Hold a master worship ceremony.

This is very important and particular in many traditional industries.

In traditional lines, such as crosstalk, sketch, circus, Peking Opera and daomen martial arts, they all pay attention to inheritance and order, and their roots are Miao Hong.

Traditional Chinese medicine is also one of the traditional professions.

So according to the style of the old school.

This worship ceremony is inevitable.

Only when we really hold the worship ceremony in front of our peers.

Ye Youran is really inheriting the mantle of old man Wang.

Of course, Mr. Wang wants to hold a master worship ceremony with ye Youran.

It's not because ye Youran's medical skills are excellent that Mr. Wang takes this to raise himself.

But Mr. Wang wants to do more for the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Ye Youran's medical skill, Master Wang, is ashamed of himself.

He has nothing to teach ye Youran.

But ye Youran is too young after all.

In traditional Chinese medicine, youth is not capital.

On the contrary, it will be a burden that can not be ignored.

So Mr. Wang hopes to rely on his reputation and prestige.

Let ye Youran have a better and faster place in this industry.

Therefore, Mr. Wang needs to choose a day.

Just like the dance forest conference in ancient times, which invited heroes from all over the world.

Please welcome famous and prestigious TCM practitioners in the TCM industry.

And all the students of Mr. Wang witnessed in person.

Let ye Youran become a true disciple of Master Wang.

Later, ye leisurely walked in the medical field and could be more justifiable.

"Well, this is your master, you has the final say, I will listen to you."

Seeing that old man Wang is so serious.

Ye Youran naturally became positive.

To be honest, ye Youran didn't learn much from Master Wang.

But Mr. Wang's contribution to the country and the people.

And his sincere treatment of Ye Youran.

I really want to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine.

With these points, he is enough to be ye Youran's teacher.

The master and apprentice are like father and son. Ye Youran is willing to worship under the king's door.

"By the way, teacher, do you remember a man called the compass?"

Ye Youran saw that old man Wang had no other orders.

Suddenly asked Old Man Wang.

The compass is the name of old man Luo, the owner of the Luo family in Taiwan and the father of Luo Dazuo.

Old man Luo should come to see old man Wang within this week,

So ye Youran needs to say hello to Mr. Wang in advance.

"Compass? I don't know it!"

Mr. Wang recalled it carefully and said uncertainly.

Master Wang hung a pot to help the world. He has seen countless people in his life.

I've heard a lot of names.

As old man Wang gets older and older.

He forgot many people's names.

So although he had no impression of the name of the compass.

But he was not sure whether he knew him or not.

"Taiwan has a family of traditional Chinese medicine, the Luo family. The owner of the Luo family is the compass. This person claims to be your student, and he may come to see you soon."

Ye Youran slowly told the story that old man Luo told ye Youran when he was in the corner.

In fact, Master Wang really doesn't know the compass.

Because in those war years.

He met the compass, who was only eleven at that time, by accident.

At that time, Mr. Wang was in his twenties.

He just regarded the compass as a poor child.

Treating the gunshot wound of the compass was only his kind discovery.

The gift of compass medical books is also based on compassion.

No return.

Even Mr. Wang was not sure whether the compass could really survive the cruel war.

So he didn't ask the name of the compass.

But the compass asked the name of old man Wang.

Mr. Wang naturally won't hide that his name is Wang Meng.

Mr. Wang is still impressed by this history.

Because of the cruel war, it is always children who suffer.

So in recent years, I often see news about some wars in other countries.

Master Wang can't help thinking of the compass.

Think of the child dying on the battlefield, covered in blood.

Unexpectedly, the child really survived.

According to the medical books presented by Mr. Wang, he embarked on the road of traditional Chinese medicine.

And also developed a family of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Haha, I remember it was more than 60 years ago. I didn't expect that little boy... Actually... Haha, OK, when will he come? I'll pick him up at the airport myself."

After listening to the story told by Ye Youran.

Mr. Wang's memory was like a tide, and his eyes were also filled with tears.

Master Wang suddenly couldn't wait to see the compass.

"His son's name is Luo Dazuo. He is the singer singing in Taiwan. He has announced in the mainland in recent days that Luo Dazuo will bring him."

Ye Youran said, but his heart was full of emotion.

A friend of life and death, a feeling of teaching, will meet again after more than 60 years.

That bend of the Strait blocks how much blood is thicker than water.

Cut off the homesickness of many people.

Historical mistakes should not be continued.

Ye Youran also looks forward to the day when the wandering children who have left their hometown can return to the embrace of the motherland.

This is the common vision of Ye Youran, countless compatriots across the country and Chinese at home and abroad.

However, I was so excited to see old man Wang.

Ye Youran quickly changed the subject and said:

"By the way, master, my hospital will open soon. I haven't figured out the name of the hospital yet. Why don't you always leave me some ink treasures!"

Master Wang is a master of national medicine.

At the same time, he is also a very good calligrapher.

Master Wang's calligraphy is also valuable now.

Many people can't find a word for it.

"It's easy. Come to my study."

Mr. Wang cleaned up his mood.

Get up and go to the study.

Ye Youran helped the old man spread the four treasures of study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Master Wang raised his pen and pondered a little.

Then he wrote down a few big words with great pen strength:

Qingyuan First Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although old man Wang is old.

But his calligraphy skills are not reduced.

These seven cursive characters are powerful through the back of the paper.

It really has the style of a generation of masters.

And just looking at the name, people who don't know think it's a National Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine!

Ye Youran is also a treasure.

"Master, what carpenter do you know? I'll carve your calligraphy into a plaque and use it as a sign of the hospital."

The main purpose of Ye Youran's hospital is not to make money.

It's a ghost clinic.

Therefore, ye Youran needs to make a plaque of Master Wang's calligraphy with lightning wood.

Only in this way can ye Youran's ghost clinic attract ghosts.

Although it is still a few months before ye Youran's Hospital opens.

But the making of this plaque is imminent.

Because the Wang family in the ancient martial world will certainly not give up.

Ye Youran needs to make a plaque with lightning wood.

Hang in the villa.

Think of the villa as a temporary ghost clinic.

Build up your own army of ghosts first.

"I know a master of seal cutting. I'll call you later. Just say it's my disciple."

Master Wang waved his hand after saying that:

"OK, I'm tired too. Go back! I'll let you know the specific day of worship."

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