yuan. Please help me relieve all the pain!"

Song Ke quickly stops ye Youran's treatment.

He will never experience that pain again in his life.

If he can be exempted, he can use all his savings.

"OK! As you said. But my treatment is special. You have to bear it."

Ye Youran smiled.

But ye Youran's smile looked like the smile of death in Song Ke's eyes.

"Lift your face."

Ye leisurely hooked his fingers.

Where dare song Ke hesitate?

Quickly put his face on it.

Ye Youran spit on his palm with a Pooh.

He rubbed his hands, then swung them round and slapped song Ke in the face.


The crisp voice suddenly rang through the whole yard.

The villagers who watched outside the yard trembled.

How much strength does it take?

Even those with sharp eyes can see clearly.

At the moment when ye Youran slapped out.

Songke flew out.

At the same time, the two white front teeth flew out faster than song Ke.

At this moment, the scene was silent.

Ye Youran said before that his treatment was special.

This is not special.

This is clearly humiliation.

Who treats and slaps people in the mouth?

But... Good fan!

"Bastard, you dare to play with my man. I'll fight with you."

At this time, song Ke's mother-in-law finally recovered.

She looked at Song Ke, who had fallen seven meat and eight vegetables and whose face was swollen worse than a pig's head.

She shouted that she was going to come forward and fight with ye Youran.

However, ye leisurely suddenly stared:

"Do you want to hurt?"

These four words almost jumped out of Ye leisurely's teeth.

After a while, song Ke's mother-in-law turned pale.

He stood still and dared not move.

If you look carefully, you can still see that song Ke's evil mother's legs are trembling slightly.

"Ye Youran, you hit too. I beg you, help me!"

At this time, song Ke, who was still dizzy, finally calmed down.

He got up and begged to Ye leisurely.

At this time, he cried.

He dare not complain that ye Youran hit him.

Now he just asks ye Youran to cure his egg pain.

Time will soon come again.

If it is not cured, he will have pain again.

"I've cured you."

Ye Youran spread his hands and then said:

"But it's a pity that you instinctively dodged when I treated you. I'm sorry to tell you that from today on, you won't hurt any more. But because of your dodging, you can't cure your problem of not lifting."

Ye Youran said this.

Song kedun was stunned.

He... His problem of not lifting was not cured.

Because he instinctively shrunk his head before?

Who has to shrink his head under such circumstances!

And the problem of not lifting when you shrink your head. You said it earlier!

You said I wouldn't shrink my head if I died.

Song Ke was distraught, but he was still calm and stretched out his left face again:

"Come, Uncle Ye, please slap me again!"

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