Even people who don't know anything about martial arts.

Seeing the battle between ye Youran and Li Jianbin at this time, we can tell.

The disparity in strength between them is too great.

Ye Youran looked relaxed and defended all Li Jianbin's attacks with only one hand.

Li Jianbin blushed and obviously used his strength to eat milk.

But it can't hurt Ye leisurely.

Most importantly, ye Youran stood in place from beginning to end.

Li Jianbin can't even force Ye leisurely to step back.

This gap is no longer necessary to fight.

Even fools can predict the final result.

And Li Jianbin really can't fight anymore.

Because this seemingly short-lived battle is the most physical consumption.

Li Jianbin has no reservations and even plays beyond his level.

Each punch was 120% of his usual strength.

This puts a greater load on his body.

Less than ten minutes.

Li Jianbin began to be short of heroism.

His breathing had begun to be disorderly and short.

His fist also began to become disorganized.

However, at this moment, Li Jianbin seemed to have lost his reason.

Neither his pride nor his honor allowed him to fail so miserably.

So he supported his body with amazing willpower.

He began to overdraw his physical strength crazily.

Also squeeze every bit of body energy in yourself.

Obviously, he had no strength, but one punch was heavier than another.

"Eh! That's good! We're going to build a foundation."

Ye Youran, who had a relaxed face, was suddenly shocked.

Li Jianbin deserves to be an iron soldier.

It is also a very good talent material.

No wonder he managed to achieve the goal of building a foundation by mistake.

His willpower is the most terrible person ye Youran has ever seen.

Ye Youran is confident that his willpower is not bad.

After all, ye Youran has experienced the pain of external skill breakthrough several times.

Pain is the best way to hone one's willpower.

But ye Youran has to admit it.

Compared with Li Jianbin.

Li Jianbin's willpower is at least several times stronger than his.

At this moment, Li Jianbin was frantically overdrawing his physical fitness.

He vaguely and really wants to break the shackles.

We're going to succeed in building the foundation.

Once the foundation is built successfully.

Li Jianbin's strength should at least be more than ten times higher than now.

Ye Youran also wants to fulfill Li Jianbin.

Therefore, ye Youran remained calm and completely acted as a sparring role.

If Li Jianbin can survive with his amazing willpower.

His life will be sublimated.


Ye Youran looks up at Li Jianbin.

Li Jianbin is an ordinary person after all.

In the absence of precious and reasonable medicated diet to provide the energy required for building the foundation of the body.

You want to build a foundation for success simply by virtue of willpower.

That's impossible.

Even if Li Jianbin's willpower is strong enough.

His body can't support him to make such a breakthrough.

Therefore, ye Youran soon sensed that Li Jianbin's boxing strength began to weaken rapidly.

However, Li Jianbin's willpower is much stronger than ye Youran expected.

Although his fist strength has weakened.

But with red eyes, he didn't give up mentally.

"It seems to give you a little stimulation. Whether you can succeed depends on your own creation."

Ye Youran said in his heart.

Then ye Youran suddenly opened his mouth and said disdainfully:

"I didn't expect you to be so useless and return to the army? You're a disgrace to the army."

Ye Youran's words immediately made Li Jianbin blow up his hair.

Li Jianbin has always been proud of his status as a soldier.

He is the king of war and seldom meets an enemy in the army.

That's why he served in the mysterious army.

However, ye Youran insulted him.

Insult his identity, insult his spirit.

This is absolutely unforgivable!

"I killed you."

Li Jianbin burst into a roar like a beast.

The sound was so loud that almost the whole office building was disturbed.

Li Jianbin, who should have been exhausted, suddenly burst into amazing strength.

Overdraft, extreme overdraft.

There is even a sign of burning vitality.

This is also inevitable.

Li Jianbin's body is not enough to support the energy he needs to build a foundation successfully.

Therefore, if you want to burst out more powerful energy, you can only burn your own vitality.

It is often said that one night white head.

This situation is not absent.

The only explanation for one night's white head is to burn vitality.

In extreme fatigue or extreme sadness.

Are a kind of super intensity load on the body.

This load has reached a certain degree.

Or die without support.

Or the body supports it.

But it burns vitality and aging in an instant.

This is the case with Li Jianbin.

But ye Youran is not worried at all.

Burning vitality can exchange for a sublimation of life, which is worth it.

Moreover, ye Youran was ready.

Ye Youran was blocking.

The medicinal gas of Ganoderma lucidum has been running for a hundred years.

Ganoderma lucidum has the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

The medicinal Qi of Ganoderma lucidum for a hundred years is transmitted to Li Jianbin's body through the moments of physical contact between ye Youran and Li Jianbin.

The medicinal Qi of Ganoderma lucidum for a hundred years is enough to maintain Li Jianbin's body.

Support his vitality.

At the same time, ye Youran's mouth is unforgiving:

"Kill me? It's up to you? Don't say one you, even ten you won't be my opponent."

"Do you still want to stand out for your sister? I'll belittle your sister? Your sister's body is called a soft one."

"Wow! When I touched your sister's body, I felt... It was very wonderful."

Ye leisurely serves three purposes.

While blocking, while conveying drug gas, but also use language to stimulate Li Jianbin.

It's just that ye Youran is really not the material for playing hooligans.

It's really hard for him to find those obscene words to stimulate Li Jianbin.

But even so.

It's enough for Li Jianbin to be crazy.

Li Jianbin's father was also a soldier and died on the battlefield.

So since childhood, Li Jianbin has replaced his father and protected his sister.

Although he knew his sister was a little difficult.

But he still guards his sister unconditionally without reason.

I don't want my sister to be hurt.

Once a hooligan said some obscene words to tease his sister.

He was immediately interrupted by Li Jianbin.

Originally, Li Jianbin thought ye Youran was not that kind of person. Everything was just a misunderstanding.

But now listen to ye Youran's words.

Li Jianbin is completely animal.

All his reason, all his consciousness disappeared.

Now all he has left is the beast who plays with his life.

It seems that you will not stop until you kill ye Youran.

Under this almost crazy squeeze.

Li Jianbin's body finally began to get hot.

Gradually, it was like a piece of red iron.

Ye Youran still remembers that this was the case when he first made a mistake to build a foundation with external skills.

So see this situation.

Ye Youran knows that the foundation building belonging to Li Jianbin is about to begin.

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