Everyone who studies traditional Chinese medicine knows.

The naohu acupoint on the head is an important acupoint of the human body.

This point is more important than Tongtian point and Baihui Point.

General Chinese medicine is easily afraid to put an acupuncture at naohu point.

As long as people have a certain understanding of acupoints.

Naohu point is mainly used for dizziness, aphasia, epilepsy and other diseases.

But the problem is.

Master Cai's disease is not epilepsy!

If it is epilepsy, it will not make so many doctors all over the world helpless.

Epilepsy also belongs to the category of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

There are many kinds.

There are some particularly strange types, such as reading epilepsy, which occurs as soon as you read a book or a newspaper.

There is also hot bath epilepsy. Taking a hot bath will get sick.

The most ironic is card epilepsy.

Finally, this kind of epilepsy patients should stay away from gambling all their life.

No matter what type of epilepsy, although some can not be cured.

But at least it can be suppressed.

As long as you take medicine on time, there is no special stimulation.

General epilepsy will not happen casually.

Since it's not epilepsy, why does ye Youran risk injecting naohu point?

Isn't this a risk?

But soon many people were stunned.

Because ye leisurely after four golden needles go down.

He flicked slightly at the top of the four gold needles.

In an instant, the four gold needles seemed to come alive.

Old master Cai's head was constantly shaking and rotating.

It's like an invisible big hand driving out the golden needle.

And the gold needle vibrates very fast.

It can even make a buzzing sound.

It's like a few flies flying back and forth on master Cai's head.

Even more incredible.

The four gold needles vibrate at the same frequency.

And for a long time.

The world knows that strength is sometimes poor.

Even if the four gold needles are soft again, after playing.

It will stop shaking for a while.

But ten minutes passed.

The four gold needles still maintained their initial frequency.

It's like a perpetual motion machine, never ending.

"Younger martial brother, this..."

Old man Luo was shocked.

He knew that his mentor, Mr. Wang, had excellent medical skills.

Can you be a master of national medicine?

However, the younger martial brother ye Youran.

Old man Luo still has some reservations.

Because traditional Chinese medicine is different from western medicine.

Western medicine can be popular because it can be done quickly.

Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound.

It's almost impossible to speed up.

Many people may not even be able to get started in their life.

But ye Youran's acupoint selection and manipulation of this needle are completely beyond his understanding.

Is there such a brilliant acupuncture technique passed on to ye Youran?

"It's just a special technique. When the needle stops, people wake up."

Ye Youran smiled without too much explanation.

In fact, the four gold needles were amazing to the people on the scene.

In fact, it's nothing to ye Youran.

The reason why the four gold needles vibrate and rotate so much.

That's because ye Youran used medicinal Qi.

The medicinal Qi will slowly enter into the body of old master Cai along the four gold needles.

It stimulates every cell in the old man.

Wait until the golden needle stops shaking.

That is, the medicine gas is exhausted.

When the medicinal gas is exhausted, it's time for uncle CAI to wake up.

As for the point selection of Ye Youran's needle, it also has a special purpose.

Tongtian acupoint, as the name suggests, is the highest place in the human body.

Generally speaking, it is the place where the human body is closest to the sky.

Therefore, it is named Tongtian acupoint, which means nine days.

Ye Youran goes to these two places to inject the spirit of heaven and earth into his body.

Together with ye Youran's medicinal Qi, heaven and earth Aura will enter master Cai's head from here.

Then rush to Baihui Point.

Baihui Point is the intersection of human essence, blood, Qi and collaterals.

Heaven and earth aura and medicinal Qi enter Baihui acupoint.

It is equivalent to entering the four limbs and bones of the human body, the whole body meridians, and benefiting the whole body.

Finally, naohu point.

Brain household, the portal of the brain.

Ye Youran applied needles at naohu acupoints to seal the acupoints.

To put it more thoroughly is to help Uncle Cai close the door.

Close the door to the brain.

All the heaven and earth aura and medicine Qi that enter the body will remain in master Cai's head and cannot be emitted.

Only in this way can master Cai's body slowly absorb all the heaven and earth aura and medicine Qi.

The more you absorb, the more benefits your body will get.

Under such stimulation and reinforcement.

Master Cai's magic power has the capital to compete with resentment.

But these mysterious things, ye Youran, can't explain.

It's hard to explain.

If you don't understand, let him continue not to understand!

Hearing ye Youran, he didn't explain the reason and reason.

Old man Luo, they dare not ask again.

Because no matter what school it is, it will have its own special mystery.

These mysteries are the capital on which this school depends.

This is what ancient people often said.

So ye Youran refused to elaborate.

People who know interest naturally dare not ask again.

And everyone stared at master CAI.

Although ye Youran did not explain the mystery of medicine.

But ye Youran said.

When the needle stops, people wake up.

When can the needle stop.

Do people really wake up?

No one knows and no one is sure.

So they expect more.

Whether ye Youran is good at medicine or has a false reputation.

It will be known soon.

No one wants to miss a bit.

All of them stared at old master Cai calmly.

"Master ye, how long... Will it take?"

Cai Guofu is full of expectations.

But he couldn't help asking.

Now Cai Guofu has more respect for ye Youran.

Can make the golden needle tremble, which has completely violated the laws of physics.

Cai Guofu has never seen such magic medicine.

He has already put Ye leisurely into the ranks of experts.

"It won't be long. Ten numbers, ten, nine, eight, seven..."

Ye Youran said and began to count.

When the golden needle stops, no one knows better than ye Youran.

Because when did the medicine gas run out on Uncle Cai.

Ye Youran saw it clearly.

When ye Youran counts to five.

Many people at the scene have begun to count.

Because the more you get to the back, the more exciting it is.

The moment to witness miracles is at hand.

"... three, two, one..."

The number of people in public is one.

Everyone stared wide and locked their eyes on master Cai's face.

Cai Guofu has forgotten to breathe.

Cai Zhiling also came through the gate.

She also cares about whether her grandfather can wake up.


However, under the incredible eyes of everyone.

Always unconscious and motionless, old master Cai's chest fluctuated a little.

Then he exhaled heavily.

It's like a tired man suddenly relaxed.

Then old master Cai slowly opened his muddy eyes.

"Wake up... Wake up, really wake up."

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