"... for nephew Luo's sake, I will try my best."

Ye leisurely and politely held Cai Guofu's hand and said.

Ye Youran's intention is obvious.

Is to push all the credit to the Luo family.

Even if there was no such relationship between old man Luo and old man Wang.

Ye Youran will mention the Luo family in front of CAI Guofu.

After all, ye Youran was invited by Luo Dazuo.

Ye Youran also pointed out that Luo Dazuo could be the image spokesman of his company!

So we must make it clear to the Cai family that the credit is part of the Luo family.

Now we have this relationship.

Ye Youran naturally spared no effort to build momentum for the Luo family.

I hope the Cai family can take care of the Luo family in the future.

With the care of the Cai family, the Luo family is bound to rise.

Ye Youran also hopes that the Luo family can get better and better.

But how can Cai Guofu not understand ye Youran's obvious words?

He quickly thanked old man Luo Dazuo.

This immediately made many people on the scene envious.

Of course, there are people who don't envy at the scene.

For example, Chen Wang and his son of the Chen family.

The Chen family is a big family that can keep pace with the Cai family.

Even to a certain extent, the Chen family is more powerful than the Chen family.

After all, the Chen family holds a lot of real power.

The Cai family has only wealth.

So the Chen family doesn't need to curry favor with the Cai family.

Even the Chen family and the Cai family have some grievances.

Chen Wang naturally wants to see the Cai family decline.

He didn't want master CAI to wake up.

So when he said from ye Youran that he could have a try.

He has a certain hostility to ye Youran.

The reason why Chen Wang attended this exchange meeting today.

Besides he is also a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

Most importantly, he wanted to see with his own eyes the condition of old master CAI.

However, at this time, although Chen Wang doesn't want ye Youran to do it.

But he couldn't stop it.

He even warned his son Chen Dashao with his eyes.

Ask him not to speak carelessly.

Chen Dashao had already given people a handle before, and the population was real.

Now ye Youran has a great identity and is regarded as a guest of honor by the CI ah family.

For the time being, you can't move the leaves leisurely.

Chen Wang is worried that his arrogant, domineering and brainless son will do something unwise.

Of course, another person at the scene stared at ye Youran with strange eyes.

That person is Cai Zhiling.

Cai Zhiling did not expect that ye Youran was actually a traditional Chinese medicine.

Or a famous teacher.

Isn't he a gambler?

If ye Youran really won by his gambling last night.

That ye Youran can definitely be the title of gambling God.

If ye Youran makes a thousand, ye Youran is a big liar.

However, whether it's a gambler or a liar, Cai Zhiling can accept it.

Ye Youran is a traditional Chinese medicine. She can't accept it.

Especially the father's leisurely attitude towards ye at this time.

Can you teach ye Youran a lesson?

Cai Zhiling thought ambitiously.

No matter what people think at this time.

Under everyone's eyes.

Ye Youran stepped onto the rostrum.

Ye leisurely pretended to feel the pulse for old master CAI.

Then he casually took away the military coat from Uncle CAI.

This military coat is the culprit.

Before treatment, ye Youran first needs to take the military coat away from old master CAI.

Ye Youran handed the military coat to Cai Guofu.

The military coat only left the grievances of the dead.

Resentment is different from hostility.

Exposure to it for a short time will not have any impact on people.

Ye Youran pretended to grope for master Cai again.

All this was done to pave the way for taking the military coat away from Uncle CAI.

"Can someone at the scene have moxibustion needles?"

Ye Youran suddenly opened his mouth and asked the people around him.

Ye Youran is going to apply the needle.

But ye Youran can't use an air needle.

Because that's ridiculous.

Therefore, ye Youran needs to use the silver needle as a cover.

"Younger martial brother, I have a good set of gold needles."

Old man Luo volunteered.

And let the Luo family next to take out a set of gold needles.

Now it's time to treat old master CAI.

As long as you can help, you will certainly get the favor of the Cai family.

So Lord Luo spared no effort to help.

What's more, if his younger martial brother wants to use it, how can he hide it?

It can be seen that old man Luo's set of gold needles is very valuable.

It seems that I have to prepare a set of moxibustion needles for myself.

Ye Youran thought in his heart.

After all, many people who study traditional Chinese medicine have their own special tools.

Ye Youran often needs to treat some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

If you have it on yourself, you can also cope with unexpected needs.

"I can't be disturbed while I'm doing the needle. Please try not to speak loudly. Thank you."

Ye Youran took old man Luo's set of valuable gold needles and said to everyone.

Ye Youran's needling technique must be different from that of ordinary people.

Ye Youran doesn't want the questioning voice at the TCM debate to appear here.

Because this time he represents mainlanders.

It is also a descendant of the great master of mainland medicine, King Meng.

But ye Youran's words are completely superfluous.

How noble is master Cai?

Cai Guofu is here again.

Who dares to speak loudly?

I'm sorry to disturb master Cai's illness. Not everyone can shoulder this responsibility.

Ye Youran took the gold needle and fumbled over old master Cai's head.

Then suddenly put the needle.

Experienced traditional Chinese medicine, such as old man Luo, can see it at a glance.

Ye Youran placed the needle at this time, and the place where the needle was dropped was Tongtian point.

There are two Tongtian acupoints, on both sides of the dividing line of the top of the head.

Take the bridge of the nose and the center of the eyebrow as a straight line.

From the top of the head to the middle of the head, about an inch is Tongtian acupoint.

Not surprisingly, ye Youran's second needle also fell on Tongtian point.

After dropping the needle at two Tongtian points.

Ye Youran raises the needle again.

This time, ye leisurely placed the needle at Baihui Point.

After the three golden needles are settled.

Just above the head of old master Cai, a right triangle is formed.

See here.

All the people who knew medicine at the scene looked confused.

What's the purpose?

These three acupoints are actually important acupoints of the human body.

Although the needle can be dropped, the person who applies the needle is required to grasp the point accurately.

The key is that these three acupoints can awaken a comatose person?

However, when ye Youran's fourth gold needle fell.

Many people at the scene couldn't understand it.

Because ye Youran dropped the needle at naohu point this time.

Naohu point is 2.5 inches upward in the middle of the development of the hindbrain.

Between the left and right occipital muscles.

There are left and right occipital artery and vein branches on the acupoints.

And the branches of the greater occipital nerve.

If you put a needle here, it will kill people.

Is ye Youran really capable, or is she making a fuss, or is it a person who deceives the world and steals fame and fooling around here?

And right now.

Ye Youran suddenly shot.

The fingertip bounced on four gold needles.

"Weng ~"

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