It was already afternoon when ye Youran returned to school.

Because ye Youran came out of Master Wang's house and immediately contacted the seal cutting master.

The master mainly does jade seal cutting.

The planing of wood has not been done for many years.

But it is said that he is a disciple of Master Wang.

He agreed without saying a word.

And agreed to come to help ye Youran make a plaque the next day.

For the next few days.

Ye Youran hardly asks anything about the company.

Everything was left to Chen Shuxian.

Chen Shuxian has long been used to this.

Ye Youran either goes to class during the day.

Or watch the seal cutting master make a plaque at home.

Ye Youran also took the time to take the first subject.

Ye Youran has signed up for learning to drive for nearly a month.

Ye Youran didn't learn to drive all day.

The parking lot informs ye Youran to take subject 1.

Ye Youran looked at the more than 1100 questions temporarily.

Subject 1 is a written test, which mainly tests traffic rules.

Ye Youran spent more than an hour reading more than 1000 questions in all subjects and went to the exam.

The result was no accident.

Ye Youran got 100 out of 100 in his subject.

After taking subject one.

Then there was a long wait.

Wait for the exam of subject 2.

I don't know when to wait.

Five days later.

Made of lightning wood: the plaque of Qingyuan No. 1 Traditional Chinese medicine hospital has finally been made.

After the lightning log was struck by lightning.

It has become natural carbonized wood.

So there is no need to do any anti-corrosion work.

The production procedure is also relatively simple.

Not surprisingly, this plaque can be stored for a hundred or even a thousand years.

The only difficulty is to seal the prototype of Master Wang's calligraphy in proportion.

The plaque is two meters long and ninety-nine centimeters wide.

Nine is the number of poles, and it is also a number full of masculinity.

This is a size deliberately chosen by Ye Youran.

Have to say.

After Master Wang's calligraphy became three-dimensional.

It seems more impressive.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the superb technique of the seal cutting master.

When the plaque was completed, ye Youran hung it in his master's room at the first time.

This will be the temporary clinic of Ye Youran ghost clinic.

Ye Youran looked forward to it, but she was also slightly afraid.

After all, dealing with ghosts.

Being cautious, ye Youran asked the seal cutting master to make a lightning peach wood sword with the leftover materials of lightning wood.

A scabbard was made from the bark of lightning wood.

Lightning wood is the bane of ghosts.

Peach trees can also suppress evil spirits.

This lightning struck peach wood sword will become ye Youran's personal magic weapon in the future.

Designed to deal with vicious ghosts.

The bark of lightning struck wood can completely shield the masculinity of lightning struck peach wood sword.

When lightning strikes the peach wood sword without getting out of its sheath.

Not sensed by ghosts.

It won't cause any damage to ghosts.

After all, ye Youran is used for self-defense.

It's not for catching ghosts.


In the evening, Chen Shuxian dragged her tired body back to the villa.

Ye Youran cooked dinner, opened two bottles of XO and waited for Chen Shuxian.

"Yo! The sun is coming up from the west?"

Chen Shuxian looked at the big table and the sumptuous dinner. She was moved, but she couldn't help feeling strange.

Chen Shuxian knows ye Youran's cooking is good.

Ye Youran often cooks and waits for Chen Shuxian to come back.

However, ye Youran has always opposed Chen Shuxian's drinking.

In ye Youran's words.

Too much wine hurts the body, and it's easy for a woman to have an accident when she drinks.

But tonight ye Youran took the initiative to open two bottles of strong foreign wine.

Chen Shuxian is not surprised.

"Come on, sister Chen. You've worked hard these days. Let me treat you tonight."

Ye leisurely and attentively poured Chen Shuxian a glass of wine.

Chen Shuxian used to spend her days drinking.

So her villa still has a lot of good wine.

I just don't drink much these days.

I'm tired tonight.

Chen Shuxian was also aroused by the smell of wine.

And see ye Youran so attentive.

Chen Shuxian was somewhat moved.

No matter how strong a woman is, she also needs a man's comfort.

Ye Youran prepares food and waits for her to go home.

Chen Shuxian herself is the kind of woman who is easily moved.

She raised her glass charmingly and touched ye Youran.

Drink it up.

All night, ye leisurely kept persuading Chen Shuxian to drink.

At first, Chen Shuxian also suspected that ye Youran had a bad intention.

But after a few drinks.

Chen Shuxian also completely let go.

Even there was some expectation in her heart.

Looking forward to something that should not be expected.

Soon, ye Youran and Chen Shuxian will drink up the two expensive bottles of XO.

Ye Youran didn't drink much.

Almost all went into Chen Shuxian's stomach.

Under the action of alcohol.

Chen Shuxian is already drowsy.

Ye Youran saw that the time had come.

Take Chen Shuxian back to her room.

Ye Youran must admit that after getting drunk, Chen Shuxian seems more feminine.

Also attractive.

All over the body exudes the unique criminal charm of mature young women.

Holding such a great beauty, ye Youran said that it was impossible to have no evil thoughts in his mind.

However, the most valuable thing about people is not that they are free of evil thoughts.

But can restrain their evil thoughts.

And ye Youran has more important things to do tonight.

Strong and steady, ye Youran puts Chen Shuxian on the bed.

Cover her up.

And also poured a cup of boiled water on the head of her bed.

Prevent her from waking up thirsty and drinking water in the middle of the night.

Then ye Youran fled and left Chen Shuxian's room.

Because ye Youran is worried that he will not be able to control himself if he stays any longer.

Back to his master's room.

Ye Youran sat upright and adjusted his breath.

Wait silently.

Wait for the ghost to come.

The plaque has been made.

Chen Shuxian has also been drunk by Ye Youran.

Now wait for the ghost to come.

Ye Youran wants to build his own army of ghosts. Tonight will be the first step for ye Youran.

However, to ye Youran's disappointment.

Ye Youran waited for a long time, but there was no movement around.

The ghost Ye leisurely expected did not appear.

Ye Youran looked at the time. It's already more than eleven o'clock in the evening.

It's said that 12 o'clock is the time for ghosts to appear. Don't worry, wait.

Ye Youran comforted herself in her heart.

However, if someone is around ye Youran at this time, he will find it.

Ye Youran's palm was full of sweat.

Ye Youran is nervous.

For the first time.

I don't know what the hell is.

Ye Youran said he was not nervous. It was a lie.

To ease your tension.

Ye Youran waited silently.

While constantly recalling the knowledge about the medical ghost in my mind.

It's like being a doctor for the first time.

While waiting for the patient to appear.

At the same time, I was worried about encountering incurable diseases.

Ye Youran is really worried that he has insufficient experience and will not be able to cure the ghosts that appear.

Time ticked away, minute by minute.

Ye Youran closed her eyes and recalled the knowledge of the ghost healing chapter.

Gradually forget the time, forget the tension.

All the minds are immersed in the vast and unfathomable knowledge of the medical ghost article.

Right now.

Just when ye Youran was unprepared.

Ye Youran's master's room suddenly raised an unusual Yin wind.

Then, an old woman's voice echoed in the room:

"I'm coming! Was born first?"

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